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View Full Version : White House Recommends Spotify Do More to Censor Joe Rogan

02-02-2022, 06:02 PM
Why don't they stay the fu** in politics and stop pushing censorship?

No matter what anyone thinks, a man and others should be allowed to speak their opinions. Just as so many other radio personalities have done before.

And Neil Young and Mitchell. Mitchell, who is mental, and protested the government. Neil Young has done the same with his music and more. But now they too want to censor others, or take their ball home with them. I say give them the ball and say adios to them too.

And Psaki looks like a fool talking about the company when she can't even pronounce it properly. :rolleyes:


White House Recommends Spotify Do More to Censor Joe Rogan

The White House indicated Tuesday that Spotify’s attempts to address what they described as coronavirus “misinformation” on podcaster Joe Rogan’s interviews was not a strong enough response to the freedom of speech controversy.

Spotify announced a decision Sunday to include content advisory warnings on Rogan’s interviews about the coronavirus pandemic with sources dissenting from the government narrative about the virus.

“It’s a positive step but more can be done,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said during the daily briefing on Tuesday.

Spotify acted to address the situation after musicians Neil Young and Joni Mitchell asked the company to remove their music from their platform as part of a protest of Rogan’s interviews.

But Psaki called on technology and media platforms to do more to censor what she described as “misinformation” about the virus.

“That certainly includes Spotifly (sic) she said, mispronouncing the tech platform’s name.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2022/02/01/white-house-recommends-spotify-do-more-to-censor-joe-rogan/

02-03-2022, 09:11 AM
Not sure why it still gets a rise out of me, but this Administration, in concert with the MSM and whack-a-doodle left in general, just openly -- don't care who hears it nor how it sounds -- call for censoring anyone speaking out against an administration that has been nothing but wrong, and a complete failure at everything it has tried to foist on the American people.

The entire premise of their arguments are unconstitutional. One can only hope that most thinking people translate their disgust at the polls come November.