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View Full Version : Hypocrisy

02-17-2022, 03:50 PM
Democrats have hypocrisy as part of their daily life, so it shouldn't come as no surprise to anyone to see the hypocrisy on such major issues like covid-19 & the wearing of masks. Shit, they couldn't even learn how to place one on in the beginning!

And then right in the thick of it, they were barking out orders, demands & telling people what to do for their overall safety. And then minutes later they would walk out their front doors and ignore them.

This is a crudely gathered list. It could easily be quadrupled in length, but I just grabbed the first page of results and the major players.


Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot got her hair done, although salons and barbershops across the city were forced to remain closed. The news broke just days after Lightfoot fended the shutdown and told the public that “getting your roots done is not essential.” When confronted about this hypocrisy, Lightfoot insisted that her actions were acceptable because “I’m the public face of this city. I’m on national media, and I’m out in the public eye.”

Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney was caught dining at a friend’s restaurant in Maryland while restaurants across his city were forced to remain closed. Kenney defended his actions by claiming that “the risk was low.” But that doesn’t change the fact that Kenney had insisted for weeks during his press briefings that indoor dining was unsafe.

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam was seen visiting Virginia Beach shortly after the city’s reopening in May. He was not social distancing — in fact, he was seen taking pictures with constituents and visiting Mayor Bobby Dye. And he did not wear a mask despite being in close contact with others, even though he urged residents to consider wearing masks while in public. Northam claimed he was not “prepared,” which is why he wasn’t wearing a mask. A few days later, he mandated face masks for everyone 10 years or older.

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham purchased jewelry from a store in Albuquerque after she ordered the closure of all nonessential businesses. Lujan Grisham’s office claimed the transaction was made remotely and that someone in her office picked up the purchase for her. But it still violates Lujan Grisham’s own demand that residents only leave their homes for essential purchases only.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited a shuttered San Francisco salon in September to get her hair done. Local ordinances required the salon to remain closed, but Pelosi managed to work her way in. She was also seen not wearing a mask while inside the salon, according to security camera footage obtained by Fox News. When asked why it was OK for her to get her hair done while every other city resident was forced to wait until after the restrictions were lifted, Pelosi blamed the salon and claimed its employees set her up.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom attended a dinner party at the French Laundry restaurant in the Bay Area earlier this month in direct violation of his own coronavirus restrictions. Pictures of the event revealed that he was not the only official breaking the rules: Several top medical officials also attended the indoor party. Newsom later called the dinner a “bad mistake.”

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo canceled his Thanksgiving plans after being called out for inviting his 89-year-old mother and two daughters to travel to his residence in Albany. He announced his intention to celebrate the holiday with his family members after spending several days urging residents not to travel. Backlash ensued, and Cuomo revealed that he had disinvited his family members shortly thereafter.

Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser traveled to Delaware earlier this month to participate in an election night celebration for President-elect Joe Biden. The city’s rules require anyone traveling to a potential hot spot, which includes Delaware, to quarantine for two weeks after returning. But Bowser said she would not quarantine and claimed the event was “essential” travel.

Denver Mayor Michael Hancock revealed that he traveled to Mississippi for Thanksgiving to celebrate the holiday with his wife and daughter, even though he had urged others to stay home and celebrate alone if need be. Hancock claimed it was “safer” for him to travel to see his daughter than it would have been for her to travel to Denver. But if he was serious about his own restrictions, neither of them would have traveled at all.

San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo violated his own restrictions over Thanksgiving by celebrating the holiday with family members outside of his own household. He also traveled to his parents’ house to attend a dinner with them and an unknown number of other guests. When asked why he defied his own guidance that required San Jose residents to celebrate with immediate household members only, a spokesperson for the mayor argued that we should “redraw the line between what is personal and what is public.”

NOT Mayor of Georgia Stacey Abrams
LA Mayor Eric Garcetti

San Francisco Mayor London Breed
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer
Austin Mayor Steve Adler
Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl
California Sen. Dianne Feinstein
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio
Governor Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania
Phil Murphy of New Jersey
J.B. Pritzker of Illinois
Rep. Jerry Nadler

Governor Gina Raimondo
Congressman Jamie Raskin

Gov. John Bel Edwards (D-La.)
Gov. Kate Brown (D-Ore.)

And last, but not least - President Joe Biden, leading by example
