View Full Version : How the GOP's dirtiest slur got a new life

03-20-2022, 10:38 AM
So WWE Hall of Famer and RINO if anyone every fit the bill Donald Trump has given new life to a label that means absolutely nothing. One would think when labeling others they could have a definition beyond "you don't think like I tell you, therefore, you're a RINO".

The "genius" behind it is Democrat-worthy: it does nothing but divide the people who support the party.

In speeches, ads and on social media, it is fast becoming the defining smear of the 2022 primary campaign season: RINO.
The acronym — short for ‘Republican-In-Name-Only’ — is hardly new. But former President Donald Trump’s frequent use of the term has given it a new life, weaponizing a description once largely reserved for party moderates and turning it into a slur to be avoided at all costs.

The mushrooming of the insult is measurable. In 2018, during the last midterm election, RINO barely registered as a mention in TV ads, according to an analysis compiled for POLITICO by the ad tracking firm AdImpact. But so far in 2022, candidates have already spent more than $4 million on TV ads employing RINO as an attack, in races ranging from House and Senate contests to state House races.
That doesn’t include the raft of RINO-focused appeals appearing on social media and in mailers — or the “RINO Hunter” T-shirts worn by a group of far-right Republicans at a local GOP meeting in California’s Orange County earlier this year, with crosshairs in place of the “O.”
“It’s RINO season, and there’s no bag limit!” Nick Taurus, a long-shot House candidate, said on Twitter (https://twitter.com/NickTaurus40/status/1483641945557663746?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1483641945557663746%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newsweek.com%2Fpolice-called-after-group-shows-republican-meeting-wearing-rino-hunter-t-shirts-1671031), where he posted a photo of the group.
“The intensity of it seems to grow ever stronger,” said Bob Inglis, a former Republican congressman who was labeled a “RINO” himself in his defeat in a South Carolina primary in 2010.
Today, he said, “The level of the rhetoric is new.”
In Pennsylvania, a super PAC working to undermine Mehmet Oz’s conservative credentials in that state’s Senate primary ran TV ads depicting him crouching behind a rhinoceros (https://youtu.be/i3IrCRJf3u0). Just last week, after Trump suggested he may reconsider (https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/mo-brooks-is-disappointing-trump-mulls-pulling-alabama-senate-endorsement) his endorsement of Rep. Mo Brooks in the Alabama Senate primary, a desperate Brooks dropped a TV ad (https://twitter.com/natalie_allison/status/1504443216275329032?s=20&t=cGZc8GR6_bn8dJT1aBSy8A) singing straight from Trump’s songbook. He was “tired,” he said, “of debt junkie, weak-kneed, open-border RINOs who sell out our conservative values.”

For the MAGA set, the term has become a useful shorthand to refer to the establishment. It’s effective in part, said Jim McLaughlin, a veteran Republican pollster, because it’s a phrase that “comes out of the mouths of the voters, that comes out of the mouths of the base.” There is a sense of familiarity that is reinforced when a candidate insults “squishy” Republicans just like they do.
Reminding base voters of the stakes of the primaries — the “potential elimination of many, many RINOs” — said Tom Tancredo, a former Republican congressman from Colorado, “helps fuel the fire.”
While the RINO term has been employed in some form for more than 100 years (https://www.vox.com/2015/9/29/9416259/rino-word-history), its meaning has shifted over time. In previous decades, a Republican risked getting tagged as a RINO for supporting tax increases, gun control or abortion rights. Today, in a reflection of the GOP’s murkier ideological grounding in the Trump era, it’s a term reserved almost exclusively for lack of fealty to Trump.
The phrase’s significance, said Mike Madrid, a Republican strategist who was a co-founder of the anti-Trump Lincoln Project, is in its ability to “enforce discipline among the tribe.”
“What used to be about ideology is now about loyalty,” Madrid said. “The party no longer has orthodoxy, so now it’s, ‘You’re not loyal.’”
The evidence of that is explicit. On ads on Facebook last year, one right-wing PAC spent heavily blistering Republicans who voted to impeach Trump or to investigate the insurrection at the Capitol on Jan. 6, labeling them “RINO turncoats” or “RINO traitors” — even “RINO communist traitors (https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/?active_status=all&ad_type=political_and_issue_ads&country=US&q=rino&sort_data%5bdirection%5d=desc&sort_data%5bmode%5d=total_impressions&search_type=keyword_unordered&media_type=all).”
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has begun running social media messages asking voters to choose “RINO Establishment vs. Trump (https://winred.kenpaxton.com/20220314-vs-fb/?utm_medium=ad&utm_source=fb&utm_term=-tx-ag&utm_campaign=20220314-vs&utm_content=20220314-vs-fb-1&fbclid=IwAR05jvF4lDhWSVeVUZXspAWAaVIpnV7Kyf_gjiME_ fGZyRO3w27Z4YugfIM)” — juxtaposing an image of him and Trump against one of George P. Bush and his father, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. Claire Wirth, a Republican running to unseat Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), is calling out “RINO Republicans” in a video, suggesting Massie’s crime is that he “turned his back on President Trump.”

