View Full Version : Victor David Hansen

01-02-2022, 11:21 PM
Maybe we need a forum just for what this man says. I'm always impressed. I really like him, Thomas Sowell and Charles Krauthammer.

The Truths We Dared Not Speak in 2021

At the end of this terrible year, we are left only with ironies.

By Victor Davis Hanson (https://amgreatness.com/author/victor-davis-hanson/)

January 2, 2022


01-03-2022, 01:18 AM
Hanson is a gift for all of us. Charles Krauthammer WAS also when he was around. Sowell is a highly educated man the Racists call Uncle Tom...and ALL THREE OF THEM ONLY TELL TRUTH.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-03-2022, 05:07 AM
Absolutely brilliant by Hansen. Truth is often seen to be brilliant but never more so when it puts to shame the lies and actions by those that have falsely veiled themseves as brilliant heroes and saviours!
Only negative I can say about Hansen's piece is he did not explicitly name the dem party and its agenda as the major culprit but instead cited biden Harris and others as if they exist in a vacuum. They do not...
They are the elephant in the room but he did not directly and succinctly hammer to point home to the blinded, ignorant masses, imho.
Of course you and I can understnd and see that but the liberal/socialist dem educated masses can not see on average any farther than the tip of the nose.
And the kicker to all of this, we that have seen it coming (even predicted a lot it- as I have) will be vilified and pilloried for daring to make that statement at all.
As I rightly called years and years ago and even more recently when first joining here -that China is our enemy.
And China works faithfully to destroy us as they eat up our trillions of dollars enslaving their slave population..
Which by the way-- they plan on one coming future day tens of millions of those slaves to be American!
I even wrote my graduating term paper class of '72/73 on that very thing.
That is close to 50 years ago. But what does an 18 year old kid know???
My prediction then was China would outrank us in 45/50 years....
Well, appears now I was a bit hasty back then and should have predicted 55/60 years, huh??
Chalk that littler error up to my having a bit more faith in my fellow citizens--but not much...
Here is the truth of it-just as the mighty Roman empire fell from decay from within-so we see our nation now travel that same path-sems at breakneck speed since the idiot Biden was falsely and criminally installed.
But hey, they got by with putting inthe traitor obama- so why not put in the idiot fool corrupted piece of shit Biden.
I mean , when you have a sucker(American population) on the line -why not bleed it dry. See the ffing scum (Soros) and his much, much lauded actions for further reference on that bit...
Is there hope?
Well hope, always exists--until it does not....--:saluting2:--Tyr

edit- I woke up sick at 2 AM.
Checked in here and read the Hansen piece.
Decided to stop holding back and say my piece.

Which is what I've said for about 45 years now-
America's greatest enemy rests comfortably within--it has a name= the Democrat Party.... A fact..
Problem is how does one stop that?
Because a ciivil war is not the path to take.
And the ignorant/brainwashed masses have not a clue.
We are at a tipping point in my opinion, and Fate is gonna decide...
And yes, I speak without fear or favor. Anybody-anywhere in this world == that does not like it , can just kiss my ass..
As I fear no man alive... --Tyr

01-03-2022, 04:39 PM


All Americans are learning the same thing at the same time.

"It is Impossible to have an Intelligent conversation with anyone who has NO Intelligence!"