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red states rule
10-04-2007, 06:01 AM
Not that the left will let the truth get in the way of this non story - here is what happened with dates and times

Limbaugh Makes His Case
He’s got the story on the “phony soldiers” controversy — if anyone will listen.

By Byron York

On Monday evening, September 24, Rush Limbaugh was struck by a story that appeared on ABC’s World News with Charles Gibson. “A closer look tonight at phony heroes,” Gibson said in his introduction to the report, which was about men who claim to be veterans but are not. In the story, reporter Brian Ross discussed two men who claimed to have served in wartime, possibly to receive free veterans’ hospital and other benefits.

And then this: “Authorities say the most disturbing case involves this man, 23 year-old Jesse Macbeth,” Ross continued. “In a YouTube video seen around the world, Macbeth became a rallying point for anti-war groups, as he talked of the Purple Heart he received in Iraq and described how he and other U.S. Army Rangers killed innocent civilians at a Baghdad mosque.” Ross played video of Macbeth saying, “Women and men, you know — while in their prayer, we started slaughtering them.”

As it turns out, none of that happened. Macbeth was in the Army for just six weeks, was discharged before completing basic training, and was never in Iraq. “Last week in federal court in Seattle,” Ross concluded, “Macbeth offered an apology for defaming the real American heroes as he admitted to lying about his service record and his supposed atrocities.” Ross’ story was headlined “Phony War Vets” on the ABC News website.

Among the viewers that night was a person who works for Limbaugh’s radio program. “My call screener saw the ABC News report and he told me about it,” Limbaugh told me yesterday. Limbaugh decided to make the story the subject of his commentary for Tuesday, September 25, a commentary that played in the morning on the 600 stations that carry Limbaugh’s show. “We researched it and put the commentary together,” Limbaugh continued. “In our research, we also found a story on FoxNews.com from, I believe, May 20th on Macbeth that had ‘Phony Soldier’ in the headline. We also found a press release from the U.S. Attorney, Western District of Washington, on 9/21, who had successfully prosecuted eight of what he called ‘Fake Soldiers’ who had defrauded the VA system.”

So Limbaugh told Macbeth’s story in the commentary and added his own words about the people who had made Macbeth a hero. “They have to lie about such atrocities because they can’t find any that fit the template of the way they see the US military,” Limbaugh said. “In other words, for the American anti-war left, the greatest inconvenience they face is the truth.”

for the complete article


Joe Steel
10-04-2007, 08:10 AM
Sorry, no.

Limbaugh, the draft-dodger, and one of his half-witted fans were discussing soldiers who didn't agree with the Bush Regime's occupation of Iraq. They decided real soldiers wanted to be in Iraq and that anyone who didn't was a phony soldier.

Appalling but true.

red states rule
10-04-2007, 08:11 AM
Sorry, no.

Limbaugh, the draft-dodger, and one of his half-witted fans were discussing soldiers who didn't agree with the Bush Regime's occupation of Iraq. They decided real soldiers wanted to be Iraq and that anyone who didn't was a phony soldier.

Appalling but true.

As I said, libs never let facts get in way of a smear campaign

Joe Steel
10-04-2007, 08:15 AM
As I said, libs never let facts get in way of a smear campaign

We love facts!

Got any?

red states rule
10-04-2007, 08:15 AM
We love facts!

Got any?

try reading what Rush actually said

10-04-2007, 08:16 AM
Sorry, no.

Limbaugh, the draft-dodger, and one of his half-witted fans were discussing soldiers who didn't agree with the Bush Regime's occupation of Iraq. They decided real soldiers wanted to be in Iraq and that anyone who didn't was a phony soldier.

Appalling but true.

Tsk, Tsk, jo jo, you never fail to enlighten us with your errors!

Rush discussed the MacBeth issue in a prior broadcast. He opened up the telephones the next day and entertained calls. He then made his comment based on his prior discussion and MacBeth and his ilk.

Now, if you have DIRECT PROOF of him making comments to what you have stated I would be happy to read them. But he outlined his position on "phony soldiers" on his very show AND made it clear he was not talking about active soldiers. That and his years of dedication and support to our troops leaves me believing him and not those who ATTEMPT, in a severely poor manner, to twist his words.

The resolution won't go nowhere. Rush's boss basically laughed at the letter he received from Reid, and replied that he won't do a damn thing about it. Cheers to Mays!! :clap:

10-04-2007, 08:17 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But this story just keeps giving.:laugh2:
2. The more it gives the more I :laugh2:.
3. I can not wait for this story to blow up in the Neoliberals faces.


red states rule
10-04-2007, 08:19 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But this story just keeps giving.:laugh2:
2. The more it gives the more I :laugh2:.
3. I can not wait for this story to blow up in the Neoliberals faces.


it is fun to watch

Joe Steel
10-04-2007, 08:26 AM
try reading what Rush actually said

Already did it.

Like I said, we love facts.

red states rule
10-04-2007, 08:27 AM
Already did it.

Like I said, we love facts.

and when they go against you (which happens often) you ignore them

Joe Steel
10-04-2007, 08:28 AM
Tsk, Tsk, jo jo, you never fail to enlighten us with your errors!

Rush discussed the MacBeth issue in a prior broadcast. He opened up the telephones the next day and entertained calls. He then made his comment based on his prior discussion and MacBeth and his ilk.

Sorry, no.

Limbaugh and the caller agreed the media always talked with phony soldiers not the real soldiers who wanted to be Iraq.

Read the transcript.

red states rule
10-04-2007, 08:30 AM
Sorry, no.

Limbaugh and the caller agreed the media always talked with phony soldiers not the real soldiers who wanted to be Iraq.

Read the transcript.

We did. Now if you would do the same and stop drinklng the Kool Aid from Media Matters and the left wing slime machine

Problem is, this has backfired and exposed the left for the desperate liers they really are

10-04-2007, 08:32 AM
Sorry, no.

Limbaugh and the caller agreed the media always talked with phony soldiers not the real soldiers who wanted to be Iraq.

Read the transcript.

I read it, how about quoting directly from the transcript for us and show us where he and the "caller agreed the the media always talked with phony soldiers not the real soldiers who wanted to be in Iraq"?

