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View Full Version : Trump’s ‘circular firing squad’ threatens GOP midterm gains

02-07-2022, 09:20 AM
Been saying this for about a year.

I'm still fine with censuring Cheney and Kinzinger. Believe what they will, but they do not have to be publicly aiding and abetting a Dem witch hunt. Trump is forcing people to choose between him and the GOP is what it boils down to. I roll my eyes with is latest calling Republicans "RINO's" if they don't buy what he's selling. IMO, he's always been the Head RINO, regardless his standing in public opinion. The way he's operating right now just reinforces that belief.

SALT LAKE CITY — Nine months before the midterm elections, nearly everything is falling the Republican Party’s way, from President Joe Biden’s dismal approval ratings (https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/) to rising gas prices and a seemingly never-ending pandemic.
Yet as the Republican National Committee concluded its winter meeting here on Friday, it was censuring two of its own, Reps. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), and decrying the House’s Jan. 6 select committee for what Ronna McDaniel, the RNC chair, called the “persecution of ordinary citizens who engaged in legitimate political discourse that had nothing to do with violence at the Capitol.”
cont @ link: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/02/05/trump-midterms-republicans-salt-lake-00005867