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View Full Version : Left now going cuckoo over Hillary claims

02-18-2022, 02:56 PM
So the left decided to come out of their self censoring of the news - to claim it's all bullshit and lies. You know, Hillary herself said so. :rolleyes:

They seem to take her at her own word as gospel. They take old news and reuse that to somehow claim that the current findings are nothing.

And now, as before, they will be Hillary's lawyers and tell America whenever they can that the findings are somehow made up by Trump himself & go nowhere.


NBC Defends Sussmann, Hillary from Accusations of Spying on Trump

On Thursday, NBC Nightly News broke the evening newscast silence regarding the bombshell findings from Special Counsel John Durham showing that a lawyer for the 2016 Clinton campaign was involved with spying on Donald Trump. Not only did they break the network blackout, but they stepped up to the plate and defended both Hillary Clinton and campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann.

Before even getting to any of the details of Durham’s court filing against Sussmann, senior Washington correspondent Hallie Jackson highlighted Clinton scoffing at and downplaying the accusations as if that meant anything:

CLINTON: They've been coming after me again lately, in case you might have noticed.

JACKSON: Referencing the unproven allegations from some conservatives that her campaign spied on then-President Donald Trump.

CLINTON: It's funny. The more trouble Trump gets into, the wilder the charges and conspiracy theories about me seem to get.

“It comes after a new filing dropped from Special Counsel John Durham, who is investigating the origins of the Russia investigation with Clinton's opponents pointing to the filing as proof something nefarious happened,” Jackson herself scoffed.

Umm, Hallie, Sussmann has been charged with lying to federal agents. So, “something nefarious” seems to have happened. Care to explain why you omitted how the filing also stated that Sussmann was billing the campaign for his work on this actively?

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/nicholas-fondacaro/2022/02/18/nbc-defends-sussmann-hillary-accusations-spying-trump

'The View' Urges Hillary to Sue Fox News for Reporting on Durham Filings

The cackling coven known as The View has been following the lead of ABC News all week and ignoring the filing of Special Counsel John Durham against Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann. But the ladies couldn’t help themselves on Friday after their queen, two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton lash out at Fox News for reporting on the story. The panel cheered her on as they urged her to sue for “defamation.”

They never actually addressed what spurred on the renewed attention directed at Clinton, but co-host Joy Behar suggested it was all cooked up by former President Trump as a “distraction” from his own legal troubles. She claimed Trump was “pushing a debunked story that Hillary spied on his presidential campaign which Fox News has been happy to run with 24/7[.]”

Back here, in reality, Durham found that Sussmann was billing the Clinton campaign for shady work he did teaming up with a tech executive to gather “derogatory information” about Trump by spying on the traffic coming and going from his properties and the White House.

Of course, that didn’t stop Behar from boasting about how “Hillary responded to it yesterday and it sounds like she's had enough.” And after playing a soundbite of Hillary suggesting Fox News was “getting awfully close to actual malice” with their reporting on the facts, Behar came back with an enthusiastic “Go get ‘em!”

“Should Hillary finally take Fox to court? These are the questions I have to pose to you today,” she inquired of the panel. Co-host and lawyer Sunny Hostin quickly jumped at the opportunity to respond. While she did note a defamation suit recently “didn't work out well for Sarah Palin right, when she took The New York Times to court,” she was encouraged by the “shots fired from Hillary Clinton.”

Hostin’s excitement stemmed from Clinton’s use of the phrase “actual malice.” “Actual malice is actually the standard for defamation if you are defaming a famous person, and she’s certainly is somebody that is famous in the public eye,” she touted as if something Clinton said should automatically be believed.

“So, it’s a very high standard but she's telling them, ‘you're actually reaching this legal standard.’ And I'm sure Fox's lawyers were listening to that kind of thing,” she added.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/nicholas-fondacaro/2022/02/18/view-urges-hillary-sue-fox-news-reporting-durham-filings

Unhinged Scarborough Rants: Durham Filing Written By 'A Third Grader'

MSNBC Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough continued his rantings against Special Counsel John Durham and conservative media on Friday when he concluded that Durham's latest filing was written by "a third grader" and it was deliberately incomprehensible.

Responding to news that Durham has distanced himself from conservative reaction to his filing, Scarborough was not willing to let him off the hook that easily:

Most right-wing outlets wildly and let me underline wildly misrepresented the facts and Special Counselor Durham had to distance himself from the frenzy saying what the other outlets made of his documents was not his fault. Oh, really, you write pleadings like that, you throw the bait out there and -- and -- then you say it's not your fault? Why -- why -- don't you get somebody other than a third grader to write your pleadings next time and -- and -- keep them clear?

After a digression into other Trump news, Politico White House Bureau Chief Jonathan Lemire asked ABC Chief Washington Correspondent and Betrayal author, Jonathan Karl: “...as much as conservative media latched onto it, at least briefly, in the last few days, there seems like there is not much ‘there’ there. Give us a sense from your perspective just what a disappointment this must be to Trump and his allies.”

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/alex-christy/2022/02/18/unhinged-scarborough-rants-durham-filing-written-third-grader

Dirty Tricks: The Sequel

“Dirty tricks” was a term used to describe the behavior of operatives within the Nixon administration to smear the reputations of opponents and undermine the appeal of certain politicians. Fifty years ago, these dirty tricks included a false allegation that Sen. Henry “Scoop” Jackson (D-WA.) had fathered an illegitimate child with a 17-year-old girl and the break-in at Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate complex in Washington, D.C., when Nixon aides and operatives attempted to find materials the Nixon team could use against his perceived “enemies.”

Dirty tricks are not to be confused with negative campaigning, which at least has some component of truth, but a filing by special counsel John Durham that alleges the 2016 presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton paid a technology company to “infiltrate” or “spy” – the word Donald Trump uses – on his presidential campaign and later while he was president, goes beyond dirty tricks into the illegal.

In a court filing, Durham alleges the purpose behind Russian “collusion” allegations was to establish a “narrative” between then-Republican presidential candidate Trump and Russia. Trump denied it at the time and many times since, including during an interview with Lesley Stahl on ”60 Minutes.” Stahl said there was “no evidence” for Trump’s claim. Trump said there was and that her job was to investigate and find it. Now that there is at least a credible allegation, will Stahl deliver a correction? Not likely and neither is it likely other major media, which flogged the Russian collusion story, will acknowledge error. These include The Washington Post, The New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, and NPR, as well as numerous liberal websites. They seem to have their own narrative and it is based on a visceral hatred of Donald Trump. Consider this: Donald Trump was being effectively slandered as a Russian agent, or minimally a Russian asset.

On Tuesday, The New York Times published a story about the Durham report on its website, but seemed to dismiss it as “old news,” a familiar tactic often used when it reported on the various Clinton scandals.

The Times and Washington Post won Pulitzer Prizes for basically repeating Democrat talking points. The prizes should be returned and the newspapers penalized by not allowing them to apply for another one for at least 10 years.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), did not cover himself in glory as he chaired a House panel investigation into all things Trump and repeatedly accused Trump of violating laws. Don’t expect an apology from him, either. And then there were the four FISA warrants obtained because of allegations by then-FBI Director James Comey and others that proved to be untrue. The Justice Department later admitted that two of the warrants lacked probable cause and said information from all four warrants would not be used.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/cal-thomas/2022/02/18/dirty-tricks-sequel