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12-02-2021, 11:57 AM
I saw a video last night (I'll search away for it but came up empty so far), which appeared to be Russia, and in what appeared to be an apt. building, they were forcibly bashing in doors and jabbing people with the vaccine. It could have been another country in the region. The shits were coming from some military looking guys. Not here anyway, but just a comparison as to what shit could be if you lived in certain other parts of the world.

Like the EU or Germany perhaps.

EU President Hints at Bloc-Wide Vaccine Mandate

European Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen has called for discussions regarding the implementation of forced vaccination throughout the entire EU, in a move that has been described as the “Chinafication of Europe”.

Just hours after the incoming chancellor of Germany said he was in favour of imposing mandatory vaccinations, Angela Merkel protegé-turned European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen appeared to follow suit, hinting on Wednesday that the entire bloc may seek to impose vaccine mandates.

“Not each and every one can be vaccinated – children, for example, or people with special medical conditions – but the vast majority could and therefore, I think it is understandable and appropriate to lead this discussion now,” the Commission president told reporters in Brussels, according to The Guardian.

“How we can encourage and potentially think about mandatory vaccination within the European Union, this needs discussion,” the president continued. “This needs a common approach, but it is a discussion that I think has to be met.”

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2021/12/02/chinafication-of-europe-eu-president-hints-at-bloc-wide-vaccine-mandate/

Merkel Announces Restrictions on Unvaccinated, Vote on Making Jabs Compulsory

Angela Merkel has announced a de facto lockdown of the unvaccinated, and that Germany’s parliament will soon vote on making vaccination mandatory.

Germany’s outgoing Chancellor has announced that the country will be barring the unvaccinated from events, leisure facilities, and all non-essential retail.

Such restrictions are already in place in some states in Germany, but they will soon be rolled out nationwide, the Associated Press reports.

Merkel has also revealed that the German parliament will be asked to decide on whether to make vaccination against the Chinese coronavirus mandatory for all, with a mandate possibly coming into force as early as February next year — adding that she would vote for such a move herself if she was still had a seat in the legislature.

“The situation in our country is serious,” Merkel insisted, calling the new measures an “act of national solidarity”.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2021/12/02/merkel-announces-restrictions-on-unvaccinated-vote-on-making-jabs-compulsory/

12-02-2021, 12:09 PM
Russia and Germany. Not the owners of the best optics when the government decides to mandate something.

12-02-2021, 12:15 PM
Russia and Germany. Not the owners of the best optics when the government decides to mandate something.

No they ain't! But folks here think it's insane when asked to wear a mask to enter a private business or airplane or whatever - and if they decided to go to many other places they may not be quite as happy with the outcome.

12-02-2021, 01:31 PM
That's also happening in Australia. Quarantine camps. Rounding up people. Military injecting without consent.

12-02-2021, 01:40 PM
That's also happening in Australia. Quarantine camps. Rounding up people. Military injecting without consent.

Insanity. Like I said, we have to deal with private business rules, and mandates and other BS - and the pushing of the vaccines. But there won't be a mandate to force the vaccines, it would never work and likely create some serious issues.

12-02-2021, 06:21 PM
That's also happening in Australia. Quarantine camps. Rounding up people. Military injecting without consent.

I have a tough time believing that.

12-03-2021, 12:53 AM
I have a tough time believing that.
Of course you do. Here .. let me help you a little but. And this is just for starters.





12-03-2021, 06:18 AM
I saw a video last night (I'll search away for it but came up empty so far), which appeared to be Russia, and in what appeared to be an apt. building, they were forcibly bashing in doors and jabbing people with the vaccine. It could have been another country in the region. etc

Standard US misinformation re Russia . All part of the attempted strategy to cause another uprising in Donbas and as phoney as the crap about Russia building up troops for a full invasion of Ukraine whilst the US shipsin armaments and funds .

Deflects from the Moronic variant and the Maxwell trial .

Merkel has always been a senior Elite figure so nothing surprising there -- see" Schwab's School for Covid Dictators" excellent separate topic . The more tenuous belief that she

is literally one of Hitler's daughters is a beauty , regardless of your reaction to such 'off the twig ' speculation to use Dr J P Farrel's term .

12-03-2021, 09:02 AM
Of course you do. Here .. let me help you a little but. And this is just for starters.

Still dubious on the without consent part.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-03-2021, 09:49 AM
Of course you do. Here .. let me help you a little but. And this is just for starters.




Ofcourse we have to help those blinded by ignorance. It is the Christian thing to do. Ignorance can stem from conditioning. Some have received a post poor education and oft pity for them is the way to go my friend. Tyr

12-03-2021, 10:15 AM
Still dubious on the without consent part.
Watch the video with the tribal elder.

An aboriginal elder is speaking out against the ongoing genocide of Australia’s indigenous people groups under the guise of fighting the plandemic.

As we reported, the Australian government is now forcibly injecting residents of the Northern Territory with “vaccines” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), which is a serious violation of human rights.

June Mills, who published a video online (see below), is calling on others within her people group to stand up and fight against this depopulation plan (the video is also available on Facebook).

“They’re killing us,” Mills said. “It’s a program of elimination. That’s all this is.”

12-03-2021, 10:36 AM
Even Cuba isn't forcing vaccines. When you're more repressive than Castro, you're off in the weeds.

12-03-2021, 10:43 AM

12-03-2021, 10:45 AM
I have a tough time believing that.

Exactly . Outside of your conditioned view .