Lay out his own words for us all here to see and make your case. Don't just use rhetoric and innuendo, post facts for us and make us believers.

10-04-2007, 08:34 AM
Already did it.

Like I said, we love facts.

yah ignoring them unless they meet your agenda. even if he did call the soldiers that disagreed with the war phony ones, because they joined for college benies, who knows, then who cares? in fact, if you joined the military lately and then bitch about going to war, i would ask what kind of a retard are you.

10-04-2007, 08:35 AM
I think the real issue is this: Many people on the right struggle with anyones viewpoint does not agree with their own. They do not even agree that there is middle ground....Rush Limbaugh has gone out of his way to put down moderates....and we all remember the anology used by John Ashcroft comparing moderates to dead skunks. We are talking about theclassic "Either you are for us for us or against us" mentality. In other words if you do not agree with my viewpoint, you are an idiot! It is perfectly fine for Rush and others to disagree with the viewpoints expressed by the John Murthas of this world....but not their military service! There are many military people who question the logic of George Bush.....but they mostly stay quiet out of respect for the commander in chief. It is nice to know that conservatives everywhere have now been put on notice....that a growing number of the troops are questioning our presense and the overall reason for going. I have a nephew who has returned home after three tours of duty in Iraq....and that is what tells me. And he is a marine.

red states rule
10-04-2007, 08:35 AM
From my link

During his program the next day, Wednesday, September 26, Limbaugh spoke to a somewhat emotional caller who claimed to be a Republican fed up with the war in Iraq. After a long and sometimes testy exchange, Limbaugh cut to another caller, a man named Mike in Olympia, Washington who said he had served two tours in Iraq. Discussing war critics on the left, the caller said, “What’s really funny is they never talk to real soldiers. They pull these soldiers that come up out of the blue — “

“The phony soldiers,” Limbaugh said.

“The phony soldiers,” the caller repeated. “If you talk to any real soldier and they’re proud to serve, they want to be over in Iraq, they understand their sacrifice and they’re willing to sacrifice for the country.”

“I was thinking of Macbeth when I said ‘phony soldiers,’“ Limbaugh told me. As the caller talked, Limbaugh told a staff member to print out the previous day’s commentary on the ABC “Phony Heroes” story. After “vamping” a bit while the commentary printed out, Limbaugh moved on.

“I want to thank you, Mike, for calling. I appreciate it very much. I gotta — here is a morning update that we did recently, talking about fake soldiers. This is a story of who the left props up as heroes. And they have their celebrities. One of them was Army Ranger Jesse Macbeth…” Limbaugh read the entire commentary from the day before and wrapped up that segment of the program. From there, he moved on to a discussion of Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

And that was that — until the next day, September 27, when Media Matters, the liberal media watchdog group, posted a story headlined, “Limbaugh: Service members who support U.S. withdrawal are ‘phony soldiers.’“ “During the September 26 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show,” Media Matters reported, “Rush Limbaugh called service members who advocate U.S. withdrawal from Iraq ‘phony soldiers.’“ Media Matters included a transcript — with some extraneous remarks edited out — of Limbaugh’s broadcast.

red states rule
10-04-2007, 08:37 AM
I think the real issue is this: Many people on the right struggle with anyones viewpoint does not agree with their own. They do not even agree that there is middle ground....Rush Limbaugh has gone out of his way to put down moderates....and we all remember the anology used by John Ashcroft comparing moderates to dead skunks. We are talking about theclassic "Either you are for us for us or against us" mentality. In other words if you do not agree with my viewpoint, you are an idiot! It is perfectly fine for Rush and others to disagree with the viewpoints expressed by the John Murthas of this world....but not their military service! There are many military people who question the logic of George Bush.....but they mostly stay quiet out of respect for the commander in chief. It is nice to know that conservatives everywhere have now been put on notice....that a growing number of the troops are questioning our presense and the overall reason for going. I have a nephew who has returned home after three tours of duty in Iraq....and that is what tells me. And he is a marine.

Rush (and other conservatives) have no probelm with people speaking their mids on the war - we do have a problem with the left trying to smear Rush with lies in a feeble attempt to distract from their Moveon.org ad

Which called Gen Petraeus a traitor to his country

10-04-2007, 08:51 AM
I think the real issue is this: Many people on the right struggle with anyones viewpoint does not agree with their own. They do not even agree that there is middle ground....Rush Limbaugh has gone out of his way to put down moderates....and we all remember the anology used by John Ashcroft comparing moderates to dead skunks. We are talking about theclassic "Either you are for us for us or against us" mentality. In other words if you do not agree with my viewpoint, you are an idiot! It is perfectly fine for Rush and others to disagree with the viewpoints expressed by the John Murthas of this world....but not their military service! There are many military people who question the logic of George Bush.....but they mostly stay quiet out of respect for the commander in chief. It is nice to know that conservatives everywhere have now been put on notice....that a growing number of the troops are questioning our presense and the overall reason for going. I have a nephew who has returned home after three tours of duty in Iraq....and that is what tells me. And he is a marine.

So you take one issue - the issue of left-wing moonbats changing what Rush said, and make it into ANOTHER issue, claiming the new issue is what it's all about?


red states rule
10-04-2007, 08:54 AM
So you take one issue - the issue of left-wing moonbats changing what Rush said, and make it into ANOTHER issue, claiming the new issue is what it's all about?


While BSR is a dear friend of mine (and a co-worker) he is a liberal and will always change the subject when he is unable to counter the facts

The left has been trying to take Rush out since he first went on the air - all they have done is increase his audience and become more popular.

10-04-2007, 09:57 AM
Already did it.

Like I said, we love facts.

Now try reading it without trying to overlay the DNCs current marching orders to the faithful Joe.

You guys have nothing on Limbaugh here, yet your legislators stand before the world condemning a guy for having pointed out the Jesse MacBeth and his ilk are phonies. You heartily support Jesse MacBeth and condemn those who would expose his lies and the damage that they have done.

You truly need to either present something factual or, well, the best way to put it is just.....SHUT UP!

Joe Steel
10-04-2007, 10:29 AM
I read it, how about quoting directly from the transcript for us and show us where he and the "caller agreed the the media always talked with phony soldiers not the real soldiers who wanted to be in Iraq"?

