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View Full Version : 8 Republicans voted against the Russian trade sanctions bill. Here's why.

03-18-2022, 10:39 AM
FYI. Some want to ignore Ukraine and focus on home. I should say two. The same two that made a spectacle of themselves during SOU -- MTG and Boebert. Wonder what these two think can be solved about the political climate here at home when they are acting like mannerless prigs ..

Others fear the broad, authority given the President to pretty much sanction anyone =, anywhere at an time for undefined "human rights abuses". I get this one.


03-18-2022, 05:48 PM

03-19-2022, 05:02 PM
I tend to fall into this group. Conservatives today are besieged on all sides. We have the crazies that came up thinking the only way forward is to say the most obnoxious thing as loudly as possibly and to be as offensive as possible while making absolutely no effort to win hearts and minds. These are the ones that worry me the most as they are latched onto by a media that amplifies them in the truest example of logical fallacy I have ever seen as if they speak for the whole of conservatism and then demand we all answer for their antics.

It is a good thing that I am not being spoken to by the bobble-heads because there would be a few with a lot less teeth, I would be sitting behind bars, and no good would have been done for the conservative cause. (I would feel better though and the media would likely start thinking twice before pulling that garbage again)

We also have the folks who only count as conservatives in the slightest of senses such as Lindsey Graham, that guy has redefined crazy on a level heretofore unseen in US politics - plus he makes my skin crawl.

When surrounded by this kind of nutbaggery the middle of the road conservative that wants people to leave him/her alone is left feeling lost and as if our country is gone. The media hates us, the Democrats would do us in given the first chance, we are surrounded by corruption that eats at the soul of a once great nation. Granting a president we feel we cannot trust, one who likely doesn’t know where he is most of the time, such sweeping powers is shockingly dangerous and self defeating.

< /rant >

Others fear the broad, authority given the President to pretty much sanction anyone =, anywhere at an time for undefined "human rights abuses". I get this one.
