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View Full Version : Im going to take a contreversial stand.

10-02-2007, 02:25 AM
I believe europe should stop allowing muslims into their countries. I believe islam is a threat, and since we have such a hard time sorting the good muslims from the bad, and I doubt europeans will monitor every mosque to weed out the bad ones, I am left with only one conclusion.. No more muslim imigration to europe.

Second, I believe all muslims in europe should be deported since we cant tell the good ones from the bad ones, and many of them are not intergrating into the society and culture of the country of their in, if they cannot be good europeans first, instead of muslims first, then no good can come of them, and from then in europe.

While american muslims are better integrated, some of them are engulfed in jihadists views, and since we cant tell the good from the bad, and wont monitor every mosque, and deport jihadists and those who share those views.

I am left with no choice then to say that all muslims in europe and america should be deported to their home country.

If i have to sacrifice my reputation, to be honest and speak what i believe is common sense and truth... then so be it. Its better to be hated for who you are, then liked for who your not.

And ironically, if you look at all the muslim countries, the vast majority are under 5% non muslim, and they persecute non muslims, and treat them and their own muslim women as second class citizens, but that wont get talked about on the p.c. media

Just, A contreversial idea is condemned because some of you dont agree.

10-02-2007, 09:07 AM
I took this stand years ago. I still want to see internment camps and shipping out all muslims. The "minority of radicals" in the muslim community is a sizable number of people and its growing.

There is freedom of religion in this country. But there is not freedom to practice a religion that demands human sacrifice.

10-02-2007, 08:17 PM
I believe europe should stop allowing muslims into their countries. I believe islam is a threat, and since we have such a hard time sorting the good muslims from the bad, and I doubt europeans will monitor every mosque to weed out the bad ones, I am left with only one conclusion.. No more muslim imigration to europe.

Second, I believe all muslims in europe should be deported since we cant tell the good ones from the bad ones, and many of them are not intergrating into the society and culture of the country of their in, if they cannot be good europeans first, instead of muslims first, then no good can come of them, and from then in europe.

While american muslims are better integrated, some of them are engulfed in jihadists views, and since we cant tell the good from the bad, and wont monitor every mosque, and deport jihadists and those who share those views.

I am left with no choice then to say that all muslims in europe and america should be deported to their home country.

If i have to sacrifice my reputation, to be honest and speak what i believe is common sense and truth... then so be it. Its better to be hated for who you are, then liked for who your not.

And ironically, if you look at all the muslim countries, the vast majority are under 5% non muslim, and they persecute non muslims, and treat them and their own muslim women as second class citizens, but that wont get talked about on the p.c. media

Just, A contreversial idea is condemned because some of you dont agree.

Its only controversial because you are not muslim. As you said, muslim countries have no problem with this policy, however, they are better at keeping it hidden. Eg, they make special rules for non muslims. Sure you can live there, but you have to "act" muslim.

Hugh Lincoln
10-02-2007, 08:55 PM

I would also like a policy that prevents Jews in America from occupying too many positions of power.

10-02-2007, 09:40 PM
I believe europe should stop allowing muslims into their countries. I believe islam is a threat, and since we have such a hard time sorting the good muslims from the bad, and I doubt europeans will monitor every mosque to weed out the bad ones, I am left with only one conclusion.. No more muslim imigration to europe.

Second, I believe all muslims in europe should be deported since we cant tell the good ones from the bad ones, and many of them are not intergrating into the society and culture of the country of their in, if they cannot be good europeans first, instead of muslims first, then no good can come of them, and from then in europe.

While american muslims are better integrated, some of them are engulfed in jihadists views, and since we cant tell the good from the bad, and wont monitor every mosque, and deport jihadists and those who share those views.

I am left with no choice then to say that all muslims in europe and america should be deported to their home country.

If i have to sacrifice my reputation, to be honest and speak what i believe is common sense and truth... then so be it. Its better to be hated for who you are, then liked for who your not.

And ironically, if you look at all the muslim countries, the vast majority are under 5% non muslim, and they persecute non muslims, and treat them and their own muslim women as second class citizens, but that wont get talked about on the p.c. media

Just, A contreversial idea is condemned because some of you dont agree.

I have met illegal immigrants who write and understand the English language better than you.

10-02-2007, 09:43 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Sure Islam isn't a thing to try and fit in.
2. And we are seeing them engulf Christian areas.
3. Bringing their hatred and lies.
4. They in general do not bring any area up in value.
5. They on the most part are pointless.
6. To themselves and everyone around them.
7. There is not one good thing under the sun coming from Islam.
8. We Free Peoples Everywhere Must Defeat Them.
9. America is threatened by Islam as much as any Nation on Earth, that isn't already Islamic in hell holeness.
10. You heard it hear first, Islam is nothing but a hell hole religion.
11. I wouldn't be afraid to go nuclear on Islam.


10-03-2007, 03:29 AM
Personally attacking me, rather then discussing the issue. Does this sound familiar ?

Dont worry jackdaniels, I love you too :laugh2:

I have met illegal immigrants who write and understand the English language better than you.

10-03-2007, 12:02 PM
Personally attacking me, rather then discussing the issue. Does this sound familiar ?

Dont worry jackdaniels, I love you too :laugh2:

It wasn't a personal attack. It was an observation that your posts are almost unreadable because you show no command of the English language. You're no better than an illegal immigrant.