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View Full Version : Ever had a panic attack?

10-03-2007, 02:25 AM

CHICAGO (Reuters) - People who experience the anxiety, racing heartbeat and rapid breathing of a panic attack have a higher risk of a heart attack or stroke, researchers said on Monday.

"Our study adds panic attacks to the list of emotional states and psychiatric symptoms that have been linked to excess risk of cardiovascular disease and death," wrote study author Dr. Jordan Smoller of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.

Previous research found people with persistent feelings of depression, anger and hostility are at higher risk of heart attack, according to the study, published in the Archives of General Psychiatry.

The study identified a more than three-fold increased risk of a heart attack or stroke within five years in 330 women who had originally reported a panic attack in the prior six months. They were among 3,369 women aged 51 to 83 to participate in the study.

Smoller said several factors may be at work, including that the symptoms of panic attacks inflict damage on the heart and the cardiovascular system.

Feelings of panic could induce blood platelet production that increases the risk of a blood clot, which can trigger a heart attack or stroke. Panic attacks also may lead to a spasm of an artery feeding the heart, which can reduce or cut off blood flow, he added.

10-07-2007, 05:04 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. A buddy of mine gets these.
2. He seems to think he has some sort of problem with his small intestine.
3. Which he feels is leaking and causing a hormone to be released that makes him panic.
4. He told me his face gets red on his left side, and his ear starts to pound.
5. Also said his pressure is fine, but he hears this pounding in his left ear only.
6. Anyone heard of this before?


10-07-2007, 05:14 PM
Your friend should consult a doctor chess, seriously, I'm not being funny.

A panic attack isn't usually kicked off by fears of a specific condition such as you outlined, it comes on, usually without warning. I don't know much about them, except that I've had them myself (they apparently occur mainly in your late thirties and recur at various times). They're marked by a terrible feeling of impending doom in the individual, usually non-specific, but the physiological indicators are elevated bp, faster pulse, shallow breathing and sometimes there can be chest pains which obviously make the individual frightened they're having a heart attack. Some attacks are worse than others. If anyone suffers a panic attack and has chest pain or pain in the arms, don't assume it's only a panic attack - call paramedics and get to hospital regardless.

10-07-2007, 05:25 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Yeah he gets pains to in his chest area.
2. Motioned that it runs up from his sternum to his heart area, to his shoulder, and on up his neck as well.
3. His doctors tell him he is physically in great shape.
4. He has played golf all his life, never married.
5. Really a nice guy, and I told him he needs to stop that panicking.


10-07-2007, 07:11 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Yeah he gets pains to in his chest area.
2. Motioned that it runs up from his sternum to his heart area, to his shoulder, and on up his neck as well.
3. His doctors tell him he is physically in great shape.
4. He has played golf all his life, never married.
5. Really a nice guy, and I told him he needs to stop that panicking.


He likely can't without medication as many are attacks are chemically induced by ones own body.

10-07-2007, 07:56 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. But yeah, he says he can't play golf now, it ages it on.
2. He can chip and putt, as long as he doesn't over do it.
3. What kinda of drugs are used to treat this condition?


10-07-2007, 09:01 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Yeah he gets pains to in his chest area.
2. Motioned that it runs up from his sternum to his heart area, to his shoulder, and on up his neck as well.
3. His doctors tell him he is physically in great shape.
4. He has played golf all his life, never married.
5. Really a nice guy, and I told him he needs to stop that panicking.


Has he been checked out for angina?

10-07-2007, 09:05 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. I think he has, and his heart is fine he told me.
2. He has had a colostomy, they have gone up his butt, and down his throat, looking with a camera.
3. He is clean everywhere they've looked.
4. Took out a palupe.
5. Azizid the Arab doc told him its in his head.
6. And said he wasn't going to do anything else for him.
7. Damned Arabs.


10-07-2007, 10:01 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. A buddy of mine gets these.
2. He seems to think he has some sort of problem with his small intestine.
3. Which he feels is leaking and causing a hormone to be released that makes him panic.
4. He told me his face gets red on his left side, and his ear starts to pound.
5. Also said his pressure is fine, but he hears this pounding in his left ear only.
6. Anyone heard of this before?


My brain bleeds when I read your posts. Maybe the problem is you.

10-07-2007, 10:29 PM
i used to get them....i started drinking better quality red wine...they went away....seriously

10-07-2007, 10:37 PM
I get minor ones a lot.

