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View Full Version : CNN & MSNBC Primetime Ignore Bombshell Durham Report

02-15-2022, 02:28 PM
As we know it's more than these two, but this is just one of many articles out there.

How does news like this come out and they don't care and don't air it to their watchers/listeners? Is it that they don't care? Or more likely that they don't want to air it and help the news go out to more people?

And remember when Trump first started with the "fake news" lines, and then started with it directly to CNN reporters? And he also started in with telling folks at his rallies that the media is an enemy to our country?

The news circuits all went insane. Claims of him taking away 1st amendment rights and such. And in the long run, the only person to have their 1st amendment rights f***ed with was Trump himself. And in the long run, it more than turned out that many of the news outlets were delivering us just that, false news. And the way they reported, and the amount of lies, and how they ran with full on censorship and ignored bombshell reports, I do think they were being an enemy.


CNN & MSNBC Primetime Ignore Bombshell Durham Report

Just like their broadcast network counterparts, the primetime hours of both CNN and MSNBC completely ignored the bombshell court filings from Special Counsel John Durham showing that Hillary Clinton’s campaign allegedly spied on then-President Donald Trump both at Trump Tower in New York and the White House. In fact, with the exception of a brief segment on Jake Tapper's show in the 5 pm hour on CNN, the leftist media spent the entire day ignoring the revelations.

In the primetime cable news block which is generally defined as running from 8-11 pm EST, CNN and MSNBC decided it was more important to obsess over topics like former President Trump's finances, attacking Texas' voter integrity legislation, and the Democrat's January 6 committee.

Credit where it's due, CNN's The Lead host Jake Tapper did cover the Durham news but he only devoted a measly two minutes and forty-seven seconds to it over halfway through the second hour of his show.

"In our politics lead now, new revelations about the 2016 presidential race by the Special Counsel appointed by former Trump administration Attorney General Bill Barr," Tapper announced. "In 2019, as you might remember, Barr first assigned U.S. Attorney John Durham to investigate the origins of the Russia investigation. And then before Barr left office in 2020, he made Durham a Special Counsel."

"Durham has since indicted Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussman as well as a Russian analyst, both of them for allegedly lying to the FBI. Both of them are pleading not guilty," Tapper said, giving viewers the background information before updating them on the latest developments.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/kevin-tober/2022/02/14/silence-cnn-msnbc-primetime-ignore-bombshell-durham-report

Rubio Blasts ‘Shocking’ Media Refusal to Cover Durham Bombshell

Appearing on Fox News Channel’s Special Report With Bret Baier Monday evening, Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio hammered the leftist media over it’s “shocking” refusal to cover the latest John Durham investigation bombshell that the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign spied on both Donald Trump’s campaign and presidency. The lawmaker noted that the development had the potential to become “one of the biggest political scandals in American history.”

“You just heard the report on the Durham investigation and what you’ve heard about that so far. Your thoughts?,” anchor Bret Baier asked. Rubio slammed journalists ignoring the story: “This is a big deal. I mean, it’s shocking to me that this is not receiving more coverage in the press. I don’t think any of the Sunday shows mentioned it.” In fact, NewsBusters analyst Kevin Tober did indeed report that the Sunday shows censored the news.

The Senator warned: “...if this is all proven true, it would be one of the biggest political scandals in American history. It would be a crime, no doubt about it.” He then blamed the media for creating a culture of corruption: “And it would tell you why these people think they can get away with it. They think they can get away with it because the media will not report on it.”

“If this was the other way, if this was a story about how the Trump campaign had hired some data experts and others to go out there and do this to a President Clinton, this would be – like we wouldn’t be able to talk about anything else around here,” Rubio concluded.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/kyle-drennen/2022/02/15/rubio-blasts-shocking-media-refusal-cover-durham-bombshell

Who were the worst of the worst in going on and on and on with this news?

