View Full Version : AOC Says She Helped “Huge Amounts” of Illegal Aliens Get Taxpayer Stimulus Checks

02-17-2022, 04:59 PM
If you watch the 1 minute video you will see it's nothing more than a jumbled bunch of words by her trying to sound like she did something in office. All she has done is get 'vocal' about things and other than that has accomplished jack shit.

Wait, I take that back, she has showed the nation her stupidity over and over and over. Almost like congressional comedic relief. Reminds of petey a little. Petey was at least smarter than her.


AOC Says She Helped “Huge Amounts” of Illegal Aliens Get Taxpayer Stimulus Checks

Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY) Tuesday evening bragged about helping “huge amounts” of illegal aliens get federal stimulus checks during a virtual town hall.

AOC said she “fought tooth and nail” to help illegal aliens get taxpayer money that “many others were trying to lock them out of.”

This is the Democrat party in a nutshell.

The Democrats’ priority is to help illegal aliens and felons while Americans suffer.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/02/aoc-says-helped-huge-amounts-illegal-aliens-get-taxpayer-stimulus-checks-video/

02-17-2022, 05:01 PM
It'd be cool if that was like a crime and stuff.