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View Full Version : Joe Biden Tells Parents: Affirm Your Teens’ Transgender Claims

04-01-2022, 11:21 AM
This is not equally the case across the board. Stop telling parents what to do, stop trying to raise others children. Stop trying to force things on our children.

These are NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT life saving medical treatments. One will not die without them. One won't die if they wait to get things done and do it in a slower manner. They are trying to rush things, which I think would be more harmful.

And nope, they never talk about those with regret, that want to turn back, that later get depressed and/or commit suicide over their regretful decision.


Joe Biden Tells Parents: Affirm Your Teens’ Transgender Claims

President Joe Biden released a video Thursday to encourage millions of insecure and vulnerable teenagers to embrace the elite claim they can transform into a popular “transgender” person of the opposite sex:

I want you to know that your President sees you. Joe, Kamala, Doug, our entire administration, sees you for who you are … deserving of dignity, respect, and support. But we know it’s hard when there are those out there who don’t see you, don’t respect you.

Biden also threatened the loving American parents who disagree with their teenagers’ claims to be members of the opposite sex, saying:

To parents of transgender children, affirming your child’s [claimed transgender] identity [is] one of the most powerful things you can do to keep them safe and healthy.

Biden’s video was posted on the White House’s “Transgender Day of Visibility” PR event.

The claimed threat to the children was underlined by Amy Schneider, a man who decorated his claim to be a woman by wearing a pink suit during his same-day visit to the White House. In a meeting with White House reporters, Schneider denounced the popular child-protection laws now being passed by GOP legislatures, saying the laws:

are really scary and some of them in particular that are denying medical services to trans youth, those are life-saving medical treatments. Those bills will cause the deaths of children and that’s really sad to me, and that’s really frightening.agers

A Gallup survey in February said less than one percent of Americans declare themselves to be transgender. Just 1.5 percent say they are gay, one percent say lesbian, and four percent declare themselves to be bisexual.

Numerous polls show Biden’s transgender pitch is very unpopular, especially when aimed at children. For example, a March 23-24 poll by Harvard CAPS/Harris showed that only 33 percent of 1,990 registered voters believe that “information about sexuality should be taught in schools at kindergarten through third grade levels.” Sixty-seven percent say the topic should be “left to parents to discuss with their young children.”

Also, many of the young people who claim to be transgender “de-transition” from their claims, but the reversal often comes after they suffer voice-changing, debilitating, and sterilizing transgender treatments.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/04/01/biden-tell-parents-affirm-your-teens-transgender-claims/

04-04-2022, 02:32 PM
The Woke Transgender element must be hella good fundraisers for the democrat party.

04-04-2022, 05:55 PM
He should be charged with child endangerment.