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View Full Version : Stop Apologizing/Making excuses for islam and islamo nazi terrorists

10-03-2007, 03:32 PM
1. Not enough so-called moderate muslims are speaking out, but when a cartoon is made, thousands protest and kill people

2. the vast majority of terrorism committed in the world is committed by muslims

3. Christianity does not say kill non-muslims/infidels islam does. If islam wants to become mainstream, take out the jihadist versus, and publicly condemn them in mass numbers. Silence means you support the jihadists

4. Radical christianity is not a global threat, christianities are persecuted by "gues who" muslims.

5. Muslim countries treat non muslims and women like 2nd class citzens

6. Stop referring to radical christianity when its barely a threat in america, and non existant in the world, when someone mentions radical islam

7. I know the kook left/neo-liberal hates christianity but, in islamic countries they hang/kill all gay people. Just remember that.