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01-11-2022, 10:46 PM
The me of not so long ago would agree with the following without reservation, part of me still does. Unfortunately I've changed a lot of my thinking about the country and body politic since 2008, maybe 2000.

The left really was in 'resist' mode after 2000 election. 9/11 temporarily changed that, but not for long. By 2004 it was 'Gore won' and all about the popular vote. Bush squeaked a second term

Obama was the postmodern president, in spite of all the Chicago style politics, including playing the race card to deny any civil discussion. In spite of his record, he got a squeaker second term. Not looking to me like post anything, but that's just my opinion.

Both Bush and Obama mostly ruled by executive fiat. The following Presidents would likewise. While the executives were busy making laws, no matter how temporary, the legislatures were bringing new meaning to partisanship. More and more there was no discussion or even debate, lies and name calling became the norm.

Social media amplified divides and everyone jumped in. By the end of Obama, the "right" was ready to shake things up. Then were shocked with what followed and now it's going to be the 'left's ' turn.

I'm just wondering when the music stops if there will be any chair left?


01-12-2022, 01:03 AM
I believe the Music will never stop, and what has been taking place around us for so long...isn't gonna change much.
Look back at our Historical past for example..."Millions hated Lincoln. Millions hated Teddy Roosevelt, and the list didn't stop.
What we are all going through now is a major TEST for all of us.
We either decide to Keep our Nation and Constitution or...

As History sadly shows IMO...the worst is yet to come, and OUR AMERICA needs to keep Playing the MUSIC or the SILENCE will destroy us all.
Just my Opinion as I keep telling myself "I hope I live long enough to see Us Win!"

01-12-2022, 02:10 AM
I believe the Music will never stop, and what has been taking place around us for so long...isn't gonna change much.
Look back at our Historical past for example..."Millions hated Lincoln. Millions hated Teddy Roosevelt, and the list didn't stop.
What we are all going through now is a major TEST for all of us.
We either decide to Keep our Nation and Constitution or...

As History sadly shows IMO...the worst is yet to come, and OUR AMERICA needs to keep Playing the MUSIC or the SILENCE will destroy us all.
Just my Opinion as I keep telling myself "I hope I live long enough to see Us Win!"
I see a difference between 'hating' a Clinton or Reagan and believing that the president is illegitimate for whatever reason is given. "Not my president " is not a good move.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-12-2022, 06:05 AM
I see a difference between 'hating' a Clinton or Reagan and believing that the president is illegitimate for whatever reason is given. "Not my president " is not a good move.

I accept no damn leader that I not only see but that I also know works only for self and filthy Party- works faithffully against this nation. our culture and the Constitution.
So I stand firmly, proudly and forever in the - "not my President group"- with any leader that is by action, by deed a damn celebrated traitor such as the scum obama and the idiot scum the moronic corrupt bastard o'biden.
I was not raised to be either a fool or a damn slave to these filthy ffking lib/socialist dems that infest our government!
Thus I stand and fight if need be..
I was taught to never be a coward-this nation was founded by fighters.
To me the Dem party is nothing but a damn bunch of filthy traitors and their agenda proves it.. --:saluting2:--Tyr

01-12-2022, 06:46 AM
Maybe the partisans rank and file should stop playing the game?
Bush, Obama, Trump, Cruz, Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, Cheney, and their families will all be GREAT, with chairs or without.

It's ALL the rest of us sitting in less than million dollar homes or apartments that will be looking for ways to make ends meet and live at peace.

maybe the games rigged? whose playing the music? who said we have to play THIS zero sum game?

01-12-2022, 10:07 AM
Maybe the partisans rank and file should stop playing the game?
Bush, Obama, Trump, Cruz, Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, Cheney, and their families will all be GREAT, with chairs or without.

It's ALL the rest of us sitting in less than million dollar homes or apartments that will be looking for ways to make ends meet and live at peace.

maybe the games rigged? whose playing the music? who said we have to play THIS zero sum game?
I think I may agree with you. Maybe.

If there's to be change or perhaps a return to a political normalcy, folks need to become aware or the differences between chasing distractions and focusing on either challenging those throwing out the distractions or running for office themselves. AOC and ilk may be dumb as rocks, but they are not chasing chimeras, they are building a plurality on the left.

01-12-2022, 10:26 AM
Maybe the partisans rank and file should stop playing the game?
Bush, Obama, Trump, Cruz, Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, Cheney, and their families will all be GREAT, with chairs or without.

It's ALL the rest of us sitting in less than million dollar homes or apartments that will be looking for ways to make ends meet and live at peace.

maybe the games rigged? whose playing the music? who said we have to play THIS zero sum game?

