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View Full Version : Trudeau Regime Will Start Confiscating Pets Belonging to Freedom Convoy Protesters

02-18-2022, 02:20 PM
What a true scumbag move. Try that with me and one of my pets and admittedly I'm gonna do some time. That's like taking a child in a sense.


Trudeau Regime Will Start Confiscating Pets Belonging to Freedom Convoy Protesters

Now they’re going after your dog.

On Thursday the Ottawa By-law and Regulatory Services announced they would start confiscating the pets of the Freedom Convoy protesters when their owner is arrested.

The city officials say they will keep the dogs for 8 days and then the animals “will be considered relinquished.”

This comes after Justin Trudeau regime decided the protests were a threat to national security.



Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/02/trudeau-regime-will-start-confiscating-pets-belonging-freedom-convoy-protesters/

02-18-2022, 02:32 PM
After many arrests and tow trucks and police ready, trucks are starting up to leave. Many had found their bank accounts frozen. This does not bode well imo. Trudeau is radicalizing many.

02-18-2022, 02:47 PM
After many arrests and tow trucks and police ready, trucks are starting up to leave. Many had found their bank accounts frozen. This does not bode well imo. Trudeau is radicalizing many.

As much as folks want to protest, no matter how hard they try to remain peaceful and/or polite - a man or woman can only take so much when they get harassed, then authority fines them. But when their money gets frozen or taken away, the fight gets taken out of them. Some will stand proudly and get arrested on principle, while others may not be so keen on that idea. Some may not have pets but others may and know they have a choice to make.

They are leaving them with very little choices.

And a lot of this should be outright illegal IMO. I would love to see an investigation and jail time in Trudeau's future. But this is Canada. :dunno:

02-18-2022, 10:20 PM
They've already threatened to have child services come take the children before pets were mentioned.

Police brought horses to the crowds and knocked people down and rode right over them.

Trudeau is despicable.

What I don't get is when the government allows BLM to burn the town down but arrest and destroy peaceful protesters.

Well, I do get it. Corruption.

02-18-2022, 10:22 PM
As much as folks want to protest, no matter how hard they try to remain peaceful and/or polite - a man or woman can only take so much when they get harassed, then authority fines them. But when their money gets frozen or taken away, the fight gets taken out of them. Some will stand proudly and get arrested on principle, while others may not be so keen on that idea. Some may not have pets but others may and know they have a choice to make.

They are leaving them with very little choices.

And a lot of this should be outright illegal IMO. I would love to see an investigation and jail time in Trudeau's future. But this is Canada. :dunno:
This is headed our way. No western leader has condemned Trudeau. Ever wonder why?

02-19-2022, 12:29 PM
SL Makes a good point that the authoritarian tendency has been displayed by Western nations throughout the pandemic. Indeed, it seemed as it was actually morphing to the endemic stage, many attempted to crack down further.

Europe citizens were first to balk, the governments backed off. New Zealand followed. Australia has a ways to go. Fauchi in particular seemed to be causing US to be different, until the polling and local government meetings led to bottom up change.

Trudeau really is standing alone, making war on citizens without any diplomatic overtures, only arrogant despotic choices. Very King George like of him. How'd that work out?

02-19-2022, 12:30 PM


02-19-2022, 02:33 PM
It's not a laughing matter, but:


02-20-2022, 11:42 AM
Another indication the US plans different reaction to possible convoys: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/capitol-fence-reinstalled-bidens-state-union

Not saying that are better at their core, just that unlike Trudeau they do seem capable of reading the crowd. As stated earlier, they tried to 'tighten their control,' the pushback was strong. Poll numbers fell further. There was and is a rush to announce repeal of mandates, in Boston yesterday, 'effective immediately.'

Now it appears that if truckers want to meet up, they will be allowed to.

02-20-2022, 02:43 PM
They are getting out of hand up there.

So folks can't even express a complain to the police department? And they then threaten them with crimes?

Their constitution and any rights they have up there are much different. But they likely see that our democrats are trying their best to catch up.


Outraged Citizens Flood Ottawa Police Phone Lines With Complaint Calls About Horrific Treatment of Protesters – OPD Responds by Threatening Callers with Criminal Charges

In response to the brutal treatment of protesters by law enforcement officers as they forcefully clear the streets of Ottawa, outraged citizens flooded the Ottawa Police Department (OPD) phone lines on Saturday to express their disgust over the Police’s horrific actions – and in some cases, likely to report some of the abuse.

Following the wave of calls, the OPD decided that the best response would be just to threaten the callers with criminal charges – because, hey, it’s worked so well for everything else, and, ultimately, they are tyrants, so it makes perfect sense.

The OPD tweeted out a plea for people to stop calling on Saturday, making clear that it’s no longer OK for concerned citizens to call about what the police are doing to the peaceful protestors:

“We know the events in #Ottawa are upsetting. Still, we’re asking people to stop calling critical emergency and operational phone lines to express displeasure about the police action to remove an unlawful assembly downtown.

Lives can depend on 911 calls getting through. It is a crime to unnecessarily call 911 or our non-emergency number (613-236-1222). We track calls and will charge anyone deliberately interfering with the phone lines.”

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/02/outraged-citizens-flood-ottawa-police-phone-lines-complaint-calls-horrific-treatment-protesters-opd-responds-threatening-callers-criminal-charges/

02-27-2022, 01:30 PM
So, this happened about 400 metres from my house. Not going to lie, it was the most fun I've had in 2 fking years. :dance::coffee::2up:

The honking was a lot at times, so that wasn't cool.

02-27-2022, 01:33 PM
So, this happened about 400 metres from my house. Not going to lie, it was the most fun I've had in 2 fking years. :dance::coffee::2up:

The honking was a lot at times, so that wasn't cool.

The truckers got their trucks returned, albeit that they got them back damaged.


02-27-2022, 01:39 PM
The truckers got their trucks returned, albeit that they got them back damaged.


They certainly did. In a few cases, the 'cops' smashed their windows and pulled them out, even though they were no longer blocking traffic, one was in a paid public lot. I guess that's to be expected, hope their towing and storage fees weren't too bad.

02-27-2022, 02:55 PM
they certainly did. In a few cases, the 'cops' smashed their windows and pulled them out, even though they were no longer blocking traffic, one was in a paid public lot. I guess that's to be expected, hope their towing and storage fees weren't too bad.

cad $1200

02-28-2022, 10:53 AM
This is the same Canada supporting Ukraine's "civil unrest" against tyranny :rolleyes:

02-28-2022, 12:48 PM
This is the same Canada supporting Ukraine's "civil unrest" against tyranny :rolleyes:
Hey! Biden talks about Ukraine's territorial integrity!

02-28-2022, 09:40 PM
This is the same Canada supporting Ukraine's "civil unrest" against tyranny :rolleyes:
Is there another Canada ? :poke:

02-28-2022, 10:15 PM
Is there another Canada ? :poke:Just checking. Usually too busy watching that hypocrisy play out here to notice what Canada is doing.

03-01-2022, 10:17 AM
Just checking. Usually too busy watching that hypocrisy play out here to notice what Canada is doing.

I'm a bit more in tune with Canada (and Mexico for that matter) because it's a hop in your vehicle and go place to visit. Canada LOOKS like the USA, but is very different once you ask ordinary people about their lives. Canada is a feudal society where the rest of Canada is subordinate to the desires of urban Ontario. I can't stand Toronto nor it's people. I gas up beforehand then drive through without stopping. People from Toronto are the snootiest, self-serving nastiest people you will ever want to meet.