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View Full Version : We May Be Post-History, But History Is Not Done With Us

03-14-2022, 02:48 AM
Must be my night to find rather long articles. This one is good, especially about Obama and ending with pronoun obsession.


03-15-2022, 09:20 AM
Must be my night to find rather long articles. This one is good, especially about Obama and ending with pronoun obsession.

https://www.spiked-online.com/2022/03/13/the-revenge-of-history/I recall mentioning during a conversation way back when (history :)) about the UN/NATO and our alliances that it appeared to me most of the mutual defense treaties bear more resemblance to WWI than anything else. The author repeatedly goes back to WWI as a "starting point' and I agree.

Nothing was resolved by WWI and the same issues keep repeating themselves because everybody wants to pretend the "last war" was the "war to end all wars". The West especially appears to think it can just forget the past and move right along as if everything's all better now. Lot easier to do when you're the winner.

The author has narrowed his scope from a truly all-encompassing topic that boils down to not learning from history. We're repeating it. Again. In our case I completely agree that "wokeness" is one of the biggest culprits for the West. Anything that doesn't fit the politically correct, woke movement is discarded, regardless the facts and lessons provided. In essence, history is censored, rewritten, and or erased to suit the latest narrative.

Then that pesky fact reality rears its head and everyone acts surprised and doesn't know what to do. They sift through their books of woke answers for solutions but the solutions have been deleted for not falling into the confines of the narrative. Not to mention in the East v West struggle that has never gone away, only the woke side is playing. The East has been and still is trying to control the World.

The people in the West that need to understand what is happening in context with history the most are the ones least able to comprehend it. The West has given away its every advantage over the East. Sharing technology. Becoming dependent on former enemies who never have become our friends -- just smart enough to bide their time while learning how to beat us at our own game and weakness. Making ourselves weak chasing unrealistic, fantasy-world idealism at the expense of keeping our edge.

We're all stuck on green while our enemies are still running on oil and minerals we still need, but can't or won't produce for ourselves. While Putin plans on recreating the Russian Empire/USSR and China plans to take over the World financially and radical Islam plans to take it over by killing everyone, we' re trying to run our industries on seaweed and being shamed for the institution of legal slavery that was outlawed a century and a half ago.

How did we win WWII? Unmatched industry. No one has done more to emasculate and/or dismantle it than us. To the point that besides enemies at the gate, we have to battle the enemy within to try and reassert control of our country.

I'll also add that there's no "New Normal" from my POV. It's the "New Stupid Abnormal" as far as I'm concerned. We may be "free" by comparison; but, by comparison we live in a police state compared to the Nation I grew up in.