The use of RINO has become so widespread that it can now include almost any Republican, including some of the most conservative stalwarts in the party. During just the past six months, the list of Republicans Trump has branded with the term includes Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey and “RINO Congressman Peter Meijer.” “Loser Liz Cheney” is a Republican-In-Name-Only. So is Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, former President George W. Bush and the entire Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. Rejection of Trump’s false claims of election fraud — or worse, a vote to impeach the former president — are common threads among those targeted by the former president for the insult.
On Friday, an independent expenditure committee supporting former Sen. David Perdue, Trump’s preferred candidate in the Georgia gubernatorial primary, began airing an ad featuring Trump calling Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp a “RINO governor.”
The term is now so ubiquitous, said James Dickey, the former chair of the Texas Republican Party, that it’s suffering from overuse.
“When a candidate uses that today against someone, I read that as a sign of desperation, that they don’t have the ability or the willingness to specify what they have a problem with, so they’re trying to just engender a sense that their opponent is not committed,” he said.
The impact, Dickey said, is “diminishing rapidly.”
It’s true that some uses of the term are more effective than others. Rory McShane, a Republican strategist, has tested RINO as an attack with Republican primary voters and found the line effective, but only when the opponent’s RINO-like behavior was explained — whether on immigration, gun control or any other issue.
“You can’t just say this person is a RINO. Republican primary voters are anesthetized to that,” he said. “I think it’s become cliché. You have to explain how they’ve betrayed the conservative movement.”

Another Republican strategist who has poll-tested the effectiveness of RINO messaging came to a similar conclusion. He also found “Liz Cheney Republican” may be just as effective for a stand-in when RINO gets old.
For some Republicans, it already is. Inglis, a victim of the tea party wave in 2010 (https://www.politico.com/story/2010/04/inglis-draws-rino-hunters-036376), said he used to run in fear of being branded a RINO.
“It’s terribly effective,” he said. “It’s a claim of apostasy, it’s a claim of Benedict Arnold. You’re a traitor to the team, and that’s a powerful emotion.”
But the term is also, plainly, an exclusionary one. In the long term, said Inglis, it’s not a winning strategy to “have a party where we figure out who to kick out.”
As Trump and others continue to “throw people out of the party,” he said, “maybe they’re going to whittle it down to the point where all the folks who have had an attempt on their party membership rise up and say, ‘Wait a minute, maybe you’re the Republican-In-Name-Only.’”
If that happens, it likely won’t be soon. But the term may still wear out. In Wyoming, where the RINO sticker has been plastered on Cheney more consistently than almost anywhere else, Richard George, a former Republican National Committee member from the state, said he won’t vote for her reelection because of her handling of the Trump impeachment and its aftermath — not because her ideology is suspect.
Cheney is a “pretty conservative person,” he said, “and I won’t say she’s a RINO.”
“One of the biggest problems we have in the Republican Party,” George said, “is if you have an ultra-right conservative who has a slight disagreement with another Republican, it doesn’t matter if they’re in the same lane 90 percent of the time or 50 percent of the time, usually the term RINO gets thrown out there.”


