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View Full Version : How to Escape One World Government?

12-04-2021, 04:56 PM
The gist of what Nomad Capitalist is saying that some countries are motivated enough to get people to spend money in their countries, that they won't conform to global guideline to restrict people's freedom. He mentions Mexico and Portugal among others. Visas include "digital nomad" visas and pensioner visas.


12-05-2021, 05:44 AM
Diversification as a means of risks reduction is rarely controversial .
And in terms of short and middle term investment strategy it has much to recommend it .
This presenter simply wants to make money selling something ( fine ) and offers you a Heads You Win and Tails You Do Not Lose apparent choice .He banks on 99% of punters only being interested from a financial interest position ( not unreasonable ).

However , longer term that might be seen by many to duck away completely from ethical and moral considerations .
It smacks of an " I'm all right Jack ' attitude ( and fuck the rest ) and to hell with the Normies who are not so bright and have no vision or courage. Or disposable assets .
Let alone the really poor who can never defend themselves when attacked , and , perhaps most of all, future generations to whom you are likely to have obligations toward .

By deflecting away from the Game Masters you effectively concede their total victory . You can win a battle but not the War .
The only reason there are gaps for you to exploit short term are because they can be mopped up later by the Central Bankers when time permits --- they are small /insignificant / have no resources / no money etc . Possible exceptions might be the Russian Federation and Malaysia .
---- though the latter could probably be decimated in 24 hours if ever needs dictated .

For those whose lives are concerned with ethics and morals ( Human Rights , Democracy and Rule of Law ) different solutions may be necessary .See Catherine Austin Fitts as a brilliant example .