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Et Soh
11-26-2021, 01:49 PM
https://img.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2019/06/07/GettyImages-1057960010-700x420.jpg (https://img.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2019/06/07/GettyImages-1057960010-1200x800.jpg)

Chinese J-20 stealth fighters perform at the Airshow China 2018 in Zhuhai, south China’s Guangdong Province on Nov. 6, 2018. (Wang Zhao/AFP/Getty Images)

Chinese Military Improves Capabilities While America Sleeps

​ (https://www.theepochtimes.com/author-stu-cvrk)Stu Cvrk
November 25, 2021

News Analysis

China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA (https://www.theepochtimes.com/t-pla)) is undergoing a massive buildup in capabilities while the world is distracted.

The PLA has embarked on a massive buildup in recent years that has been cleverly camouflaged by the pandemic, a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) charm offensive on the diplomatic front, and the supposed “benevolence” of the Belt and Road Initiative (https://www.theepochtimes.com/the-ulterior-motives-of-chinas-belt-and-road-initiative_3969123.html).
The goal is to become the world’s dominant military power in all facets of kinetic warfare by 2049, the centenary anniversary of the CCP’s takeover of China and the establishment of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). A key element of their misdirection campaign, while this modernization effort has been underway, has been fomenting domestic political discord in the United States by supporting activist organizations such as Black Lives Matter (https://www.heritage.org/progressivism/commentary/blm-co-founder-and-pro-communist-china-group-are-partnering-heres-why) and exploiting the legacy and social media sympathetic to China.

While many Americans have been purposely distracted accordingly, major advances in capabilities have been made by the PLA on all fronts.

Here is a short list based on recent media reports:
Hypersonic Missiles: The general officer in charge of the U.S. Space Force admitted on Nov. 20 (https://thehill.com/policy/defense/582505-space-force-general-were-not-as-advanced-as-the-chinese-or-the-russians-with) that the United States was “behind” China and Russia in the deployment of hypersonic missiles (https://www.theepochtimes.com/t-hypersonic-missiles).

In 2019, the PLA-Rocket Force (PLARF) was the first to deploy the Dongfeng-17 (DF-17) medium-range ballistic missile, which mounts the DF-ZF Hypersonic Glide Vehicle, after displaying it for the first time last fall in Beijing, marking the 70th anniversary of the Communist Party’s rule.

“The DF-17 is the first deployed hypersonic strike weapon for the PLA and can travel at speeds of more than 7,000 miles per hour—enough to outrun current U.S. anti-missile interceptors,” according to The Washington Times (https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/oct/2/china-shows-df-17-hypersonic-missile/?utm_source=GOOGLE&utm_medium=cpc&utm_id=chacka&utm_campaign=TWT+-+DSA&gclid=CjwKCAjw3-bzBRBhEiwAgnnLCuePSxlCY__Q1tfzzizm9qydgvbJUsryO87N CAEsF4udlwLfmH73khoCJh0QAvD_BwE).

This new class of missiles greatly decreases defensive reaction times, and the ability to detect pre-launch actions is complicated, as the weapons do not require easily detected launch preparations, which complicates the tactical decision-making thought process of commanders.

The Chinese have also built silhouettes in the sand in the shape of an American aircraft carrier and Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyers in the Taklamakan desert, as part of a new target range complex (https://news.usni.org/2021/11/07/china-builds-missile-targets-shaped-like-u-s-aircraft-carrier-destroyers-in-remote-desert) for long-range missile practice—a very aggressive preparation for potential future hostilities.

https://img.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2021/11/08/mockup-1200x764.jpg (https://img.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2021/11/08/mockup-1200x764.jpg)A satellite picture shows a carrier target in Ruoqiang, Xinjiang, China, on Oct. 20, 2021. (Satellite Image ©2021 Maxar Technologies/Handout via Reuters)

Nuclear Weapons: There has been a disciplined, decades-long campaign by the CCP to rapidly acquire, re-engineer, and integrate nuclear weapons (https://www.theepochtimes.com/t-nuclear-weapons) technologies into an array of sophisticated weapons, missiles, surveillance systems, communications, and command and control capabilities. This culminated in the breakout deployment in Inner Mongolia (https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/aug/12/china-engaged-breathtaking-nuclear-breakout-us-str/) of an estimated 300 new intercontinental ballistic missile silos.