03-20-2022, 11:44 AM
Off the top of my head, here's a list of good conservatives that have been slimed by Trump:

Sen Ben Sasse
Jeff Sessions
Georgia Governor Kemp
Congressman Thomas Massie
Former NC Governor and US Senate candidate Pat McCrory
SC Congressman Tom Rice

The term RINO is a useful term for the likes of Lowell Weicker, father of the Connecticut state income tax.

03-20-2022, 12:44 PM
Off the top of my head, here's a list of good conservatives that have been slimed by Trump:

Sen Ben Sasse
Jeff Sessions
Georgia Governor Kemp
Congressman Thomas Massie
Former NC Governor and US Senate candidate Pat McCrory
SC Congressman Tom Rice

The term RINO is a useful term for the likes of Lowell Weicker, father of the Connecticut state income tax.

Words don't mean things anymore. Narrative is the key. :(

03-20-2022, 05:43 PM
I live in the viewing area for the "RINO" commercial shown above, which as you can attacks Dr. Oz for being not conservative enough.
The ad says it is payed for by "Honor Pennsylvania", whoever that is. Presumably it is payed for by McCormack, the other high-profile Republican running in the race, but I could see it being paid for by the Democrats as a kind of false flag attack.

03-20-2022, 10:41 PM
What any of the hacks writing at Politico or The Hill know about what makes Republicans tick could fit into a thimble.

But yet, they confidently assert such things. Probably from unnamed sources, of course.

In my book, they're about as trustworthy as Tater on CNN.

03-21-2022, 01:44 AM
What any of the hacks writing at Politico or The Hill know about what makes Republicans tick could fit into a thimble.

But yet, they confidently assert such things. Probably from unnamed sources, of course.

In my book, they're about as trustworthy as Tater on CNN.

I get your opinion on those outlets, but in this case I have to agree with the premise. RINO has been applied as a general term for anyone, regardless of in office or not, if they weren't on board with Trump campaign and after. It doesn't matter your core principles or how long you have voted conservative. Didn't matter how many people you'd brought into conservative thinking.

Generally it became as knee jerk epitaph on the right as using the race card on the left.

03-21-2022, 08:08 AM
What any of the hacks writing at Politico or The Hill know about what makes Republicans tick could fit into a thimble.

But yet, they confidently assert such things. Probably from unnamed sources, of course.

In my book, they're about as trustworthy as Tater on CNN.As opposed to the hacks at Breitbart, OANN or FoxNews? The truth is where you find it. The trick is being smart enough to sift it out. It's no harder to find in centrist or left-leaning rags than it is right-leaning ones. It's ALL "journalism in name only".

To what political belief system would you attribute attacking the source instead of the topic?

Fact is, you can go back on this board over the years and see where I have made pretty-much the same comments based on behavioral observation without a source.

Trump is splitting the party. He's using leftist rules. Name-calling. Shaming. Insulting. He doesn't care who or what he destroys in the GOP so long as he feels vindicated in the end. He's the other side of the Putin coin. He's just using a checkbook and the media to destroy instead of artillery. It's all about him. He's turned on and tried to destroy everyone that won't swear an oath of loyalty to Trump.

That's not about the Nation. Not about the People. Not about the Constitution. It's about Trump.

Whoever believes that is okay behavior stands in 180 degree disagreement with me.

EDIT: Meantime, anyone that wishes to present alternate opinions/sources/stories, that "create new thread" button is available for all members to use.

