View Full Version : Rand Paul standoff throws Russia bills into limbo

03-27-2022, 11:00 AM

Always has to be one As I have said about Rand Paul over the years: When he's right he's dead on. When he's a pain in the butt just to be one, he's dead on. No middle ground.

He wants a stricter definition of "human rights" violations. Good luck. The fact is, there is no such thing. Humans have as many "rights" as they can take and hold. I promise you, there's a Grand Canyon size difference in what the West calls "human rights" and what the East calls them.

Point is, forcing our pansy-ass, American/Western definition of "human rights" on the World isn't doing a whole lot better than Putin's use of brute force to achieve his goals. Bottom line: if we want our definition enforced we have to kick anyone's ass abusing them. See how far that goes in the UN.

On the other hand, he has a point:

Paul is taking issue with the way the Magnitsky sanctions are reauthorized as part of the bill that limits trade with Russia.
The original Magnitsky bill targeted “gross” violations of human rights. The language in the Russia trade bill would expand that to target “serious” human rights violations, codifying language used in a Trump-era executive order.
But Paul wants language put into the bill that would reinsert “gross” violation of human rights and define that as dealing with torture, cruel and inhumane treatment and indefinite detention, though Paul said he was open to including other actions in the definition.
Paul argued that language as written in the House-passed could be used to sanction individuals who deny access to abortions, a concern echoed by a group of House Republicans.