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12-12-2021, 02:40 PM
Used to eat these all the time as a kid! This one & my other favorite was Cookie Crisps!



:laugh2: :rofl1: :fsmiley:

12-12-2021, 04:56 PM
Used to eat these all the time as a kid! This one & my other favorite was Cookie Crisps!

Obesity in a box.

12-12-2021, 05:41 PM
Steel cut oats
Teaspoon of local honey

Good stuff

12-13-2021, 11:18 AM
Steel cut oats
Teaspoon of local honey

Good stuff
All of the above with some hemp seed, chia seed and some days pecans instead of walnuts. Oh, and lots of butter and half & half.

Abbey Marie
12-14-2021, 12:05 PM

Followed by… more coffee.

12-14-2021, 01:03 PM
3 eggs, toast, and hopefully a meat. Had been fried, over medium, but now have been going with a cheese scramble.

And usualy around 1 or 2. What time is it???

12-14-2021, 02:29 PM
Shouldn't eggs be 'meat'?

Both can be fried, boiled, or beaten :)

12-14-2021, 04:56 PM
3 eggs, toast, and hopefully a meat. Had been fried, over medium, but now have been going with a cheese scramble.

And usualy around 1 or 2. What time is it???3 eggs. Fried or in an omelet with cheese, white onion. Piece of toast. Bacon/ham/brisket/sausage (whichever I have). That's when I eat. Little one isn't here so ...

Breakfast = :coffee: (lots)

12-15-2021, 05:51 AM
3 eggs. Fried or in an omelet with cheese, white onion. Piece of toast. Bacon/ham/brisket/sausage (whichever I have). That's when I eat. Little one isn't here so ...

Breakfast = :coffee: (lots)

You have done well to get to your eighties on that muck .

But it has taken a terrible toll with your mental and emotional make- up . Or 'down ' to be more specific .

Abbey Marie
12-15-2021, 09:36 AM
You have done well to get to your eighties on that muck .

But it has taken a terrible toll with your mental and emotional make- up . Or 'down ' to be more specific .

Lol. Gunny is actually quite fit.

12-15-2021, 05:40 PM
Lol. Gunny is actually quite fit.

We are all fit .

The problem and key question is : Fit for What ?

Abbey Marie
12-15-2021, 07:52 PM
We are all fit .

The problem and key question is : Fit for What ?


12-16-2021, 09:03 AM
"Going to Jim's for breakfast". Not "Jim", owner of the board of cabin and winter toy destruction fame -- "Jim" the restaurant owner. Started as a drive in way back when. One will usually find around 2:15 AM on weekends those who close down bars, "going to breakfast". Proper terminology understood by any and everyone that frequents country dance halls. (No idea where hippies go :)) Generally, you will see half the people you just left at the club at some point while you are there. It is actually kind of tribal :)

It's better than home cooked breakfast because "YOU" aren't cooking it :) It's good food. You can get most anything but "breakfast" is the seller with the 2 AM crowd.

Huevos rancheros, hash browns, sausage gravy, grits, toast, a bowl of chicken tortilla soup (don't ask how the last fits). Sausage gravy and probably a good 10 cups of coffee :coffee: If you want twice as much food all you have to do is open your other eye :laugh:

12-16-2021, 09:14 AM
Lol. Gunny is actually quite fit.And I can burn off breakfast at Jim's by lunchtime :)

12-16-2021, 09:44 AM
---- open my other eye :laugh:

You have two ?

Is your BMI over 40 ? Not good for an eighty something male with myocarditis just around the corner .

Could you come over and sing some of your Grr , Bish Bash songs at our mask less Xmas party ? :cool: A bit of Biff and Splat for the Aristocats .

12-16-2021, 10:12 AM
You have two ?

Is your BMI over 40 ? Not good for an eighty something male with myocarditis just around the corner .

Could you come over and sing some of your Grr , Bish Bash songs at our mask less Xmas party ? :cool: A bit of Biff and Splat for the Aristocats .

I don't believe that your Don Rickles imitation is going over too well.

12-16-2021, 10:58 AM
I don't believe that your Don Rickles imitation is going over too well.M.O. - make every thread about the individual and try to put the individual to explaining/defending him/herself. A tactic that is as successful as the person being attacked allows it to be. One would think that someone who joined last summer and used the same tactic unsuccessfully at every turn since would come to the conclusion that it's not working. One would think.

It is however very uncool to wreck someone else's thread for no real reason at all.

Breakfast is the one meal that the Marine Corps can't screw up. Don't ask me how. They can make lunch and supper indistinguishable "stuff" on a tray. Even after I was married and living off base I would eat breakfast in the chow hall if opportunity presented itself. Like the 2 years I spent generally every 3rd day marching recruits to the chow hall at 0530.

Pancakes and milk. Carb loading. You need carbs as a drill instructor and breakfast is the best meal to load up. I still lost 15 pounds during that tour of duty.

Unlike the 10 I gained every time we deployed. Even going to PT religiously every day, you just don't move around enough on a day to day basis while underway to burn as much energy as you do ashore.

12-16-2021, 12:39 PM

Breakfast is the one meal that the Marine Corps can't screw up./QUOTE]

So how come they screwed up their combats every time ?

A bit more concentration on healthy nutrition and mental balance and who knows what Improvements would have resulted .

So blame it on others -- like pretending your breakfast thread has been ruined instead of being expanded .

Bleat to Jimmy Cricket and tell him that nasty English cow is ruining your ego .

12-16-2021, 01:38 PM
You have done well to get to your eighties on that muck .

But it has taken a terrible toll with your mental and emotional make- up . Or 'down ' to be more specific .

Haha! He runs circles around you intellectually, you senile cackling old hen.

If you had an ounce of sense, you'd beg Gunny to give you tips on maintaining what little cognitive function you have left.

You're already barking madly from the corner, there's no time to waste.

12-16-2021, 01:41 PM
You have two ?

Is your BMI over 40 ? Not good for an eighty something male with myocarditis just around the corner .

Could you come over and sing some of your Grr , Bish Bash songs at our mask less Xmas party ? :cool: A bit of Biff and Splat for the Aristocats .

Yawn. See what I'm saying? Your high IQ only allows you to repeat the same lame gibberish over and over again.

You claim superiority and such a high IQ and then place it on display with non-stop kids level writing. The ONLY time you ever write anything that sounds intelligent is when you copy and paste from others. And even then, what you're posting is pure crap you swear is fact. Do you not see the comedy in this like I do?

12-16-2021, 01:42 PM
you senile cackling old hen.

I love it! Perfectly fits!!

12-16-2021, 05:58 PM
I don't believe that your Don Rickles imitation is going over too well.

Naturally . As if i expected otherwise .

Old Grr Bish Bash and our Jimmy Cricket have told us about their affair .

Perhaps they are just in love with their imagined past .

Check the other threads . Jimmy is going to tell us all about Quantum Theory , rofl .

12-16-2021, 06:02 PM
Haha! He runs circles around you intellectually, you senile cackling old hen.

If you had an ounce of sense, you'd beg Gunny to give you tips on maintaining what little cognitive function you have left.

You're already barking madly from the corner, there's no time to waste.

Come in Alaska ,

Plenty good Engiish .

No sense but keep night classes going .

12-16-2021, 06:10 PM
Naturally . As if i expected otherwise .

Old Grr Bish Bash and our Jimmy Cricket have told us about their affair .

Perhaps they are just in love with their imagined past .

Check the other threads . Jimmy is going to tell us all about Quantum Theory , rofl .

Yes - at the same time that YOU tell us about it as well - using the words of another. Speaking of https://i.imgur.com/M2ssWXZ.gif

12-16-2021, 06:12 PM
Come in Alaska ,

Plenty good Engiish .

No sense but keep night classes going .