03-21-2022, 09:56 AM
As opposed to the hacks at Breitbart, OANN or FoxNews? The truth is where you find it. The trick is being smart enough to sift it out. It's no harder to find in centrist or left-leaning rags than it is right-leaning ones. It's ALL "journalism in name only".

To what political belief system would you attribute attacking the source instead of the topic?

Fact is, you can go back on this board over the years and see where I have made pretty-much the same comments based on behavioral observation without a source.

Trump is splitting the party. He's using leftist rules. Name-calling. Shaming. Insulting. He doesn't care who or what he destroys in the GOP so long as he feels vindicated in the end. He's the other side of the Putin coin. He's just using a checkbook and the media to destroy instead of artillery. It's all about him. He's turned on and tried to destroy everyone that won't swear an oath of loyalty to Trump.

That's not about the Nation. Not about the People. Not about the Constitution. It's about Trump.

Whoever believes that is okay behavior stands in 180 degree disagreement with me.

You and I don't agree on Trump, and that's okay.

He's campaigning for '24. We all know that. '22 is a perfect storm for getting rid of RINOs of the Cheney/Murkowski people that have plagued us time & again. Yeah, there's a certain level of personal revenge, but that's not surprising either - he came right out and said he was gunning for them.

But that's not my point. I was speaking to those that talk like they're an expert on the subject of GOP behavior.

Like AOC doing that creepy Biden-whisper explaining that the GOP doesn't understand capitalism or socialism. Or another fruitcake on MSNBC explaining how conservatives don't even realize how racist they all are. The Hill and Politico fall into that camp and they've both been ramping that rhetoric up and polls continually get more dire for the inbound ass-kicking democrats are in for in November.

I suppose that covers 90% of the MSM. I've been seeing a lot more of it lately. Anyone who's been paying attention knows what is coming, and there's an effort to play some offense. It won't work, along with the spin that our circumstances aren't Biden's & the democrats fault.

I expect to see a lot more of it in the next few months.

EDIT: Meantime, anyone that wishes to present alternate opinions/sources/stories, that "create new thread" button is available for all members to use.

I'm not criticizing! And I appreciate the thread creation.

I haven't been around much other than daily bannings of commiebots because of recovering from a shattered left ribs cage & forcing myself to get freight hauled up to the cabin anyway - the ice is almost gone.


03-22-2022, 09:30 AM
You and I don't agree on Trump, and that's okay.

He's campaigning for '24. We all know that. '22 is a perfect storm for getting rid of RINOs of the Cheney/Murkowski people that have plagued us time & again. Yeah, there's a certain level of personal revenge, but that's not surprising either - he came right out and said he was gunning for them.

But that's not my point. I was speaking to those that talk like they're an expert on the subject of GOP behavior.

Like AOC doing that creepy Biden-whisper explaining that the GOP doesn't understand capitalism or socialism. Or another fruitcake on MSNBC explaining how conservatives don't even realize how racist they all are. The Hill and Politico fall into that camp and they've both been ramping that rhetoric up and polls continually get more dire for the inbound ass-kicking democrats are in for in November.

I suppose that covers 90% of the MSM. I've been seeing a lot more of it lately. Anyone who's been paying attention knows what is coming, and there's an effort to play some offense. It won't work, along with the spin that our circumstances aren't Biden's & the democrats fault.

I expect to see a lot more of it in the next few months.

I'm not criticizing! And I appreciate the thread creation.

I haven't been around much other than daily bannings of commiebots because of recovering from a shattered left ribs cage & forcing myself to get freight hauled up to the cabin anyway - the ice is almost gone.

13897In case you didn't get the memo, busting your ribs hurts, and they take forever to heal. ESPECIALLY if you don't let them by staying active. Did that once. Decided I didn't care for it much.

There'd be nothing to post news-wise if it didn't lean right or left. I'm looking at, and commenting on the topic. My opinions don't necessarily reflect the viewpoints of the authors nor their employers. That's why I usually post an opinion with any article. Any and everybody is fair game to me.