Lay out his own words for us all here to see and make your case. Don't just use rhetoric and innuendo, post facts for us and make us believers.

I read it, thought about it and understood the substance of the conversation.

It's called reading comprehension.

You should try it sometime.

Joe Steel
10-04-2007, 10:31 AM
yah ignoring them unless they meet your agenda. even if he did call the soldiers that disagreed with the war phony ones, because they joined for college benies, who knows, then who cares? in fact, if you joined the military lately and then bitch about going to war, i would ask what kind of a retard are you.

At least you're honest.

You don't mind cuddling-up to a draft-dodging, radio kool-aid salesman.

Sir Evil
10-04-2007, 10:31 AM
It's called reading comprehension.


You should try that as well, perhaps you could finally answer the question that was asked to you.

10-04-2007, 10:31 AM
I read it, thought about it and understood the substance of the conversation.

It's called reading comprehension.

You should try it sometime.

In other words, you refuse to post the words you claimed were said? Why make claims if you can't back them up? Why do you always twist things, get called on it, and then backpedal faster than most can ride a motorcycle?

10-04-2007, 10:59 AM
The liberals should forgive Rush. He was probably under the influence of oxy-contin when he made his point.

10-04-2007, 11:01 AM
You don't mind cuddling-up to a draft-dodging, radio kool-aid salesman.

nah Rush gives me a headache. he is like a Repub with a democratic arguing style, i.e., if i am louder than you, i am more correct.

but it does get to me when ppl twist what was said just to hurt someone for their opinion of ppl

Sir Evil
10-04-2007, 11:07 AM
The liberals should forgive Rush. He was probably under the influence of oxy-contin when he made his point.

Indeed, that oxy stuff should be labeled as lie serum... :poke:

10-04-2007, 12:03 PM
I found a video of Joe Steel having a discussion: Making his points, using sensible logic, accepting facts at they were, and coming to reasonable conclusions, as he keeps telling us he always does.

Joe's the one dressed in black.


No, no, don't thank me. It's my civic duty. :lol: There was just no better way to describe it.

Sir Evil
10-04-2007, 12:07 PM
I found a video of Joe Steel having a discussion: Making his points, using sensible logic, accepting facts at they were, and coming to reasonable conclusions, as he keeps telling us he always does.

Joe's the one dressed in black.


No, no, don't thank me. It's my civic duty. :lol: There was just no better way to describe it.


10-04-2007, 02:10 PM
try reading what Rush actually said

why bother reading his doctored transcripts when you can watch it (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036677/) yourself? Just click on the header... Limbaugh vs. the troops and then again on... Related Videos...

Rush stepped in it again... and all the chickenhawk righties rush to his aid...

You do realize that Rush is a chickenhawk, right? He had an anal cyst that supposedly kept him out of the service but I bet it was actually a problem around front... no balls...

10-04-2007, 02:14 PM
why bother reading his doctored transcripts when you can watch it (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036677/) yourself? Just click on the header... Limbaugh vs. the troops and then again on... Related Videos...

My speaker is shot. Wouldn't have a link to a transcript, would you?

10-04-2007, 02:20 PM
Tsk, Tsk, jo jo, you never fail to enlighten us with your errors!

Rush discussed the MacBeth issue in a prior broadcast. He opened up the telephones the next day and entertained calls. He then made his comment based on his prior discussion and MacBeth and his ilk.

Now, if you have DIRECT PROOF of him making comments to what you have stated I would be happy to read them. But he outlined his position on "phony soldiers" on his very show AND made it clear he was not talking about active soldiers. That and his years of dedication and support to our troops leaves me believing him and not those who ATTEMPT, in a severely poor manner, to twist his words.

The resolution won't go nowhere. Rush's boss basically laughed at the letter he received from Reid, and replied that he won't do a damn thing about it. Cheers to Mays!! :clap:

If that was the case, Jim, why did rush then blast SSG McGough on a subsequent show? Do you think as rush obviously does, that only those soldiers that agree with the war are real soldiers? Any idea when all of those folks that support the war are going to stop acting as cheerleaders for the war and actually enlist so they can DO something constructive about it?

the following is from Countdown with Keith Olbermann (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21132568/) last night...


OLBERMANN: Rush Limbaugh today claimed that when he used the phrase phony soldiers he had in mind a segment from a previous day‘s broadcast about one actual fraudulent soldier, even though did he not reference that individual until two minutes after the generic references to phony soldiers. A good enough story, perhaps, if Limbaugh had been trying to do the normal human thing, and apologize for misspeaking, but he was not. Instead he was attacking Sergeant McGough, individually and brutally.


RUSH LIMBAUGH, RADIO SHOW HOST: There is a man identified as Brian McGough. It‘s M-C-G-O-U-G-H. Not sure how he pronounces it. I have not watched ad. He discusses his service in Iraq, the wounds he suffered there and he says to me in this ad, until you have the guts to call me a phony soldier to my face, stop telling lies about my service. You know, this is such a blatant use of a valiant combat veteran, lying to him about what I said, and then strapping those lies to his belt, sending him out via the media and a TV ad, to walk into as many people as he can walk into.

This man will always be a hero to this country with everyone. Whoever pumped him full of these lies about what I said and embarrassed him with this ad has betrayed him. They are not hurting me. They are betraying this soldier. Now, unless he actually believes what he is saying, in which case it‘s just so unfortunate and sad when the truth of what I said is right out there to be learned.


OLBERMANN: Let‘s bring in retired U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Brian McGough, who served in Kosovo, earned the bronze star in Afghanistan, and, as we just saw, sustained a devastating head wound in Iraq. Sergeant, thank you for joining us. Thank you for your service to this country.

MCGOUGH: Thank you for having me.

OLBERMANN: Before we get to the specific points Mr. Limbaugh made in that tape from broadcast, what‘s your initial reaction to him?

MCGOUGH: My initial reaction is disgust. How someone can sit in that chair and say that I am a car bomber or—excuse me, a suicide bomber—is disgusting. I have seen the after-effects of a suicide bomb. I have friends that were hurt by suicide bombs. It makes me mad down to a place where I can‘t even think to describe. It‘s just repugnant.