Andrews ( Oz ) and Aherne( NZ ) are graduates from the Schwab School for Covid Dictators ( excellent separate Fact Sheet/ Topic ) and are front figures for two countries from the original members of the Five Eyes Intelligence Agreement .
Labs for results to be expanded to the 'two legged rats ' of the US , Canada and UK -- the other original members . ! ? !

Hitler believed in “racialism,” just like the Australian authorities do right now, where exclusive “biological entities” have certain traits of personality, behavioral features and superior genetics to others. A term that has now become “racism,” racialism also applied to one’s political leaning and economic stature, which determined civil rights and access to health care. Sound familiar?
This ties into CRT, critical race theory, where all white people are said to be racist insurgents. Now it’s the unvaccinated that are the “swine, rats, and roaches” of society, who are being imprisoned for not cooperating with insane medical-police-state commandments.
As it was, historically, those who oppose the tyrannical administrations are considered low-status races who deserve low-status jobs, or no jobs at all, and limited economic resources. Covid concentration camp prisoners have no rights. They are not allowed phone calls, letters in or out, lawyers, a trial, a jury – nothing. They will continue to be falsely tested positive for Covid with fake PCR tests and held indefinitely. End Quote .

Coming your way soon unless you take great care and are prepared to stand up and fight .

12-03-2021, 10:54 AM
Inside Australia's Covid internment camp


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGFdWcJU7-0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGFdWcJU7-0)

[COLOR=#030303][FONT=Roboto]Hayley Hodgson, 26, moved to Darwin from Melbourne to escape the never-ending lockdowns — only to find herself locked up in a Covid Internment Camp without even having the virus.She’s just returned from a 14-day detention at Howard Springs, the 2000-capacity Covid camp outside Darwin to which regional Covid cases are transported by the authorities. In an exclusive interview with Freddie Sayers, she recounted her experiences.

ALL the people involved
"Just Following Orders"

12-03-2021, 11:05 AM
Hayley Hodgson, 26, moved to Darwin from Melbourne to escape the never-ending lockdowns — only to find herself locked up in a Covid Internment Camp without even having the virus.She’s just returned from a 14-day detention at Howard Springs, the 2000-capacity Covid camp outside Darwin to which regional Covid cases are transported by the authorities. In an exclusive interview with Freddie Sayers, she recounted her experiences.

Initially surprised that these videos ( several floating around ) have not been banned / taken down .
Suspect that this is a way of conditioning Normies to the thought that steps must be taken to keep the Vaxxed clean , clear and safe .
And that the Unvaxxed are the enemy and need looking after for their own sake , let alone for the good of the vaxxed people .

Reverse psycho - babble which most of the Gullibles will swallow HL&S.

12-03-2021, 01:01 PM
Watch the video with the tribal elder.

That wouldn't be as convincing as you think especially based on the quote you pulled.


Exactly . Outside of your conditioned view .

Uh huh. You're wrong more than you're right. By a lot.

12-03-2021, 01:33 PM
Ofcourse we have to help those blinded by ignorance. It is the Christian thing to do. Ignorance can stem from conditioning. Some have received a post poor education and oft pity for them is the way to go my friend. Tyr

I didn't realize the Christian thing to do was blindly follow internet links. I'll do some research on false idols and let you know what I find out.

12-04-2021, 01:56 AM
That wouldn't be as convincing as you think especially based on the quote you pulled.


I listened to video when it was first posted. I never read Reuters, especially as a fact checker.

12-04-2021, 02:47 AM
I listened to video when it was first posted. I never read Reuters, especially as a fact checker.

Spot on . And the Fact Checkers are an insult to intelligence .

The Agencies were the first port of call for CIA infiltration and control .

Now all CIA edited/ authored releases are taken up my the majority of MSM sites using Agency provided copy almost verbatim .

You have to be blind, deaf and gullible to use such a corrupted source for News .

12-04-2021, 10:42 AM
Germany the Vaxxed and non-Vaxxed are separated with a fence in a supermarket.
In a statement published on the page of the Pro Consumers Association, the measure of fencing separating vaccinations from unvaccinated ones is classified as offensive to customers.

“The placement of metal fences over 2 meters high on the inner access corridor in order to delimit Kaufland stores from other stores inside them, such as pharmacies, confectioneries, where access to unvaccinated consumers is also allowed, only as a precautionary measure in in order to combat the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, it is an abusive and offensive measure for consumers “, write the representatives of APC Romania.

According to the association’s management, such a measure cannot fall into the category of preventing the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and rather “reminds Romanians of long gone times, such as the Berlin Wall, in which people were separated on ideological criteria and more ”.

The Pro Consumers Association announces that it has notified the executive management of SC Kaufland SCS, as well as several institutions, such as the German Embassy in Romania, the National Council for Combating Discrimination and the National Committee for Special Emergency Situations.

12-04-2021, 10:52 AM
Inside Australia's Covid internment camp


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGFdWcJU7-0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGFdWcJU7-0)

[COLOR=#030303][FONT=Roboto]Hayley Hodgson, 26, moved to Darwin from Melbourne to escape the never-ending lockdowns — only to find herself locked up in a Covid Internment Camp without even having the virus.She’s just returned from a 14-day detention at Howard Springs, the 2000-capacity Covid camp outside Darwin to which regional Covid cases are transported by the authorities. In an exclusive interview with Freddie Sayers, she recounted her experiences.

ALL the people involved
"Just Following Orders"

Australia Covid Internment Camp

Why does FEAR make it take decades before nations realize that what they are doing is sick unnecessary totalitarian BS?

(Japanese-American interment camps in the U.S.)

