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View Full Version : China uses abandoned NASA design, develop 6,000-mph hypersonic nuclear missile engine

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-10-2021, 10:45 PM

Washington Examiner

China uses abandoned NASA design to develop 6,000-mph hypersonic nuclear missile engine: Report
Luke Gentile - Yesterday 12:14 PM

© Provided by Washington Examiner

The Chinese military is apparently using an abandoned NASA design to develop a 6,000-mph hypersonic nuclear missile engine.

A prototype of the engine has been built and tested using a "radical" American design first proposed over 20 years ago as the country competes to outperform the West in a contemporary arms race, according to a report.

The design was presented by Ming Han Tang, a Chinese American and former chief engineer of NASA's hypersonic program.

Tang's Two-Stage Vehicle X-plane is driven by two different engines and can travel faster than five times the speed of sound.

It was initially set to be tested in the early 2000s by the United States, but the program was cut after it was deemed "too costly."

The Chinese military reportedly views money as "no object" and partnered with Tan Huijun, a professor at the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, to build a prototype using Tang's blueprints.

"Understanding its work mechanism can provide important guidance to hypersonic plane and engine development," Tan said.

News of the development comes after China recently launched two missiles into space.

One rocket carrying a hypersonic glide was secretly launched in August, leaving American intelligence and military officials stunned.

A hypersonic missile launched in October capable of delivering a nuclear payload was a significant display of Chinese strength.


It missed its target but purportedly demonstrated to American officials China's progress in its development of hypersonic weapons.

Seems that what China doesn't steal from USA, the government just gives them.
As if-- nobody saw the potential for this engine in military weapons use!!---Tyr

Hot Dogger
12-11-2021, 01:37 AM
The fact is, the United States NWO and the Chinese NWO have been colluding for decades. I was at USAMRIID in 1985-86 when they established relations with Wuhan, they've been colluding with the UN and WHO at depopulation and eugenics ever since.

China is in no way shape or form an actual enemy of the United States, any animosity between the two is merely for the sake of popular consumption, manufactured animosity. And if there's war between us, it'll be merely for the sake of depopulation and eugenics, much the same as World Wars 1 and 2.

If someone here could get the transcripts or audio/video via FOIA of the biological warfare conference USAMRIID held in the summer of 1985, if you people heard what was said, you'd understand precisely the events of today. The deep state leadership of China and the United States are best buds and so shall remain until the population of Planet Earth is 500 million.

12-11-2021, 06:13 AM
Wasn't Joel Dalrymple part of that early eighties scene at USAMRID ? Presumably also Fauci before he became NIH Emperor .

I have reservations about the Hypermissile narrative to the extent that I believe that in a large part it is deflecting from the real major weapons route and threat -- Direct Energy

and Laser Attack from satellites .

But clearly neither route is the main threat if you can get a Stupid and Gullible species to commit suicide by them clamouring for multi Killer inoculations in the cause of

guarding against what is essentially the common cold .

Hot Dogger
12-11-2021, 01:13 PM
Wasn't Joel Dalrymple part of that early eighties scene at USAMRID ? Presumably also Fauci before he became NIH Emperor .

I have reservations about the Hypermissile narrative to the extent that I believe that in a large part it is deflecting from the real major weapons route and threat -- Direct Energy

and Laser Attack from satellites .

But clearly neither route is the main threat if you can get a Stupid and Gullible species to commit suicide by them clamouring for multi Killer inoculations in the cause of

guarding against what is essentially the common cold .

If you see some of the recent threads I've made, I comment about my time at USAMRIID, when Fauci and Dalrymple were contemporaries. They were also peers, both doing viral research for the sake of depopulation and eugenics. Dalrymple was on the military end of things, while Fauci was on the civilian end of things, although both worked to the achieve the same ends, depopulation and eugenics.

To understand the events of today, Operation COVID, it's vital to understand the term "public health". The term "public health" simply means "the health of the state", that's its definition in simple republican terms (as it regards our nation's design not political party), it's not an Aesopian language definition.

In the realm of public health as it regards citizens, this is insomuch as to keep citizens healthy and productive, not for the sake of themselves, but for the sake of the state, paying taxes. However, when citizens become unhealthy or unproductive, they may be disposed of by the state, often by cruel means. And I'm not saying I necessarily agree with those means, I'm simply saying it's reality in the United States; depopulation and eugenics are public health initiatives, it's been that way since our founding.

The legal jurisprudence at depopulation and eugenics in regards to public health is seen in cases like Buck v. Bell (about the sterilization of poor people), US v. Stanley (about the abuse of medical research volunteers), and Roe v. Wade (which is actually about depopulation an eugenics, not freedom of choice or restraint of trade).