As you say nothing changes with different politicians in charge so who is to say that the game that they play really means anything day-to-day?

The rank and file don't live a zero-sum life though the powers that be might like to say they are. It's not like the old days where the monarchs would tell the peasants to go fight in a war and die for something that would have no chance to make their lives better. I heard something the other day about the 100 years war between France and England and the local lord would occasionally announce, "you are now English," until they would announce later, "you are now French..." As long as they didn't have to die I'm sure they just went about their daily business.

The pessimism I see that could change our world is based on 30 Trillion. Many of us thought the same thing when it was 10 Trillion though.

01-12-2022, 10:41 AM
As you say nothing changes with different politicians in charge so who is to say that the game that they play really means anything day-to-day?

The rank and file don't live a zero-sum life though the powers that be might like to say they are. It's not like the old days where the monarchs would tell the peasants to go fight in a war and die for something that would have no chance to make their lives better. I heard something the other day about the 100 years war between France and England and the local lord would occasionally announce, "you are now English," until they would announce later, "you are now French..." As long as they didn't have to die I'm sure they just went about their daily business.

The pessimism I see that could change our world is based on 30 Trillion. Many of us thought the same thing when it was 10 Trillion though.
I look at time devoted by all sorts during this pandemic. Whether those spending hours waiting g in lines for tests, shots, masks, or chasing toilet paper. There are those spending hours researching alternatives to treatments, videos confirming their worst fears. Collectively many are just worn out psychologically.

Yet, signs of hope. Virtual schooling appalled some attentive parents. When attending school board meetings they recognized there were issues way beyond just to vaccinate and mask. Most issues predated the pandemic and were not just local. Those people have started down a road that won't necessarily end at their local school.

That's one example, bet others can find more.

01-12-2022, 11:11 AM
Yet, signs of hope.

Thanks for perking up my pessimistic morning. :)

01-13-2022, 03:40 PM
The me of not so long ago would agree with the following without reservation, part of me still does. Unfortunately I've changed a lot of my thinking about the country and body politic since 2008, maybe 2000.

The left really was in 'resist' mode after 2000 election. 9/11 temporarily changed that, but not for long. By 2004 it was 'Gore won' and all about the popular vote. Bush squeaked a second term

Obama was the postmodern president, in spite of all the Chicago style politics, including playing the race card to deny any civil discussion. In spite of his record, he got a squeaker second term. Not looking to me like post anything, but that's just my opinion.

Both Bush and Obama mostly ruled by executive fiat. The following Presidents would likewise. While the executives were busy making laws, no matter how temporary, the legislatures were bringing new meaning to partisanship. More and more there was no discussion or even debate, lies and name calling became the norm.

Social media amplified divides and everyone jumped in. By the end of Obama, the "right" was ready to shake things up. Then were shocked with what followed and now it's going to be the 'left's ' turn.

I'm just wondering when the music stops if there will be any chair left?

https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/patriotism-unity/why-i-hate-lets-go-brandonIt's called getting old :) We've seen the same damned thing repeat itself every 10-20 years as if it's new how many times in our lives? Can't beat experience :laugh:

The elites aren't fighting for chairs. Elites operate the record player and don't participate while ensuring they don't provide enough seats for everyone. Our best hope is enough chairs last to get from this life to the next by natural means.

22 years ago I started bitching up a storm because GWB gave tax cuts but wouldn't sign them into law, with no reason not to. It's gone downhill since and this "it's their turn" crap has us going polar opposite every 4 years. We need consistency. Laws rather than EOs.

It took awhile to put a finger on it but Biden/dems/MSM have brought one thing sharply into focus as of this past election: we aren't invulnerable anymore and it's by our own doing. That would be part of that uneasy realization on at least my part.

01-13-2022, 03:42 PM
As you say nothing changes with different politicians in charge so who is to say that the game that they play really means anything day-to-day?

The rank and file don't live a zero-sum life though the powers that be might like to say they are. It's not like the old days where the monarchs would tell the peasants to go fight in a war and die for something that would have no chance to make their lives better. I heard something the other day about the 100 years war between France and England and the local lord would occasionally announce, "you are now English," until they would announce later, "you are now French..." As long as they didn't have to die I'm sure they just went about their daily business.

The pessimism I see that could change our world is based on 30 Trillion. Many of us thought the same thing when it was 10 Trillion though.It's exactly like tht today as it was a thousand years ago. Only the names and the prism the monarchs show us life through have changed.

01-13-2022, 03:45 PM
It's exactly like tht today as it was a thousand years ago. Only the names and the prism the monarchs show us life through have changed.

Fair point. I was thinking that as I was typing it the other day. However, people do have the ability to improve their lives today that they didn't have then; if they avail themselves of the opporunity.