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View Full Version : Senate Dems go ballistic, misquote, attack Limbaugh on Senate floor

10-01-2007, 06:28 PM
Senate majority leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Dick Durbin (D-MI) and others used a statement by radio host Rush Limbaugh to try to pretend he had disparaged our troops in Iraq, and then attacked him, calling him "unpatriotic" and claiming that he was lowering the morale of our troops fighting overseas.

In an earlier broadcast, Limbaugh had pointed out an NBC story about a member of the armed services who had written supposedly-firsthand accounts of our troops committing various crimes and atrocities, before it was revealed that the man had never been to Iraq or any other places where he claimed to have seen the acts take place. NBC called the man a "phony soldier" in their article, and Limbaugh agreed on the air.

Senate Democrats are now using this reference to try to claim Limbaugh had referrred to ALL our troops as "phony soldiers", and complained that his broadcasts were undermining troop morale in some way. They were careful to avoid mentioning Reid's own earlier comments that we had already lost the war, or other Senate Democrats' comments accusing some American troops of "terrorizing" women and children, and even commiting cold-blooded murder against Iraqi citizens - charges that have long been refuted.

The Democrats appear to be coming to the end of their string. After a large number of them refused to condemn a recent full-page newspaper ad by Democrat supporters MoveOn.org accusing Gen. David Petraeus of betraying his country, they apparently have no coherent response to growing awareness of their lack of commitment to victory in the war. All they can do is sieze upon clear, direct statements by their opposition, pretend the statements had said something else, and then bash the opposition for them. It must be particularly embarrassing for the Dems to have to accuse conservatives of things which, in fact, those Democrats themselves were guilty of (insulting our troops, undermining morale etc.) while the opposition was not.

It must be difficult to be a Democrat nowadays. The media is pointing out their actions more and more, and people are believing their words less and less. Today's amazing hysterics by leading Democrat on the Senate floor, gives further evidence why this trend is accelerating.



Democrats go after Limbaugh

By Klaus Marre
October 01, 2007

Democrats on Monday called on the chief executive of Clear Channel Communications to denounce remarks by radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, whom they say made a “hateful” and “unpatriotic” attack on U.S. troops opposed to the war in Iraq.

At issue is a remark from Limbaugh that characterized such troops as “phony soldiers.” Democrats have seized on the issue, allowing them to hit back at Republicans who similarly latched onto a MoveOn.org ad that referred to Gen. David Petraeus as “General Betray Us.”

“Thousands of active troops and veterans were subjected to Mr. Limbaugh’s unpatriotic and indefensible comments on your broadcast,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said in his letter to Clear Channel Chief Executive Mark Mays. “We trust you will agree that not a single one of our sons, daughters, neighbors and friends serving overseas is a ‘phony soldier.’ We call on you to publicly repudiate these comments that call into question their service and sacrifice and to ask Mr. Limbaugh to apologize for his comments.”

On his show Monday, Limbaugh blasted Democrats for their criticism, saying it is part of a smear campaign aimed at discrediting him.

“If anybody in this country has been trying to demoralize the troops, it is you, sir, and your members of the Democrat Party,” Limbaugh said. “You have waved the white flag of defeat.”

(Full text of the article can be read at the above URL)

10-01-2007, 07:02 PM
Rush is a Priviate Citizen...They are trying to hurt him with his job..

From this article..http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=MjY2ZGUzNWQ4MTY4NzYzMTgwZTQzM2Y3M2MzOTc1NmE=
“On Friday, many Democrats joined me in drafting a letter to the Chief Executive Officer of Clear Channel, Mark Mays that we will send out this week. Here is what we wrote:

‘Dear Mr. Mays,

‘At the time we sign this letter, 3,801 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq, and another 27,936 have been wounded. 160,000 others awoke this morning on foreign sand, far from home, to face the danger and uncertainty of another day at war.

‘Although Americans of goodwill debate the merits of this war, we can all agree that those who serve with such great courage deserve our deepest respect and gratitude. That is why Rush Limbaugh’s recent characterization of troops who oppose the war as “phony soldiers” is such an outrage.

‘Our troops are fighting and dying to bring to others the freedoms that many take for granted. It is unconscionable that Mr. Limbaugh would criticize them for exercising the fundamentally American right to free speech. Mr. Limbaugh has made outrageous remarks before, but this affront to our soldiers is beyond the pale.