12-04-2021, 11:26 AM
Germany the Vaxxed and non-Vaxxed are separated with a fence in a supermarket.
In a statement published on the page of the Pro Consumers Association, the measure of fencing separating vaccinations from unvaccinated ones is classified as offensive to customers.

“The placement of metal fences over 2 meters high on the inner access corridor in order to delimit Kaufland stores from other stores inside them, such as pharmacies, confectioneries, where access to unvaccinated consumers is also allowed, only as a precautionary measure in in order to combat the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, it is an abusive and offensive measure for consumers “, write the representatives of APC Romania.

According to the association’s management, such a measure cannot fall into the category of preventing the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and rather “reminds Romanians of long gone times, such as the Berlin Wall, in which people were separated on ideological criteria and more ”.

The Pro Consumers Association announces that it has notified the executive management of SC Kaufland SCS, as well as several institutions, such as the German Embassy in Romania, the National Council for Combating Discrimination and the National Committee for Special Emergency Situations.

I believe it is the parent company which is Bucharest based that is imposing these restrictions in its German based stores .And this simply reflects Romanian Government green pass policy .

Overall Romanian people are doing a fine job of rebellion with just under 40% of the people vaxxed -- lowest of all major EU countries .

In Romania itself there have been incidents in some Xmas markets where the government has decreed that the same Green Pass rules apply , even though the markets are open air .

I guess that those operating stores in Germany and several other EU countries have felt that their hands are completely tied .

I have pals in Bucharest and Cluj and out of interest I shall ask them to keep me updated .

12-04-2021, 12:01 PM
Australia Covid Internment Camp

Why does FEAR make it take decades before nations realize that what they are doing is sick unnecessary totalitarian BS?

(Japanese-American interment camps in the U.S.)

Both of those photos look like luxury resorts compared to where Communist countries keep their "undesirables".

12-04-2021, 12:26 PM
Both of those photos look like luxury resorts compared to where Communist countries keep their "undesirables".

Gilded Cages.

Also here's a question i have.
why is that nations can toss up these Camps in a few months that can house and feed thousands, round up and transport all the undesirables, (all without asking the citizens for input, permission or $$$ )
but when it comes to the homeless population they act like nothing can be done.

12-04-2021, 12:28 PM
Gilded Cages.

Also here's a question i have.
why is that nations can toss up these Camps in a few months that can house and feed thousands, round up and transport all the undesirables,
but when it comes to the homeless population they act like nothing can be done.

The homeless still have free will. Many decide to be homeless because they don't want to follow shelter rules such as no alcohol.

12-04-2021, 01:28 PM
Canadian province allows grocery stores to ban unvaccinated
The Canadian province of New Brunswick will allow grocery stores to ban unvaccinated clients who wish to buy food.

Starting Saturday, December 4, New Brunswick will allow grocery stores to ban unvaccinated people from buying food, True North reported.

The province announced the measure as part of the so-called “winter action plan”.
The plan will allow businesses to ban unvaccinated individuals if they wish to do so. Grocery stores are among the businesses allowed to ban unvaccinated individuals.
The plan raises serious questions about human rights infringements as the province will legalize discrimination that could prevent individuals from obtaining food and feeding their families.
Experts are also questioning the necessity for such a plan as the province’s daily cases remain low.
Canada has been a centrepiece of questionable COVID restrictions and human rights infringements in the last year and a half.
The Trudeau government has recently banned unvaccinated individuals from travelling within the country or to other countries using trains and airplanes.
Provinces have also put heavy restrictions in place and are using vaccine passports to prevent unvaccinated individuals from accessing restaurants and public events.
Despite the violations, New Brunswick’s plan strikes many as an unprecedented abuse against unvaccinated Canadians, potentially barring them from accessing food sources. ...


12-04-2021, 01:32 PM
The homeless still have free will.
Many decide to be homeless because they don't want to follow shelter rules such as no alcohol.
the unvaccinated/potentially covid carriers and Japanese-Americans don't have free will and want to be in shelters?

BTW Most homeless shelters are not state built, state financed or state manned either.

12-05-2021, 05:54 AM
Regardless , it is conveniently forgotten that the poison spreaders are the Vaxxed .
Breathing out / sneezing / coughing / spitting trillions of toxic Spike Proteins and quite possibly Graphene Oxide nano particles .

God help us all if that is soon to also include Graphene Hydroxide nano particles .

And all this talk about asymptomatic people spreading --- show us one example . More unchallenged Horse Shite .

12-05-2021, 10:58 AM
'Ministry of Truth' Changing/Adding definitions and words for the Party

it's not funny anymore


12-05-2021, 11:28 AM
Australia is where I have seen the most disturbing reporting. People who are testing negative for COVID-19 are still being forced into COVID-19 detention camps. The video of people being beaten down in the streets brings up some very disturbing historical imagery as well.

That's also happening in Australia. Quarantine camps. Rounding up people. Military injecting without consent.

12-05-2021, 12:34 PM
Australia is where I have seen the most disturbing reporting. People who are testing negative for COVID-19 are still being forced into COVID-19 detention camps. The video of people being beaten down in the streets brings up some very disturbing historical imagery as well.

Underlines how easy it is to effectively exert Mind control if you know what you are doing .

And , by the same token , it also underlines how Stupid so many people are and the effectiveness of information censorship which , in combination , leads to so many

Gullibles being led by their noses to the slaughter house with the cult fanatics becoming modern day versions of German concentration camp guards .

