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View Full Version : How Corrupt And/Or Stupid Is Biden Administration?

03-06-2022, 11:31 AM


03-06-2022, 01:02 PM

https://redstate.com/bonchie/2022/03/06/joe-biden-spits-on-us-allies-to-secure-a-deal-that-makes-no-sense-n532374I know it's not the same as having a foreign army invade, but it feels like it and we have no supporting benefactors to save us from Biden and his stooges.

All I can call this kind of crap is aiding and abetting he enemy.

03-07-2022, 02:43 PM
They keep digging:


03-07-2022, 02:45 PM

03-07-2022, 05:53 PM
https://hotair.com/ed-morrissey/2022/03/07/putin-envoy-you-wont-believe-how-good-this-deal-is-for-iran-and-china-n453514Sure you titled this thread right? I'd have asked "Just how Stupid is Joe Biden?"

Stupid enough to continue with a deal that goes against everything everyone else is trying to do.

03-07-2022, 06:44 PM
Sure you titled this thread right? I'd have asked "Just how Stupid is Joe Biden?"

Stupid enough to continue with a deal that goes against everything everyone else is trying to do.
Fixed it! :laugh2:

03-07-2022, 07:59 PM
The MSM is determined to call the GOP allies of Mr. Putin while they ignore everything this witless hump does. I have never felt so much like this country was headed for the toilet as I do right now.

03-07-2022, 08:44 PM

03-07-2022, 10:34 PM

My working theory is just as trump was the anti-BO, biden is the anti-trump. In both cases it wasn't necessarily what was best policy it was a matter of whatever my predecessor did or was doing it's just wrong so the opposite must be right.

03-08-2022, 12:29 AM
My working theory is just as trump was the anti-BO, biden is the anti-trump. In both cases it wasn't necessarily what was best policy it was a matter of whatever my predecessor did or was doing it's just wrong so the opposite must be right.
So we've two Presidents in a row that feel cozying up to maniacs is way better than working with allies. As least Trump was honest about what he was doing. Biden seems self-delusional about his actions being healing and bringing unity.

03-08-2022, 09:46 AM
This idiot just can't make a good optics call or even just a compassionate one. Even when most of the nation realizes what the military has done over the last 21+ years and what looks to be a very difficult coming future:


03-08-2022, 09:53 AM
This idiot just can't make a good optics call or even just a compassionate one. Even when most of the nation realizes what the military has done over the last 21+ years and what looks to be a very difficult coming future:

https://hotair.com/karen-townsend/2022/03/08/biden-refuses-to-meet-with-trevor-reeds-parents-while-in-fort-worth-marine-jailed-in-russia-n453657Have yest to see even a nanosecond of empathy from this idiot.

03-08-2022, 09:55 AM
As I wrote earlier somewhere, Biden's ineptitude has been noticed by both allies and foes. It's awakened both:


03-08-2022, 10:39 AM
Freaking unbelievable believable:


03-08-2022, 02:01 PM
This idiot just can't make a good optics call or even just a compassionate one. Even when most of the nation realizes what the military has done over the last 21+ years and what looks to be a very difficult coming future:


I thought he was headed to Texas to talk about border crisis. 🤔

03-08-2022, 02:04 PM
I thought he was headed to Texas to talk about border crisis. 🤔
Yeah, though it's not bad news that he got a letter from dem TX lawmakers prior to leaving, telling him to increase domestic production:


Black Diamond
03-08-2022, 09:06 PM
I know it's not the same as having a foreign army invade, but it feels like it and we have no supporting benefactors to save us from Biden and his stooges.

All I can call this kind of crap is aiding and abetting he enemy.

Without firing a shot......

03-08-2022, 10:00 PM


03-09-2022, 02:14 AM
Just got home, arrrrrgggg! Biden is the weaslist of weasels. Tries to blame oil companies for gas prices or maybe Ukraine. Now, backstabbing Ukraine. Johnson is stepping up, though I've heard it might be to knock his covid parties off the rags. In any case, at least he doesn't keep flip flopping.


03-09-2022, 08:13 AM
So we've two Presidents in a row that feel cozying up to maniacs is way better than working with allies. As least Trump was honest about what he was doing. Biden seems self-delusional about his actions being healing and bringing unity.

Actually my prequel is BO humiliated trump at some dinner because of the whole birther thing. But you've nailed the followup.

03-09-2022, 08:34 AM

https://hotair.com/allahpundit/2022/03/08/its-happening-poland-to-send-mig-29-fighters-to-u-s-for-ukrainian-transfer-in-return-for-f-16s-n453847As a wannabe military strategist, I find this intriguing and amusing, minus what's at stake; although, Poland isn't as bright as they think they are in the end.

The way this played out, Blinken gave them the green light while Poland was claiming it had not considered it. Poland comes out to the media with it's okay, no heads up to DC.

On the surface, it's a brilliant move. Force the US to get involved.

On the periphery, Saudi Arabia and UAE are refusing to take Biden's calls. Double whammy for Biden's paramecium brain.

What does the US talking heads do? Almost break their necks falling all over themselves backtracking. Making excuses, a couple, valid points. In the meantime, rounds going down range in real time :rolleyes:

Poland's bright idea to assume plausible deniability has one big flaw: The US is a NATO country, same as Poland. "An attack on one NATO country is an attack on ALL NATO countries". One would assume given current circumstances that the reverse is true: an attack by one NATO country is an attack by NATO.

In that light, one would have to assume that rather than keep NATO out, Poland is trying to force the US to take an actual, for-real hand in the game. And I can see that. Over a half-century running a protection racket on Europe and the rest of the World, our "allies" want what they've been paying for: WE are THE superpower in the West. Act like it.

On the other hand, direct US involvement (as indirect as this game of legal semantics is) ups the nuclear ante. I really don't doubt anymore Putin will use nukes. It's all he has. He sure as Hell doesn't have a competent army :rolleyes:

Biden also has a choice of screwing us over at the pump (and the trickle-down to all transportation) like he says he's not trying to do, or getting our energy up and running full throttle.

Not looking good for the home team with Ralph Malph at QB:rolleyes:

03-09-2022, 09:38 AM
Not good. Blinken said yesterday that if Putin wants to be in peace, he must make peace. I wonder if this gaggle of ijits understand his answer? Nah, they'll keep hope alive!


03-09-2022, 09:42 AM
The stupid has consequences:


03-09-2022, 09:46 AM
If there's a disaster in the making, we can be certain Joe is going for it.


All the greening!

03-09-2022, 09:57 AM
Many consequences:


Think prices have increased? Just wait!

03-09-2022, 09:57 AM
The stupid has consequences:


Now the White House and its fantasy-thinking supporters wonder why the Saudis and the UAE won’t take Biden’s call to beg them to pull his domestic-politics chestnuts out of the fire. Are you kidding me?

Read about this last night but was just a blurb about SA and UAE not taking Biden's calls. Didn't state why. I wasn't aware Biden was making enemies of them as well. Why not? Both countries have steadfastly supported almost everything the US has done in the ME and good ol' Joe wants to threaten them?

Fantasy-thinking is right. We're in some serious kimchi right now.

03-09-2022, 10:03 AM

Read about this last night but was just a blurb about SA and UAE not taking Biden's calls. Didn't state why. I wasn't aware Biden was making enemies of them as well. Why not? Both countries have steadfastly supported almost everything the US has done in the ME and good ol' Joe wants to threaten them?

Fantasy-thinking is right. We're in some serious kimchi right now.
Wrong on every foreign policy issue for forty years.


03-09-2022, 10:06 AM
Wrong on every foreign policy issue for forty years.

Yup.I'm actually more afraid of this administration in the guise of the US Government projecting the will of the American people than I am Russia/Putin.

03-09-2022, 10:37 AM
I'm actually more afraid of this administration in the guise of the US Government projecting the will of the American people than I am Russia/Putin.

Me too. They keep repeating that the American overwhelmingly support their plans, they just don't realize they do. It's the same with, 'they chose Joe to lead them off the abyss of the last administration. ' Rather the truth that he barely won and only because he wasn't Trump and he stayed in the basement.

03-10-2022, 08:53 AM
No worries. Biden's got his best man on the job :rolleyes:

The movie "Dumb and Dumber" comes immediately to mind. The Russian calling the hospital bombing fake news just needs to switch gears and start pointing out the lies reinforcing incompetence this admin is trying to push on our own people as well as the rest of the World.

