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01-20-2022, 01:46 PM
Another one down that these scumbags got their way with. Another one of our great leaders goes into storage.

This pisses me off and those that complained :fu:


Theodore Roosevelt statue removed from American Museum of Natural History

Roosevelt went on a rough ride.

A statue of Theodore Roosevelt that has stood in front of the American Museum of Natural History in Manhattan for more than 80 years was hauled away Wednesday, photos show.

The bronze monument depicting the nation’s 26th president on a horse flanked by an African man and a Native American man — which has sparked protests for glorifying colonialism and racism — was yanked out with a crane just after midnight, leaving behind only its concrete pedestal.

Rest - https://nypost.com/2022/01/19/theodore-roosevelt-statue-removed-from-museum-of-natural-history/

01-20-2022, 01:51 PM
50 years from now the nostalgia types will be trying to find any and everything "removed statue" that is part of our history. Will probably be the same assholes tearing them down today.

One thing about other countries -- they don't do much of this revisionist shit except the obvious like emblems of the 3d Reich and statues of Lenin and Stalin. I can see taking them down. Their crap is centuries old. Ours barely has made it past 1 and already being destroyed.

01-20-2022, 02:03 PM
50 years from now the nostalgia types will be trying to find any and everything "removed statue" that is part of our history. Will probably be the same assholes tearing them down today.

One thing about other countries -- they don't do much of this revisionist shit except the obvious like emblems of the 3d Reich and statues of Lenin and Stalin. I can see taking them down. Their crap is centuries old. Ours barely has made it past 1 and already being destroyed.

They want to dismiss and get rid of everyone and anything with the slightest faults in history. But that won't change our history nor do a damn thing to whatever long dead person. And it also dismisses the greatness that many of them are known for.

01-20-2022, 03:17 PM
They want to dismiss and get rid of everyone and anything with the slightest faults in history. But that won't change our history nor do a damn thing to whatever long dead person. And it also dismisses the greatness that many of them are known for.People who can't face history and learn from it are just stupid, IMO. Good, bad or whatever. Likewise, those who judge the past by the rules of today -- ESPECIALLY the stupid-ass, PC, BS rules of today -- are intellectually dishonest. I wasn't born in 2000. I was born in 1959. Most of my life won't pass today's BS standards and I am quite happy with that fact because I see very little change for the better; rather, a whole of change for no more reason than to be making them.

For his day and age, Teddy Roosevelt was a bigger than life person and defeintely a better leader than anyone going today. All these National wildlife reserves and parks? Because of him.

On the other hand, he was a bit like Trump. His successor didn't do as TR dictated so TR turned on him, trashed him in the media, and ran on a 3rd party ticket, splitting the GOP and handing the Dems the Presidency. Hope THAT history doesn't repeat itself.

Thee progressives/have nots are trying to erase US. They want a new playing field where they're in control, and they don't want to have to earn it. I'm for kicking most of them out of the country. If this was about idealism, they could just go to a country more in line with their political beliefs. It's about control.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-21-2022, 07:43 AM
Re-education in progress, a tyranny of the minority.
Setting foundation for a dictatorship is what it is, imho.
Setting a practice of destroying whatever opposes their insane ideology.
They have as their tool the dem party, mainstream media and our public education system.
In addition to that, the last 60+ years working towards that ultimate nation destroying goal, imho.--:saluting2:

These-- VERMIN never stop unless they are stopped by force.

oppsiii, did I just use that terrible word- "vermin"????

I beg a merciful forgiveness from any delicate little pansy soul that hideously awful bad word may have so tragically offended.

01-21-2022, 10:39 PM
And replace them with trash like Floyd.