12-05-2021, 06:16 PM

Julie Ponesse Ethics Professor Huron College University of Western Ontario Canada
Julie Ponesse Ethics Professor Huron College University of Western Ontario London, ON Canada
- Dismissed for not submitting to genetic medical experimentation Sep 7, 2021

A Canadian ethics professor claims that a vaccine mandate constitutes an ethical violation, and she may lose her longtime job over it.

Julie Ponesse teaches (or perhaps taught) at Huron College at the University of Western Ontario where a mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policy for faculty, non-teaching staff, and students on campus is now in effect.

“Here’s my conundrum,” Prof. Ponesse said in her approximately five-minute ethics lesson uploaded to social media. “My school employs me to be an authority on the subject of ethics….and I’m here to tell you it’s ethically wrong to coerce someone to take a vaccine. If it happens to you, you don’t have to do it. If you don’t want a COVID vaccine, don’t take one…”


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-05-2021, 07:22 PM

Julie Ponesse Ethics Professor Huron College University of Western Ontario Canada
Julie Ponesse Ethics Professor Huron College University of Western Ontario London, ON Canada
- Dismissed for not submitting to genetic medical experimentation Sep 7, 2021

Let the New World Order ffing Nazis fire her.
Then go to a very good attorney and file a hundred million dollar lawsuit.
Her job is demanding that she put her life in jeopardy-- I've never seen that a requirement on teaching ethics-never....
But sad part is with Canada basically being a socialist enclave- the court will byhook and crook find against her suit.
You see the socialists and the globalist want basically THE SAME THING- destroy -then reestablish a full- fledged
dictatorial government that forces its decrees on the enslaved populace-- pretty much same as does our corrupt
and treasonous demo-rat party.- :saluting2:--Tyr

12-05-2021, 10:26 PM
I listened to video when it was first posted. I never read Reuters, especially as a fact checker.

That certainly is a scary thought. Not necessarily that you never read Reuters as a fact checker or otherwise but that you will take the word of an anonymous video over an organization that might have some credibility on the line.

12-06-2021, 12:12 AM
That certainly is a scary thought. Not necessarily that you never read Reuters as a fact checker or otherwise but that you will take the word of an anonymous video over an organization that might have some credibility on the line.

Anonymous video made by individual that's not owned by media elites so is probably closer to the truth.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-06-2021, 05:06 AM
Anonymous video made by individual that's not owned by media elites so is probably closer to the truth.

Sad that so many love to pretend that the media is so damn honest John.
Most such people are either up to their ears in with the worthless scum or else blinded by liberal education and bullshat propaganda..
That or else they are childishly gulible and /or arrogant in thinking they are right in their own selfserving, self-made conditioned fantasies.:saluting2:--Tyr

12-06-2021, 06:18 AM
Sad that so many love to pretend that the media is so damn honest John.
Most such people are either up to their ears in with the worthless scum or else blinded by liberal education and bullshat propaganda..
That or else they are childishly gulible and /or arrogant in thinking they are right in their own selfserving, self-made conditioned fantasies.:saluting2:--Tyr

You are perhaps treating the Gullibles and Normies a little harshly .

So many were simply brought up to automatically assume that MSM was and remains the only legitimate news source .
Prior to 9/11, say , the vast majority had little idea of what was termed Conspiracy Theory .And the idea of Critical Thinking was almost non existent .
But they were aware of official narratives which repeated endlessly that reasoned speculation and non MSM sources represented misinformation and was only worthy of ridicule and rejection .

You can reasonably label them as Stupid , Gullible and Lazy , which I do , but they were fighting against huge energy and pressure and few could see any good reasons why an amorphous group called the Deep State would want to depopulate the planet and increase mind and behaviour control .

This is still far too great a step for the vast majority of the conditioned and compliant to comprehend , let alone accept .At best you can only change some Normies one mind at

a time . Like pushing water up hill .

12-06-2021, 08:01 AM
Anonymous video made by individual that's not owned by media elites so is probably closer to the truth.

Have you seen what's on the internet? The internet says 1 in 17 has been killed by the Pfizer vaccine in the UK. That's on par with Australia committing genocide against the aborigines.

12-06-2021, 08:03 AM

pushing water

Critical thought and you two are not to well acquainted.

12-06-2021, 12:28 PM
Critical thought and you two are not to well acquainted.

Is 'pushing water' a code name or term ?

Have not yet mastered mind reading . Might take another year or two to crack that problem though new imaging technology claims to be nearly there .

12-06-2021, 02:00 PM
Have you seen what's on the internet? The internet says 1 in 17 has been killed by the Pfizer vaccine in the UK. That's on par with Australia committing genocide against the aborigines.

So, you do know there are independent news sources in the internet as well as MSM. Not all info on internet is false. Do you only get your info from the boob tube?

12-06-2021, 02:44 PM
So, you do know there are independent news sources in the internet as well as MSM. Not all info on internet is false. Do you only get your info from the boob tube?

A step further .

There are no MSM news sources which come close to the top few from independent investigators / sites .

Ultra dogmatic but I doubt anybody here can sensibly suggest otherwise .

12-06-2021, 06:17 PM
Atlantic Monthly Ask:


God help us

12-06-2021, 07:58 PM
It is Unconstitutional for ANY politician to MANDATE any American to inject, or swallow any Substance into their body for any reason.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/Ntas7arV0k-XG0utAGNPRKoQZDvG0O5JDLy5dH8vAzpvjQQowFmnXR3bDkKU2 KNcdeH8J7ytYZUUrdV2_ROB5z8U_cZx2IpzT2ieSlp-m5sEpnN6eRgY1GKeFOw3MUmEAM_CnpF7z6QHbck

12-06-2021, 08:16 PM
Atlantic Monthly Ask:


God help us

We are following our doctors recommendation and will be taking ivermectin as a prophylactic for our protection while around vaccinated people.

