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04-14-2022, 11:44 AM
I doubt it ever happens. Too many people want that power behind the scenes to be able to stop the news in it's tracks if need be.

Elon would let it ride whereas others won't.

But he already won a little and got a jab in with his claim that he would restore free speech.


Elon Musk Offers to Buy 100 Percent of Twitter, Restore Free Speech

Elon Musk has made a public offer to buy 100 percent of Twitter stock and transform it into a public company, in what the billionaire SpaceX and Tesla CEO says will unlock the company’s potential to be “the platform for free speech around the globe.”

Musk, who became Twitter’s largest shareholder with a 9.2 percent purchase of shares over the last few months, made a public offer to buy 100 percent of the company at $54.20 a share, an 18 percent premium over Twitter’s closing price yesterday.

At Musk’s quoted price, the proposed purchase of Twitter would come to $43 billion in total.

In his publicly disclosed communication to the chairman of Twitter’s board, which can be read in full here, Musk said promoting free speech around the world was the motivation behind his offer.

Musk said he did not believe Twitter could reach its potential for free speech as a publicly owned company, saying “Twitter needs to be transformed as a private company.”

Via Seeking Alpha: (https://seekingalpha.com/filing/6367413)

Bret Taylor

Chairman of the Board,

I invested in Twitter as I believe in its potential to be the platform for free speech around the globe, and I believe free speech is a societal imperative for a functioning democracy.

However, since making my investment I now realize the company will neither thrive nor serve this societal imperative in its current form. Twitter needs to be transformed as a private company.

As a result, I am offering to buy 100% of Twitter for $54.20 per share in cash, a 54% premium over the day before I began investing in Twitter and a 38% premium over the day before my investment was publicly announced. My offer is my best and final offer and if it is not accepted, I would need to reconsider my position as a shareholder.

Twitter has extraordinary potential. I will unlock it.

/s/ Elon Musk
Elon Musk

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2022/04/14/elon-musk-offers-to-buy-100-percent-of-twitter-restore-free-speech/

04-14-2022, 11:53 AM
Watching the left absolutely melt down in rants over this all morning has been a restorative to my soul! (Doesn't take much to make me happy)

Speaks volumes about the dishonesty of the left and the true motivations they hold. They couldn't care less about free speech. Raw naked power is all that matters and they are willing to do just about anything for it.

04-14-2022, 11:58 AM
Watching the left absolutely melt down in rants over this all morning has been a restorative to my soul! (Doesn't take much to make me happy)

Speaks volumes about the dishonesty of the left and the true motivations they hold. They couldn't care less about free speech. Raw naked power is all that matters and they are willing to do just about anything for it.
Do you think he will indeed transform it if he gets control or will he kill it? Will he expose the little backroom deep state projects and the algorithms?

04-14-2022, 12:07 PM
Thought I would share some of the crazy. This stuff is like a nice nap on a cool morning in a hammock in forest it is so good.



04-14-2022, 12:08 PM
If he stays true to his word he would open things back up and demand that free speech be the rule of the day on Twitter, but the operative there is the word IF.

Do you think he will indeed transform it if he gets control or will he kill it? Will he expose the little backroom deep state projects and the algorithms?

04-14-2022, 12:11 PM


04-14-2022, 12:14 PM

This is awesome! That way she's not going to be in the vicinity of Groomers. See, Musk is already having a positive influence on society.

04-14-2022, 12:21 PM

04-14-2022, 12:21 PM
The Bernie Bros are starting to weigh in...



04-14-2022, 12:24 PM
And of course the Washington Post's DNC emissary is now weighing in with a completely stupid word salad...



04-14-2022, 12:26 PM
Max Boot, the sleaziest of the sleaze in DC, comes in with a home run. "Democracy cannot survive" unless they can silence people with whom they disagree.



04-14-2022, 12:31 PM
Would be great if the first thing he does is un-ban all of the unfair banning of many republicans.

(Also of note, after approximately 20 years, Jim has finally learned how to make an actual oval around a word. No more jigglies!!)

** I am not a financial guy. Anyone who is - can Elon buy out the company anyway even if the board and others choose not to?? **


Column: Elon Musk's Takeover of Twitter Could Totally Remake Politics

It was the stock buyout heard ‘round the world. Tesla owner Elon Musk’s offer to buy Twitter could save the whole concept of online free speech and alter politics and elections globally for years to come.

Musk’s move might be the biggest political event since the 2020 election. Media Research Center founder and President L. Brent Bozell tweeted about the offer, “Free at last. Free at last. Conservatives may be free at last!”

Leftists and the media were horrified that Musk might interfere with their ability to censor content, not just in the U.S., but worldwide. Twitter was consistently the absolute worst of the social media sites for restricting conservative content. MRC’s CensorTrack database tracked 1,954 examples of Twitter censorship, over half of the total 3,636 entries of Big Tech censorship logged.


Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/free-speech/dan-gainor/2022/04/14/column-elon-musks-takeover-twitter-could-totally-remake

04-14-2022, 12:34 PM
This says an "offer" so I don't know if he can just outright buy it. :dunno:


IT’S HAPPENING: Elon Musk Launches $43 Billion Hostile Takeover of Twitter

The world’s richest man is officially launching his bid for a hostile takeover of one of the most censorship-obsessed Big Tech platforms in the country!

Bloomberg News reported Thursday morning that Tesla CEO Elon Musk is “saying the company has extraordinary potential and he is the person to unlock it.” The value of the offer, according to Bloomberg, amounts to a whopping $43 billion. Musk announced the move in a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Musk also tweeted that, “I made an offer.”

This follows Musk’s cryptic rejecting of a seat on Twitter’s board of directors after his purchase of a massive 9.2 percent stake in the platform. CNBC reported recently that “[i]f Musk had joined the board, he would not be able to acquire more than 14.9% of the company’s shares.”

He apparently wasn’t satisfied with the shareholder cap and is now looking to buy up the outstanding stock to control the entire platform.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/business/joseph-vazquez/2022/04/14/its-happening-elon-musk-launches-43-billion-hostile

04-14-2022, 12:38 PM
Here is a kicker for you. Who knew that Soudi Prince Alwaleed Talal had so much say in free speech in America?



04-14-2022, 01:00 PM
This guy has a flair for the over-dramatic and the stupid misapplication of history.



04-14-2022, 01:03 PM



04-14-2022, 02:42 PM


04-14-2022, 04:53 PM
Not only this, but Vanguard group has also now purchased even more stock to now be the largest shareholders. So Elon is now #2. This has all created quite he stir!


NO DEAL Major Twitter investor REJECTS Elon Musk’s bid and says $43bn offer is ‘nowhere near’ what he’d accept

ONE of the 'largest and long-term shareholders' of Twitter says he rejects Elon Musk's offer to buy it.

Elon offered $43billion to buy Twitter but Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, the Saudi billionaire, doesn't think this is enough.

He just tweeted to his 14.1million followers: "I don't believe that the proposed offer by @elonmusk ($54.20) comes close to the intrinsic value of @Twitter given its growth prospects.

"Being one of the largest & long-term shareholders of Twitter, @Kingdom_KHC & I reject this offer."

It's unclear if Musk has seen the tweet or reacted.

The tweet doesn't mean that Musk's offer has definitely been rejected.

It's unclear how much of a say the Saudi prince will have in the final decision.

Zoe Stabler DipFa, personal finance expert at finder.com, told us: "It doesn't seem that Twitter is best pleased with Elon Musk’s takeover bid, but a lot of people will be excited by it.

"He has an army of devoted fans who follow his every move and will be piling into Twitter now - as evidenced by the initial rise in its share price today."

Musk recently bought a large amount of Twitter stock.

Rest - https://www.the-sun.com/tech/5125676/musk-twitter-bid-rejected/

04-14-2022, 06:44 PM
Event DefiantLs gets in on the action calling out the freak out squad.


04-14-2022, 07:06 PM


Someone compared it to those who are always moving to another country when/if Bush wins the election and same with Trump (and always the same leftist assholes). And now tons on Twitter claiming they will bail for good if Elon buys the company.

And if he does, and they do - https://i.imgur.com/WavqO16m.png

And this:


Liberals are having complete meltdowns over Elon Musk possibly buying Twitter, comparing him to Adolf Hitler and comic book supervillains: 'It could result in World War 3'

Elon Musk made a proposal to acquire Twitter – which made many blue-check liberals suffer complete meltdowns. Liberals shrieked that the potential purchase would end democracy and start World War III. Some leftists compared Musk's actions with the rise of Adolf Hitler and comic book supervillains.

Musk – who is already the largest shareholder of the social media platform – announced on Thursday that he made an offer to purchase Twitter for nearly $42 billion.

There was a flood of Twitter reactions from liberals freaking out that Musk could own the platform.