OLBERMANN: To fact check his claims in there, and he has admitted he hadn‘t seen what you said, which is a sort of bad starting point from his point of view, one would imagine. But, did anybody interpret his remarks for you or tell you what to think about them? You have heard them for yourself, have you not? Unlike what Mr. Limbaugh did not hear from you.

MCGOUGH: Yes, I have heard them for myself. I have read the transcripts. I have heard the audio. I was asked if I would be interested in doing an ad. I told them I would be as long as I agreed with the language of the ad. I read the language of the ad and agreed with it. It‘s something that I stand by and stick by.

I do believe it and I can think for myself. And for Rush Limbaugh to say that an American soldier like me can‘t think for myself because I speak out against the Iraq war is preposterous. A growing number, almost 70 percent of the U.S. population, does not believe in the war. Military is just a mirror image of that, so a lot of veterans and troops don‘t believe in the war.

What he is really saying is that a growing large number of veterans and troops can‘t think for themselves.

OLBERMANN: Even if it was just you. Even if it was just you or a handful of people, that‘s still your right, is it not?

MCGOUGH: Yes, it is my right. It‘s my right that I fought for. I bled for. I sweated all the time. I cried for. And he has the right to say what he wants too. But he has to understand he has got a responsibility. And I said what I said, and I‘m coming out and saying, look, these are my words. I believe in them. Where is he? I would like him to have any member of our organization on his show at any time so we can talk to him and look him in the face and say, am I phony soldier? Do I look like a suicide bomber to you? That‘s all we ask.

OLBERMANN: As a soldier, did you hear something in his remarks that goes against all soldiers, namely this implication the soldiers are great, as long as they agree with me, Rush Limbaugh. But they are all on notice if they disagree; they are stupid or gullible or being used, or, as he said, phony? Is that in some ways a swipe at all soldiers staying in line or else?

MCGOUGH: It is. It‘s him pretty much saying if you agree with me, I will take care of you and I will back you and I will talk great about you. If you don‘t agree with me and you don‘t tow the line, you are on your own and I‘m going to talk bad about you, and I‘m going to let the world—what he thinks is the world—know that you are not a real soldier, which is just disgusting and is not acceptable.

OLBERMANN: You do your duty honorably. You risk death for your country countless times. You received a purple heart. You return home and you get told by a radio commentator, who got deferments and who was defended by the same politicians who sent you into that war, that you are a phony and you can‘t validly disagree with him, all of this while you and your wife still deal with the after-effects of your injuries sustained in this war, and you are trying to get on with your life and going back to school.

On a personal level, is there anything you would like to say or add to this whole mess?

MCGOUGH: I would really like to say—and to reiterate, I have said before—ask me or any of the members of VoteVets.org to come on your program and talk to you and tell you how we feel. Don‘t just talk bad about us and then when we say, hey, that‘s not right, try to talk bad about us again. And think before you open your mouth.


10-04-2007, 02:24 PM
yah ignoring them unless they meet your agenda. even if he did call the soldiers that disagreed with the war phony ones, because they joined for college benies, who knows, then who cares? in fact, if you joined the military lately and then bitch about going to war, i would ask what kind of a retard are you.

well monkeybone...

how about yourself? You support the war, bush and rush... have you served? Or did you opt for the same option rush used, i.e., to run away and hide, when it was your turn to step up and be a man...

10-04-2007, 02:27 PM
We love facts!

Got any?

I dont know, how about the actual transcipt that demonstrates exactly who Rush is talking about and shows that you guys are total liars.

How about them facts?

10-04-2007, 02:31 PM
well monkeybone...

how about yourself? You support the war, bush and rush... have you served? Or did you opt for the same option rush used, i.e., to run away and hide, when it was your turn to step up and be a man...

when the weight is down i am joining for your information. did you serve?

and how do you know any of what i think? i don't support the Iraq part of the war. we went in at the wrong time. and since we did go in, once we were done we should have come out. and if you read on, i don't support rush. he annoys me. but it is also his right to an opinion and to express it stripey.

10-04-2007, 02:32 PM
I think the real issue is this: Many people on the right struggle with anyones viewpoint does not agree with their own. They do not even agree that there is middle ground....Rush Limbaugh has gone out of his way to put down moderates....and we all remember the anology used by John Ashcroft comparing moderates to dead skunks. We are talking about theclassic "Either you are for us for us or against us" mentality. In other words if you do not agree with my viewpoint, you are an idiot! It is perfectly fine for Rush and others to disagree with the viewpoints expressed by the John Murthas of this world....but not their military service! There are many military people who question the logic of George Bush.....but they mostly stay quiet out of respect for the commander in chief. It is nice to know that conservatives everywhere have now been put on notice....that a growing number of the troops are questioning our presense and the overall reason for going. I have a nephew who has returned home after three tours of duty in Iraq....and that is what tells me. And he is a marine.

quite funny you are saying that the Right has problems disagreeing with them when its the liberals who are trying to silence Rush for his comments. Comments he didnt even make.

10-04-2007, 02:33 PM
I read it, thought about it and understood the substance of the conversation.

It's called reading comprehension.

You should try it sometime.

If you understand the conversation how on earth are you still attacking Rush over it?

Why exactly are you defending people who pretend to be soldiers to attack out troops?

10-04-2007, 02:34 PM

Thanks for the transcript. You realize, don't you, that it is quite immaterial to the issues at hand, to wit: MoveOn's spectacular blunder in regard to General Petraeus, Media Matters' laughably transparent smokescreen/smear attempt, and the idiotic behavior of congressional Democrats?

As to the interview itself: oh, yeah - nothing wrong here. No loaded, leading, agenda-driven questions by Olbermann; no outright lies (in bold):

OLBERMANN: You do your duty honorably. You risk death for your country countless times. You received a purple heart. You return home and you get told by a radio commentator, who got deferments and who was defended by the same politicians who sent you into that war, that you are a phony and you can‘t validly disagree with him, all of this while you and your wife still deal with the after-effects of your injuries sustained in this war, and you are trying to get on with your life and going back to school.

This is knee-jerk stuff, Stripey. Nothing new, honest, or useful here. Thanks, anyway.

10-04-2007, 02:35 PM
The liberals should forgive Rush. He was probably under the influence of oxy-contin when he made his point.