12-06-2021, 11:13 PM
... not yet mastered...

You should post what you know. You'd be posting a lot less.

So, you do know there are independent news sources in the internet as well as MSM. Not all info on internet is false. Do you only get your info from the boob tube?

Yeah. But there are things that pass the smell test and things that do not and that particular claim did not; I could list others that didn't as well. I'm also not sure I'd use "news source" in the same sentence of your prior link.

Nice try in trying to denigrate where I might get my information from. Surely that's a winning argument.

12-07-2021, 04:40 AM
You should post what you know. You'd be posting a lot less..

Amazing that you never attempt fact based responses or suggest claims to material disproofs .

Just more Hot Air , or , to use Jimmy's phrase , Horse Shit .We do not allow this over here which is why Comprehension plays such a large part in the better curriculums .

I see you do not mention your location and I appreciate that if you are in Africa , for example , getting hold of top , up to date information might be very difficult . Must be

awful living in a permanent news fog .

12-07-2021, 07:47 AM
Hot Air

It was good advice; you should have taken it. But then I've noticed that misguided Brits tend not to take good advice.

12-07-2021, 09:25 AM
It was good advice; you should have taken it. But then I've noticed that misguided Brits tend not to take good advice.Bless her heart :)

12-07-2021, 07:50 PM
If Juicer was as much of an intellect, and smarter than all of us here. Wouldn't Juicer also know it would be much more intelligent to get aboard a ship, or airplane and come to America where WE HAVE A CONSTITUTION that would give Juicer MUCH MORE FREEDOM???

12-07-2021, 10:25 PM
Nice try in trying to denigrate where I might get my information from. Surely that's a winning argument.

Which is precisely your M.O. fj

12-07-2021, 10:41 PM
Amazing that you never attempt fact based responses or suggest claims to material disproofs .

Just more Hot Air , or , to use Jimmy's phrase , Horse Shit .We do not allow this over here which is why Comprehension plays such a large part in the better curriculums .

I see you do not mention your location and I appreciate that if you are in Africa , for example , getting hold of top , up to date information might be very difficult . Must be

awful living in a permanent news fog .

I'm going to state the obvious: Your posts sound like the leaflets that Lyndon LaRouche followers used to hand out at the airport. They are mildly entertaining, but ridiculous.

12-07-2021, 10:45 PM
Which is precisely your M.O. fj

Au contraire, I don't just denigrate getting one's information from the "boob tube," I take a look at what is presented and attempt to ascertain whether it passes some basic hurdles of credibility. In many cases, these days, on some sites presented... they fall short. Way short.

12-07-2021, 10:55 PM
Amazing that you never attempt fact based responses or suggest claims to material disproofs .

Just more Hot Air , or , to use Jimmy's phrase , Horse Shit .We do not allow this over here which is why Comprehension plays such a large part in the better curriculums .

I see you do not mention your location and I appreciate that if you are in Africa , for example , getting hold of top , up to date information might be very difficult . Must be

awful living in a permanent news fog .

Are you a Scientologist educated by L. Ron Hubbard?

12-08-2021, 12:57 AM
Au contraire, I don't just denigrate getting one's information from the "boob tube," I take a look at what is presented and attempt to ascertain whether it passes some basic hurdles of credibility. In many cases, these days, on some sites presented... they fall short. Way short.
And yet, many have truths that are labeled conspiracy that later become fact.

Just because you haven't found it mentioned on your "credible" source list does not invalidate the info.

12-08-2021, 09:46 AM
And yet, many have truths that are labeled conspiracy that later become fact.

Just because you haven't found it mentioned on your "credible" source list does not invalidate the info.

In many cases it does just that. But we're all going to believe whatever we're going to believe sometimes in contradiction to the evidence or plain good sense. In this case Australia is not exterminating the aboriginal population.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-08-2021, 10:56 AM
And yet, many have truths that are labeled conspiracy that later become fact.

Just because you haven't found it mentioned on your "credible" source list does not invalidate the info.

A truth, that some for personal reasons totally ignore so that they can spew their venom and demonise those they hate, while advancing their totally bullshat blatherings.
And usually while hiding behind a false front that they advance about their lives and motives.
Nobody does that better than do the libs,dems,leftists and their stupid braindead allies!--- Tyr

12-08-2021, 12:43 PM
A truth, that some for personal reasons totally ignore so that they can spew their venom and demonise those they hate, while advancing their totally bullshat blatherings.
And usually while hiding behind a false front that they advance about their lives and motives.
Nobody does that better than do the libs,dems,leftists and their stupid braindead allies!--- Tyr

You're not very smart. The internet just isn't for folks like you. I mean, you probably still think BlackRock and Vanguard run the world.

But keep hiding behind your rants, that seems to be your safe space.

12-08-2021, 10:39 PM
You're not very smart. The internet just isn't for folks like you. I mean, you probably still think BlackRock and Vanguard run the world.

But keep hiding behind your rants, that seems to be your safe space.

Fj. ... do believe there is a worldwide movement to have a one world government?

12-08-2021, 10:58 PM
Fj. ... do believe there is a worldwide movement to have a one world government?

If I say yes will I be presented with weird videos? But I'll say no; not one to be taken seriously. Or yes; that someone, somewhere in the world would like a one-world government; refer to previous answer.

And of course saying no will also open me up to another cowardly rant about my hidden agenda and denying truth and the like; all good fun.

12-09-2021, 12:31 AM
If I say yes will I be presented with weird videos? But I'll say no; not one to be taken seriously. Or yes; that someone, somewhere in the world would like a one-world government; refer to previous answer.

And of course saying no will also open me up to another cowardly rant about my hidden agenda and denying truth and the like; all good fun.

You have become the most reliable source of cowardly rants with Juicy. Most of us have no need to accuse you of any hidden agenda, or denying truth and the like. Either way you attempt to hide your actual hatred for the rest of us with your endless patronizing BS simply isn't working anymore.
That's more like your methods from the DNC/Obama, and Sleepy Joe's sheep-like denial of anything and everything ever being wrong. DENIAL still isn't a river in Egypt.

12-09-2021, 09:05 AM
If I say yes will I be presented with weird videos? But I'll say no; not one to be taken seriously. Or yes; that someone, somewhere in the world would like a one-world government; refer to previous answer.
And of course saying no will also open me up to another cowardly rant about my hidden agenda and denying truth and the like; all good fun.

Why are speculating about the consequences of your answer, rather than just answering the question?

it's a strait forward question.
what ever your answer , how it's takenm it's your answer.

what you posted above is a dodge.
i'm not sure why.

Look here's MY answer to sassy's question.

Yes. I do do believe there have been many different people, over the past nearly 100 years, (politicians, media leaders , leaders of large corporations and various think tanks and foundations) that have wanted to and actively nudged the world towards a one world gov't. Some of those players have done it as part of general plan, it seems that for others it a side show or for other more personal agendas and belonging to the certain groups of movers.
I suspect that many of these people think it's good thing. i think some just like the fact that the world will be controlled and their positions more secure.
Some of the players have stated their intent outright, while working more behind the scences to get it done. Others have not been as explicit verbally but their public actions clearly lean in that direction. even if they are not "big picture" players.

I think you're right in that a brief answer can genders questions, and even longer replies can gender speculations from the listener's concerning the speakers honesty, intelligence or even sanity.

"One World gov't!" has been a 3rd rail political idea, that if one takes seriously traditionally puts one outside of polite company politically or even dismissed outright as a clown.

But in one sense it's like a few of other political agendas that have spew themselves into the open lately,
Initially the homosexual lobby just didn't want to be criminalized. That's it's. That's reasonable right?
But now if you don't bake a weeding cake for them or don't want to date a 'trans' persons YOU are a criminal and bigot.

it's not "world government" LOL! that's crazy talk...
It's Just the League of Nations...
It's just the United Nations...
It's just the World Economic Council...
it's just the World Bank...
It's just U.N. Troops...
It's just the European Union...
It's Just the North American Union...
It's Just a TransAtlantic Partnership...
It's just the African Union... and AfriCom...
It's just international law usurping national law
It's the the World Court...
It's just ongoing well funded training seminars for the best and brightest political students in mock U.N./world government...
It's just an open boarders policy...
It's just an internationally recognized vaccine passport/ID...
it's just various collections of worlds billionaires meeting (every year for the past 80+ years) to help "solve the worlds problems" "influence the future of the nation's politics, world technology, food, etc..
A few even write down their plans that have often come to fruition more or less.
but it's just coincidence I'm sure.

It's just that basically None of the US populations desires get passed into law,
but ideas of the wealthiest 2 percent seem to get what they want... every time.

It's CRAZY to talk about "one world" Government right?
no. it's not.

many people a have been open about it. one mundane example is the old news Guy Walter Cronkite, speaking to the U.N. in 1999 he said.

„Today we must develop federal structures on a global level.“ — Walter Cronkite UN Address (1999) Context: I suppose I'm preaching to the choir here. So let's not talk generalities but focus tonight on a few specifics of what the leadership of the World Federalist Movement believe must be done now to advance the rule of world law. For starters, we can draw on the wisdom of the framers of the US Constitution in 1787. The differences among the American states then were as bitter as differences among the nation-states in the world today. In their almost miraculous insight, the founders of our country invented "federalism," a concept that is rooted in the rights of the individual. Our federal system guarantees a maximum of freedom but provides it in a framework of law and justice. Our forefathers believed that the closer the laws are to the people, the better. Cities legislate on local matters; states make decisions on matters within their borders; and the national government deals with issues that transcend the states, such as interstate commerce and foreign relations. That is federalism. Today we must develop federal structures on a global level. We need a system of enforceable world law — a democratic federal world government — to deal with world problems.
Source: https://quotepark.com/quotes/1938662-walter-cronkite-today-we-must-develop-federal-structures-on-a-glob/
But it was JUST his wild eyed opinion
No, He was part of several political groups with powerful national and international players of all stripes who he work with to promote it.

BTW Definition of Federal
1a : of or constituting a form of government in which power is distributed between a central authority and a number of constituent territorial units
b : of or relating to the central government of a federation as distinguished from the governments of the constituent units
c : formed by a compact between political units that surrender their individual sovereignty to a central authority but retain limited residuary powers of government

Look bottom line is one wor.... "Federal" World Government is an agenda promoted by a "super"set of international players. has been for years.
Just like the Homosexual lobby has propagandize to try and make it's supposed opposition look mean and irrational
"Homophobe" "Transphobe" "Bigots" "haters" "fundamentalist trying to shove their religion down our throats!" "separation of Church and sate!"
the World Federalist have been doing a great job of demising it's opposition and critics.
"da bildebergers! LOL! Bliderberg is not real.. well it's real but it doesn't mean anything..."
"Crazy" "Nationalist" "Kooks" "Nazis" "Xenophobes" "Alex Jones!" "racist" "Nationalism is a toxic"
"Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for, And no religion, too
Imagine all the people, Living life in peace... You...
You may say I'm a dreamer, But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us, And the world will be as one..."

but that's JUST a song...
LOL! crazy talk.
the national anthem and Amazing Grace are just songs too.

12-09-2021, 10:27 AM
You have become the most reliable source of cowardly rants with Juicy. Most of us have no need to accuse you of any hidden agenda, or denying truth and the like. Either way you attempt to hide your actual hatred for the rest of us with your endless patronizing BS simply isn't working anymore.
That's more like your methods from the DNC/Obama, and Sleepy Joe's sheep-like denial of anything and everything ever being wrong. DENIAL still isn't a river in Egypt.

Your problem is that absolutely none of that is true. I could ask for examples but they would go nowhere as usual. All I hope for is actual discussion and not people talking about me to others; there's no bravery there. :)

12-09-2021, 01:49 PM
Why are speculating about the consequences of your answer, rather than just answering the question?

it's a strait forward question.
what ever your answer , how it's takenm it's your answer.

what you posted above is a dodge.
i'm not sure why.

Look here's MY answer to sassy's question.


I think I answered the way I answered is because no matter what I say I'd be presented with the same argument. I don't take OWG stuff seriously and some of your arguments and historical basis for OWG stuff is not, in my opinion, performing the basis for OWG, at least not competently. Some those institutions are doing a fine job of ensuring that they can't really be taken seriously; The UN and the blue helmets are pretty much feckless attempts at OWG. I support many efforts to grease the wheels of free trade; NAFTA, EU, TPP, etc. and some of the institutions that would be required for enforcement actions; but I don't consider those OWG.

Now I can probably agree that many things are done poorly or maybe shouldn't be done at all (looking at you a Euro that includes Greece) but making arguments that are clearly off board don't help the credibility in confronting what should be challenged.

In summary, no dodge. It was actually the best answer I could have provided given the open-ended nature of the question. Was it a bit flip? I'll cop to that. :embarrassed:

12-09-2021, 04:10 PM
Your problem is that absolutely none of that is true. I could ask for examples but they would go nowhere as usual. All I hope for is actual discussion and not people talking about me to others; there's no bravery there. :)

I have never had a PROBLEM telling the truth!

12-09-2021, 10:25 PM
I have never had a PROBLEM telling the truth!

No examples, no discussion, no bravery, no truth. Maybe you can try again another day.

12-10-2021, 12:56 AM
No examples, no discussion, no bravery, no truth. Maybe you can try again another day.

Learned a long time ago not to waste my time dragging myself down to your level.

Hot Dogger
12-10-2021, 03:13 AM
I have a tough time believing that.

Which is why you're ignored by the so called "alt-right". So just go back to baking your head in the sand, we'll call you if we need you.

12-10-2021, 08:05 AM
Which is why you're ignored by the so called "alt-right". So just go back to baking your head in the sand, we'll call you if we need you.

It's mostly because they have a tenuous grip on reality. Case in point; the post above yours. Seems like I'll be ignored by you too soon. :poke:

12-10-2021, 10:51 AM
I think I answered the way I answered is because no matter what I say I'd be presented with the same argument. I don't take OWG stuff seriously and some of your arguments and historical basis for OWG stuff is not, in my opinion, performing the basis for OWG, at least not competently. Some those institutions are doing a fine job of ensuring that they can't really be taken seriously; The UN and the blue helmets are pretty much feckless attempts at OWG. I support many efforts to grease the wheels of free trade; NAFTA, EU, TPP, etc. and some of the institutions that would be required for enforcement actions; but I don't consider those OWG.

Now I can probably agree that many things are done poorly or maybe shouldn't be done at all (looking at you a Euro that includes Greece) but making arguments that are clearly off board don't help the credibility in confronting what should be challenged.

In summary, no dodge. It was actually the best answer I could have provided given the open-ended nature of the question. Was it a bit flip? I'll cop to that. :embarrassed:
Ok, I think I see your points.
However just because something is done badly and even inconsistently doesn't mean it's not what it is. Or that it will stay ineffective.
The US army didn't start off very formidable either. Neither did the Air force. Or the FBI or the CIA. Or the Mafia.
Doesn't mean the members and promoters meant for the orgs to stay that way.

Thankfully the One World Gov't is NOT where it's proponents want it to be. But it's farther along the track than they were 80 years ago.

Part of the reason the parts mentioned have gotten this far is because of it's stealth and fractured build. Part of the reason for some of it's weakness you mention are it's stealth and fractured build.
Since the narrative is still somewhat clandestine it's narrative doesn't have the power of the narrative of nations and personal freedom.
And to deal with this the NWO leaning types have openly written about their search for a problem, or problems, to use to move the one world gov't narrative into the mainstream. wars, pandemics (!) and climate change (even aliens real or manufactured) have been on the list to try and drive the idea we NEED a world "FEDERAL" World government.

Who said that any gov't has to work well. They alway work pretty great for those at the top.

Also to one specific you've mentioned this before, and i've never understood.
the Idea that treaties like NAFTA, EU, TPP, equal more "free trade". the guts of those proposals limit free trade to parties large enoung to follow the rules. and in the TTPs case it allows the larger Corps to control various legal issues on local and international levels.
seems that you're willingly blind to the stifling of small biz, the collusion, and oligarchy and built into agreements.
And the fact that your willing to ignore the poison in the mix to advance what you think is an overall good just allows to poison to spread.
what you think you're buying is "free trade" but in the end it will be taken away as well. it's already in the buy.

