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11-26-2021, 01:01 PM
I hope this guy's not getting paid for this. Or myabe I should get on the ball more. I could have written this article long ago and most especially in 2017.

(Chuck Muth) - For years – decades, actually – the left has been comparing the right to Hitler and the Nazis. How ironic, then, that their entire current campaign to legitimize the illegitimate 2020 election is being characterized as a “Big Lie” – a propaganda term coined by no less than Adolph Hitler himself.

The “Big Lie” is, in reality, the real big lie. Truth is, the 2020 election WAS rigged. And yes, it WAS stolen from Donald Trump and his millions of voters.

The problem for Republicans is that too many have foolishly focused so much on the “fraud” allegations that - as Mollie Hemingway explains in her new book, “Rigged (https://citizenoutreach.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ace05927626f4709ff67049e0&id=16cade9e9f&e=b299c32ce6)” - can’t be proven.

“Election lawyers will tell you that fraud is almost impossible to conclusively find after the fact,” she writes. “It’s exceedingly difficult to convict anyone of voter fraud, and difficult to indict for, because it’s very difficult to find conclusively.”

That said, Hemingway also writes that “If you believe things went terribly wrong in the 2020 election, well, you’re not crazy, and you’re not alone. But most of all, you’re not wrong.”

“Despite the media and other activists saying the that the 2020 election must be accepted without question, strong majorities of Republicans have reason to complain,” she continues. “From their perspective, they were the victims of an election that was rigged from the day Trump won the presidential election in November 2016.”

“We got them by surprise the first time,” Trump told Hemingway in an interview for the book. “And the second time, they spent four years working on rigging the election.”

Hemingway agrees…

“(T)he political, media and corporate establishments changed election laws and procedures, reduced or eliminated the oversight of the ballots, manipulated the COVID-19 response, stoked violent racial unrest, published fake news, censored accurate news, and did everything in their power to make sure that what happened in 2016 – a Trump victory – could not happen again in 2020.”

Rigged is a masterful, well-written and fully-documented indictment of the “powers that be” who stacked the deck, by hook and by crook, to make absolutely sure Donald Trump was stopped cold in his efforts to drain the swamp and, yes, make America great again.

You really need to read Rigged to get all the gory details, but here’s a 24-count indictment culled from its pages…

Click here to continue reading (https://citizenoutreach.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ace05927626f4709ff67049e0&id=6191868682&e=b299c32ce6)

Happy Thanksgiving…and let’s go, Brandon!

Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach and blogs at MuthsTruths.com

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-26-2021, 02:29 PM
I hope this guy's not getting paid for this. Or myabe I should get on the ball more. I could have written this article long ago and most especially in 2017.
Dead on the mark and I will stand face to face with any man alive and call that person a damn liar that says it was not rigged.
Any damn man.
There exist no man on earth that I am scared of.. A fact.
I have been in many , many fights and won over 90% of them.. A fact..
These FILTHY TREASONOUS Vermin that did this -should be destroyed- and the fools that side with them
I also believe should be too, imho..-- :saluting2:
Anybody stupid enough to believe that idiot scum Biden got more votes than the infinitely lauded demigod obama, at least should be sent to have their head examined, imho..

It was stolen and they got away with it....
They spent 4 years making sure they would get away with it...
Other nations helped them!!! A fact.... -Tyr