Naturally, cant deal with Rush says so you have to attack him personally.

You stalinists need to get some new tactics. we see right through them.

10-04-2007, 02:39 PM
why bother reading his doctored transcripts when you can watch it (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036677/) yourself? Just click on the header... Limbaugh vs. the troops and then again on... Related Videos...

Rush stepped in it again... and all the chickenhawk righties rush to his aid...

You do realize that Rush is a chickenhawk, right? He had an anal cyst that supposedly kept him out of the service but I bet it was actually a problem around front... no balls...

doctored transcripts? You got to be kidding me.

Why the heck is so difficult for you guys to find something legitimate to attack Rush with? Are you just that dishonest?

red states rule
10-04-2007, 02:50 PM
this Keith, the deranged liberal?

Olbermann: Anti-war Soldiers Not 'Phony', Unlike General 'Betray Us'
By Ken Shepherd | October 4, 2007 - 14:24 ET
While MSNBC's Keith Olbermann can hardly contain his glee at smacking around Rush Limbaugh over the taken-out-of-context "phony soldier" remark, it's notable that Olbermann himself essentially smeared Gen. David Petreaus as a phony at best and a traitor at the worst well before the Iraq war commander ever gave his assessment before Congress.

Indeed, before MoveOn.org issued the infamously juvenile "Betray Us" ad, Olbermann's minions plastered "Will Petreaus Betray Us?" in on-screen graphics during his August 16 program. [See also YouTube video appended at bottom of post]

Chatting with guest and liberal journalist Jonathan Alter on that program, Olbermann trashed the Petreaus report as a "ghost-written" concoction of the Bush White House, bound to be replete with partisan spin. Alter agreed, saying Petreaus has always been a "political" general, although he backtracked a bit to also say Petreaus was a "straight-shooter."

AdvertisementWhile Olbermann consistently used his "Countdown" program in the weeks leading up to the Petreaus report/congressional testimony to bash the general and the progress of the war in Iraq, Olbermann simultaneously gave a platform to anti-war veterans active in VoteVets.org including senior advisor and former Democratic presidential candidate Wesley Clark as well as vice chairman Brandon Friedman, who also appeared on the August 16 program immediately after the "betray us" segment.

VoteVets, the same group attacking Limbaugh for the "phony soldiers" remarks has always opposed the troop surge and Petreaus strategy as an "escalation" of the war and insisted that, "if you support escalation, you don't support the troops."

Olbermann, content to surround himself with anti-war veterans who question the patriotism of any and all supporters of the troop surge (in and out of uniform), added one final swipe at Limbaugh when thanking VoteVets ad star Brian McGough for appearing on the October 3 "Countdown":


10-04-2007, 06:18 PM
Naturally, cant deal with Rush says so you have to attack him personally.

You stalinists need to get some new tactics. we see right through them.

I was merely using the same tactics that the 'Big Fat Idiot' uses every chance he gets.
Maybe you've forgotten how he wanted all drug addicts to be put into prison....

Until HE was caught with all of the illegal dope.

10-04-2007, 08:10 PM
I was merely using the same tactics that the 'Big Fat Idiot' uses every chance he gets.
Maybe you've forgotten how he wanted all drug addicts to be put into prison....

Until HE was caught with all of the illegal dope.

nevermind that thats totally untrue. The "he did it first" argument is very good. It just makes you look like a hypocrite.

10-04-2007, 08:33 PM
nevermind that thats totally untrue. The "he did it first" argument is very good. It just makes you look like a hypocrite.


10-04-2007, 08:37 PM
the truth doesnt matter to move on, forget facts.crap
and media matters only to our point of view.

Not that the left will let the truth get in the way of this non story - here is what happened with dates and times

Limbaugh Makes His Case
He’s got the story on the “phony soldiers” controversy — if anyone will listen.

By Byron York

On Monday evening, September 24, Rush Limbaugh was struck by a story that appeared on ABC’s World News with Charles Gibson. “A closer look tonight at phony heroes,” Gibson said in his introduction to the report, which was about men who claim to be veterans but are not. In the story, reporter Brian Ross discussed two men who claimed to have served in wartime, possibly to receive free veterans’ hospital and other benefits.

And then this: “Authorities say the most disturbing case involves this man, 23 year-old Jesse Macbeth,” Ross continued. “In a YouTube video seen around the world, Macbeth became a rallying point for anti-war groups, as he talked of the Purple Heart he received in Iraq and described how he and other U.S. Army Rangers killed innocent civilians at a Baghdad mosque.” Ross played video of Macbeth saying, “Women and men, you know — while in their prayer, we started slaughtering them.”

As it turns out, none of that happened. Macbeth was in the Army for just six weeks, was discharged before completing basic training, and was never in Iraq. “Last week in federal court in Seattle,” Ross concluded, “Macbeth offered an apology for defaming the real American heroes as he admitted to lying about his service record and his supposed atrocities.” Ross’ story was headlined “Phony War Vets” on the ABC News website.

Among the viewers that night was a person who works for Limbaugh’s radio program. “My call screener saw the ABC News report and he told me about it,” Limbaugh told me yesterday. Limbaugh decided to make the story the subject of his commentary for Tuesday, September 25, a commentary that played in the morning on the 600 stations that carry Limbaugh’s show. “We researched it and put the commentary together,” Limbaugh continued. “In our research, we also found a story on FoxNews.com from, I believe, May 20th on Macbeth that had ‘Phony Soldier’ in the headline. We also found a press release from the U.S. Attorney, Western District of Washington, on 9/21, who had successfully prosecuted eight of what he called ‘Fake Soldiers’ who had defrauded the VA system.”

So Limbaugh told Macbeth’s story in the commentary and added his own words about the people who had made Macbeth a hero. “They have to lie about such atrocities because they can’t find any that fit the template of the way they see the US military,” Limbaugh said. “In other words, for the American anti-war left, the greatest inconvenience they face is the truth.”

for the complete article


red states rule
10-05-2007, 05:36 AM
I remember how the moonbat left said Air America would be their answer to Rush and Sean.

We all know how well Air America (now known as Dead Air America) did in the free market where people can choose who to listen to

Now the left has to fall back on their usual attack mode

red states rule
10-05-2007, 06:03 AM
why bother reading his doctored transcripts when you can watch it (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036677/) yourself? Just click on the header... Limbaugh vs. the troops and then again on... Related Videos...

