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09-30-2007, 06:11 PM
There's a lot of clickable links in this article...You'll have to go to their site to access them...MEDIA MATTERS IS BEING EXPOSED..:cheers2:

Americans expect the media to tell the truth.
That's why the Media Matters episodes this week are so infuriating.

Media Matters first slandered Bill O'Reilly for his discussion with black liberal Juan Williams.
Then the dishonest Leftist group blasted Rush Limbaugh for his comments against the rash of antiwar phony soldiers propped up by the liberal media and liberal senatorial candidates.

News Busters wrote more on this horrible Leftist organization, Media Matters:

Media Matters’ links to Hillary are at once intimate and multitudinous, and the organization’s devotion to her is nothing short of profound. In 1996 (eight years before Media Matters’ creation), the then-conservative David Brock was commissioned (with a $1 million advance) by the Simon & Schuster subsidiary Free Press to write a hard-hitting expose of Hillary. But the book, completed in 1997, turned out to be nothing more than a tepid, distinctly sympathetic account of the former First Lady’s life. That same year (1997), Brock publicly announced his political epiphany, unequivocally recanting his previous negative writings about the Clintons and embracing the liberal/Left cause. During this period, Brock developed a close relationship with Neel Lattimore, Senator Clinton’s openly gay press secretary and close confidante. Brock would eventually hire Lattimore as a director of “special projects” for Media Matters.

Brock’s affinity for Mrs. Clinton grew over time, and vice versa. According to Glenn Thrush of Newsday, Hillary “advised Brock on creating” Media Matters in 2004, “encouraging the creation of a liberal equivalent of the Media Research Center, a conservative group that has aggravated Democrats for decades.” Thrush reports that Hillary still “chats with [Brock] occasionally and thinks he provides a valuable service . . .” “For her part,” Thrush adds, “Clinton’s extended family of contributors, consultants and friends has played a pivotal role in helping Media Matters grow from a $3.5 million start-up in 2004 to its current $8.5 million budget.”

Media Matters and Hillary Clinton are further linked by their respective relationships with three of the most influential leftist operatives in the world—George Soros, Morton Halperin, and John Podesta. All three of these men are intimately involved with a vital think tank called the Center for American Progress (CAP)—which, according to Cybercast News Service’s research, “was instrumental in getting Brock’s media group off the ground”; which helped launch Media Matters on May 3, 2004; and which maintains a tight bond with Brock’s organization to this day...

Read the rest of this article at..

09-30-2007, 07:15 PM

10-01-2007, 07:32 AM
Some think hating the Clintons is required. Brock tried to hate her investigated her life and found nothing to hate I quess. Shes not my favorite but Ill vote for her if she is the nominee unless the Rs can come up with an Ike like candidate.We all know that will not happen.

10-01-2007, 04:08 PM
Some think hating the Clintons is required. Brock tried to hate her investigated her life and found nothing to hate I quess. Shes not my favorite but Ill vote for her if she is the nominee unless the Rs can come up with an Ike like candidate.We all know that will not happen.

You want someone to wage wars in South America? Ever hear of the banana wars? Those were Ike's babies. Lots of CIA action there.

10-01-2007, 04:13 PM
I never paid attention to Media Matters to begin with. :dunno:

Once again, the right is just pissing into the wind.

10-01-2007, 04:24 PM
I never paid attention to Media Matters to begin with. :dunno:

Once again, the right is just pissing into the wind.

You keep thinking that..

MM and Moveon is financed by George Soros and has the Clintons and Democrats hands all over it...

They need to be Exposed, and they are being..and they don't like it one damn bit.:dance:

10-01-2007, 04:27 PM
You want someone to wage wars in South America? Ever hear of the banana wars? Those were Ike's babies. Lots of CIA action there.

He was a very good president and I wish we could find one as good as him to run now.

10-01-2007, 05:12 PM
He was a very good president and I wish we could find one as good as him to run now.

He was a popular president and his biggest success was developing the interstate system which we have today. It's been ages since I read up on him, but as I remember he was pretty much a don't rock the boat president. I was too young to remember much about him other than what I saw on the news and news reels.

He was very involved with the banana wars and there was a lot of CIA action going on there. But the news media of those days didn't dig into that sort of stuff.

Hey if vote based on looks Fred Thompson looks a bit like Ike.

10-01-2007, 05:16 PM
He was a popular president and his biggest success was developing the interstate system which we have today. It's been ages since I read up on him, but as I remember he was pretty much a don't rock the boat president. I was too young to remember much about him other than what I saw on the news and news reels.

He was very involved with the banana wars and there was a lot of CIA action going on there. But the news media of those days didn't dig into that sort of stuff.

Hey if vote based on looks Fred Thompson looks a bit like Ike.

I see no resemblence what so ever between the two.

10-01-2007, 05:18 PM
You keep thinking that..

MM and Moveon is financed by George Soros and has the Clintons and Democrats hands all over it...
Soros has been totally open about his plans to give lots of money to various liberal candidates and causes. Big whoop. It's his money, and he can spend it however he wants.

10-01-2007, 05:32 PM
Soros has been totally open about his plans to give lots of money to various liberal candidates and causes. Big whoop. It's his money, and he can spend it however he wants.

Then he can eat the shit when it's thrown back in his face....
Now we're going kick them in the ass, by exposing them to the American people.....:dance:

They paid for the General Petraeus ad and they are more than likely behind Dingy Harry, today...Yeah Big Whoop.:slap:

10-01-2007, 06:03 PM
During the 50's communism was the antichrist. It was the popular word in south American politics, such as they were. Fidel Castro and Che Gevera were rebels and were trying to effect political changes with violence. Hence the banana wars to silence the commies.

10-01-2007, 06:14 PM
During the 50's communism was the antichrist. It was the popular word in south American politics, such as they were. Fidel Castro and Che Gevera were rebels and were trying to effect political changes with violence. Hence the banana wars to silence the commies.

Yep. But Ike would never have got away with the actions he took back then in todays media.

10-01-2007, 08:00 PM
There's a lot of clickable links in this article...You'll have to go to their site to access them...MEDIA MATTERS IS BEING EXPOSED..:cheers2:

Americans expect the media to tell the truth.
That's why the Media Matters episodes this week are so infuriating.

Media Matters first slandered Bill O'Reilly for his discussion with black liberal Juan Williams.
Then the dishonest Leftist group blasted Rush Limbaugh for his comments against the rash of antiwar phony soldiers propped up by the liberal media and liberal senatorial candidates.

News Busters wrote more on this horrible Leftist organization, Media Matters:

Media Matters’ links to Hillary are at once intimate and multitudinous, and the organization’s devotion to her is nothing short of profound. In 1996 (eight years before Media Matters’ creation), the then-conservative David Brock was commissioned (with a $1 million advance) by the Simon & Schuster subsidiary Free Press to write a hard-hitting expose of Hillary. But the book, completed in 1997, turned out to be nothing more than a tepid, distinctly sympathetic account of the former First Lady’s life. That same year (1997), Brock publicly announced his political epiphany, unequivocally recanting his previous negative writings about the Clintons and embracing the liberal/Left cause. During this period, Brock developed a close relationship with Neel Lattimore, Senator Clinton’s openly gay press secretary and close confidante. Brock would eventually hire Lattimore as a director of “special projects” for Media Matters.

Brock’s affinity for Mrs. Clinton grew over time, and vice versa. According to Glenn Thrush of Newsday, Hillary “advised Brock on creating” Media Matters in 2004, “encouraging the creation of a liberal equivalent of the Media Research Center, a conservative group that has aggravated Democrats for decades.” Thrush reports that Hillary still “chats with [Brock] occasionally and thinks he provides a valuable service . . .” “For her part,” Thrush adds, “Clinton’s extended family of contributors, consultants and friends has played a pivotal role in helping Media Matters grow from a $3.5 million start-up in 2004 to its current $8.5 million budget.”

Media Matters and Hillary Clinton are further linked by their respective relationships with three of the most influential leftist operatives in the world—George Soros, Morton Halperin, and John Podesta. All three of these men are intimately involved with a vital think tank called the Center for American Progress (CAP)—which, according to Cybercast News Service’s research, “was instrumental in getting Brock’s media group off the ground”; which helped launch Media Matters on May 3, 2004; and which maintains a tight bond with Brock’s organization to this day...

Read the rest of this article at..

I know that his hasn't occurred to you or any of the right wing-nut pundits out there, but if MediaMatters is publishing lies about Bill O'Reilly, why hasn't a libel suit been filed? Where are the legions of FOX Noise lawyers seeking redress for the slanderous aspersions cast by MediaMatters? It's because there are no lies...No slander. MediaMatters simply takes the words of Billo, Rush, and other right wing water-heads, verbatim and in context and posts them for all to see. Recording devices are such an inconvenience to the right wing-nuts. These devices continually show just these buffoons for the fools they are. No embellishment or comment is needed.

10-01-2007, 08:16 PM
I know that his hasn't occurred to you or any of the right wing-nut pundits out there, but if MediaMatters is publishing lies about Bill O'Reilly, why hasn't a libel suit been filed? Where are the legions of FOX Noise lawyers seeking redress for the slanderous aspersions cast by MediaMatters? It's because there are no lies...No slander. MediaMatters simply takes the words of Billo, Rush, and other right wing water-heads, verbatim and in context and posts them for all to see. Recording devices are such an inconvenience to the right wing-nuts. These devices continually show just these buffoons for the fools they are. No embellishment or comment is needed.

Not everyone files a lawsuit when they feel wronged.

10-01-2007, 08:18 PM
Not everyone files a lawsuit when they feel wronged.

Can you imagine if GW did that?

10-01-2007, 08:29 PM
Not everyone files a lawsuit when they feel wronged.



