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View Full Version : Russian fighter jets that violated Swedish airspace earlier this month ' had nukes

03-30-2022, 09:10 PM
Well if this one doesn’t make you just a little nervous nothing will. Putin is flying nuclear weapons into sovereign territory? Yikes….


Two Russian planes that violated Swedish airspace earlier this month were equipped with nuclear weapons (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/nuclear-weapons/index.html), it has emerged.

The flyover near the island of Gotland on March 2 was a deliberate act designed to intimidate Sweden (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/sweden/index.html), according to Swedish news channel TV4 Nyheterna. (https://www.tv4.se/artikel/6cNV5sPAaxdIgAsnItdVsK/kaernvapenbestyckade-ryska-plan-kraenkte-svenskt-luftrum)

A total of four planes had taken off from the Russian air base of Kaliningrad….

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-31-2022, 05:23 AM
Well if this one doesn’t make you just a little nervous nothing will. Putin is flying nuclear weapons into sovereign territory? Yikes….



Since when did ""fighter jets"" start carrying nukes???
Something seems to me to be quite amiss with this story..-Tyr

03-31-2022, 08:58 AM
Since when did ""fighter jets"" start carrying nukes???
Something seems to me to be quite amiss with this story..-TyrMost European nations don't have long-range strategic bombers. They don't need them when their enemy (from the perspective of either side) is "next door".

Low-yield tactical nukes have been public knowledge since the 80s. Not surprisingly, it was the USSR figuring them into its Europe "defense" plans. Then the cat was let out of the bag the technology was stolen from the West (as has been every other weapons technology Russia uses). One can easily see there is not an original bone in their collective bodies given their current military tactics. They're still using the ones they learned from Genghis Khan :rolleyes:

Fighters carry missiles. It's that easy. Your PC used to take up a room. Now it takes up space on your desk. Ain't technology grand?

Better questions: How did the Swedes know the fighters carried nukes? What good is realizing this "later"? I guess if the Russians had used them Sweden would have faster confirmation :rolleyes:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-01-2022, 06:42 AM
Most European nations don't have long-range strategic bombers. They don't need them when their enemy (from the perspective of either side) is "next door".

Low-yield tactical nukes have been public knowledge since the 80s. Not surprisingly, it was the USSR figuring them into its Europe "defense" plans. Then the cat was let out of the bag the technology was stolen from the West (as has been every other weapons technology Russia uses). One can easily see there is not an original bone in their collective bodies given their current military tactics. They're still using the ones they learned from Genghis Khan :rolleyes:

Fighters carry missiles. It's that easy. Your PC used to take up a room. Now it takes up space on your desk. Ain't technology grand?

Better questions: How did the Swedes know the fighters carried nukes? What good is realizing this "later"? I guess if the Russians had used them Sweden would have faster confirmation :rolleyes:

Or maybe the fighters had no nukes and that tidbit of information was added to garner certain desired reactions.-Tyr

04-01-2022, 07:57 AM
Or maybe the fighters had no nukes and that tidbit of information was added to garner certain desired reactions.-Tyr


Swedish media is reporting that Russian bombers equipped with nuclear warheads crossed into Sweden's airspace (https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/russian-warplanes-violated-swedish-airspace-26596381) earlier this month. Two Sukhoi 24 bombers and two Sukhoi 27 fighter jets took off from the Russian airbase of Kaliningrad.
When the four aircraft crossed into Swedish airspace near the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea, the country deployed two JAS 39 Gripen jets to intercept the intruders and take photos. After reviewing the images, Swedish officials determined the Russian jets were carrying nuclear warheads.

"This is a signal to Sweden that we have nuclear weapons, and we could also consider using them," military strategic expert (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10668961/Russian-fighter-jets-violated-Swedish-airspace-earlier-month-equipped-NUKES.html)Stefan Ring (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10668961/Russian-fighter-jets-violated-Swedish-airspace-earlier-month-equipped-NUKES.html)told TV4 Nyheter in Sweden, according to the (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10668961/Russian-fighter-jets-violated-Swedish-airspace-earlier-month-equipped-NUKES.html)Daily Mail (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10668961/Russian-fighter-jets-violated-Swedish-airspace-earlier-month-equipped-NUKES.html).
"We assess it as a conscious action. Which is very serious, especially as [Russia] is a warring country," added Air Force Chief Carl-Johan Edström. "I can not rule out incorrect navigation, but everything indicates that it was a deliberate act. That they violated Sweden's borders."
At the time of the incursion, Sweden was conducting military drills with Finland. It also came one day after Russian President Vladimir Putin threatened military action against the two countries if they joined NATO.
According to a translation by The Sun, a former lieutenant colonel told Swedish news outlet Aftonbladet that the incident raised questions on whether Sweden should join NATO (https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/18116991/russian-bombers-nukes-intercept-sweden/) to help deter Russian aggression in the region.
"If you now have a weapon system that can carry nuclear weapons and do so, it is not an everyday event," Jörgen Elfving said. "Handling nuclear weapons is not done by anyone. It is not a routine event."
Your suggestion is not outside the realm of probability. Far more probable it was done by Russia as a deliberate act of intimidation; especially, given Putin had recently threatened both Sweden and Finland about trying to join NATO. I know at least Finland wasted no time making its desire to do so clear after Russia invaded Ukraine.

The only one that stands to gain from this is Russia. Since neither Finland or Sweden are NATO members, they can probably expect as much or less help than NATO is giving Ukraine should Russia attack either or both. Russia has just about reduced to rubble 3 of Ukraine's largest cities while Europe/NATO has sat and watched.

While the West is paralyzed in fear, Putin is doing and getting exactly what he wants. Whose going to stop him? Our "Clunker in Chief"?

04-01-2022, 08:15 AM
Or maybe the fighters had no nukes and that tidbit of information was added to garner certain desired reactions.-Tyr

By whom and to what end?