‘The military, like any community within the United States, includes members both for and against the war. Senior generals, such as General John Batiste and Paul Eaton, have come out against the war while others have publicly supported it. A December 2006 poll conducted by the Military Times found just 35 percent of service members approved of President Bush’s handling of the war in Iraq, compared to 42 percent who disapproved. From this figure alone, it is clear that Mr. Limbaugh’s insult is directed at thousands of American service members.

‘Active and retired members of our armed forces have a unique perspective on the war and offer a valuable contribution to our national debate. In August, seven soldiers wrote an op-ed expressing their concern with the current strategy in Iraq. Tragically, since then, two of those seven soldiers have made the ultimate sacrifice in Iraq.

‘Thousands of active troops and veterans were subjected to Mr. Limbaugh’s unpatriotic and indefensible comments on your broadcast. We trust you will agree that not a single one of our sons, daughters, neighbors and friends serving overseas is a “phony soldier.” We call on you to publicly repudiate these comments that call into question their service and sacrifice and to ask Mr. Limbaugh to apologize for his comments.’

“Just as patriotism is the exclusive realm of neither party, taking a stand against those who spew hate and impugn the integrity of our troops is a job that belongs to all of us. I can’t help but wonder how my Republican colleagues would have reacted if the tables were turned – if a well-known Democratic radio personality had used the same insulting line of attack against troops who support the war.

“The letter I read will be available on the Senate floor for the entire day. My colleagues on both sides of the aisle will have every chance to add their names to it, and I encourage all of us to do so. If we take the Republican side at their word that last week’s vote on another controversial statement related to the war was truly about patriotism, not politics, then I have no doubt that they will stand with us against Limbaugh’s comments with equal fervor.

“I am confident we will see Republicans join with us in overwhelming numbers. Anything less would be a double standard that has no place in the United States Senate. I ask my colleagues, Democrat and Republican alike, to join together against this irresponsible, hateful, and unpatriotic attack by calling upon Rush Limbaugh to give our troops the apology they deserve.”

How's that...vote for a Democrat and you vote for fascism....

10-02-2007, 01:13 AM
I am a soldier in the U.S. Army. I served for a year in Iraq. Senator Reid, where are these "thousands" of soldiers who oppose the war? I didn't meet them in uniform. I submit, Senator Reid, that they are a product of your putrid imagination -- phony, phantom soldiers, just as Limbaugh described them.

Senator Reid, the thing about this war that frustrates us soldiers more than anything else are the intentional, malicious and subversive efforts by you and your cronies to undercut our mission. You, Senator Reid, are a far more virulent enemy of the United States than anything we have confronted in Iraq. We can deal directly with the enemies we face in combat. Be thankful that we have to deal with you through more civil means.

10-02-2007, 01:30 AM
After everything Senator Reid has done to attack the troops and their mission the phoney outrage he has over Rush Limbaugh for revealing the existance of phoney "soldiers" IE men who are pretending to be soldiers and former soldiers to advance a political agenda contrary to the troops is downright astounding.

I can understand some lay people being ignorant of what Limbaugh was talking about. But I expect (maybe naively) United States Senators to do their job and actually research facts before making accusations on the Senate Floor.

Literally, I have to say I've been downright amazed at how the left has no scruples lying about Limbaugh on that matter when so much evidence is available that demonstrates they are lying. We have the actual sound bites in context that clearly demonstrate what Limbaugh said and people still want to lie about it.

Everyone who engages in this type of activity, especially, politicians, has lost all credibility with me in the future.

10-02-2007, 01:55 AM
move on . communists :lol:

should be ashamed of themselves, they are liars.

Bill o reilly and rush, said nothing wrong. and the media reports everything media doesnt matter says as if its gospel

10-02-2007, 01:56 AM
Senator Reid, is mentally ill and should be placed in an insane asylum.

I am a soldier in the U.S. Army. I served for a year in Iraq. Senator Reid, where are these "thousands" of soldiers who oppose the war? I didn't meet them in uniform. I submit, Senator Reid, that they are a product of your putrid imagination -- phony, phantom soldiers, just as Limbaugh described them.

Senator Reid, the thing about this war that frustrates us soldiers more than anything else are the intentional, malicious and subversive efforts by you and your cronies to undercut our mission. You, Senator Reid, are a far more virulent enemy of the United States than anything we have confronted in Iraq. We can deal directly with the enemies we face in combat. Be thankful that we have to deal with you through more civil means.