10-01-2007, 09:38 PM
Now we're going kick them in the ass, by exposing them to the American people.....:dance:

Expose what? Your article claims that Media Matters, a liberal group, has connections to other prominent liberals. Perhaps this is news to you, but that does not exactly qualify as a surprising indictment for many people. After all, it's not like the Media Research Center (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_Research_Center#Controversies) doesn't have comparable connections to influential conservatives. So what? These groups are little more than low-brow think-tanks. You can judge for yourself the merit of their arguments, but it's not any secret that they are partisan.

10-01-2007, 09:51 PM
Not everyone files a lawsuit when they feel wronged.

I've noticed that alot of people file lawsuits when they DO the wrong just to intimidate others.

10-01-2007, 09:54 PM
Expose what? Your article claims that Media Matters, a liberal group, has connections to other prominent liberals. Perhaps this is news to you, but that does not exactly qualify as a surprising indictment for many people. After all, it's not like the Media Research Center (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_Research_Center#Controversies) doesn't have comparable connections to influential conservatives. So what? These groups are little more than low-brow think-tanks. You can judge for yourself the merit of their arguments, but it's not any secret that they are partisan.

No one is talking about them being partisan..

MM is on an all out smear campaign of people they don't like, and making up lies to do it....and they have the Democrats in their back pockets...

THAT is what we are out to expose..

10-01-2007, 11:15 PM
No one is talking about them being partisan...

MM is on an all out smear campaign of people they don't like, and making up lies to do it....and they have the Democrats in their back pockets...

The entire text you quoted was about Media Matter's connection to liberal groups and personalities -- in other words, partisanship. It makes no mention of the veracity of their content; it does not challenge anything they have said. So what exactly are you talking about?

I've seen Media Matters' blurb concerning Bill O'Reilly (http://mediamatters.org/items/200709210007?f=h_top). See for yourself; then do us the favor of pasting the "lies" they have engineered in your next post. Tell me if you can find anything more "slanderous" than the following sentence: "As Media Matters for America has documented, O'Reilly has made a number of provocative statements about race."

10-02-2007, 12:09 AM
The entire text you quoted was about Media Matter's connection to liberal groups and personalities -- in other words, partisanship. It makes no mention of the veracity of their content; it does not challenge anything they have said. So what exactly are you talking about?

I've seen Media Matters' blurb concerning Bill Oreilly (http://mediamatters.org/items/200709210007?f=h_top). See for yourself; then do us the favor of pasting the "lies" they have engineered in your next post. Tell me if you can find anything more "slanderous" than the following sentence: "As Media Matters for America has documented, Oreilly has made a number of provocative statements about race."

I didn't realize we are not able to talk about race...
They know the content in which he was talking in this last smear they cooked up about Bill O...Hell, they even went after Juan Williams, because he defended Bill O..And he is BLACK..

The same for this latest Rush smear..with Rush, they flat out LIED...
Heck, they even took down one of their own, Imus..because he spoke out against Hillary...
You can make all the lame ass excuses about MM you want...
People are onto their game...And they will EXPOSED...for exactly what they are...
And I will be glad to be one who helps...:dance:

And you don't find anything wrong with your Party trying to silence a AMERICAN CITIZEN..that is what Rush is.. Or you don't see a problem with that, because he is a conservative...??
You all continually accuse the Republicans of being Fascist...
You all really need to take a hard look at YOUR PARTY...DEMOCRATS are the True fascist...:poke:

10-02-2007, 02:36 PM
Not everyone files a lawsuit when they feel wronged.

Nor do they file them when doing so would assure that their own past statements would get the case thrown out of court.

10-02-2007, 02:40 PM
And you don't find anything wrong with your Party trying to silence a AMERICAN CITIZEN..that is what Rush is.. Or you don't see a problem with that, because he is a conservative...??
No one is trying to "silence" Rush Bimbo, hon. When his show goes broke and off the air, it will be because he deserves it.

10-02-2007, 02:47 PM
No one is trying to "silence" Rush Bimbo, hon. When his show goes broke and off the air, it will be because he deserves it.

Bull...Your party stood there yesterday and attacked Rush in the Senate and is mailing a letter to his work...

What the hell do you call that...Looking out for Rush...
That's pretty damn scary when your own goverment comes after you...

Scratch a Democrat, find a Fascist..:poke:

10-02-2007, 04:09 PM
Bull...Your party stood there yesterday and attacked Rush in the Senate and is mailing a letter to his work...Some moron tried yesterday to introduce a Senate resolution to commend Rush Bimbo. What the hell did you expect the Dems to do, support it? :poke:

And what did this "letter at work" say? The one you so suddenly pulled out of your frozen [whatever] with no link at all?

10-02-2007, 04:23 PM
Some moron tried yesterday to introduce a Senate resolution to commend Rush Bimbo. What the hell did you expect the Dems to do, support it? :poke:

And what did this "letter at work" say? The one you so suddenly pulled out of your frozen [whatever] with no link at all?

Good grief...how many times do I need to post THE LETTER..
Pay attention:slap:



The resolution to commend Rush was after your petty Senator Reid's and Harkin went after Rush with hateful spittle shooting out of their lying mouths on the Senate floor....

Your party is trying to silence an American citizen and threatening his work...you don't find anything wrong with that???Scary..