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View Full Version : DeSantis uses conservative lifeline as Trump sours on him

01-16-2022, 06:46 PM
Trump's problem is he is running on an allegation he cannot prove. That would be THE point I would be hammering home at every opportunity if I was DeSantis. It really doesn't matter what one believes, especially to the left. It's what can you prove.

TALLAHASSEE — Conservative social media influencers have flocked to Florida for "freedom," "liberty" and another reason: Gov. Ron DeSantis.
The Republican governor’s team has been courting popular conservative media and online figures, an effort that comes as former President Donald Trump appears to be turning on DeSantis. Some of those whom the governor’s staff are wooing are heavily involved in amplifying the anti-vax movement and downplaying the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

In early January — on the 6th no less — DeSantis hosted nine prominent social media stars in Tallahassee for a night that included stops at DeSantis’ office, dinner at the governor’s mansion and drinks at Level 8 Lounge, a popular downtown rooftop bar near Florida’s statehouse. Almost all of them have recently very publicly announced on social media that they moved to Florida.
“Thanks for dinner, @GovRonDeSantis (https://twitter.com/GovRonDeSantis). I’m no longer an enemy of the state!,” Dave Rubin (https://twitter.com/rubinreport/status/1479295878317977600?s=21), a conservative television host and YouTube personality, tweeted to his one million Twitter followers. He recently moved from California to Florida. “Florida is the Future.”
Rubin, who was among the group with DeSantis on Jan. 6, posted the tweet from the Florida governor’s mansion along with a photo of him next to DeSantis.
The gathering in Tallahassee came less than a week ahead of DeSantis’ State of the State address that opened Florida’s 2022 legislative session. DeSantis focused his nearly hour-long address on themes that energize the national Republican base, including the state’s hands-off pandemic response and criticism of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert who is regularly condemned by Republicans.
“Tune out from the clown show in Washington D.C.,” Jordan Schachtel, a conservative journalist who was at the get-together in Tallahassee, tweeted about DeSantis’ speech to his more than 167,000 followers. “The leader of the Free World is speaking.”
The meetings were set up in part by DeSantis’ press secretary Christina Pushaw, who sought to minimize the role of the influencers in a statement to POLITICO, saying they are Florida residents who “have consistently supported the governor's pro-freedom policies.”

“Turns out that a governor who stands up for individual rights against federal tyranny is popular among conservatives,” said Pushaw, known as the administration’s right wing whisperer.
Most of those on the Tallahassee trip did not respond to requests for comment, but Newsweek Opinion Editor Josh Hammer and Fox News’ Lisa Boothe, both of whom live in Florida, sent identical emails in response to POLITICO’s questions: “You can quote me as follows: ‘Florida rocks.’”
Many conservative media stars, most of whom have long been some of Trump’s most vocal supporters, have been hyping DeSantis in recent months for the governor’s rejection of Covid-related mandates and constant hammering of President Joe Biden. But the support has increased in intensity in recent weeks, a spike easily noticeable on social media and podcasts throughout the conservative media ecosystem. That support is key in helping DeSantis further expand his footprint with influencers in Republican primary politics ahead of his 2022 reelection and as he weighs a 2024 White House bid.
“It’s truly fascinating to watch the ascent of Ron DeSantis,” said Sara Gonzales, a host on conservative BlazeTV network who is based in Texas. “I say this of course, as a native Texan. Florida, under DeSantis’s leadership, has made even Texas look shaky on issues that really matter to the average conservative.”
That attention comes as DeSantis has also drawn Trump’s ire. Trump has repeatedly said he would beat DeSantis in a GOP primary, and just last week on the conservative One America News Network called politicians who will not say if they have gotten the Covid-19 booster shot “gutless” — a comment widely seen as directed at DeSantis, who has waffled when asked about the issue though has said he’s been vaccinated.
Trump’s team is also eager to highlight the role he played in making DeSantis a national Republican figure.
“The MAGA world has, in large part, followed President Trump to Florida as it readies for the future," said Taylor Budowich, a Trump spokesperson. "After introducing the world to Governor DeSantis in 2017 through a Tweet, Floridians have reaped the rewards of President Trump’s America First candidates."
"Now, with DeSantis up for re-election, it’s an all hands on deck effort to propel Governor DeSantis across the finish line once more," he added, referring to DeSantis running again this year for governor.
DeSantis, without naming Trump, on Friday also escalated the clash by criticizing the former president’s early handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. DeSantis said the administration listened too closely to Fauci on restrictions like lockdowns.
“People like Fauci panicked, they were following the data out of China, which is not trustworthy,” he said.
DeSantis also shut down Florida for a few months in the early days of the pandemic, but was one of the first governor’s to lift restrictions in mid-2020.
“I think it would be a mistake for DeSantis not to run. The more Trump makes the mistake of tying the success of the vaccines to his ego, the more he alienates and insults his base,” said Gonzales, the BlazeTV host. “Many people who supported Trump in the last election are hungry for someone with the guts to speak for them without fear of repercussions, but also without the obvious baggage that Trump carries.“
“DeSantis fits that mold perfectly.”

