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View Full Version : Comscore: MSM Ratings Tank Amid President Trump Departure From White House

12-18-2021, 08:50 AM
I have mentioned more than a few times over the past months -- since the Afghanistan withdrawal -- the MSM has just quit reporting anything worthy of being "news". As the article states, the rabid hyenas' whipping by is gone despite his best efforts to stay center stage. The MSM quit reporting anything negative about Biden which leaves them little to do.

That and I think a lot of people have tuned out because the MSM went so overboard 2016-2020 pushing lies and hate that everyone burned out.

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 4:57 PM PT – Friday, December 17, 2021Media outlets across the board are losing viewership in light of President Trump’s departure from the White House.
According to Comscore data reported in the Wall Street Journal on Friday, outlets including the Washington Post, New York Times and CNN, have all seen a decline in ratings. Politico took the biggest hit with a nearly 50 percent decline in monthly visitors.
This trend is one Trump predicted throughout his first term.
“You know what the fake news doesn’t know? They’re getting the highest ratings in the history of television. When Trump is gone, they’re all going bankrupt. They will go down, they’re going to say oh I wish…they’re going to be calling we want Trump to run again. We want him to run again,” Trump said back in November of 2020.
To fill the void, mainstream media outlets have continuously ran stories linking Trump to the events of Jan. 6, special elections and midterm elections.

12-18-2021, 03:31 PM
Any reasonably smart person would have totally ignored the MSM years ago .

Once you have fathomed a corrupt system, why would you continue using it and/or give your attention to it ?

But it is excellent to see the power of the MSM declining and as forecast .

The interesting matter is to fathom the new system and to find out whether it is truly independent and not controlled by sponsorship of any sort .