My first thoughts if Harris showed up at my door would be "where's my wallet?" then "where's my shovel?" because it's about to get deep in bullshit:rolleyes:

Vice President Kamala Harris (https://www.foxnews.com/category/person/kamala-harris) and Polish President Andrzej Duda insisted Thursday that the United States and Poland are "unified" after the U.S. rejected the country’s proposal to send MiG-29 planes (https://www.foxnews.com/politics/pentagon-opposes-polish-proposal-to-transfer-mig-29-planes-to-ukraine-calls-move-high-risk) to the Ukrainian military.
During a joint press conference in Warsaw, Poland, just hours after the Pentagon made clear that the U.S. does not support Poland’s proposal for the U.S. and NATO to deliver MiG-29s to the Ukrainian military, Harris and Duda maintained that the relationship between the United States and Poland has "become even stronger" amid Russia's (https://www.foxnews.com/category/world/world-regions/russia) war against Ukraine (https://www.foxnews.com/category/world/conflicts/ukraine).

Harris said her visit to Poland is "an expression of the enduring and important relationship between the United States and Poland that again has been long-standing, but in particular on the issue of Ukraine is unified and is clear."

cont @ https://www.foxnews.com/politics/politics-harris-poland-president-duda-public-disagreement-fighter-jets-for-ukraine

03-10-2022, 09:09 AM
Back to the OP, more stupid from Biden :rolleyes:

So now Biden wants to toss two, long-time, loyal allies in favor a deal with Iran. As I stated previously, I'm more afraid of this idiot than I am Russia. Afghanistan withdrawal was just a preview of the level of stupid this moron can get to. I'm actually viewing him as a threat to our national security and well-being.

So he bows to public pressure and bans Russian oil. In the meantime, he's making deals with Maduro and the Ayatollah just because he won't get our own shit up and running because it's not what the radicals in his party want.

How long exactly can 3 years drag into ...

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 1:56 PM PT – Wednesday, March 9, 2022

The leaders of Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates are reportedly refusing to talk to Joe Biden amid the Ukraine crisis. According to the Wall Street Journal (https://www.wsj.com/articles/saudi-emirati-leaders-decline-calls-with-biden-during-ukraine-crisis-11646779430), White House officials tried to arrange phone calls between Biden, Saudi and Emirati leaders. However, those attempts were unsuccessful.
Biden reportedly wanted to ask Saudi Arabia as well as the UAE to produce more oil and to join anti-Russian sanctions, which both those countries have refused to do. Both Saudis and the UAE recently reasserted support for the OPEC-plus agreement (https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=45236) with Russia and voiced opposition to Biden’s efforts to restore the nuclear deal with Iran.
This comes as President Joe Biden recently signed an executive order banning Russian oil imports. One America’s Chanel Rion has more on the ban.
video @ link https://www.oann.com/saudi-arabia-uae-reportedly-snub-biden-over-oil-ukraine-crisis/

03-10-2022, 03:50 PM
Biden and the Radical Politicians from both sides NEED A WAR, and to have AMERICANS involved in the War in (CHOOSE ANY COUNTRY) so Biden and the Dems have a reason to turn the American people around and make SLEEPY JOE a hero...for being smart enough to END THEIR WAR...then convince the UNINFORMED, UNDER-EDUCATED Americans how GREAT JOEY BABY really is...BEFORE the Republicans take over in NOVEMBER 2022 and SEND all of the CORRUPT POLITICIANS TO COURT...for their "ALLEDGED"
(Had to say that since The Constitution we follow says..."ALL ACCUSED ARE INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY)...Just the opposite of the Dem justice fiasco.

03-11-2022, 10:29 AM
Biden and the Radical Politicians from both sides NEED A WAR, and to have AMERICANS involved in the War in (CHOOSE ANY COUNTRY) so Biden and the Dems have a reason to turn the American people around and make SLEEPY JOE a hero...for being smart enough to END THEIR WAR...then convince the UNINFORMED, UNDER-EDUCATED Americans how GREAT JOEY BABY really is...BEFORE the Republicans take over in NOVEMBER 2022 and SEND all of the CORRUPT POLITICIANS TO COURT...for their "ALLEDGED"
(Had to say that since The Constitution we follow says..."ALL ACCUSED ARE INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY)...Just the opposite of the Dem justice fiasco.

I agree about Biden needing to distract the people from his blunders. I don't think this is working out as planned though. Maybe for the people buying his bull. "Distraction" by moving on to yet another Biden catastrophe is probably not what he hope for.

He has moved up though. Now he's f-ing over the World, not just us:rolleyes: