View Full Version : Joy Racist Reid again

12-16-2021, 04:24 PM
Elizabeth Warren made comments about Elon Musk and taxes. As I posted, Elong replied with humor and sismissed her, and then posted "Please don't call the manager on me, Senator Karen".


Yes, there were several incidents a couple of years ago where white women called the cops on black folks for no good reason. Way more than just the first time white people have pulled this shit.

But I have news for you, you racist POS. That kind of crap and petty disputes were taking place long long before those incidents and many after and will likely continue. Almost like Hatfield and McCoy's, as folks seem to think that if they are the first to call police and make accusations that they will 'win' over that person and get them in trouble.

But Joy seems to think the word "Karen" is like the N word, and belongs to black people somehow. Do you know how many times and how common this is? Look on Youtube and search for "another Karen", and enjoy the videos for weeks on end. And I would say that the majority of them are white on white. Again, in the recent memory starting with a woman in Central Park calling the cops for no reason. So yeah, but sorry you racist witch, ya don't own the term.


Joy Reid Accuses Elon Musk Of Stealing ‘Karen’ Insult From ‘Black Vernacular’

MSNBC host Joy Reid accused Tesla chief executive Elon Musk of stealing the term “Karen” from “black vernacular” during her show Wednesday.

During a segment of her show “The Reid Out,” Reid took aim at Musk, saying he is “opposed” to the Build Back Better Act and “wants to get rid of all government subsidies.” Reid also said Musk is “one of the most thin-skinned people on social media” after he got into a Twitter scuffle with Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Monday.

Reid showed Warren’s tweet during the segment, which proposed “changing the tax code” so Musk would “stop freeloading off everyone else” and “actually pay taxes.”

Musk responded, saying, “Please don’t call the manager on me, Senator Karen.”


“Elon did what he always did and stomped his little feet and insulted Senator Warren,” Reid said. She labeled his treatment of Warren as “selfish and disrespectful,” claiming he “appropriated” the term “Karen” from “black vernacular for misogynistic purposes.”

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2021/12/16/joy-reid-elon-musk-elizabeth-warren-tax-code-karen-insult-twitter/



Middle aged woman, typically blonde, makes solutions to others' problems an inconvenience to her although she isn't even remotely affected.

Karen sues the local city council after they installed a new STOP sign that hides the sun from her window for two minutes a day. The sign was installed after a school boy on his bicycle was hit by a speeding driver and died.

Karen refuses to wear a face mask for her 5 minute trip to the supermarket during a pandemic. She harasses the workers, asks to see the manager and threatens to sue.

Karen complains that her favorite parking spot was replaced by a ramp for wheel chairs. She parks her car in the old spot anyway and shoots a vlog about it.


45. Drives either an SUV or a minivan. Can be found complaining to managers at either Burger King, or any McDonald's with a play area. Drinks crappy wine with her other non-working mom friends at book club and posts stupid memes on Instagram. Has a husband who works an office job and makes all the money for her. Karen's can also be found on forums on the internet talking about how much they hate Fortnite, social media especially tik tok, and their husbands. Karens also own a variety of Walmart running shoes which they wear 24/7.

Burger king worker 1: Oh damn it, here comes that mom in the workout gear and running shoes, I wonder what she has to say, she's already ordered.

Burger King worker 2: Bet her name is Karen

Mom: Can I speak to the manager?

Burger king worker 2: I rest my case

A "Karen" is a woman who acts entitled, expects certain privileges or special treatment, and gets angered easily. The term is often used to criticize the behavior of self-absorbed white, affluent, and middle-aged women, but may also be applied to anybody being "extra", or acting demanding and overly dramatic.

The "Karen" term originated from Reddit in 2017 when a user ranted about his ex-wife Karen and the things she was doing that annoyed him. It became a subreddit and grew in popularity as a meme to make fun of women acting aggressively petty.

12-17-2021, 02:48 PM
ANother one that can choke to death for all I care. Just think of the greenhouse gasses that won't be emitted every time she opens her maw :rolleyes: