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View Full Version : Mama Bears are waking up

10-26-2021, 10:45 PM
And getting pissed. Beware educators


10-27-2021, 12:12 AM
This is sorta related, tangentially. I personally believe the politicalization of covid/vaccinations is overblown by both sides. It's not 'just a flu,' it's much worse for for many and longer lasting for those that are hard hit and survive. Truth on those that do not survive however have not survived are vastly overstated, especially since many have received vaccine and those exposed and now have antibodies. Mandates, imo are not necessary and at this point only counterproductive, deepening the divides.

I general I'm done with much discussion on covid, while our personal choices may differ, I believe most of us are of the mindset of following your own drummer. I suppose my most cogent thinking on topic is 'what might be next gain-of-function production? 15%-30% or worse morbidity rate? Yeah, that gives me pause, thanks CDC and WHO.

Still though, my reason for posting in this thread is the awakening momma and papa bears. Covid awakened a few parental eyes and ears thanks to home learning options. I caught a real sense of this from teacher forums nearly from the very beginning reading the reactions and condescending posts regarding the presumptuous parents complaining about things 'they knew nothing about.' Things like history; choices in sexuality/gender choices; SEL (social-emotional learning); building personal connections with their students, (some of these goofy teachers saying outright that the children needed truthful adult relationships, implying parental relationships were inherently flawed,); diversity/inclusion; and the complaints regarding lack of rigor and content in core subjects.

I mean on how many levels we're the kids being indoctrinated? How many parents were being drawn into the zoom classes, especially those with kids in early, middle and high schools? Oh the stories they were starting to share, especially those who were home and really educated? Even 'woke suburban moms and dads' were having problems with what they were picking up. In the wealthy enclaves like Loudoun, VA they started to asks for the standards and curriculum used. They started to truly experience the education system of which the condescending teacher is only a small cog. They were truly getting a close up of just what 'woke' means.

When the wealthy wake up, it tends to make news, especially when a parent is tackled and arrested by the police, called in by the school board. One of the side effects of all these awakened parents was being joined by so many less well off parents lifting their voices in legislatures and media about their long fight for choices and vouchers- to give all parents a chance to provide a more even playing field for their kids! (note, I'm skipping the rape specifics to Loudoun, while outrageous it was in reality another symptoms of the impervious attitude of school boards and the much larger education industry.)

I grew up and raised my children in school districts much like Loudoun. Many of the parents could choose to send their offspring to private schools, parochial or the really expensive ones. Instead they chose to pay outrageous prices for houses and the property taxes that follow and send them to public schools, many for reasons that are now called inclusion. They didn't want to 'leave the public schools to just the poor." In their minds, they were doing their part, never considering that their schools bear no relationship to schools in areas just a short drive away.

Thanks to covid, the suburban mammas and papas are finding some commonality with parents a short drive away. In both cases, regardless of wealth or education, the parents are disrespected by the education community. It has been shoved in their faces. Worse they are awakening to the fact that again, regardless of test scores and other inequalities all of their children are being exposed and indoctrinated to ideas/philosophies that the parents may well disagree with. All of the children are spending more time on these ideas and vastly less on learning what the parents think are important.

Then things get even more interesting and it's playing out in VA. The race for governor has managed to highlight what has been brewing for more than a year, but thanks to the hubris of Loudoun school board, in national news since the Spring. They managed to drag in the National School Boards Association, the President, DOJ, FBI, and Democrat/Republican parties, Teacher's unions and of course, more mommas and papas.

Related: https://hotair.com/allahpundit/2021/10/26/indies-strongly-side-with-youngkin-and-gop-when-asked-if-parents-or-school-boards-should-influence-curriculum-more-n424961

10-27-2021, 12:26 AM
Also related, just came across:


10-27-2021, 12:31 AM
You all can probably tell, I've been following this for some time. :laugh2:

Speaking of a shocker: https://www.foxnews.com/us/parents-speak-out-at-loudoun-county-school-board-meeting

and speaking of being Biden-like in cluelessness and condescension:


10-27-2021, 12:42 AM
Ok, when I'm into something it seems everything is about that topic, so hopefully last link for tonight. It is from a story today though, related to black commonalities:


10-27-2021, 05:02 PM
In another thread on related I stated, 'I can't believe how tone deaf the administration & congressional democrats are...'

Now they've gone and added the woman that signed the letter from National School Board, regarding parents as 'terrorists and invoked 'Patriot Act,' to the Department of Education. Really.

...The Washington Free Beacon reported "Education Secretary Miguel Cardona on Oct. 13 appointed (https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/five-board-members-appointed-board-overseeing-nations-report-card) National School Board Association president Viola Garcia to the National Assessment Governing Board, which develops the tests used to track student achievement across the country." The controversial memo was released on September 29th...
