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View Full Version : ‘Crashed Flying Saucer’ Spotted On Mars

12-11-2021, 10:15 AM
Tons and tons of sightings of some form of unidentified flying in our skies, and now a sighting of sorts on Mars?

Or, with their dust storms and such, is it poassible it''s just something else up there that got pushed around? Or perhaps us landing rovers on Mars has pissed someone off.

I have never been one that really believed in UFO sightings, but the past few years sure has been different than before.


‘Crashed Flying Saucer’ Spotted On Mars

A South African researcher discovered what appears to be an image of a crashed flying saucer on the surface of Mars, according to re-analyzed NASA footage from 2006.

Jean Ward, an anomaly hunter, was searching through NASA images for noteworthy aberrations when he discovered the image taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Despite the image being 15 years old, Ward’s discovery of what appears to be the flying saucer is not.


Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2021/12/10/flying-saucer-mars-ufo-nasa-aliens/

12-11-2021, 10:23 AM
EXCELLENT!!! This what I'm talking about :laugh2:

I will refrain from attributing said crashed vehicle to any member(s) of the board :halo9:

12-11-2021, 10:28 AM
EXCELLENT!!! This what I'm talking about :laugh2:

I will refrain from attributing said crashed vehicle to any member(s) of the board :halo9:

I don't know about this particular event, but the stuff in our skies I think is likely China.

12-11-2021, 10:31 AM
I don't know about this particular event, but the stuff in our skies I think is likely China.My opinion is that if there is intelligent life out there it is proving it by staying the Hell away from US :laugh:

12-11-2021, 10:43 AM
I don't know about this particular event, but the stuff in our skies I think is likely China.

nope Iran!
https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/60d98be34100001d35818ecb.jpeg?ops=scalefit_720_nou pscale



An official state-run Iranian news agency claims that the country has created the world's first 'flying saucer.'
In the official announcement on Fars' website (http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.php?nn=8912250816), the news agency claimed the craft was unveiled to Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamene in a special ceremony last week. The unmanned craft is aparently intended largely for aerial imaging.

The saucer, named "Zohal" (which translates to "Saturn" in Persian) is reportedly part of a "new generation of vertical flyers," according to the Daily Mail (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1367204/Iran-builds-worlds-flying-saucer-Looks-like-belongs-1950s-B-movie.html).

From the original release (http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.php?nn=8912250816):

Zohal, designed and developed jointly by Farnas Aerospace Company and Iranian Aviation and Space Industries Association (IASIA), can be used for various missions, specially for aerial imaging.
The flying machine is equipped with an auto-pilot system, GPS (Global Positioning System) and two separate imaging systems with full HD 10 mega-pixel picture quality and is able to take and send images simultaneously.
Zohal uses a small, portable navigation and monitoring center for transmission of data and images and can fly in both outdoor and indoor spaces.

However, the ship has its skeptics.

12-11-2021, 11:03 AM
I have never figured out what the obsession is with a "flying saucer". The only place I have ever seen this design proven as being worth more than an afterthought is Hollywood. None of our actual space vehicles since the 60s has been designed as a "saucer".

Maybe it was the best FX technology they could come up with in the 50s?

We already KNOW the "pods" from "Invasion of the Bodysnatchers" are here and occupying the White House :)

12-11-2021, 01:02 PM
No way they're Chinese. Or anything man-made - fighter pilots named them 'Foo Fighters' back in WWII, that's where Dave Grohl got the name for his band. Hundreds of our pilots saw them over Europe as the war raged below.. the Chinese were getting their asses kicked by the Japanese in their rice paddies at the time with little more than sticks to defend themselves, let alone field a Chinese piston engine biplane. They were pretty much a bunch of medieval peasants at the time.

Besides, there's a ton of ancient cultures isolated and very different from each other that drew pictures of them and even carved saucers into rock.