As reported (https://www.ft.com/content/d7c50283-18c8-4f2e-8731-970d9a547688) by the Financial Times just last week, U.S. experts in the Pentagon are forecasting that the PLARF will quadruple its nuclear warhead arsenal to over 1,000 by 2030, which, combined with a massive buildup of conventional warfare capabilities, will change the strategic balance in East and South Asia. The deployment of road-mobile Dongfeng-26 (DF-26) intermediate-range ballistic missiles also continues apace.

The transformation of China’s strategic rocket force from an antiquated mixture of older Soviet technology, plus indigenous modifications into a modern capability that is nearing parity with the United States, is breathtaking both in its scope and also the rapidity in which it was accomplished.

Lastly, with the delivery of two new SSBNs over the past two years, the PLA-Navy (PLAN) now have six operational Jin-class Type 094 SSBNs, which gives the PRC a viable third leg of its nuclear triad.

https://img.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2020/08/28/GettyImages-486281108-1200x813.jpg (https://img.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2020/08/28/GettyImages-486281108-1200x813.jpg)Chinese military vehicles, carrying DF-26 ballistic missiles, drive past Tiananmen Square during a military parade in Beijing, China, on Sept. 3, 2015. (Andy Wong/Pool/Getty Images)

Ships: In a single generation, the PLAN has developed capabilities that are direct challenges to the U.S. Navy, including overhead surveillance satellites, long-range hypersonic missiles, and modern ships and aircraft. The Chinese have recently eclipsed the U.S. Navy in the number of hulls available for naval missions.

According to a recently-released media summary (https://media.defense.gov/2021/Nov/03/2002885874/-1/-1/0/2021-CMPR-FINAL.PDF) of a U.S. Department of Defense report on Chinese military capabilities, “The People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) has numerically the largest navy in the world with an overall battle force of approximately 355 ships and submarines, including approximately more than 145 major surface combatants.”

A third PLAN aircraft carrier, the Type 003, is currently under construction near Shanghai; it is reportedly equivalent in size (https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2021/10/chinas-massive-new-aircraft-carrier-is-as-big-as-it-can-be/) to America’s new Ford-class nuclear aircraft carrier. A special-purpose ship (https://www.space.com/china-building-ship-rocket-launches-at-sea) is also being built to support sea launch and recovery of rockets and space vehicles.

While most of the PLAN deployments are in areas close to the Chinese mainland, a growing number of operations are being conducted in distant waters, including the Western Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and Eastern Atlantic Ocean. The PLAN maintains an out-of-area naval base a in Djibouti and are also funding the construction of new sea ports at Gwadar, Pakistan, Hambantota, Sri Lanka, and—until recently (https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/19/politics/china-uae-us-construction-port/index.html)—at Khalifa port in the United Arab Emirates.

Coast Guard and Maritime Militia: China’s coast guard is the largest by far (https://nationalinterest.org/blog/reboot/china%E2%80%99s-coast-guard-ready-trouble-south-china-sea-178640) of any country in East Asia and includes the 12,000-ton China Coast Guard (CCG) 3901 cutter No. 1123, which is the largest coast guard vessel in the world.

In February, in a sign of increasing Chinese belligerence on the high seas, Beijing “released a draft law (https://nationalinterest.org/blog/reboot/china%E2%80%99s-coast-guard-ready-trouble-south-china-sea-178640) that would empower the Chinese Coast Guard to use actual ‘military force’ against foreign vessels, and that could potentially be applied in disputes in the South China Sea,” according to The National Interest.

