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View Full Version : AOC parties at a drag queen bar in Florida

01-09-2022, 09:08 PM
This was the story the other day. The day before she was photographed dining with her boyfriend. And while she speaks another ballgame at home, she went maskless in Florida.

And now she has Covid.


Fully Vaccinated *And Boosted* AOC Has Covid After Partying in Packed Miami Drag Queen Bar

Fully vaccinated *and boosted* Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY) has tested positive for Covid, her office announced on Sunday.

“Representative Ocasio-Cortez has received a positive test result for Covid-19. She is experiencing symptoms and recovering at home. The Congresswoman received her booster shot this Fall, and encourages everyone to get their booster and follow all CDC guidance,” AOC’s office said in a statement.


Hypocrite AOC traveled down to Miami to party with her boyfriend last week while her state crumbles under high crime, totalitarian COVID mandates, high unemployment, and loss of jobs.

A maskless AOC was also spotted partying with drag queens.

The champagne Socialist was hugging and kissing the drag queens whilst lecturing the rest of us to “mask up” and “social distance.”

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/fully-vaccinated-boosted-aoc-covid-partying-packed-miami-drag-queen-bar/

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-09-2022, 09:25 PM
This was the story the other day. The day before she was photographed dining with her boyfriend. And while she speaks another ballgame at home, she went maskless in Florida.

And now she has Covid.


Fully Vaccinated *And Boosted* AOC Has Covid After Partying in Packed Miami Drag Queen Bar

Fully vaccinated *and boosted* Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY) has tested positive for Covid, her office announced on Sunday.

“Representative Ocasio-Cortez has received a positive test result for Covid-19. She is experiencing symptoms and recovering at home. The Congresswoman received her booster shot this Fall, and encourages everyone to get their booster and follow all CDC guidance,” AOC’s office said in a statement.


Hypocrite AOC traveled down to Miami to party with her boyfriend last week while her state crumbles under high crime, totalitarian COVID mandates, high unemployment, and loss of jobs.

A maskless AOC was also spotted partying with drag queens.

The champagne Socialist was hugging and kissing the drag queens whilst lecturing the rest of us to “mask up” and “social distance.”

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/fully-vaccinated-boosted-aoc-covid-partying-packed-miami-drag-queen-bar/

What does it say for the state of this nation that we are being ruled by such people???
That we are being lectured to, by these dem-idiots, these filthy, corrupt and too oft imbecilic, lying hypocrites.--Tyr