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01-12-2022, 08:03 PM
I love this!! She says it's time to take out the trash - AOC!

I just hope she can do it. I am so sick and tired of this one too. More than her having to go, but I would love to see her gone for starters.



AOC Opponent Releases Ad Slamming the Socialist Democrat’s Hypocrisy

Tina Forte, a Bronx born New Yorker who is running to take on AOC (https://tatumreport.com/tina-forte-looking-unseat-aoc-2022/) in the 2022 elections is known to many for her unfiltered videos on social media slamming New York Democrats who have turned the Empire State into a crime-ridden cesspool of Marxism.

Of course, The Gateway Pundit has consistently reported on the insanity that has been occurring in not only NYC, but across New York state. Rampant hate crimes against Asian-Americans, attacks on our law enforcement officers, senseless and unregulated violence, bogus COVID mandates and lockdowns, and of course how pervert turned former Governor Andrew Cuomo lied about COVID related nursing home deaths (as he sexually assaulted female staffers). And, we can’t forget how AOC spinned many a tall tales claiming to fear for her life on January 6th, despite the fact that she wasn’t even in the capitol building.

While Forte certainly faces an uphill battle in her effort to unseat “Squad” member AOC, she has amassed hundreds of thousands of followers across her digital media accounts and has been a fixture at anti-lockdown and medical choice protests over the past year.

Her ad highlights how AOC has been dubbed the “leading socialist superstar,” her penchant for routinely attacking Israel, also reminding voters how she compared US border security efforts to “Nazi Death Camps” during her infamous border visit which gave us the extremely cringeworthy photo op of her crying and clinging to the fence.

AOC’s open support for defunding police and her recent visit to the Free State of Florida, where she was caught partying maskless on several occasions, also make a cameo.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/aoc-opponent-releases-ad-slamming-socialist-democrats-hypocrisy/

01-13-2022, 12:40 AM
Think she'll make it? This was my first time seeing her.


01-13-2022, 09:17 AM
Think she'll make it?

No chance.

01-13-2022, 01:50 PM
Think she'll make it? This was my first time seeing her.

No chance.

After hearing her horrid accent, and now Sassy's follow-up video, I have to agree, way too rough around the edges.

I sure hope someone else or others are running. This woman needs to go.

01-13-2022, 02:18 PM
After hearing her horrid accent, and now Sassy's follow-up video, I have to agree, way too rough around the edges.

I sure hope someone else or others are running. This woman needs to go.

Oh geez. I didn't even watch the video to know she had no chance. All I had to see was that district has been blue and getting bluer since 2000 minimum.

01-13-2022, 02:24 PM
Oh geez. I didn't even watch the video to know she had no chance. All I had to see was that district has been blue and getting bluer since 2000 minimum.

That deep deep Bronx accent & then the way she speaks and all the foul language. And no doubt there are more.

But she's still 100% right about the POS AOC still.

01-13-2022, 04:46 PM
I love this!! She says it's time to take out the trash - AOC!

I just hope she can do it. I am so sick and tired of this one too. More than her having to go, but I would love to see her gone for starters.



AOC Opponent Releases Ad Slamming the Socialist Democrat’s Hypocrisy

Tina Forte, a Bronx born New Yorker who is running to take on AOC (https://tatumreport.com/tina-forte-looking-unseat-aoc-2022/) in the 2022 elections is known to many for her unfiltered videos on social media slamming New York Democrats who have turned the Empire State into a crime-ridden cesspool of Marxism.

Of course, The Gateway Pundit has consistently reported on the insanity that has been occurring in not only NYC, but across New York state. Rampant hate crimes against Asian-Americans, attacks on our law enforcement officers, senseless and unregulated violence, bogus COVID mandates and lockdowns, and of course how pervert turned former Governor Andrew Cuomo lied about COVID related nursing home deaths (as he sexually assaulted female staffers). And, we can’t forget how AOC spinned many a tall tales claiming to fear for her life on January 6th, despite the fact that she wasn’t even in the capitol building.

While Forte certainly faces an uphill battle in her effort to unseat “Squad” member AOC, she has amassed hundreds of thousands of followers across her digital media accounts and has been a fixture at anti-lockdown and medical choice protests over the past year.

Her ad highlights how AOC has been dubbed the “leading socialist superstar,” her penchant for routinely attacking Israel, also reminding voters how she compared US border security efforts to “Nazi Death Camps” during her infamous border visit which gave us the extremely cringeworthy photo op of her crying and clinging to the fence.

AOC’s open support for defunding police and her recent visit to the Free State of Florida, where she was caught partying maskless on several occasions, also make a cameo.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/aoc-opponent-releases-ad-slamming-socialist-democrats-hypocrisy/AOC is backed by some serious bad guys. She needs to be gone.

Justice would be the entire Squad losing reelection, but that's wishful thinking. Especially for those ragheads that live in communities taken over by ragheads.