View Full Version : Biden Confident Fed Picks Will Curb Inflation, Addresses Crisis In Ukraine

11-28-2021, 01:39 PM
Another couple of Biden disasters with generic, brush-off responses. I thought Carter was out of touch of reality. Biden's running so far in front of Jimmy there's no hope for the latter to catch up.

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 9:15 AM PT – Sunday, November 28, 2021Joe Biden remains confident his picks for the Federal Reserve will be able to curb inflation.
The Democrat recently addressed reporter questions about the potential economic effects of the new COVID variant. He said the markets crashing from the emergence of the variant doesn’t worry him at all.
Additionally, Biden was asked if he told the Federal Reserve to singularly focus on inflation as it continues to spiral out of control. Biden stressed his new picks would work hard to try and tamper inflation.
“I’ve talked to the Fed about a whole range of things. Monetary policy and inflation. And I have confidence that the appointees that I’ve made, and I have three more, are going to reflect that concern,” said Biden.
This comes as the total inflation rate has reached about 6 percent for the year. These are among the highest rates in the world and they have shown no sign of slowing down anytime soon.

Meanwhile, as tensions near the Ukraine-Russia border rise, the Biden administration has remained silent. However, earlier this month Biden’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken assured Ukraine’s foreign minister that they had their back.
“The United States commitment to Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, is iron-clad. It is a position that will not change. We stand with Ukraine,” stated Blinken.
This comes amongst a recent announcement by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky where he addressed an alleged coup d’etat against his government Friday. That same day when reporters asked Biden how they would assist their ally, he didn’t have much to say.
“I am concerned. Look, we support Ukraine’s territorial integrity,” Biden said. “We support Ukraine’s ability to govern themselves. And we object to anything remotely approaching.”
Meanwhile, White House officials have continued to avoid questions regarding the crisis and it’s still unknown to what extent Biden will go to help Ukraine.