I was thinking about going to my doctor and asking him for some anxiety pill, but the only one I'd be interested in is Xanax.

And they only way they'd give me Xanax was if I was trying to jump off a building.

10-07-2007, 10:38 PM
I get minor ones a lot.

I was thinking about going to my doctor and asking him for some anxiety pill, but the only one I'd be interested in is Xanax.

And they only way they'd give me Xanax was if I was trying to jump off a building.

you could always ask for wellbutrine so you can quit smoking.......take one of those and life pretty much doesn't matter

10-07-2007, 10:48 PM
you could always ask for wellbutrine so you can quit smoking.......take one of those and life pretty much doesn't matter
The only problem with that is my mom takes my prescriptions to the pharmacy for me.

I was pissed the other day when I went to see my doctor and he had gone home for the day. They made me see his stupid nurse practitioner and she refused to give me sleeping pills.

She asked me if I had allergies and I said "sometimes"...her response was "oh well thats probably why you're not sleeping!"...
Her theory was that if I tried an allergy pill I wouldn’t need to blow my nose at night (which I don't in the first place and I told her that) thus making my sleep better.

I plan on going back in a week to see my real doctor. He's old and he always seems to give me whatever I want. The last time I went for sleeping problems I only had to say "I'm not sleeping well. I seem to wake up frequently during the night", and after about 2 questions he said "well ok I'm gonna write you a prescription for Ambien CR"....:)

Those were the days.

10-07-2007, 10:51 PM
The only problem with that is my mom takes my prescriptions to the pharmacy for me.

I was pissed the other day when I went to see my doctor and he had gone home for the day. They made me see his stupid nurse practitioner and she refused to give me sleeping pills.

She asked me if I had allergies and I said "sometimes"...her response was "oh well thats probably why you're not sleeping!"...
Her theory was that if I tried an allergy pill I wouldn’t need to blow my nose at night (which I don't in the first place and I told her that) thus making my sleep better.

I plan on going back in a week to see my real doctor. He's old and he always seems to give me whatever I want. The last time I went for sleeping problems I only had to say "I'm not sleeping well. I seem to wake up frequently during the night", and after about 2 questions he said "well ok I'm gonna write you a prescription for Ambien CR"....:)

Those were the days.

dude .... take control of your own life .......

10-07-2007, 10:51 PM
i used to get them....i started drinking better quality red wine...they went away....seriously

I also found I had a better type of hangover when I went upmarket :D

10-07-2007, 10:54 PM
chess - back to being serious.

Your bud might - if he hasn't already - want to get an ecg cardiogram thing on a treadmill, that will give an indication of any irregularity. If there is then he might get an angiogram from a cardiologist and that will give a better reading. Further on from that there's a test you get where they put you on the treadmill and then pump radioactive dye into you and then throw you in some sort of machine like a cat scan thing (but I don't know if it is) and they get a really good nuclear medicine look at what's going on.

10-07-2007, 10:58 PM
dude .... take control of your own life .......
Calm down I have insomnia.
I'm not a coke addict.

10-07-2007, 11:00 PM
Calm down I have insomnia.
I'm not a coke addict.

i am calm...but maybe mommy shouldn't be getting you your meds.....

10-07-2007, 11:44 PM
i once panicked when i got to the refridgerator and there was no beer in there does that count :laugh2:

10-08-2007, 12:37 AM
i once panicked when i got to the refridgerator and there was no beer in there does that count :laugh2:

That's an unnatural disaster! :laugh2:

10-08-2007, 08:07 AM
Sorry bout that,

chess - back to being serious.

Your bud might - if he hasn't already - want to get an ecg cardiogram thing on a treadmill, that will give an indication of any irregularity. If there is then he might get an angiogram from a cardiologist and that will give a better reading. Further on from that there's a test you get where they put you on the treadmill and then pump radioactive dye into you and then throw you in some sort of machine like a cat scan thing (but I don't know if it is) and they get a really good nuclear medicine look at what's going on.

1. Yeah I think he did this already, he's clean.
2. He told me he was going to have some small chip implanted into his throat area, that has a pager thing that will monitor him for a week or so.
3. Then it dissolves and is digested.
4. He then will take the data to the specialist to have it studied.
5. I wonder if wine might work, how much do you drink manu1959?