Cheney and Murkowski are both holding office as Republicans, and going against the party, for different reasons. Murkowski should swap places with Manchin and call it a day. BTW, what derogatory acronym would be appropriate for Manchin and Sinema? DINOs?

Cheney's an extremist with all the tunnel vision that goes with it. It isn't that she hates Trump form my POV that's the problem. It's that she hates anything enough to allow it to control her judgement.

If the shoe fits ...

At the same time, the shoe doesn't fit anyone for not falling into lockstep behind the Trump narrative and that is how RINO is being used currently.

03-22-2022, 11:59 AM
RHINO was used as a deragatory term long before Trump. Politico just wants to blame Trump for everything that's wrong in the Republican party. The party has been losing the base long before Trump.

03-22-2022, 12:11 PM

03-22-2022, 12:13 PM
RHINO was used as a deragatory term long before Trump. Politico just wants to blame Trump for everything that's wrong in the Republican party. The party has been losing the base long before Trump.

So those who aren't backing Trump aren't the conservative base? Prior to Trump it was for social justice GOP types, Collins comes to mind. After T, the new definition of base seemed to consist only of those in full support, everyone else were RINO.

03-22-2022, 01:16 PM
RHINO was used as a deragatory term long before Trump. Politico just wants to blame Trump for everything that's wrong in the Republican party. The party has been losing the base long before Trump.

Gotta go with Kathianne here. Before 2016 the best you could have said about trump's relationship to Republicanism is that he was a RINO given his proclivities to donating to Dems, protectionism, etc. And the Republican base has been growing since Reagan, Goldwater if you want to go to further back. trump is doing his darndest to fracture the historical base by taking over the usage of RINO. Now RINO is failure to kiss the trumpian ring. Narrative, not definitions or policy; see Stefanik as example.

03-22-2022, 01:52 PM
Gotta go with Kathianne here. Before 2016 the best you could have said about trump's relationship to Republicanism is that he was a RINO given his proclivities to donating to Dems, protectionism, etc. And the Republican base has been growing since Reagan, Goldwater if you want to go to further back. trump is doing his darndest to fracture the historical base by taking over the usage of RINO. Now RINO is failure to kiss the trumpian ring. Narrative, not definitions or policy; see Stefanik as example.
Thanks. I've several friends, including my roommate that like me in spite of not agreeing with their basically thinking Trump was dealt dirty, (which I agree wit), and the election was stolen, (which I do not agree with).

The thing is, I've been vested in political philosophy, history, and campaigns since high school. I've always had friends, even family that were liberals and conservatives, but nearly all were moderates. They could see where others felt differently than themselves.

That understanding, that reasonable people can be good people, but see different ways to a more perfect union is the missing ingredient in today's US.

I'm still conservative, even a classical liberal, as Gunny often points out. I believe the only way our country has a chance of resuming leadership is through the Constitution and respect for the rights of all.

The concept of those that disagree with a position is evil, a traitor, RINO, racist, homophobic, add your own derogatory remarks, just aren't cutting it.

03-22-2022, 02:25 PM
It goes both ways. People who still support Trump are derided as well.

03-22-2022, 02:37 PM
Thanks. I've several friends, including my roommate that like me in spite of not agreeing with their basically thinking Trump was dealt dirty, (which I agree wit), and the election was stolen, (which I do not agree with).

The thing is, I've been vested in political philosophy, history, and campaigns since high school. I've always had friends, even family that were liberals and conservatives, but nearly all were moderates. They could see where others felt differently than themselves.

That understanding, that reasonable people can be good people, but see different ways to a more perfect union is the missing ingredient in today's US.

I'm still conservative, even a classical liberal, as Gunny often points out. I believe the only way our country has a chance of resuming leadership is through the Constitution and respect for the rights of all.