There was a story and pictures a couple thousand years ago, IIRC in India, about UFOs fighting each other in aerial combat as the awestruck humans watch from below. That indicates there are at least 2 factions, and that would explain why some encounters with humans are gentle & friendly while others are unfriendly abductions complete with anal probes.

That famous video where the US Navy pilots were able to lock on and track the UFO off California was part of a larger incident... after that video was shot, the UFO suddenly plunged 10,000 feet and went into the water, where several of our submarines & ships tracked it underwater going 200 knots underwater and then lost contact.

As far as the UFOs being saucer-shaped, I don't think they're made in that shape for aerodynamic purposes, it seems better suited for re-entry. With the incredible ability that these things demonstrate of immediately stopping and changing direction in a split second, aerodynamics aren't steering these things, it's got some kind of technology that allows those kinds of movements that would make tomato paste out of any living thing inside of it from the G forces. Momentum is being negated somehow. Some kind of Warp Bubble that surrounds the craft?

We can make torpedoes that can go 200 knots using super cavitation (envelope of bubbles around the hull), but it's very noisy on sonar, and that wasn't heard when that thing was hauling ass away from the Navy's battle group playing war games.

I find this stuff more and more interesting the more we hear about them, especially since the military is starting to release some of the stuff they've observed with the most sensitive equipment on earth.

Did I already tell you guys about the ex-Soviet airforce guy who told me that story last year of a UFO suddenly appearing above his active military base in 1983? It was exactly like what the USAF experienced at our nuke silos in North Dakota about the same time.

12-11-2021, 01:20 PM
Intercept but Don't Shoot: The True Story of Flying Saucers
"In this landmark, Italian aeronautical engineer Renato Vesco lays the groundwork for finally learning the truth about many so-called "unidentified" flying objects.
Since 1948, when the US Air Force issued the famous order, "Intercept - but don't shoot," American pilots have been outgunned by objects periodically invading terrestrial airspace. Flying saucers have been in the news almost every day. No longer can the government issue blanket denials, for UFOs are an observed fact.
For more than 25 years, Vesco has been studying the possibility of invasion from outer space and coverups by world governments. In this book/audiobook, Vesco offers suggestions for future solutions. He discusses why so many government officials want their constituents to believe that these very real objects do not exist.
But the truth can no longer be denied. The layman’s intelligence can no longer be underestimated. Officials worldwide must open their secret files and come forward with the facts. "

https://www.amazon.com/Intercept-but...9300211&sr=8-1 (https://www.amazon.com/Intercept-but-Dont-Shoot-Saucers/dp/B07DP4JYKS/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=but+don%27t+shoot&qid=1629300211&sr=8-1)....
The Amazon description seems intentionally vague.

the Book Covers a fair amount of info from the early UFO reports onward and basically comes to the conclusion that there are 2 things going on.

1. some UFOs are man made.
One telling airforce pilot radioed back to base while casing one "there are men in it!"
He found interesting records of "experimental" top secret aircraft made since the 50s.
And he even give some basis for the way they fly differently than regular aircraft.

2. the other UFOs are natural
there are natural electrical phenomena around volcanos, thunder clouds and such that create a unique type of ball lighting.
Balls and disk of light that fly stop and do strange movements that "no vessel could do".

very compelling read. (even if slow in parts)

ALSO. I can't remember where i got this,
But I have heard or read that ODDLY the 1st reports from people supposedly meeting "Aliens" described them as "tall, blond and blue eyed" . sounds like NA...Aryans.
It wasn't until later that reports started coming in about grey little men with big heads and such.
Bottom line for me, when I hear talk about UFOs from outer space and Aliens ... I smell BS.

12-11-2021, 01:22 PM
nope Iran!
https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/60d98be34100001d35818ecb.jpeg?ops=scalefit_720_nou pscale



No way they're Chinese. Or anything man-made - fighter pilots named them 'Foo Fighters' back in WWII, that's where Dave Grohl got the name for his band. Hundreds of our pilots saw them over Europe as the war raged below.. the Chinese were getting their asses kicked by the Japanese in their rice paddies at the time with little more than sticks to defend themselves, let alone field a Chinese piston engine biplane. They were pretty much a bunch of medieval peasants at the time.

Besides, there's a ton of ancient cultures isolated and very different from each other that drew pictures of them and even carved saucers into rock.

There was a story and pictures a couple thousand years ago, IIRC in India, about UFOs fighting each other in aerial combat as the awestruck humans watch from below. That indicates there are at least 2 factions, and that would explain why some encounters with humans are gentle & friendly while others are unfriendly abductions complete with anal probes.

That famous video where the US Navy pilots were able to lock on and track the UFO off California was part of a larger incident... after that video was shot, the UFO suddenly plunged 10,000 feet and went into the water, where several of our submarines & ships tracked it underwater going 200 knots underwater and then lost contact.

As far as the UFOs being saucer-shaped, I don't think they're made in that shape for aerodynamic purposes, it seems better suited for re-entry. With the incredible ability that these things demonstrate of immediately stopping and changing direction in a split second, aerodynamics aren't steering these things, it's got some kind of technology that allows those kinds of movements that would make tomato paste out of any living thing inside of it from the G forces. Momentum is being negated somehow. Some kind of Warp Bubble that surrounds the craft?

We can make torpedoes that can go 200 knots using super cavitation (envelope of bubbles around the hull), but it's very noisy on sonar, and that wasn't heard when that thing was hauling ass away from the Navy's battle group playing war games.

I find this stuff more and more interesting the more we hear about them, especially since the military is starting to release some of the stuff they've observed with the most sensitive equipment on earth.

Did I already tell you guys about the ex-Soviet airforce guy who told me that story last year of a UFO suddenly appearing above his active military base in 1983? It was exactly like what the USAF experienced at our nuke silos in North Dakota about the same time.

I can believe either Iran or China, or maybe even Russia.

On Jan. 5 around 1 a.m. a sky watcher setting up their telescope saw 14 lights "travelling in a big figure-eight pattern in the sky like 'follow the leader' but they were in groups of two." The amateur astronomer went back into the house and returned with an Edmund Scientific laser and fired a beam at the bogey, as would you if you saw a train of UFOs and had a laser handy. As you might expect, the laser dispersed the lights. Then the lights reformed around the beam into their original figure-eight, which nobody was expecting. The observer estimated the UFOs were traveling around 500 mph while they formed the pattern, and their dance went on for three hours.


And now this one is different... and if they are right, then this is some unimaginable technology.

UFO sightings: Scientists calculate breakneck speeds of UFOs with 'advanced technology'

UFOS are real and we now know just how fast they really are. After the US Pentagon published its anticipated UFO report, scientists have calculated how "advanced technology" could explain the mysterious phenomena.

Alien or not, UFOs are zipping around in our skies and the US government has acknowledged as much. On June 25, the US Pentagon published the findings of its investigation into more than 100 unidentified aerial phenomena or UAPs - military jargon for UFOs. Many of these UFO sightings were made by US military personnel and have been leaked to the internet over the years.

One such sighting saw the light of day in 2016 and was only acknowledged by the Pentagon last year.

The video appeared to show US Navy pilots chasing down a "strange craft" off the US East Coast.

A pilot can be heard in the video yelling out: "What the f*** is that thing?"

The UFO stood out for its bizarre flight patterns, "glowing aura" and seeming disregard for the laws of physics.

Pilot Chad Underwood, who recorded the encounter from his Navy F-18 fighter jet, dubbed the UFO 'Tic Tac'.

He went on record and said it was unlike anything he has ever seen in his life.

In 2019, the pilot told New York Magazine's Intelligencer: "It was just behaving in ways that aren’t physically normal. That’s what caught my eye.

"Because, aircraft, whether they’re manned or unmanned, still have to obey the laws of physics.

"They have to have some source of lift, some source of propulsion."

The Tic Tac, as far as he could tell, did none of that and soared from altitudes of many thousands of feet to just a few hundred "in like seconds", which the pilot argued "is not possible".

But Tic Tac is not the only UFO that has defied all conventions - it is one of many objects reported and recorded over the years.

To better understand just how truly incredible these objects are, a team of scientists has devised a tool calculating their speeds.

The so-called UFO Travel Calculator calculates UFO speeds by applying engineering and aeronautical principles to what very well may be "advanced technology".

Hosted on the Omni Calculator Project, creator and mechanical engineer Rahul Singh Dhari told Express.co.uk many of these UFOs' characteristics could not be replicated by our modern-day technology.

This does not mean the UFOs are alien; after all the Pentagon's report found at least one sighting could be explained by a balloon.

However, Mr Dhari thinks UFOs can be taken much more seriously if we look at them through the lens of science and engineering.

He said: "This calculator considers the UFOs as flying objects of some advanced technology and takes it on from a design engineering perspective.

"Like with our modern aircraft, I have tried to design them from essential variables - like wing loading and thrust to weight ratio.

"Based on those parameters and certain assumptions, we can try to estimate their speeds."

You can visit the UFO Travel Calculator here, to see for yourself how fast these objects travel.

Using the tool, you can pit one of many known UFO types against conventional propulsion systems like the RD-0146 rocket engine.

The flying saucer-shaped Tic Tac, for instance, is estimated to weigh more than 47,000 pounds (21,320kg) with a span of 44.6ft (13.6m).

Armed with a single engine of unknown origin, the spacecraft could hit speeds of more than 11,800mph.

At such speeds, a journey between London and San Francisco - 5,351 miles - would only last 27 minutes.


This is the video discussed:


Hot Dogger
12-11-2021, 01:36 PM
it's just lens flare :laugh:

12-11-2021, 01:42 PM
it's just lens flare :laugh:

I have seen some solar flares mistaken for a UFO but no flare is going to go at such speeds. Nor did they act like a solar flare.

Here's an example of those:


12-11-2021, 04:21 PM

The very first time anyone ever mentioned the words "FLYING SAUCER" took place probably back in the late 1940s early 1950s. And the words originated as part of a movie, if my memory serves me well.
Now, up to date here in the 2020s. Doesn't any human with a logical brain today happen to notice...after all of the many years of so-called sightings....Most of the sightings happen to be just like FLYING SAUCERS....otherwise known as FRISBEE like objects?????
In June, 1947, aviator Kenneth Arnold created a media sensation after reporting a remarkable experience over Mount Rainer in Washington State. Arnold said that he encountered flashes of light and nine objects flying in a formation, flipping over occasionally and waving from side to side. He followed them and found they were traveling at an incredible speed and consisted of various shapes. Eventually, he lost sight of them and landed, sharing his experience. Word spread, and his account, to use the jargon of the Web, went viral.
Think about it. An imaginary object created by a Fiction writer called it a FLYING SAUCER. So gullable people around the World....always see FLYING SAUCERS.

What if that same Fiction writer had called them FLOATING HOT DOGS????

12-11-2021, 06:54 PM
Think about it. An imaginary object created by a Fiction writer called it a FLYING SAUCER. So gullable people around the World....always see FLYING SAUCERS.

What if that same Fiction writer had called them FLOATING HOT DOGS????

Well, I imagine that if they'd looked like Floating Hotdogs, that's what he would have said. Instead, these looked like saucers to him.

I've never seen one, but my Dad did when he was 17 or so. It was kind of following him for a few miles off to the side as he was driving home one night, it spooked him. He roared up into the driveway and ran into the house where my Grandma was, and they both watched it hovering for about 5 minutes... then it suddenly zoomed away in the blink of an eye.

I was kinda doubtful about it, thinking he was pulling my leg... but I asked Grandma about it and she confirmed it. Neither one of them liked talking about it. It was a big saucer, noiseless and could move at instantaneous speeds.

