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View Full Version : The View' Bashes FL Parental Rights Bill: Just as Harmful as Anti-CRT Bills!

02-09-2022, 07:48 PM
"sending a message that you are not welcome here"

This, right after stating the bill was not necessary as "first graders are not having a curriculum that teaches sexuality".

None of us ever had any of this shit in our schools growing up but they now act as if certain kids won't come to school without a welcoming mat. :rolleyes:

Kids at this age should not be learning about any of that crap.


'The View' Bashes FL Parental Rights Bill: Just as Harmful as Anti-CRT Bills!

After pushing for CRT in schools, the media’s found a new parental rights issue to attack. On The View Wednesday, the co-hosts bashed a Florida bill that prohibits teachers from teaching gender identity and sexual orientation to very young children in the classroom. Taking cues from left-wing activists, the hosts dubbed it the “Don’t Say Gay” bill and bashed it as harmful to children.

Joy Behar introduced the topic by playing a soundbite of support for the bill from Governor Ron DeSantis before asking fellow host and Florida resident Ana Navarro, “What message does this send to gay children, their parents? What would you say?”

Navarro said she was "very upset" about the Parental Rights in Education Bill. Like the media did with Critical Race Theory, Navarro denied the evidence and claimed that this was a fictional bogeyman that would stigmatize LGBTQ families:

"I'm very upset about this. First, I think it's not a necessary bill. There is -- first graders are not having a curriculum that teaches sexuality," she stated. The CNN analyst added that the bill sends a "very chilling message to LGBTQ families," and tells students "you are not welcome here, and I also am very concerned about the legal implications because the bill allows you to -- allows parents to sue."

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/kristine-marsh/2022/02/09/view-bashes-fl-parental-rights-bill-just-harmful-anti-crt-bills