China also operates a sizable maritime militia that includes a large number of research and fishing vessels for the purposes of asserting and defending PRC maritime and territorial claims in the South China Sea and other near-seas regions.

According to a recent report (https://csis-website-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/publication/211118_Poling_Maritime_Militia.pdf?Y5iaJ4NT8eITSlA KTr.TWxtDHuLIq7wR) from the Center for Strategic and International Studies: “The militia as currently constituted in the South China Sea operates from a string of 10 ports in China’s Guangdong and Hainan Provinces. Remote sensing data indicates that roughly 300 militia vessels are operating in the Spratly Islands on any given day.”

Chinese coast guard and maritime militia units are also being deployed to “protect” Chinese fishing fleets in such locations as the Galapagos Islands (https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/chinese-260-boat-fishing-fleet-invade-galapagos-islands/) and Second Thomas Shoals (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-11-18/philippines-china-to-back-off-south-china-sea-water-cannons/100632612) (the Philippines).

Aircraft: The PLAAF is the third largest in the world (https://media.defense.gov/2021/Nov/03/2002885874/-1/-1/0/2021-CMPR-FINAL.PDF), with over 2,800 total aircraft of which approximately 2,250 are combat aircraft and a continuing stream of regular capability upgrades.

The fifth-generation stealth J-20 fighter jet (https://warriormaven.com/air/how-dangerous-is-china-s-stealthy-5th-gen-j-20-can-it-rival-the-f-22-or-f-35) has been deployed for years in significant numbers, with a “maiden flight of the twin-seat variation (https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202111/1238343.shtml)” conducted recently, according to state-run Global Times. Many experts consider the J-20 to be a copy (https://www.defenseworld.net/news/27131/After_Copying_F_35_s_Stealth__China_s_J_20_Duplica ting_its_Non_Stealth_Features#.YZqPc2CTfZQ) of the United State’s J-35 stealth fighter in terms of both stealth and conventional capabilities—with blueprints and other technology probably obtained illegally (https://news.yahoo.com/honeywell-fined-13-million-defense-153308932.html) from U.S. firms such as Honeywell.

A recent Pentagon annual report to Congress (https://media.defense.gov/2021/Nov/03/2002885874/-1/-1/0/2021-CMPR-FINAL.PDF) discussed the extended range nuclear-capable H-6N bomber and stated, “The PLAAF publicly revealed the H-6N as its first nuclear-capable air-to-air refuelable bomber.”

Meanwhile, development continues on the new H-20 stealth bomber, which some consider to be a “B-2 copycat (https://warriormaven.com/air/b-21-pak-da-h-20-stealth-bombers).” Conventional aircraft production and deployment continue as well. For example, the latest variant of the JH-7 fighter bomber, designated the JH-7A2, was demonstrated at a Chinese airshow (https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202110/1235582.shtml) earlier this year. The upgrades include improvements to “its surface attack capability by becoming capable of carrying extra surface attack weapons including stand-off air-to-surface missiles, laser-guided bombs and munitions dispenser,” according to state-run Global Times.

If aircraft production and deployment continue at the current rate, the PLAAF could very well have the largest air force in the world by 2049—and certainly achieve China’s goal of deploying more stealth fighters than the United States by 2025 (https://theaviationgeekclub.com/j-20-mighty-dragon-production-likely-to-ramp-up-as-china-aims-to-have-more-stealth-fighters-than-us-by-2025/).

https://img.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2020/07/22/Air-Force-F-16--1200x800.jpg (https://img.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2020/07/22/Air-Force-F-16--1200x800.jpg)A Taiwanese Air Force F-16 in foreground flies on the flank of a Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) H-6 bomber as it passes near Taiwan on Feb. 10, 2020. (Republic of China Ministry of National Defense via AP)

