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View Full Version : McConnell: Biden Proposal To Give Illegal Immigrants $1M Sounds Like It Was A Parody

11-03-2021, 04:38 PM
The Dems are dtermined to buy illegal votes. Give them money. Let them vote. How about send them back?

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 12:49 PM PT – Wednesday, November 3, 2021Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) tore into Joe Biden’s reported plan to pay out millions to illegal immigrants separated under President Trump. On the Senate floor Monday, McConnell said Biden is further incentivizing illegal immigration with six-to-seven figure checks.
“Honestly, this absurd idea feels like satirical policy proposal that Republicans would’ve invented to make a parody out of the radical left. And the next thing, you know, they’ll be sending out million-dollar checks to illegal immigrants. But this is literally what the Biden administration wants to do according to reports that they have not denied,” said McConnell.
Last week, the Biden administration announced a program to give around $450,000, or up to $1 million, to separated immigrants whose children suffer from psychological trauma. McConnell pointed out this comes at a time when American taxpayers are barely scraping by amid Biden’s economic policies.
“The American people are hurting,” expressed McConnell. “Inflation just hit another 30-year record high, families are paying skyrocketing prices for everyday needs, the murder rate across the country just recorded its biggest jump ever…but here’s what the Biden administration is focused on, handing out six-figure and seven-figure payments to illegal immigrants.”

The Kentucky Republican stressed Democrats who are advocating for compassionate immigration policies are in turn getting a weaker border.
“They think compassion requires weakness, weak security, weak enforcement, weak on upholding the rule of law, and now apparently we’re a cruel country unless we hand out a million dollars per family to illegal immigrants who sue America. But the entire concept is dead wrong,” said McConnell. “It is not compassionate to lure people from all over the world through dangerous journeys with a promise of open borders, socialism. In fact, the government paying out six-figure sums that multiply with every additional child in toe will only incentivize the riskiest and most dangerous kinds of illegal immigration. We will be guaranteeing that even more children are dragged along the dangerous journey.”
McConnell asserted that rewarding financial payments to illegal immigrants who have violated federal law by breaking into the U.S., will only encourage more lawlessness at the border.
Meanwhile, 11 other Republican senators wrote a letter to Biden urging him to reject the potential payouts.

11-03-2021, 07:36 PM
I'd be willing to walk or crawl across the Mexican border for $400,000 American Dolla's too!


11-05-2021, 09:58 AM
Why join the Mob when the US Government will pay you to be a criminal?

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 6:43 AM PT – Friday, November 5, 2021Republicans are calling out the Biden administration to clarify recent reports alleging White House plans to pay millions of dollars to illegal immigrants.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) asserted that Joe Biden’s scheme to pay illegal aliens $450,000 each is likely true despite recent denial by the White House. On Thursday, the senator told reporters Attorney General Merrick Garland must explain if the discussions of such payments took place.
Last month, the Wall Street Journal reported the Biden administration was considering paying illegal immigrants separated at the border in 2018 “reparations” of up to a million dollars per family. Graham went on to add, Biden may have lied about the existence of those plans.
Meanwhile, the ACLU maintains Biden may not have been fully briefed about the actions of his own Department of Justice. This assumption came after Biden recently called the plan “garbage” and said it’s not going to happen. His remarks came at a press conference on Wednesday when he was confronted by a reporter on the matter.

On the other hand, the ACLUS maintains that if Biden doesn’t follow through with the alleged plan, he would be “abandoning a core campaign promise to do justice for the thousands of separated families.”