I think a lot of the stories are hoaxes for whatever reason, or just mistaken for other things or natural weather phenomena... but there's a lot that can't be explained where literally thousands of people see the same thing and the old Swamp Gas joke doesn't come close to being adequate for an explanation.

12-12-2021, 08:45 AM
What if that same Fiction writer had called them FLOATING HOT DOGS????

Except there have been hundreds of thousands of sightings and in percentage terms very few have been described as Saucers , let alone Hot Dogs .Almost any and every other shape imaginable .

The Nazis had The Bell up and 'floating' in the thirties and even Avro produced a somewhat pathetic Mark 1 version of a UFO until it disappeared behind Black Ops further development .

The Bell or Die Glocke was spirited out of Germany by the genius Hans Kammler after the SS shot anybody and everybody with any link to the project and you can take your

pick of next moves --- to the US as part of Operation Paper Clip or passed to Martin Bormann for re-routing , probably to Patagonia / Argentina .

But if you are smart enough to want to research how Nazi Germany became so advanced pre WW2 you will have to DYOR . Hint , the Nazis forbade a brilliant generation of

scientists to recognise or use anything related to Jewish figures -- so Einstein's work was 'verborten' and electro magnetic energy / propulsion routes were investigated ( zero

point and anti - gravity etc).

12-12-2021, 11:35 AM

The very first time anyone ever mentioned the words "FLYING SAUCER" took place probably back in the late 1940s early 1950s. And the words originated as part of a movie, if my memory serves me well.
Now, up to date here in the 2020s. Doesn't any human with a logical brain today happen to notice...after all of the many years of so-called sightings....Most of the sightings happen to be just like FLYING SAUCERS....otherwise known as FRISBEE like objects?????
In June, 1947, aviator Kenneth Arnold created a media sensation after reporting a remarkable experience over Mount Rainer in Washington State. Arnold said that he encountered flashes of light and nine objects flying in a formation, flipping over occasionally and waving from side to side. He followed them and found they were traveling at an incredible speed and consisted of various shapes. Eventually, he lost sight of them and landed, sharing his experience. Word spread, and his account, to use the jargon of the Web, went viral.
Think about it. An imaginary object created by a Fiction writer called it a FLYING SAUCER. So gullable people around the World....always see FLYING SAUCERS.

What if that same Fiction writer had called them FLOATING HOT DOGS????

Restaurants in Roswell, NM would be putting "alien" plastic toys on their frankfurters instead of their pancakes.

09-26-2022, 06:39 AM
Can someone tell me what they see in the lower left of this U.S. military website logo?


09-26-2022, 03:19 PM
Can someone tell me what they see in the lower left of this U.S. military website logo?


So, lets call it a BIDEN FRISBEE! It means nothing, and does Nothing.

09-26-2022, 09:02 PM
As I posted earlier in the thread.
It seems to me that some nations or groups have secret tech.

There's an international weather weapons treaty on the books but no one claims to have weather weapons either.

some stuff is above some military members pay grade.
And not on any publicly available budget for citizens to see.

09-27-2022, 12:18 AM


09-27-2022, 09:22 AM

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FdmE716XgAAZx7E?format=jpg&name=smallThat's not a flying saucer. It's not even a good, misshapen pancake :slap:

I'm sticking with my original stance. If there is a crashed, "flaying saucer" on Mars, it was done so purposefully to avoid crashing on Earth. The fact that Earth still exists is proof enough to me that there isn't anything out there capable of getting here or they'd likely blow us the f- up in an act of self preservation.

What would an other World alien have to look forward to on Earth? Hunted down like an animal. Stuffed into a cage and the science and medical community experimenting on it. Yep, I'd sure want to land here :laugh:

09-27-2022, 02:54 PM
The words of Sec. Defense for Bush 2. Donald Rumsfeld who said:
