View Full Version : The Interstate's Forgotten Code

02-10-2022, 04:07 PM
I don't really know where to put this... but I guess one of my hobbies back before GPS Nav was a thing on our phones, one of my hobbies was to get hopelessly lost when traveling down in the Lower 48. I once ended up in the ghetto - running on fumes - in Minneapolis because my nutty half-sister gave me some really horrible directions. Finally muddled my way to a less sleazy part of town with a gas station for fuel & directions to get back on the loop around the city.

Anyhoo, this guy breaks down the code for the US Interstate Highway system - I knew that even numbers run East-West and Odd numbers run North-South, but there's a lot more to it than that.

Might come in handy the next time you don't have access to GPS Nav for whatever reason, it's a good bit of info to know!
