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View Full Version : They 'Don't Trust Black Women': Whoopi RAGES at GOP Opposition to Jackson

04-04-2022, 03:01 PM
Here we go with the same bullshit again. Any opposition, even if it's because she was light on sexual predators and such. But it's much easier to cry racism whenever a black person is opposed in any way.

Maybe after the fact in looking back - but a decision on choosing a SC justice should have nothing to do with color. They need people that uphold the laws of our land and uphold the constitution of the US. They too should not be seeing color when they judge.

But some always want to place someone in a position of power just because of the color of their skin, never mind their skills and past performance.


They 'Don't Trust Black Women': Whoopi RAGES at GOP Opposition to Jackson

With the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson likely to be voted out of the Senate Judiciary Committee this week, the coven on ABC’s The View spent part of their Monday show decrying Republican opposition to Jackson and lashing out at Justice Amy Coney Barrett. And according to the head witch in charge, Whoopi Goldberg, the reason was the usual culprit (when they’re grasping at straws): racism.

After playing a clip of Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO) saying he’s a “no” on Jackson, Goldberg, who once denied the Holocaust was about race, demanded that he “just say, ‘I don't trust a black woman to do the job.’”

“We all know what it is. We know what it is. We recognize it. We're used to this, but you know what? You can't take away what this woman is, and who she is, and what she's done and how she got there,” she sneered.

Neither Goldberg nor the rest of the panel had an issue with then-Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) and Democrats opposed and initially filibustered Judge Janice Rogers Brown (who is black) when President George W. Bush nominated her to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. Nor when the Democrats, led by Biden, carried out a “high-tech lynching” of Justice Clarence Thomas in his confirmation hearings.

A few moments later, faux conservative Ana Navarro started shrieking about how Republicans really should “do the right thing” by confirming Jackson because of the color of her skin instead of bowing to “lame, pathetic, cowardice partisanship”

NAVARRO: They are bending themselves into pretzel shapes, and they're agonizing and apologizing basically for saying, we're not going to do the right thing. We feel bad that we're voting against her. They feel bad because they know she's going to be the justice --

SUNNY HOSTIN: Not bad enough.

NAVARRO: Well, they feel bad because she's going to have the 50 votes. She's going to be the justice, and they are going to have missed the historical moment of voting for the first black woman.


NAVARRO: And they're going to go down in history as having been against the first black woman justice which is a big moment for this country. Whomever likes it, fine, whomever dislikes it, fine. Whether you accept it, you acknowledge it, it is a huge historical moment. Almost 240 years of the Supreme Court. Deal with it.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/nicholas-fondacaro/2022/04/04/dont-trust-black-women-whoopi-rages-gop-opposition-jackson

04-04-2022, 03:06 PM

04-04-2022, 05:53 PM
She's fully qualified to be a black woman, even though she can't define the latter. Not keen on some of her responses.

On the other hand, she's going to be confirmed, like it or not. Not a battle I would have fought. No reason for Republicans to resemble Democrats just because they feel they have to put up that front.