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View Full Version : Juan Williams, Fox News and the NPR Conundrum

10-03-2007, 02:36 PM
Oh oh..Juan has stepped off the Plantation...He must be punished..

Posted October 3, 2007 | 07:07 AM (EST)

If Williams wants to serve as a well-paid prop brought in to manufacture entertaining conflict in front of the Fox News Sunday cameras for un-persuadable viewers who vote overwhelmingly Republican, that's his choice. What changed last week was that Williams inserted himself into the news and cast himself as the great Fox News defender. And he did it on The Oreilly Factor, a program no serious NPR journalist should ever appear on.

Williams' appearance on The Oreilly Factor almost certainly violated NPR's employee standards. They prohibit staffers from appearing on programs that "encourage punditry and speculation rather than fact-based analysis" and are "harmful to the reputation of NPR.":laugh2:

some comments at the Puffo post...

red states rule
10-03-2007, 02:41 PM
The Democrat party is a very racist party toward blacks who not walk the line and do as they are told

Liberals have already tossed the racist slurs toward Juan, as they have black conservatives. Now Juan knows what people like Mike Steele, Justice Thomas, Walter Williams, Sec Rice, and Gen Powell have had to endure for years

10-03-2007, 03:09 PM
I agree the neo-liberal Party is using black People for the votes, and making them slaves of the government.

The Democrat party is a very racist party toward blacks who not walk the line and do as they are told

Liberals have already tossed the racist slurs toward Juan, as they have black conservatives. Now Juan knows what people like Mike Steele, Justice Thomas, Walter Williams, Sec Rice, and Gen Powell have had to endure for years

10-03-2007, 03:23 PM
The Democrat party is a very racist party toward blacks who not walk the line and do as they are told

Liberals have already tossed the racist slurs toward Juan, as they have black conservatives. Now Juan knows what people like Mike Steele, Justice Thomas, Walter Williams, Sec Rice, and Gen Powell have had to endure for years

a black dude named Juan....what was his mother thinking.....

10-03-2007, 03:25 PM
considering how liberal NPR is, i think they all violate those employee standards

red states rule
10-03-2007, 03:26 PM
This article sums it all up perfectly. Racism from the left is huge - and encouraged by the liberal media

Simple Sambo" and "Ignorant Mammy"": That's how Democrats view Blacks
By Frances Rice

Democrats, who claim that they care about diversity, use despicable racial stereotypes, just as Democrats did during the days of slavery and Jim Crow, to slur black professionals, such as Dr. Condoleezza Rice and Maryland Lt. Governor Michael Steele.

Oreo cookies were thrown by Democrats at Mr. Steele, and two members of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Katie Barge and Lauren Weiner, committed identity theft, illegally obtaining Mr. Steele's Social Security number and credit report.
Brazenly, on the left-wing Internet website called "The News Blog," Democrats posted a doctored photograph of Mr. Steele, depicting him as a "Simple Sambo." This contemptible racist stereotype is the same one that Democrats used to demean blacks during the era of slavery and segregation.

In addition to other outrageous racist images produced by several Democrats, cartoonist Jeff Danziger depicted Dr. Rice as an ignorant, barefoot "mammy," reminiscent of the stereotyped black woman in the movie Gone with the Wind who remarked: "I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no babies."

for the complete article