The concept of those that disagree with a position is evil, a traitor, RINO, racist, homophobic, add your own derogatory remarks, just aren't cutting it.
I'm another one of your friends that disagree with you on a couple of things but I do like you!!

We don't agree on the stolen election but someday, hopefully, we're still alive... one of us will be proven right. At this time no definitive proof it was stolen or not stolen. To many conflicting sources of proof.

At this time all I can say is that logic says there is no way an extra 20,000,000 people showed up to vote than in previous elections and they all voted Biden. Even Obama and Hillary didn't get that many votes.

03-22-2022, 02:43 PM
It goes both ways. People who still support Trump are derided as well.

To a degree. I will say as for myself, I was perplexed by the support in 2015/16. When I realized I was hurting people I like, I recognized I was acting very much like those I'd always criticized. I still didn't get it, but tried to give him and supporters a chance.

If the Democrats had acted even a bit like that, Nancy probably wouldn't have ripped the SOTU address, pretty much securing my vote for Trump. Trump didn't get better, no matter how much I liked the results.

Now, if Trump has his way, even 2022, not to mention 2024 will be all about how the electionwas stolen. Just look up the Stuart Varney interview the other day. Varney has been very pro-Trump, but he was shocked.

None of this is vindication for the left, not a bit. One does need though to see what is happening from those one is in agreement also.

03-22-2022, 02:48 PM
I'm another one of your friends that disagree with you on a couple of things but I do like you!!

We don't agree on the stolen election but someday, hopefully, we're still alive... one of us will be proven right. At this time no definitive proof it was stolen or not stolen. To many conflicting sources of proof.

At this time all I can say is that logic says there is no way an extra 20,000,000 people showed up to vote than in previous elections and they all voted Biden. Even Obama and Hillary didn't get that many votes.
Same In reverse. I disagree with that last bit, but like and thank you in spite of it.:laugh2:

03-23-2022, 09:28 AM
RHINO was used as a deragatory term long before Trump. Politico just wants to blame Trump for everything that's wrong in the Republican party. The party has been losing the base long before Trump.Yes and no. RINO has in fact been around a lot longer than Trump has been a Republican. Sort of makes a pint in and of itself, doesn't it?

Politico makes of point of stating it is a resurgent term, and it has been Trump using it. Shooting the messenger doesn't change the message.

03-23-2022, 09:41 AM
So those who aren't backing Trump aren't the conservative base? Prior to Trump it was for social justice GOP types, Collins comes to mind. After T, the new definition of base seemed to consist only of those in full support, everyone else were RINO.

Ah, the "good ol' days". Remember when GWB was President and we were all "neocons"?

Thanks. I've several friends, including my roommate that like me in spite of not agreeing with their basically thinking Trump was dealt dirty, (which I agree wit), and the election was stolen, (which I do not agree with).

The thing is, I've been vested in political philosophy, history, and campaigns since high school. I've always had friends, even family that were liberals and conservatives, but nearly all were moderates. They could see where others felt differently than themselves.

That understanding, that reasonable people can be good people, but see different ways to a more perfect union is the missing ingredient in today's US.

I'm still conservative, even a classical liberal, as @Gunny (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=30) often points out. I believe the only way our country has a chance of resuming leadership is through the Constitution and respect for the rights of all.

The concept of those that disagree with a position is evil, a traitor, RINO, racist, homophobic, add your own derogatory remarks, just aren't cutting it.

I still go with the "classic liberal" definition. When being a Democrat and a liberal wasn't a bad thing and IMO, had more of their priorities right than anything we're seeing from either party today.

My beliefs haven't changed since then (minus the tweaks here and there that go along with change/growing up/education). People -- the MSM/government/anybody with a cause and a label moved the goal posts. Now I'm a conservative through no effort of my own. All I had to do was exist and it was done for me by others :)

I've been against all this nastiness in politics from Day One. It's not Okay. Used to be a line drawn between left and right as far as hateful behavior is concerned. Getting pretty damned blurry nowadays,