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View Full Version : I believe the so-called jena 6, are not victims and should be charged with ...

10-01-2007, 05:25 PM
Attempted murder. It is not a fight, when 6 people of one race attack another person of another race, it is a hate crime, and they tried to kill him.

The victim did not hang a noose , and even if he did, it is no excuse.

I passionently believe you stop defending racist thugs, like the jena 6, and stop excusing their racism, because theyre non white, when you say, you engage in a hate crime of this magnitude, regardless of your age, gender or color. Then and only then, you will send the strong message, that their will be zero tolerance for racist attacks.

The book needs to be thrown at them, they knew what they did was wrong, they are not idiots, we charge juveniles with adult crimes, when they are this serious, all the time, and if we did it more, their would be less crime

10-01-2007, 05:35 PM
i want to be very clear. I believe any group of young men (2+), who physical assault another young man, of another race, or the same race should be charged with attempted murder. A fight is 1 vs 1, I want justice for all, and do acknowledge the justice system is very slanted, to those with money, and sometimes against minorities.

But those 6 men who could have killed the guy, and just because they didnt is nothing to be proud of, should be charged with attempted murder.

I think the u.s. needs to have the races have open and honest debate and stop the mccartistic style of calling everyone a racist, racism must have boundaries, or, anything is racist, and thats not accurate.

10-01-2007, 05:54 PM
Attempted murder, may or may not be too harsh. The bigger goal is equal justice under the law, regardless of race, gender, or economic status.

Their are problems we must adress is america.

10-01-2007, 05:58 PM
They were wrong in what they did.

They did not need to be charged with attempted murder and tried as adults.

If you look into the surrounding months leadig up to the immediate case you will find a few very disturbing stories. One is a beating at a pary of one black kid by a group of white kids, a situation where three black kids comig out of a store had a gun pulled on them by a white kid and they wrestled him to the ground and took his gun.They were then charged the next day for stealing the guys gun and the guy was not charged with brandishing a gun on them.

These are just a few things leading up to the beating.The black people i this town felt like the law would NOT protect them. They were living in a world the law was out to get them and protect ayone who tried to harm them.

10-01-2007, 06:04 PM
I am sickened by that, the law needs to apply equally, blacks are not second class citizens and should never be treated as such.

I would charge anyone who committed a crime before the attack and after.

Let the law be blind, not biased.

I hope we can agree here.

They were wrong in what they did.

They did not need to be charged with attempted murder and tried as adults.

If you look into the surrounding months leadig up to the immediate case you will find a few very disturbing stories. One is a beating at a pary of one black kid by a group of white kids, a situation where three black kids comig out of a store had a gun pulled on them by a white kid and they wrestled him to the ground and took his gun.They were then charged the next day for stealing the guys gun and the guy was not charged with brandishing a gun on them.

These are just a few things leading up to the beating.The black people i this town felt like the law would NOT protect them. They were living in a world the law was out to get them and protect ayone who tried to harm them.

10-01-2007, 06:21 PM
I think we do agree.

There was good reason to march in this town.

The boys did a bad thing but their bad thing was preceded by many Bad things.

10-01-2007, 06:35 PM
I think we do agree.

There was good reason to march in this town.

The boys did a bad thing but their bad thing was preceded by many Bad things.

so bad behaviour justifies bad behaviour.....

10-01-2007, 07:05 PM
i want to be very clear. I believe any group of young men (2+), who physical assault another young man, of another race, or the same race should be charged with attempted murder. A fight is 1 vs 1, I want justice for all, and do acknowledge the justice system is very slanted, to those with money, and sometimes against minorities.

You know Mexicans are just as bad for group beating's on 1 person.

The night club my husband and I use to work at they would gang up on 1 person usually about 5 to 20 on 1. There was one incident I recall my husband was in the back area of the club when a fight broke out he called for several other bouncer's and went in to help this guy who was curled up in a ball under the bar to keep from getting hit by about 7 guys who were wailing on him.

Just so happened a good female friend of ours who is like 6'1' and 180 pounds was right there when this all happen. There was a Mexican who came up behind my husband with a beer bottle raised to crack him in the back of the head and our friend happen to see it dove under and up the table and mugged this guy right as he was swinging the bottle. Needless to say they were not very pretty mexicans being escorted out the door.

10-01-2007, 09:11 PM
The last town I lived in was 40% latino.The nicest people on my block were the latino families. They treated me with kindness and were never snooty. Did not gossip about the other neighbors and their kids were the nicest.

In my experience latinos have a nice culture . I now have latino family members because my sister married a full blooded Latino who is a great father and a great husband to my sister. They have three gorgeous kids.

I just dont look for problems when I meet anyone no matter what color they are or anything physical about them. I find people of all type can be nice or assholes. I just give them a chance right off the bat to show me their best side.

I think a bar is not the best place to find nice people of any color. Not that you cant meet a nice person in a bar but there are better places to meet nice people.

10-02-2007, 11:19 AM
The last town I lived in was 40% latino.The nicest people on my block were the latino families. They treated me with kindness and were never snooty. Did not gossip about the other neighbors and their kids were the nicest.

In my experience latinos have a nice culture . I now have latino family members because my sister married a full blooded Latino who is a great father and a great husband to my sister. They have three gorgeous kids.

I just dont look for problems when I meet anyone no matter what color they are or anything physical about them. I find people of all type can be nice or assholes. I just give them a chance right off the bat to show me their best side.

I think a bar is not the best place to find nice people of any color. Not that you cant meet a nice person in a bar but there are better places to meet nice people.

Not to be picky here, but what in the heck is a full-blooded latino????????

Dominicans are mixed white/black and called latino

Mexicans are mixed white/indian and called latino

Puerto Ricans are mixed white/black/indian and called latino

Argentina mostly white and once again called latino

People from South America do not all have the same culture. At least Triniti was being specific when she mentioned Mexicans.

10-02-2007, 11:24 AM
They were wrong in what they did.

They did not need to be charged with attempted murder and tried as adults.

If you look into the surrounding months leadig up to the immediate case you will find a few very disturbing stories. One is a beating at a pary of one black kid by a group of white kids, a situation where three black kids comig out of a store had a gun pulled on them by a white kid and they wrestled him to the ground and took his gun.They were then charged the next day for stealing the guys gun and the guy was not charged with brandishing a gun on them.

These are just a few things leading up to the beating.The black people i this town felt like the law would NOT protect them. They were living in a world the law was out to get them and protect ayone who tried to harm them.

The last one they let out of jail has a criminal history of assault, this was his 3rd assault charge in 2 years. One day he will kill a person and we can all look back at this incident and say "we could have stopped it here".

This is also the 3rd high profile beating of a white by a gang of 4-6 blacks. There were the girls in California who were beaten so bad they had to have reconstuctive surgery, and most recently the beating in Virginia of a boy by 4 others. THIS NEEDS TO STOP and Sharpton going down there and making these boys into some type of hero for civil rights isn't going to stop anything.

They've made these boys into victims instead of the thugs they are. They need jail time, attempted murder was to high, but they need serious jail time.

10-02-2007, 11:59 AM
Not to be picky here, but what in the heck is a full-blooded latino????????

Dominicans are mixed white/black and called latino

Mexicans are mixed white/indian and called latino

Puerto Ricans are mixed white/black/indian and called latino

Argentina mostly white and once again called latino

People from South America do not all have the same culture. At least Triniti was being specific when she mentioned Mexicans.

His family is latino on all sides.
He is married to my blonde sister and they have the cutest kids you will ever see.

10-02-2007, 12:02 PM
His family is latino on all sides.
He is married to my blonde sister and they have the cutest kids you will ever see.

Uhhhh what type of latino. Latino represents a certain type of culture not a type of "race" and depending upon the country of origin will also have a determining factor in how the treat their family!!!

10-02-2007, 12:07 PM
She lives in central california does that give you a hint?

10-02-2007, 01:34 PM
She lives in central california does that give you a hint?

Well now that we've established that your sister is married to a nice Mexican can we get back to the topic? Lets start with post 11.

10-03-2007, 03:56 AM
I agree with you, sharpton is an opportunist, not a good person at all.

The last one they let out of jail has a criminal history of assault, this was his 3rd assault charge in 2 years. One day he will kill a person and we can all look back at this incident and say "we could have stopped it here".

This is also the 3rd high profile beating of a white by a gang of 4-6 blacks. There were the girls in California who were beaten so bad they had to have reconstuctive surgery, and most recently the beating in Virginia of a boy by 4 others. THIS NEEDS TO STOP and Sharpton going down there and making these boys into some type of hero for civil rights isn't going to stop anything.

They've made these boys into victims instead of the thugs they are. They need jail time, attempted murder was to high, but they need serious jail time.