Rush stepped in it again... and all the chickenhawk righties rush to his aid...

You do realize that Rush is a chickenhawk, right? He had an anal cyst that supposedly kept him out of the service but I bet it was actually a problem around front... no balls...

This is not the first time the moonbat left have ran with stories from phoney soldiers - and there will be more.

Phony Soldiers and Phony Senators
by John E. O'Neill

Posted: 10/04/2007

Recently, at least 41 Democratic Senators, joined by a howling mob including George Soros’ Media Matters, sought to silence Rush Limbaugh because of his reference to “phony” anti war soldiers. Limbaugh’s comments, taken in context, referred to Jesse Macbeth, a confessed and convicted phony, whose faked but graphic war crimes confessions received far wider media notice than his later confession. He had been discharged in boot camp after 40 days of service.

Macbeth follows a grand tradition of fake soldiers whose “war crimes” confessions have been used by the Left to slander the service of our troops. For example, Micah Ian Wright, author of the 2003 anti war best seller "You Back the Attack," was an Army Ranger and Combat veteran feted at USC’s Annenberg School and in media like the Washington Post until he was finally “outed” as a complete fake. Many similar examples of phony “soldiers” used by the Left for war crimes confessions are documented in B.G. Burkett’s bestseller Stolen Valor. Indeed, the problem was so endemic that a Republican Congress in 2005, at the urging of many veterans, passed “The Stolen Valor Act” finally criminalizing activities such as those of Macbeth.

There is no one more injured by phony war crimes charges lodged by phony veterans than veterans themselves whose service is dishonored by the slander. I know. In 1971, in addition to listening to John Kerry from our unit falsely compare our forces in Viet Nam to “the Army of Jhengiz Khan,” I heard Al Hubbard, the president of Kerry’s VVAW, appearing with Kerry in forums such as Meet the Press and Congress confess to war crimes such as bombing innocent villages. Hubbard was an Air Force pilot, who appeared on national television wearing the Distinguished Flying Cross and many other medals while confessing our guilt in Viet Nam. Except he was none of these things, having left the Air Force as a Sergeant, never serving in Viet Nam at all.

for the complete article


Joe Steel
10-05-2007, 07:00 AM
In other words, you refuse to post the words you claimed were said? Why make claims if you can't back them up? Why do you always twist things, get called on it, and then backpedal faster than most can ride a motorcycle?

LIMBAUGH: I -- it's not possible, intellectually, to follow these people.

CALLER 2: No, it's not, and what's really funny is, they never talk to real soldiers. They like to pull these soldiers that come up out of the blue and talk to the media.

LIMBAUGH: The phony soldiers.

CALLER 2: The phony soldiers. If you talk to a real soldier, they are proud to serve. They want to be over in Iraq. They understand their sacrifice, and they're willing to sacrifice for their country.

LIMBAUGH: They joined to be in Iraq. They joined --

I can't make it any plainer for you, Dizzy.

According to Limbaugh, real soldiers "joined to be in Iraq" and, by implication, phony soldiers don't want to be in Iraq.

Joe Steel
10-05-2007, 07:02 AM
I dont know, how about the actual transcipt that demonstrates exactly who Rush is talking about and shows that you guys are total liars.

How about them facts?

Fact is, Limbaugh edited the transcript and then said it was accurate and complete. Why would anyone believe anything he said?

red states rule
10-05-2007, 07:04 AM
Fact is, Limbaugh edited the transcript and then said it was accurate and complete. Why would anyone believe anything he said?

Oh, another vast right wing conspiracy!!!!!!

Joe Steel
10-05-2007, 07:10 AM
Oh, another vast right wing conspiracy!!!!!!

Why don't you want to believe Limbaugh edited the transcript? It's documented fact. It's no more controversial than saying the New York Times is published everyday.

10-05-2007, 07:12 AM
I can't make it any plainer for you, Dizzy.

According to Limbaugh, real soldiers "joined to be in Iraq" and, by implication, phony soldiers don't.

LIMBAUGH: I -- it's not possible, intellectually, to follow these people.

CALLER 2: No, it's not, and what's really funny is, they never talk to real soldiers. They like to pull these soldiers that come up out of the blue and talk to the media.

LIMBAUGH: The phony soldiers.

CALLER 2: The phony soldiers. If you talk to a real soldier, they are proud to serve. They want to be over in Iraq. They understand their sacrifice, and they're willing to sacrifice for their country.

LIMBAUGH: They joined to be in Iraq. They joined --

"caller agreed the the media always talked with phony soldiers not the real soldiers who wanted to be in Iraq"

I still don't see where the quote you made is stated in your reference.

1- Limbaugh said you can't intellectually follow these people
2- The caller said they don't talk to the real soldiers, inferring they talk to soldiers like MacBeth who lie and have never been there
3- Limbaugh points out that he is referring to the phony soldiers
4- The caller states that if you talk to an active soldier they will state they are proud to serve and want to be in Iraq
5- Limbaugh states soldiers joined to be in Iraq

A caller on the same program called and asked him why he used plural about soldierS and he replied:

"Yes, because there have been a number of these people, but they were not active duty -- I was not talking about anti-war, active duty troops. I was talking about people who've been exposed as frauds who never served in Iraq but claimed to have seen all these atrocities

So you can "claim" to know what Rush implied with his statements, but you can't change what he actually said.

Jo Jo, wrong for the 3,537th time in a row! :laugh2:

10-05-2007, 07:13 AM
Why don't you want to believe Limbaugh edited the transcript? It's documented fact. It's no more controversial than saying the New York Times is published everyday.

Because he didn't. I have access to his site and he has the entire transcript and audio available - unedited. For clarification purposes, when discussing his comments to the media, he left out a 1:30 portion that had NOTHING to do with the phony soldiers comment.

red states rule
10-05-2007, 07:13 AM
Why don't you want to believe Limbaugh edited the transcript? It's documented fact. It's no more controversial than saying the New York Times is published everyday.

I listened to the show - Rush was talking about the soldiers the left trots out in front of the cameras. The ones who lie about their service and lie about the war crimes they witnessed committed by the US Military

Meanwhile the left REALLY smears the troops. The Moveon.org ad, Kerry calling the troops uneducated and terrorists. Durbin comparing the troops to Nazi's and Pol Pot

Joe Steel
10-05-2007, 07:25 AM
I listened to the show - Rush was talking about the soldiers the left trots out in front of the cameras. The ones who lie about their service and lie about the war crimes they witnessed committed by the US Military

The transcript has been edited and declared to be accurate. Limbaugh lied. Why won't you admit he's a liar? Why do you believe anything he says?

red states rule
10-05-2007, 07:29 AM
The transcript has been edited and declared to be accurate. Limbaugh lied. Why won't you admit he's a liar? Why do you believe anything he says?

Because I heard the show. Keep trying to take the heat off your fellow libs for the real smears on our troops

Joe Steel
10-05-2007, 07:32 AM
Because I heard the show. Keep trying to take the heat off your fellow libs for the real smears on our troops

Limbaugh lied.

He lied to you and you know he lied to you.

Are you so blinded by hate you can't see your own interests?

red states rule
10-05-2007, 07:35 AM
Limbaugh lied.

He lied to you and you know he lied to you.

Are you so blinded by hate you can't see your own interests?

Ah, you are getting desperate now. The facts are going against you, and this smear campaign has blown up in your face

Much like the Moveon.org ad did

Sir Evil
10-05-2007, 07:40 AM
Ah, you are getting desperate now. The facts are going against you, and this smear campaign has blown up in your face

Much like the Moveon.org ad did


RSR you are wasting your time with this clown, a hit & run poster that offers zilch in the way of factual replies.

red states rule
10-05-2007, 07:42 AM

RSR you are wasting your time with this clown, a hit & run poster that offers zilch in the way of factual replies.

Oh, I know he is a liberal :laugh2:

Joe Steel
10-05-2007, 07:43 AM
Ah, you are getting desperate now. The facts are going against you, and this smear campaign has blown up in your face

Much like the Moveon.org ad did

I suppose I can understand your dupability.

It's the pride you take in it that has me baffled.

10-05-2007, 07:45 AM
Why don't you want to believe Limbaugh edited the transcript? It's documented fact. It's no more controversial than saying the New York Times is published everyday.

dude i have access to the full transcripts. The only thing Limbaugh edited out was a 1 1/2 minute discussion on WMD which is totally irrelevant to the discussion.

The fact is the transcripts are readily available to the public. And we have established that you are dishonest and petty.

red states rule
10-05-2007, 07:49 AM
I suppose I can understand your dupability.

It's the pride you take in it that has me baffled.

The only thing that baffles you is the truth, facts, reason, and logic.

Joe Steel
10-05-2007, 08:02 AM
"caller agreed the the media always talked with phony soldiers not the real soldiers who wanted to be in Iraq"

I still don't see where the quote you made is stated in your reference.

1- Limbaugh said you can't intellectually follow these people
2- The caller said they don't talk to the real soldiers, inferring they talk to soldiers like MacBeth who lie and have never been there
3- Limbaugh points out that he is referring to the phony soldiers
4- The caller states that if you talk to an active soldier they will state they are proud to serve and want to be in Iraq
5- Limbaugh states soldiers joined to be in Iraq

A caller on the same program called and asked him why he used plural about soldierS and he replied:

So you can "claim" to know what Rush implied with his statements, but you can't change what he actually said.

Jo Jo, wrong for the 3,537th time in a row! :laugh2:

Now you misrepresenting the truth. The caller said "real soldiers" not "active soldiers" as you posted:

4- The caller states that if you talk to an active soldier they will state they are proud to serve and want to be in Iraq

Here's what the caller actually said:

CALLER 2: The phony soldiers. If you talk to a real soldier, they are proud to serve. They want to be over in Iraq. They understand their sacrifice, and they're willing to sacrifice for their country.

Limbaugh agreed:

LIMBAUGH: They joined to be in Iraq. They joined --

You're wrong again, Dizzy.

red states rule
10-05-2007, 08:06 AM
Joe Steel is a desperate drowning liberal grasping for anything he thinks can keep him afloat

Joe Steel
10-05-2007, 08:08 AM
dude i have access to the full transcripts. The only thing Limbaugh edited out was a 1 1/2 minute discussion on WMD which is totally irrelevant to the discussion.

No. It's very important.

1. He said the transcript was complete. He lied.

2. The absence of the 1:30 makes the talk of phony soldiers and Jesse MacBeth seem to be substantially related and part of the same conversation. They weren't.

The fact is the transcripts are readily available to the public. And we have established that you are dishonest and petty.

In fact, your willingness to ignore the transcript shows you to be a dupe or a toadie.

red states rule
10-05-2007, 08:10 AM
No. It's very important.

1. He said the transcript was complete. He lied.

2. The absence of the 1:30 makes the talk of phony soldiers and Jesse MacBeth seem to be substantially related and part of the same conversation. They weren't.

In fact, your willingness to ignore the transcript shows you to be a dupe or a toadie.

Give it up. You have been proven to be wrong, and another left wing smear campaign has fallen flat

10-05-2007, 08:21 AM
No. It's very important.

1. He said the transcript was complete. He lied.

2. The absence of the 1:30 makes the talk of phony soldiers and Jesse MacBeth seem to be substantially related and part of the same conversation. They weren't.

In fact, your willingness to ignore the transcript shows you to be a dupe or a toadie.

The 1:30 seconds that Media Matters claims was removed, if added back in to the transcript, is mostly caller commentary. Caller commentary that ADDS NOTHING TO THE ARGUMENT YOU ARE FAILING TO MAKE!

My goodness man, if you plan to make an attempt at debate, you should actually read what you claim to have read and you should certainly fire up some brain cells to understand that you have NO ARGUMENT.

This is little more than a smokescreen to try and remove the MoveOn.org disgrace from the front and center position in the news and Limbaugh happened to be the guy the left picked to center their selective outrage upon.

red states rule
10-05-2007, 08:23 AM
The 1:30 seconds that Media Matters claims was removed, if added back in to the transcript, is mostly caller commentary. Caller commentary that ADDS NOTHING TO THE ARGUMENT YOU ARE FAILING TO MAKE!