Hot Dogger
12-10-2021, 01:08 PM
It's mostly because they have a tenuous grip on reality. Case in point; the post above yours. Seems like I'll be ignored by you too soon. :poke:
Ignore you? No, I don't put member's I don't agree with on ignore, then I'd have no way of illuminating your consciousness. No, its you who's grip on reality is tenuous.

I'll say that the video supposedly showing forced vaccination might be a kind of hoax video. However, the EU and Russia are intent on vaccine compliance and those who refuse the vaccine have clearly been shunned in those regions, the same as it's being done here in the USA.

The Operation COVID vaccine is the Eucharist in the NWO's "One World Religion". All who refuse its "salvation" will eventually be executed, while those who receive such a blessing will be dead by age 75. And if vaccine compliance isn't achieved, I remain confident that neutron bombs will be deployed. That's the plan and its ultimate goal, to drastically reduce global populations to 500 million by the year 2030, where that goal is clearly in sight.

Understand, I was a USAMRIID Medical Research Volunteer there when Operation COVID was in its infancy. The coronavirus aspect was my idea.

12-10-2021, 01:17 PM
Ignore you? No, I don't put member's I don't agree with on ignore, then I'd have no way of illuminating your consciousness. No, its you who's grip on reality is tenuous.

I'll say that the video supposedly showing forced vaccination might be a kind of hoax video. However, the EU and Russia are intent on vaccine compliance and those who refuse the vaccine have clearly been shunned in those regions, the same as it's being done here in the USA.

The Operation COVID vaccine is the Eucharist in the NWO's "One World Religion". All who refuse its "salvation" will eventually be executed, while those who receive such a blessing will be dead by age 75. And if vaccine compliance isn't achieved, I remain confident that neutron bombs will be deployed. That's the plan and its ultimate goal, to drastically reduce global populations to 500 million by the year 2030, where that goal is clearly in sight.

Understand, I was a USAMRIID Medical Research Volunteer there when Operation COVID was in its infancy. The coronavirus aspect was my idea.

I believe you, Santa.

Hot Dogger
12-10-2021, 02:21 PM
I believe you, Santa.

Aww, you believe in me? Just for that I'm gonna leave a new Corvette under your tree. I hope you like orange, that's all Santa has left, even I had to be put on the wait list. Santa also had to pay 125% over retail. That dealer's getting coal this year.


12-10-2021, 05:47 PM
Ignore you? No, I don't put member's I don't agree with on ignore, then I'd have no way of illuminating your consciousness. No, its you who's grip on reality is tenuous.

I'll say that the video supposedly showing forced vaccination might be a kind of hoax video. However, the EU and Russia are intent on vaccine compliance and those who refuse the vaccine have clearly been shunned in those regions, the same as it's being done here in the USA.

The Operation COVID vaccine is the Eucharist in the NWO's "One World Religion". All who refuse its "salvation" will eventually be executed, while those who receive such a blessing will be dead by age 75. And if vaccine compliance isn't achieved, I remain confident that neutron bombs will be deployed. That's the plan and its ultimate goal, to drastically reduce global populations to 500 million by the year 2030, where that goal is clearly in sight.

Understand, I was a USAMRIID Medical Research Volunteer there when Operation COVID was in its infancy. The coronavirus aspect was my idea.

In retrospect tenuous, mayhap, was an overstatement.

12-10-2021, 06:01 PM
Ok, I think I see your points.
However just because something is done badly and even inconsistently doesn't mean it's not what it is. Or that it will stay ineffective.
The US army didn't start off very formidable either. Neither did the Air force. Or the FBI or the CIA. Or the Mafia.
Doesn't mean the members and promoters meant for the orgs to stay that way.

Thankfully the One World Gov't is NOT where it's proponents want it to be. But it's farther along the track than they were 80 years ago.

Part of the reason the parts mentioned have gotten this far is because of it's stealth and fractured build. Part of the reason for some of it's weakness you mention are it's stealth and fractured build.
Since the narrative is still somewhat clandestine it's narrative doesn't have the power of the narrative of nations and personal freedom.
And to deal with this the NWO leaning types have openly written about their search for a problem, or problems, to use to move the one world gov't narrative into the mainstream. wars, pandemics (!) and climate change (even aliens real or manufactured) have been on the list to try and drive the idea we NEED a world "FEDERAL" World government.

Who said that any gov't has to work well. They alway work pretty great for those at the top.

Also to one specific you've mentioned this before, and i've never understood.
the Idea that treaties like NAFTA, EU, TPP, equal more "free trade". the guts of those proposals limit free trade to parties large enoung to follow the rules. and in the TTPs case it allows the larger Corps to control various legal issues on local and international levels.
seems that you're willingly blind to the stifling of small biz, the collusion, and oligarchy and built into agreements.
And the fact that your willing to ignore the poison in the mix to advance what you think is an overall good just allows to poison to spread.
what you think you're buying is "free trade" but in the end it will be taken away as well. it's already in the buy.

I just don't see what you see. We can both look at post WWII history and see the growth of international organizations, partnerships, global corporations, etc. and see completely different things. I see liberalization of global trade that will benefit everyone who chooses to take part and you see coalitions of organizations to take power away from the people. The thing is that I look at the benefits that have come to the world with increased freedoms for billions of people with increases in almost any measure of economic advancement... I don't know if you agree with that last sentence or not but it is not a logical conclusion to me that all of this liberalization has been granted until the rug gets pulled out from underneath the whole thing. All due respect I just don't see that.