Someone who steals others words really shouldn't be calling out spelling errors. You can't even proofread what you steal and post for your own spelling errors!! Comedy Gold.

12-16-2021, 06:34 PM

Someone who steals others words really shouldn't be calling out spelling errors. You can't even proofread what you steal and post for your own spelling errors!! Comedy Gold.

You might have been drinking heavily Mr Cricket but I am not sure sure that excuses you making a total fool of yourself .

Facts and truths remain the same whoever repeats them .

12-16-2021, 06:40 PM

Someone who steals others words really shouldn't be calling out spelling errors. You can't even proofread what you steal and post for your own spelling errors!! Comedy Gold.I haven't seen a grammar nazi in a decade. Even the leftwingnuts quit. Sure sign desperation trying to avoid the ass-licking one is taking :laugh:

12-16-2021, 08:22 PM
You might have been drinking heavily Mr Cricket but I am not sure sure that excuses you making a total fool of yourself .

Facts and truths remain the same whoever repeats them .

Sure, facts do stay the same whether posted by the author, or by someone posting it for them. I agree there.

But debating a subject - using the work of another as your own as part of the debate?

"Look how much I know of subject A" and then copy and paste articles from elsewhere - and act like you are intelligent as a result.

Reminds me of this scene and this dork "trying" to look smart:


12-17-2021, 03:56 AM

Someone who steals others words really shouldn't be calling out spelling errors. You can't even proofread what you steal and post for your own spelling errors!! Comedy Gold.

Seems it is now Jimmy Cricket desperately trying a Grr Bish Bash routine

I have made over 900 posts and have never ever not made an attribution when one was due other than a single post quoting comments on Quantum theory . An unintended

oversight .

And any person of intelligence can see the style differences , so it was clearly not attempted deception .No attempted disguise . Just simple Copy and Paste just like you spend

your life doing .

The simple matter is that you were and are totally out of your depth in the subject and were fortunate to find something totally uncharacteristic in my post and then used it to

deflect from your complete inability to back-up your absurd initial claim .

Your type of reaction is predictable but it reflects on you . Not me . It is water off my back little Jimmy Cricket .

So start trawling the other 900+ posts to back up your soppy attempted insult . Ih dear . You will fail .

Super funny Hot Doggy would wet himself and take out another claim .

12-17-2021, 03:59 AM
I don't believe that your Don Rickles imitation is going over too well.

We had a great comedienne over here who for a long time had the nation saying ---

Am I bothered ?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-17-2021, 07:39 AM
My recent change to my breakfast..
I no longer drink coffee. I now eat three hard boiled eggs-and one biscuit.
Have a large glass of water.. Lunch same thing-- most often I skip supper or else I have two bananas, two oranges and
another large glass of water.
This is my change from 6 weeks ago.
Side benefit is the weight I have lost -as of now 17 pounds....
Giving up the coffee, was a hard one...
Was tough the first three weeks- now it is easy to do..---Tyr

12-17-2021, 08:31 AM
An unintended

oversight .

Bullshit, you were busted quite a many times and told to give credit to authors and did so repeatedly. This was NOT an oversight but rather someone trying to pull a fast one. Not the first that has tried as much and won't be the last. And the rest of what you have written in all of your posts shows the massive difference between your own writing and that of what you steal.

12-17-2021, 02:38 PM
Bullshit, you were busted quite a many times and told to give credit to authors and did so repeatedly. This was NOT an oversight but rather someone trying to pull a fast one. Not the first that has tried as much and won't be the last. And the rest of what you have written in all of your posts shows the massive difference between your own writing and that of what you steal.
She's doing it on purpose to get your attention. Guess what the very first thing I busted her for when she joined while y'all were wrecking Rick's cabin? Not providing links. IIRC, being a douchebag was second to that.

This is just a game. Same as attacking me personally when and wherever regardless whose threads she wrecks. She can get her ass in line or as I have posted more than twice, I can thread ban her ass all day. 2 clicks and everyone's back in business :)