My goodness man, if you plan to make an attempt at debate, you should actually read what you claim to have read and you should certainly fire up some brain cells to understand that you have NO ARGUMENT.

This is little more than a smokescreen to try and remove the MoveOn.org disgrace from the front and center position in the news and Limbaugh happened to be the guy the left picked to center their selective outrage upon.

When libs run out of facts (if they ever have any) they lie and attack

Joe Steel
10-05-2007, 08:28 AM
Give it up. You have been proven to be wrong, and another left wing smear campaign has fallen flat

I suppose I can understand your dupability.

It's the pride you take in it that has me baffled.

Joe Steel
10-05-2007, 08:28 AM
The 1:30 seconds that Media Matters claims was removed, if added back in to the transcript, is mostly caller commentary. Caller commentary that ADDS NOTHING TO THE ARGUMENT YOU ARE FAILING TO MAKE!

My goodness man, if you plan to make an attempt at debate, you should actually read what you claim to have read and you should certainly fire up some brain cells to understand that you have NO ARGUMENT.

This is little more than a smokescreen to try and remove the MoveOn.org disgrace from the front and center position in the news and Limbaugh happened to be the guy the left picked to center their selective outrage upon.

I suppose I can understand your dupability.

It's the pride you take in it that has me baffled.

red states rule
10-05-2007, 08:30 AM
I suppose I can understand your dupability.

It's the pride you take in it that has me baffled.

For over twenty years, libs have tried to take down Rush. They can;t compete with him in the market - so they have to try and smear him

As in the past, this will only increase the number of his listeners and make him more money

And it shows how low the left has sunk

10-05-2007, 08:33 AM
I suppose I can understand your dupability.

It's the pride you take in it that has me baffled.

There really isnt much point in arguing with you any more. You are wrong. You know it. So you have to resort to this.

Ironically, you are describing yourself more than anyone else.

10-05-2007, 08:48 AM
I suppose I can understand your dupability.

It's the pride you take in it that has me baffled.

So you are down on the mat and have nothing with which to substantiate your argumentation and you resort to cookie cutter insults?

I don't know whether to laugh at you or to feel pity for you Joe.

red states rule
10-05-2007, 08:51 AM
So you are down on the mat and have nothing with which to substantiate your argumentation and you resort to cookie cutter insults?

I don't know whether to laugh at you or to feel pity for you Joe.

I am doing both

red states rule
10-05-2007, 09:06 AM
I suppose I can understand your dupability.

It's the pride you take in it that has me baffled.

If yiou want to see real smears toward our military - Moveon.org is doing it AGAIN

MOVEON.ORG, the left- wing extremists who bashed the commander of American forces in Iraq as a traitor, should get out of the political kitchen. The George Soros-funded hitmen can't stand even a bit of heat from Mom-and-Pop retailers who tried selling T-shirts and mugs on the Internet critical of the "General Betray Us" smear ads against Gen. David Petraeus.
I heard from one of the independent T-shirt sellers targeted by MoveOn last week. The seller is a lifelong Democrat and member of the military. Incensed by the attack on Gen. Petraeus, the retailer opened up a shop at online store CafePress. The homemade designs at the PoliStew Cafe (cafepress.com/polistew) were stark and simple: "Move Away from Move On! "MoveOn.org NoFriend to Dems," and "General Petraeus has done more for this country than Move- On.org."

For daring to raise a voice and raise some money for the troops (all proceeds from the sale of his items go to the National Military Family Association charity), this T-shirt seller earned the wrath of MoveOn's lawyers. MoveOn chief operating officer Carrie Olson brought down the sledgehammer. She sent a cease-and-desist letter to CafePress demanding that PoliStew Cafe's items and other anti-MoveOn merchandise be removed from the store.

Olson warned: "We have been alerted to an entire page of items on your website that infringes on our registered trademark, and we request that you remove all items immediately, and ask the poster to refrain from shipping any items purchased on this webpage. We also request that you give us contact information for the company / person who posted the items. This content has certainly NOT been authorized by anyone at MoveOn.org, nor anyone affiliated with Move- On.org"

Acceptable speech to MoveOn: Likening President Bush to Adolf Hitler, as they did in 2004.

Unacceptable speech: Little old mugs and hoodie sweatshirts gently satirizing the thin-skinned, left-wing mafia.

The pretextual copyright infringement claims are downright laughable. This isn't about protecting MoveOn's property rights. It's about shutting up citizens who don't have the deep pockets to defend themselves against frivolous claims by bullies in progressive clothing. Sane liberals should be ashamed at such free speech-squelching efforts. As Los Angeles Times blogger Jon Healey, the only other mainstream journalist to cover the crackdown, notes:

"Trademark law doesn't confer monopoly rights over all uses of a registered phrase or symbol, however, and it wasn't created simply to protect the trademark owner's interests. Instead, it's designed to protect consumers against being misled or confused about brands. The courts have repeatedly ruled in favor of parodies and critiques; that's why famousbrandnamesucks.com doesn't violate famousbrandname's trademark. And most, if not all, of the items targeted by MoveOn were clearly designed to razz it, not to trick buyers into thinking they were the group's products."

The group has redone its merchandise to spoof the MoveOn legal strategy. Their new merchandise refers to "THE GROUP THAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED." Whether people will associate that with MoveOn will probably depend on the reaction. What it will probably do is generate questions that will result in more negative reactions to "THE GROUP THAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED," o.e. MoveOn. They are easily the most reprehensible group in America right now.


Joe Steel
10-05-2007, 09:47 AM
I salute you.


10-05-2007, 09:50 AM
Look, a picture of Hillary, Harry Reid and Pelosi!

Sir Evil
10-05-2007, 09:53 AM
Look, a picture of Hillary, Harry Reid and Pelosi!


Steel magnolias made a funny! ignant I tell ya.

10-05-2007, 09:54 AM
Look, a picture of Hillary, Harry Reid and Pelosi!

Now why did you have to go and insult the cute little monkeys Jim?

10-05-2007, 10:04 AM
Look, a picture of Hillary, Harry Reid and Pelosi!

Now that's just plain funny!

red states rule
10-05-2007, 11:00 AM
Libs do run like hell when confronted with the real smears of our troops coming form the left