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View Full Version : GOP ‘no’ votes on Russia measures prompt pro-Putin accusations

04-09-2022, 11:47 AM

Pot calling the kettle black. The usual Dem hypocrisy. Six Republicans are "Putin sympathizers". So what again is it the Dems/left/MSM calls those progressive ragheads and supporters of Palestinian terrorists?:rolleyes:

I see one good point by the "no" votes. Collecting and keeping evidence for future use in International court is not in the US's best interest unless we are going to reverse course and subject our military to International jurisdiction.

Otherwise, I'd say 6 or 7 out of "all the rest of Congress" is not newsworthy except for the desperate. There are more progressives than that on the left and they say and do stupid shit every day. Maybe the MSM ought to cover them as critically as they do Republicans.

As far as the Republicans who voted "no" go? The usual dumbass suspects. MTG alone is a complete embarrassment.