The Worst Promoters of the Russia Collusion Hoax

In the wake of Special Counsel John Durham has dropping the bombshell report that the Hillary Clinton campaign spied on Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign, will we see members of the leftist media that most vociferously PUSHED the Russia collusion hoax, attack the Clinton camp with the same volume? Don’t bet on it.

The following is a look at some of the most over-the-top instances of liberal journos attempting to bring down former President Trump with disproven claims of an election collusion with Russian President Vladimir Putin:

Mr. President Are You a Russian Agent?

“Mr. President, yes or no. Have you or are you now — have you ever worked for Russia? Yes or no?”
— NBC News White House correspondent Kristen Welker to Donald Trump in a January 14, 2019 confrontation.

Russian Hoax Redux

“The President is a Russian operative...It is Vladimir Putin’s greatest achievement. Decades after America’s victory in the Cold War and collapse of the Soviet Union, the President of the United States is now helping the President of Russia help the President of the United States to get re-elected....This is one of those shocking news days if you retain the capacity to be shocked in the Trump era by the Trump regime, which might be better labeled the Trump-Putin regime.”
— Host Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC’s The Last Word, February 21, 2020.

Did Russia Elect Trump?

“When you look at the 2016 election and you look at how, relatively speaking, it was decided by a handful of votes in a few states, do you think it’s possible that Russia’s election interference actually worked? It actually elected Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton?”
— Co-host Savannah Guthrie to former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on NBC’s Today, September 11, 2019.

What Matters Most: Trump Hurt Mueller’s Feelings

“Did Robert Mueller deserve better from the President than this kind of language and behavior?...Let’s talk about the President’s behavior....He trashed him [Mueller] for two years....Does he owe Robert Mueller an apology for that kind of rhetoric?”
— Co-host Savannah Guthrie’s questions to White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders as aired on NBC’s Today, March 25, 2019.

Pouring Cold Water On Trump Victory Lap

“[Donald Trump] is feeling vindicated by the conclusion of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. But hanging over his victory lap this new revelation: Mueller’s still secret report is more than 300 pages long. And that is fueling new questions about the Attorney General’s brief summary, just four pages.”
— Substitute anchor Cecilia Vega on ABC’s World News Tonight, March 28, 2019.

“From the time that the Mueller investigation began, President Trump told rally crowds he never conspired or colluded with Russians, and boy, did those crowds believe it. Last night in Michigan, he acted as if the Attorney General’s summary of that underlying report was essentially his Good Housekeeping seal of proof....For a president who loves to tell the nation and the world he’s always right, President Trump relished his first campaign rally after the completion of the Russia investigation. It was a profane victory lap.”
— Correspondent Major Garrett on CBS This Morning, March 29, 2019.

Grasping At Straws

“The White House is spinning it, no collusion, no conspiracy with Russia. What the report did find is that the Russians did, indeed, interfere with our election, with our process of democracy. And that calls into question the very legitimacy of this presidency. And I know they don’t want to talk about that but that was a finding. Mueller did not exonerate this presidency....We really do not know what is in the Mueller report.”
— Co-host Sunny Hostin on ABC’s The View, March 26, 2019.

Cuomo Refuses to Apologize for CNN’s Fake News

Rudolph Giuliani: “You guys on this network have tortured this man for two years with collusion and nobody’s apologized for it! So, before we talk about obstruction, apologize for the overreaction to collusion!”
Host Chris Cuomo: “Not a chance. Not a chance. Not a chance.”...
Giuliani: “Apologize.”
Cuomo: “Never.”
— CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time, March 25, 2019.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/geoffrey-dickens/2022/02/15/flashback-worst-promoters-russia-collusion-hoax

02-17-2022, 09:22 PM
Jimmy you know as well as I do that the MSM doesn't give 2 shits for truth. I always have to look overseas for my news jsut to see what the heck is going on in the world..

02-17-2022, 11:37 PM
The American media is a dumpster fire of lies and deceit. The best analogy I can come up with would be to compare them to the mafia for information.