Space: From almost no space capability in the 1980s, the Chinese regime has borrowed and stolen (https://www.theepochtimes.com/espionage-is-a-fundamental-engine-behind-chinas-economic-growth_4056358.html) missile, satellite, command and control, telemetry, and surveillance technologies. These have been fused into a robust multi-purpose space capability consisting of navigation satellites (Beidou), a network of signals intelligence and imagery systems, a variety of redundant communications satellites, a newly-tested potential first-strike strategic suborbital-launched hypersonic glide vehicle capability (https://spacenews.com/chinas-hypersonic-vehicle-test-a-significant-demonstration-of-space-technology/), and an emerging anti-satellite capability that is approaching parity with U.S. capabilities.

Regarding the latter, China recently launched what it claims to be a “classified space debris mitigation technology satellite (https://spacenews.com/china-launches-classified-space-debris-mitigation-technology-satellite/).” While advertised as a capability for “peaceful use of space,” the reality is that the technology is dual-use and could be deployed as an anti-satellite capability. This is entirely consistent with China’s civil-military fusion strategy in which its defense industrial base and civilian technology development and industrial base are merged (and difficult to separate) in support of CCP strategic goals and objectives—with Chinese dominance of space being one such goal.

As further proof of that “fusion (https://www.defenseone.com/ideas/2021/07/chinas-space-program-more-military-you-might-think/183790/),” Defense One reported: “The infrastructure of China’s space program is also heavily militarized. The launch sites, control centers, and many of the satellites are directly run by the PLA (https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/CASI/Display/Article/2517757/chinas-ground-segment-building-the-pillars-of-a-great-space-power/).”

Lastly, the Chinese have also demonstrated a satellite precision tracking and maneuvering capability aimed at detecting a nearby U.S. satellite and maneuvering a Chinese satellite away.


While the rest of the world has been distracted, including by the COVID-19 pandemic over the past two years, the Chinese PLA has been engaged in a massive modernization program aimed at eclipsing the United States as the world’s top military power by the PRC’s centenary celebration in 2049.

New aircraft, ships, missiles, satellites, weapons systems, command and control systems, and surveillance capabilities are being developed, produced, and deployed in great numbers at an astonishing rate. All of this modernization and development has been fueled by a misguided U.S. policy that amounts to appeasement of the Chinese regime.
The U.S. foreign policy establishment—with the able assistance of Henry Kissinger’s “China Hands” since communist China was “opened” in 1972—has facilitated the economic and military growth of the Chinese regime through misguided efforts that are theoretically aimed at “bringing a rogue nation into the international family of nations.” In other words, China had unfettered access to the international system, Western capital, technology, and markets. As if promoting Western values—for example, democracy, free enterprise, and the rule of law—has ever worked with a communist government! That policy has led to the dangerous emergence of a highly aggressive communist-led regime in Beijing that is increasingly asserting itself on the world scene—and is backed by the growing military might of the People’s Liberation Army.

Stu Cvrk retired as a captain after serving 30 years in the U.S. Navy in a variety of active and reserve capacities, with considerable operational experience in the Middle East and the Western Pacific. Through education and experience as an oceanographer and systems analyst, Cvrk is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, where he received a classical liberal education that serves as the key foundation for his political commentary.


11-26-2021, 03:02 PM

For fuck's sake, learn to self-edit...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-26-2021, 05:22 PM
Ok, you keep on believing that the USA is so far behind. :laugh:
Not all of our advanced military weapons are known, not all are seen.
There is this one sad truth, there are those in this nation, in our federal government working for China.
Constantly trying to steal our advanced technology.
China has many spies here.
And many bought-out politicians-- got one sitting in the Oval office right now.....
I hope that some furure day that one senile POS and his buddy the obbasma scum/vermin are brought to justice
and placed into a federal prison where they both belong, imho..-Tyr

11-26-2021, 06:52 PM
Reverse Propaganda directed at the CCP members who are convinced...Destroying a ship model in the sand, with stealth something to PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK is pure DRIBBLE.