10-02-2007, 03:55 AM
The Democrats appear to be coming to the end of their string. After a large number of them refused to condemn a recent full-page newspaper ad by Democrat supporters MoveOn.org accusing Gen. David Petraeus of betraying his country, they apparently have no coherent response to growing awareness of their lack of commitment to victory in the war. All they can do is sieze upon clear, direct statements by their opposition, pretend the statements had said something else, and then bash the opposition for them. It must be particularly embarrassing for the Dems to have to accuse conservatives of things which, in fact, those Democrats themselves were guilty of (insulting our troops, undermining morale etc.) while the opposition was not.

It must be difficult to be a Democrat nowadays. The media is pointing out their actions more and more, and people are believing their words less and less. Today's amazing hysterics by leading Democrat on the Senate floor, gives further evidence why this trend is accelerating.

Very, very well said, L-A. The powers that be in the Democrat Party display a marked inability to adjust to new realities - to wit: THEY CAN'T PULL THIS KIND OF SHIT ANYMORE. They don't have the juice. The advent of the New Media has ushered in a new era in America, and the Left have been caught flatfooted. The light of day finds every chickenshit lie these weasels kick out by SHEER REFLEX - and yet, they're unable to stop themselves. For all their animal cunning and impressive education, these are not smart people.

Can you imagine how stupid the Republicans would have to be to lose in '08? And yet...

10-02-2007, 04:04 AM
Very, very well said, L-A. The powers that be in the Democrat Party display a marked inability to adjust to new realities - to wit: THEY CAN'T PULL THIS KIND OF SHIT ANYMORE. They don't have the juice. The advent of the New Media has ushered in a new era in America, and the Left have been caught flatfooted. The light of day finds every chickenshit lie these weasels kick out by SHEER REFLEX - and yet, they're unable to stop themselves. For all their animal cunning and impressive education, these are not smart people.

Can you imagine how stupid the Republicans would have to be to lose in '08? And yet...

That is why......I am a willing beacon of spreading this around...:dance:

10-02-2007, 04:05 AM
Rush is a Priviate Citizen...They are trying to hurt him with his job..

How's that...vote for a Democrat and you vote for fascism....

You expect better from Reid and Durbin? Both are nothing but shills for left-wing extremism. It is mind-boggling that anyone would vote for either to be so much as School Crossing Guard ....

10-02-2007, 04:08 AM
I wouldnt vote for them , they are the worst . but they could win high office in saudi arabia.

You expect better from Reid and Durbin? Both are nothing but shills for left-wing extremism. It is mind-boggling that anyone would vote for either to be so much as School Crossing Guard ....

10-02-2007, 12:13 PM
You have to wonder why Reid, Durbin, Harkin et. al. are doing this. They have to know exactly what Limbaugh really said, if for no other reason than to know what their rivals would reply. Plus, recordings of his exact words, context, etc. are available on Limbaugh's website, as well as other sites. It's easy to check, and to find out that Limbaugh never said our soldiers in general were "phony troops" - he was clearly talking about just one man, who did in fact put up phony accusations against his fellow soldiers. There's no way to get "our troops are phony soldiers" out of that... yet Reid and his cohorts claim to do just that.

Reid et. al. could have picked out literally anyone to disparage on the floor of the Senate. Is there someone who drove off a bridge and let an innocent girl drown in his car while not seeking help for 10 hours after the crash? Is there someone who plotted to frame a girl as a "stalker", until she produced a blue dress with his semen on it? Why didn't Reid go after them? Why did he have to invent a false charge that is so easily debunked?

The answer, IMHO, is because he had to do something to appease the increasingly-vocal kook leftist base of his party, who are disgusted with his failure to provide universal health care, surrender in Iraq, clean up Congress, or do any of the other things the Democrats promised in order to get elected in 2006. Attacking Limbaugh is free - the kooks will not care that the charges are obviously false, but will cheer stridently as they are made. This should buy Reid and his cohorts more time to do... something.

But what? They are no less incompetent and unproductive after the attacks than before them. They have still accomplished nothing. And the current 11% approval rating for Congress, means that more than just Republican voters are disgusted with them.

Congressional Democrats are between a rock and a hard place. They promised things they cannot deliver, and their basic philosophy (leftist big-govt control) has never worked in any other country and is no more likely to work here. But their base has had it with them, and are fed up with excuses, and want results. And the only thing Reid et. al. can offer, is distractions and false attacks against commentators they have been unable to refute.

As I said, it's very difficult to be a Democrat nowadays. But they have brought it on themselves. Listen to them howl as what went around, is now coming around.