01-16-2022, 07:11 PM
I hope DeSantis runs. I would rather see Trump not run and back him instead. Him still ranting about the election is retarded. And he's bringing up Desantis winning and how he wouldn't have done so without him. Let it go. Let it all go. Run on initiatives and not the past, and make the republicans stronger as a team - not ripping anyone he doesn't care for that day and making enemies for down the road again.

I'm not going to say I won't back him if he's the nominee, I'll back anyone but the Dem nominee. But I prefer someone else.


Annoyed DeSantis Won’t Say He Won’t Run in 2024, Trump Reportedly Trashes Florida Governor: ‘No Personal Charisma’ and ‘Dull Personality’

Former President Donald Trump is getting increasingly fed up with Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), according to a new report by Axios’ Jonathan Swan, trashing the governor as having “no personal charisma” and “a dull personality.”

The report comes after the two Republicans have found their names in headlines together several times recently. Thus far, Trump has been coy about whether he plans to run for president again in 2024, but has been granting interviews and having rallies again in what certainly looks like he’s gearing up for a new campaign.

Trump spoke with One America News earlier this month, and blasted “gutless” politicians who refused to say if they had received the Covid-19 vaccine booster. Among those who have refused to disclose that information: DeSantis, who awkwardly dodged the question when asked by Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo in December.

The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman viewed Trump’s comments as a clear dunk on DeSantis, who was “increasingly under his skin.” Trump’s ire, said Haberman, was that he “isn’t getting the deference from DeSantis that he wants in the pre-2024 leadup.”

DeSantis pushed back on these stories, telling the Ruthless podcast on Friday that this was a media-driven narrative and denying reports of any “animosity” between him and the former president.

Rest - https://www.mediaite.com/donald-trump/annoyed-desantis-wont-say-he-wont-run-in-2024-trump-reportedly-trashes-florida-governor-no-personal-charisma-and-dull-personality/

01-16-2022, 08:56 PM
I hope DeSantis runs. I would rather see Trump not run and back him instead. Him still ranting about the election is retarded. And he's bringing up Desantis winning and how he wouldn't have done so without him. Let it go. Let it all go. Run on initiatives and not the past, and make the republicans stronger as a team - not ripping anyone he doesn't care for that day and making enemies for down the road again.

I'm not going to say I won't back him if he's the nominee, I'll back anyone but the Dem nominee. But I prefer someone else.


Annoyed DeSantis Won’t Say He Won’t Run in 2024, Trump Reportedly Trashes Florida Governor: ‘No Personal Charisma’ and ‘Dull Personality’

Former President Donald Trump is getting increasingly fed up with Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), according to a new report by Axios’ Jonathan Swan, trashing the governor as having “no personal charisma” and “a dull personality.”

The report comes after the two Republicans have found their names in headlines together several times recently. Thus far, Trump has been coy about whether he plans to run for president again in 2024, but has been granting interviews and having rallies again in what certainly looks like he’s gearing up for a new campaign.

Trump spoke with One America News earlier this month, and blasted “gutless” politicians who refused to say if they had received the Covid-19 vaccine booster. Among those who have refused to disclose that information: DeSantis, who awkwardly dodged the question when asked by Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo in December.

The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman viewed Trump’s comments as a clear dunk on DeSantis, who was “increasingly under his skin.” Trump’s ire, said Haberman, was that he “isn’t getting the deference from DeSantis that he wants in the pre-2024 leadup.”

DeSantis pushed back on these stories, telling the Ruthless podcast on Friday that this was a media-driven narrative and denying reports of any “animosity” between him and the former president.

Rest - https://www.mediaite.com/donald-trump/annoyed-desantis-wont-say-he-wont-run-in-2024-trump-reportedly-trashes-florida-governor-no-personal-charisma-and-dull-personality/IMO, Desantis has appeared focused on current issues facing the country. Trump is stuck in the movie Groundhog Day.


