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04-10-2022, 04:57 PM
How can you not be SO embarrassed at getting busted over this? Is it because this guy is a racist at heart and simply doesn't get it or care?

Sounds like a huge royal POS if you ask me. And hopefully he will find himself in the wrong neighborhood one evening and then finding himself getting a good old ass kicking from someone he offended.

He even looks like a racist. And IMO also looks like a pedophile.



Virginia GOP Official Won’t Resign After Calling Lloyd Austin and Democratic Leaders ‘Ni***rs,’ Suggested They Get a ‘Lynching’

A Republican official in Virginia is refusing to step down after a racist Facebook post he apparently authored last year surfaced recently.

The post attributed to Hampton, Virginia Electoral Board Chair David Dietrich was added to the platform in February 2021 and is just coming into public view for some reason.

The post appeared to be prompted by an effort by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, to expunge White supremacists and other far-right elements in the United States military.

Dietrich specifically mentioned Austin, who is Black, and claimed the measure was in fact a plot “to remove conservative, freedom-loving Americans from the roles.”

He added, “These so-called ‘leaders’ are so vile and racist, there’s no way to describe them other than in terms their own people understand. They are nothing more than dirty, stinking ni***rs.

“We are being forced into a corner by these enemies of the People. If it is a civil war they want, they will get it in spades. Perhaps the best way to pull us back from the brink is a good public lynching.”

In response, the head of the Hampton GOP has called on Dietrich to resign. The group also called on Dietrich to resign in a Facebook post on Thursday, which included a screen shot of the offending remarks.

“Immediately after learning of the Facebook post, the Republican Party of Hampton demanded Mr. Dietrich’s resignation,” it read. “In light of Mr. Dietrich’s refusal to resign, the Hampton City Republican Party has asked the chief judge of the Hampton Circuit Court, the appointing authority for all electoral board members, to remove Mr. Dietrich from his position.”


Here is his Facebook post. :rolleyes:


04-10-2022, 05:15 PM
In context, what he states is correct, minus the racial slurs. No reason for that. Lloyd Austin IS a POS, and he IS a racist -- shoving CRT down the US military's throats -- and labeling anyone that doesn't agree with the current admin's labels is a right wing extremist. If you doubt the validity of the 2020 election, you're a right wing extremist. If you don't agree with THAT, you're a right wing extremist. If you think Lloyd Austin is a typical, Dem, East Coast black that thinks he's entitled because he's black and his ancestors may or may not have been slaves, then you're the racist, not him.

It's the only argument they got and they are using this closed-end argument, their own racism and the law to suppress freedom of thought and speech, and shoving their own racist, fascist idealism down everyone's throats via the media.

This guy's a dumbass for thinking he's going to get away with not playing by the left's rules when they control the narrative. He should have considered the consequences before running his suck.

04-10-2022, 05:23 PM
One explanation is a person tired of measuring every word he say and decided to say the worst thing he could think of. He looks too young to be retired. I hope he's in a position where he can afford not to care.

04-10-2022, 05:29 PM
One explanation is a person tired of measuring every word he say and decided to say the worst thing he could think of. He looks too young to be retired. I hope he's in a position where he can afford not to care.Yeah, he gets no points for good judgement. If he truly is a racist, then he's just part of problem he's bitching about.

He certainly isn't helping the conservative cause, whatever that is anymore.

04-10-2022, 06:24 PM
In context, what he states is correct, minus the racial slurs. No reason for that. Lloyd Austin IS a POS, and he IS a racist -- shoving CRT down the US military's throats -- and labeling anyone that doesn't agree with the current admin's labels is a right wing extremist. If you doubt the validity of the 2020 election, you're a right wing extremist. If you don't agree with THAT, you're a right wing extremist. If you think Lloyd Austin is a typical, Dem, East Coast black that thinks he's entitled because he's black and his ancestors may or may not have been slaves, then you're the racist, not him.

It's the only argument they got and they are using this closed-end argument, their own racism and the law to suppress freedom of thought and speech, and shoving their own racist, fascist idealism down everyone's throats via the media.

This guy's a dumbass for thinking he's going to get away with not playing by the left's rules when they control the narrative. He should have considered the consequences before running his suck.

Agreed! My issue was/is solely with his racist comments.

Shame of it is, no matter how correct or on point he may be, doesn't matter when he screams "I am a racist piece of shit" just prior to making his comments.

04-10-2022, 07:48 PM
We all know. Had a DEMOCRAT said the same things. There would be CRICKETS as is the normal case. eVEN THOUGH he is correct in his assessment. RACISTS are not limited by POLITICAL PARTY.
He needs to take a ride in Hampton, or Newport News, or even here at the Beach and see how long his imitation of ALABAMA GOV. WALLACE will last and keep him breathing. IDIOTS ARE EVERYWHERE...a 'D' or 'R' after their name means nothing.

04-10-2022, 08:21 PM
We all know. Had a DEMOCRAT said the same things. There would be CRICKETS as is the normal case. eVEN THOUGH he is correct in his assessment. RACISTS are not limited by POLITICAL PARTY.
He needs to take a ride in Hampton, or Newport News, or even here at the Beach and see how long his imitation of ALABAMA GOV. WALLACE will last and keep him breathing. IDIOTS ARE EVERYWHERE...a 'D' or 'R' after their name means nothing.

Since you brought it up :laugh:

I was wondering is this guy the only white guy in Hampton? I don't recall white being the predominant skin color up and down Mercury Blvd. Even where I lived off of Terminal Blvd. Our apartment complex mostly black, minus the few Marines and Sailors that lived there.

Hampton, Virginia Electoral Board Chair David Dietrich

Considering where his "position" is located, I wouldn't bet on him having much to do .

Be that as it may, if he doesn't step down he should be removed. It isn't acceptable to me as a person who votes for that party for him to say such trash in the manner he did.

04-11-2022, 12:18 AM
Since you brought it up :laugh:

I was wondering is this guy the only white guy in Hampton? I don't recall white being the predominant skin color up and down Mercury Blvd. Even where I lived off of Terminal Blvd. Our apartment complex mostly black, minus the few Marines and Sailors that lived there.

Hampton, Virginia Electoral Board Chair David Dietrich

Considering where his "position" is located, I wouldn't bet on him having much to do .

Be that as it may, if he doesn't step down he should be removed. It isn't acceptable to me as a person who votes for that party for him to say such trash in the manner he did.

This entire area just about every day for the past couple of years...Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Va. Beach, Chessapeak, Suffolk generally has as many shootings, and murders as Chicago, or Philly.
This is generally all A DEMOCRAT run Joke, and that man probably doesn't even live in Hampton. All of the politics and the Phony TV stations are run by GUESS WHO???

04-11-2022, 06:46 PM
I have no patience for people who toss around comments like that knowing the damage they will do to the conservative cause and not caring one little bit. This guy is nothing but a liability at this point and should be treated as such.

Agreed! My issue was/is solely with his racist comments.

Shame of it is, no matter how correct or on point he may be, doesn't matter when he screams "I am a racist piece of shit" just prior to making his comments.

04-13-2022, 07:23 AM
I have no patience for people who toss around comments like that knowing the damage they will do to the conservative cause and not caring one little bit. This guy is nothing but a liability at this point and should be treated as such.

BINGO! :clap: