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View Full Version : Former CIA Officer Openly Brags About Swinging Election for Biden

03-30-2022, 02:46 PM
I'd like to see them try to interview all 51 officials that signed off on this laptop being disinformation.

And this one in this story, he's a true scumbag.


Former CIA Senior Operations Officer John Sipher Openly Brags About Swinging Election for Biden with Disinformation Campaign on Hunter Biden’s Laptop

The fake news mainstream media lied again.

They needed to flip an election to the Joe Biden crime family so they lied to the American public about Hunter Biden’s laptop. 51 top intelligence officials signed a letter saying Hunter Biden’s letter was Russian disinformation. Joe Biden lied about his son’s laptop during a debate. The media lied about it as Russian disinformation to save Joe Biden.

But now that the election is over and stolen, they can come clean on their lies. The New York Times lasat week finally admitted the Hunter Biden laptop was authentic — something The Gateway Pundit has said since the beginning.

And now former CIA agents are now openly bragging about taking part in stealing the election from Trump.

Former CIA senior operations officer John Sipher tweeted this out bragging about their deceitful plot to take down Trump and swing an election.


The Epoch Times reported:

One of the former CIA officers who signed a letter claiming stories about a laptop allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden were disinformation says he helped swing the 2020 election away from former President Donald Trump.

“I take special pride in personally swinging the election away from Trump,” John Sipher, who served for decades as a senior operations officer at the CIA, wrote in a recent post on Twitter. “I lost the election for Trump? Well then I [feel] pretty good about my influence.”

Sipher and 50 other former U.S. intelligence officials signed the letter on Oct. 19, 2020, alleging that the effort to distribute its contents “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” despite not knowing whether the laptop was legitimate.

The letter was at the core of a story from Politico that claimed the New York Post story about the laptop was “Russian disinformation.”

The Post was the first to report about emails on the laptop, which was dropped off at a computer repair store and never picked up by then-presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son, according to the store’s owner.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/03/former-cia-senior-operations-officer-john-sipher-openly-brags-swinging-election-biden-disinformation-campaign-hunter-bidens-laptop/