01-17-2022, 12:15 AM
I agree with DeSantis. It's media driven BS.

Mr. P
01-17-2022, 01:31 AM
I agree with DeSantis. It's media driven BS.

That was exactly my first thought. These days I really don't trust any of them.

On the other hand I never did. :laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-17-2022, 06:29 AM
That was exactly my first thought. These days I really don't trust any of them.

On the other hand I never did. :laugh:

I have had zero trust in mainstream media since the days of the scum Bill Clinton THAT THEY FAWNED OVER!
And had very little even before that.
Works perfectly fine now to doubt every damn thing they say.
In fact, even better to immediately assume that
-- it is just utter rot designed to advance the totally corrupted dems/globalists and other enemies of this nation!--:saluting2: -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-17-2022, 06:40 AM
IMO, Desantis has appeared focused on current issues facing the country. Trump is stuck in the movie Groundhog Day.


I agree with you about Trump being stuck with the stolen election bit.
Because it is true they stole the election.
The problem is that they did it in such a way that it as of now cannot be proven.
Nothing in this universe can ever convince me that 80 million people voted for that piece of flaming shit the ffing scum O'biden..
When the soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorry piece of shit hid in his basement.
Only person that I despise more than that corrupt bstrrd is the other one that is even worse- the POS THE O'BAMA.. --:saluting2:

I say what exactly I think regardless of who it may piss off- I always have since my Dad said,
""Son speak your peace without fear or favor. Any that do not like that ignore if you can and if not tell them to go jump in a lake.""
"Never bow down to such ignorant folks.""
I bow down to no man-ever!
And yes, it has cost me quite dearly, but my honor stays intact....-Tyr

01-17-2022, 11:20 AM
I agree with you about Trump being stuck with the stolen election bit.
Because it is true they stole the election.
The problem is that they did it in such a way that it as of now cannot be proven.
Nothing in this universe can ever convince me that 80 million people voted for that piece of flaming shit the ffing scum O'biden..
When the soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorry piece of shit hid in his basement.
Only person that I despise more than that corrupt bstrrd is the other one that is even worse- the POS THE O'BAMA.. --:saluting2:

I say what exactly I think regardless of who it may piss off- I always have since my Dad said,
""Son speak your peace without fear or favor. Any that do not like that ignore if you can and if not tell them to go jump in a lake.""
"Never bow down to such ignorant folks.""
I bow down to no man-ever!
And yes, it has cost me quite dearly, but my honor stays intact....-TyrI don't believe the election was "stolen from Trump" in the way it has been presented by he and his supporters. I also am not going to state, without evidence, that any voter fraud committed did in fact steal the election.

My point on this topic is the voter fraud is endemic to a bureaucratic system run mostly by the left because of their love for the government dollar for very little work. They have all the jobs that put in them in all the right places in the government infrastructure, from Mayberry's Sheriff's secretary to the WH. It can't help but be what it is despite all the denial.

There were questionable above the norm things that took place in 2020. Extensions by blue states that meant the difference who got to count their votes after everyone else was shut off. "Found" votes. Ballot harvesting.

All anyone has to do is prove it. No one can. Not Trump, nor anyone else. It would take some hard charges with evidence supporting them, and proof of intent. More than anything else it would take the average American people to accept the fact the whole system is corrupt from top to bottom and that's as easy as getting anyone to admit they made a mistake/are wrong nowadays.

Trump is stuck on trying to convince people of something he cannot prove, and his every move has been about him. It's his way or no way. And he has enough followers to do some real damage to the GOP when the GOP least needs it. He's screwing over Republicans who don't support him without one care that the chances are a lot better that person be replaced by a Dem rather than one of Trump's spoilers.

Let's not forget one VERY important fact while Trump is trying to turn the GOP into the party of Trump: Donald Trump is only conservative by comparison. He's "Republican" because he's not Democrat; therefore, democrats hate him. That doesn't make him a conservative except, as I stated, by comparison.

There are just too many reason why Trump is the wrong person, IMO. They far outweigh any good.

Sure, animosity between Desantis and Trump is going to be overplayed by the MSM/Dems/left. That's what they do. At the same time, the animosity cannot be dismissed given Trump has attacked any and everyone that isn't loyally following his lead.

Take it with a grain of salt. It cannot be dismissed anymore than it needs to be overplayed.