The only Americans who are sleeping while China plays their games...are the ANTI-AMERICANS who pretend to be protecting Americans while LYING, and STEALING from Americans with HIGH TAXES.

Take it from this OLD, but not STUPID retired member of our military. YOU CAN BLOW SMOKE UP YOUR OWN BUTTS AS MUCH AS YOU WANT...to impress XI and the CCP wankers...But you should remember a Japanese Admiral who spoke following the Sneak Attack on Pearl Harbor, HI in 1941.


Anyone foolish enough to believe OUR MILITARY is sleeping...better not turn your back any time soon.

11-27-2021, 06:41 AM
Would Sleepy even press any buttons if his pals in Bejing attacked ?

Why destroy valuable farm land for Chinese mouths to feed from when forgetting which button to press would lead to a huge family and syndicate bonus ?

11-27-2021, 08:09 AM
China's military is not a concern to me... and not mainly because the U.S. so far ahead.

the biggest issue for me with China is that we depend on them for to much in the U.S.. And we are tied to them monetarily. If they fall we feel it.
If we attack them we deal ourselves a mortal blow.
And I think the reverse is true as well. Without U.S. money they fall hard as well but their leadership might think that's a hit worth taking if they can be top dog.

Also, for decades the Chinese have strategically made economic, infrastructural and resource alliances around the world, while we've stuck military bases around the world and threatened..cough...Protected nations around the world.
Which is more beneficial and sustainable in the long run?

11-27-2021, 12:58 PM
China's military is not a concern to me... and not mainly because the U.S. so far ahead.

the biggest issue for me with China is that we depend on them for to much in the U.S.. And we are tied to them monetarily. If they fall we feel it.
If we attack them we deal ourselves a mortal blow.
And I think the reverse is true as well. Without U.S. money they fall hard as well but their leadership might think that's a hit worth taking if they can be top dog.

Also, for decades the Chinese have strategically made economic, infrastructural and resource alliances around the world, while we've stuck military bases around the world and threatened..cough...Protected nations around the world.
Which is more beneficial and sustainable in the long run?Good points.

I will point out that there is no real difference between China's global "alliances" and our military bases. There's still a pig underneath the lipstick you put on it.

If the Dems would quit selling us out to foreign interests, Trump already proved with his energy policies we are capable of reasserting our independence. The capability is there. Even now. As Biden shuts down pipeline after pipeline and tries to push a $4T bill that is going to screw us even more and far worse than China can.

Both China's and Russia's as well as Iran's military capabilities should concern everyone. China's and Russia's especially because both have proven recently they are pursuing weapons with crippling first strike capability, designed to attack US. Meanwhile, Joke Biden is toying with signing some BS rule. EO or law guaranteeing no first strike from the US.

11-27-2021, 03:30 PM
IMO. For China. They have no problem getting into a war KNOWING they would probably Lose. But their ulterior motives are simple.
THEY ARE OVERPOPULATED already. So Losing a couple Million random people who take up space, need housing, food, schools, and medical protection WOULD BE CHEAPER for China to handle.

What would the loss of a couple million mean to OVER A BILLION???

11-28-2021, 08:16 AM
IMO. For China. They have no problem getting into a war KNOWING they would probably Lose. But their ulterior motives are simple.
THEY ARE OVERPOPULATED already. So Losing a couple Million random people who take up space, need housing, food, schools, and medical protection WOULD BE CHEAPER for China to handle.

Ignoring the fact that independent experts all suggest that the US would be overwhelmed by a far superior enemy who can afford to lose 350 million ( US population ) without

too many tears , I doubt the Chinese and US Chicoms have any real interest in old fashioned means of warfare .

Deep State are dedicated to infiltrating and mind changing Americans . They want non radioactive US land for farming to meet their own people's needs .

Why go to war when Sleepy and Obummer plus friends can bring the US to its knees with hardly a gun fired in anger ?