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11-25-2021, 03:06 AM

11-25-2021, 09:18 AM
Happy Thanksgiving!

11-25-2021, 10:15 AM
Happy Thanksgiving to all! Cooking frenzy here, just stopping to take 5!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-25-2021, 12:51 PM
I know it was a blessing years ago when I found this site.
The many friends that I've made here are each one a gift as were some that have left this site.
I want to wish One and All - A Very Happy Thanksgiving Day and pray their blessings be abundantly Gifted from Heaven.
God Bless... -- :saluting2:--Tyr

11-25-2021, 03:32 PM
Some may try but they will never be successful in taking OUR FREEDOM away as long as their stupidity is more powerful than their intelligence. EVEN those who want to destroy America...will someday realize...THEY HAVE NO PLACE BETTER TO GO!

Until they do. The Smells of Thanksgiving in homes across America is even stronger TODAY!

Abbey Marie
11-25-2021, 05:18 PM
Happy Thanksgiving to a great group of friends and patriots!

11-25-2021, 09:46 PM
I hope everyone had a great day! Last guest just left. Had some unexpected guests, but that was great. COld easily have fed 12. Lol!

11-26-2021, 12:58 PM
From Joseph M. Valenzano

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

By any standard of measurement, 2021 has been a rather extraordinary year. For many, it has been a time best pushed back into the deep recesses of our minds. The anguish of losing a loved one to an invisible virus launched upon the world from China is difficult to understand. It has been a year that has challenged our emotions, resourcefulness, and resolve. But, in the face of all this, we can all take heart in knowing that our scientists, researchers, government, and private industrialists have once again delivered on a promise: Three vaccines and multiple therapies to deal with this invader. And there is a pill to be introduced shortly aimed at reducing Covid as a cause of death by 90%. So, we have a great deal for which to be thankful.

As someone who has spent over forty years in the healthcare industry, this is remarkable. Make no mistake, President Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” developed intervention therapeutics (drugs) and three vaccines in a period of nine months, something that under normal circumstances might have taken five to seven years at best. It is also a testimony to the incredible skill, dedication, perseverance, technology, and knowledge of American medicine. And it is a reminder to us all to never lose hope, no matter how difficult the challenge.

On November 25 we will celebrate Thanksgiving, a uniquely American tradition. Some governors and mayors are calling for the shutdown of businesses and imposing travel restrictions along with vaccination mandates. Some are suggesting that families think about postponing or canceling Thanksgiving and even Christmas, which might occur anyway because of increasing costs of gasoline and the price for turkeys and food which is double the cost of a year ago. I sincerely hope not! For personal aggrandizement, they have put forth rules and regulations that invade our privacy and distort the freedoms guaranteed each of us under the Constitution. That’s not leadership. That’s hysteria and fearmongering in which the media is complicit. But the uniquely American holiday we call Thanksgiving transcends all of that.

But on Thanksgiving, a very special holiday for me, I always remember and give thanks for:

1. Waking up every day as an American, living in the Land of the Free because it is the Home of the Brave.

2. The soldiers, sailors, airmen, coast guardsmen, and marines who cannot be with us but who stand ready 24/7 around the globe to defend our freedom.

3. My great grandparents and grandparents who immigrated to this country from Italy over 100 years ago with nothing but the clothes on their backs and their skills and built a life for themselves and their families. On Thanksgiving, as I have always done, I will think of those who came before me. I am because they were.

4. The sacrifices, pain, and courage of my parents who struggled to make a better life for my brother and me and who, because of their efforts, have directly led to our well-being and the kind of men we have become today.

5. My teachers, professors, priests, and coaches who taught me to appreciate learning, the thrill of competition, and to understand that the lessons learned in the classroom and on the athletic fields are lessons for life. I give thanks that, win or lose, I always left it all on the field.

6. The fact that I live in a land where the only limits on how much I can accomplish are those I place upon myself.

7. My loving wife who has been at my side for over fifty years in good times and bad and whose love for me never waned. I never once heard her complain.

8. Our five sons and ten grandchildren. Even though we hardly see them, they are all in our thoughts and prayers every day.

9. My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who lives in my heart and soul every day of my life and whose teachings are all rooted in that most powerful human force, love.

10. My brother who, while he is not always standing by my side, is surely in my heart every day and has always been there for me.

11. Good health, money in the bank, food in the refrigerator, sunshine, beautiful sunsets, rain, and rainbows.

12. Pain, suffering, family, and good friends. These are all part of being alive.

13. I am also thankful for gratitude. As Melody Beattie once wrote, “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity, a meal into a feast, a house into a home, and a stranger into a friend.” Words worth remembering.

It is a good bet that someone somewhere endured sacrifice, hardship, pain, suffering, and risk with courage and perseverance to make a better life for themselves, which in turn, directly lead to your safety and well-being today. Thanksgiving is an appropriate time to give thanks for such people.

May we all have a blessed Thanksgiving Holiday, fully aware of what we have and, more deeply, how it all came to be.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.

Time to work out :)

11-26-2021, 03:12 PM
My apologies for missing out on here yesterday.

A belated Happy Thanksgiving to all!

I hope you all ate till you fell asleep on your couches! And more so I hope you all got to spend some time with family and loved ones.

I too am more than thankful for all of the friends I have made on this board. And those on the 4 ribbons up top. I'm thankful to have known them and shared posts with them. Thankful for just so many great people. :)