Washington Post columnist Max Boot: "I am frightened by the impact on society and politics if Elon Musk acquires Twitter. He seems to believe that on social media anything goes. For democracy to survive, we need more content moderation, not less."
Journalist Jeff Jarvis: "Today on Twitter feels like the last evening in a Berlin nightclub at the twilight of Weimar Germany."
Political commentator Robert Reich: "I hate to break it to the so-called defenders of capitalism out there, but oligarchy isn't good for markets or freedom. It's one step removed from feudalism. We are watching a hostile takeover of Twitter by the richest man in the world who regularly tries to silence critics. This is what oligarchy looks like."
Journalist Anand Giridharadas: "Elon Musk is why to abolish billionaires. Asking them to chip in their fair share isn't enough. Regulating them isn't enough. When people are allowed to acquire this much concentrated influence, they will inevitably manspread economic power into every other form of power."
Correspondent Elie Mystal: "I'm not *really* worried about the racist white man buying this dumb platform because all the racist white man wants to do with it is make it easier for his friends to be racist. Which, like, they already are, all the time. And I make fun of them and they block me so whatever. Besides, if they make it too bad Black people will just leave to some other platform owned by white people who have access to venture capital. And we will make the culture there. And whites will follow us because racists are boring an unimaginative." - Once again, all this man ever sees in every last thing is race.
CEO Christopher Bouzy: "This game Elon Musk is playing with Twitter is dangerous. Twitter isn't just another social media platform, and Elon clearly recognizes that."
Political analyst Jared Yates Sexton: "I don’t know. Maybe a society where billionaires have enough money lying around to start space programs and control communication while people starve and ration their medicine isn’t the best system."
Journalist Sarah Stierch: "Please no Elon Musk buying Twitter. Please no."
Writer Dave Pell: "Elon Musk is Donald Trump with money. If he owns Twitter, I’m out."
Writer Matthew Rozsa: "If Elon Musk allows Trump back on Twitter, it will be a death blow to the free world. Trump's Big Lie will spread like a virus. I discussed the danger of Trump's Big Lie for @Salon. Like Hitler's Big Lie, it must not be normalized, lest fascism return."
Technology analyst Lauren Weinstein: "Elon Musk makes $41.4 billion cash offer to buy Twitter, presumably to turn it into a hate speech and disinformation playground in line with his sensibilities. Oh, and to get Trump elected president again. If Elon succeeds, a mass exodus from Twitter is appropriate."
Educator Morten Rand-Hendriksen: "Here we go: Elon Musk targets Twitter with $41 billion cash takeover offer. This could mean the end of content moderation and the platform descending into disinformation and far-right extremism."
Journalist David Leavitt: "If Elon Musk successfully purchases Twitter, it could result in World War 3 and the destruction of our planet."
Activist Bree Newsome: "Y’all we knew Twitter wasn’t gonna last lol."
Political activist Pam Keith: "I love you all, but I am 100% OUT if Musk takes over Twitter."
Social justice activist Whitney Dawn Carlson: "F*** you, @elonmusk."
The USA Singers: "Twitter should tell Elon Musk to go f*** himself, then delete his account. That’s how you deal with an out of control narcissistic bully."
Tech writer Michael Crider: "Oh f*** right off Elon. There are cheaper ways to stroke your ego, pay for another cartoon guest spot or something."
Attorney Walter Shaub: "Elon Musk making a play for Twitter out of his petty cash drawer is one more example of why the pooling of so much wealth in the hands of a few is a societal disease."
Columnist David Rothkopf: "We are the assets of @Twitter. If we walk out the door the moment @ElonMusk takes it over, it is nothing. And, I can tell you, I for one, have no desire to participate in the social engineering experiment of that particular out-of-control megalomaniac."
Researcher Ahmed Ali: "Elon Musk launching a hostile takeover bid for Twitter is giving Lex Luthor buying the Daily Planet vibes."
Axios: "The world's richest man — someone who used to be compared to Marvel's Iron Man — is increasingly behaving like a movie supervillain, commanding seemingly unlimited resources with which to finance his mischief-making."
The Washington Post: "Musk's appointment board to Twitter's board shows that we need regulation of social-media platforms to prevent rich people from controlling our channels of communication. For starters, we need consistent definitions of harassment and of content that violates personal privacy."
Ezra Levant pointed out that wealthy individuals own some of the most influential media outlets: "I'm excited to hear objections to Elon Musk buying Twitter from: @nytimes (owned by Carlos Slim, Mexico's richest man) @washingtonpost (owned by Amazon's Jeff Bezos) @TheAtlantic (owned by Steve Jobs' widow) @globeandmail (owned by Canada's richest man) Etc."

Rest - https://www.theblaze.com/news/elon-musk-buy-twitter-reactions

04-14-2022, 08:58 PM
^That all sounds like when logroller was made a moderator here. :eek:

04-15-2022, 01:20 AM
Musk moves to shush Saudi Arabia


04-15-2022, 01:27 AM
May just be a rumor ... Musk wants to buy CNN as well

04-15-2022, 12:07 PM
I don't see this actually happening anyway, not unless Musk would be an idiot and offer triple the actual worth. Hey, $$ talks sometimes.

But I don't see it anyway. Too many powerful folks want that power that Twitter has, that power to control the speech and what gets out there and what doesn't. They know that Elon would open that back up and that is the true threat to all of them.

But if it did miraculously sell, and the government somehow stepped in, that would be royally fu**ed up. Talk about out of bounds. But wouldn't surprise me totally.


Fmr SEC Chair Pitt: Gov’t Stepping in to Stop Musk Twitter Takeover ‘a Very Real Threat’

Friday on Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria,” former Securities and Exchange Commission chairman Harvey Pitt warned of a possible effort by the government or Congress to prevent Tesla CEO Elon Musk from purchasing social media giant Twitter.

Pitt said the Biden administration “is pretty much guaranteed to oppose” Musk’s bid to buy the social media company.

“With respect to this bid, I think the real question is, is it real? If it is real, then I think that there is a serious argument to be made that this is something that the board will have to consider fairly,” Pitt advised. “My own view is that after Musk attacking the board, they will find all sorts of reasons to claim this bid and offer is not in the best interests of Twitter’s shareholders.”

He added, “[M]y concern is that this administration is pretty much guaranteed to oppose this kind of bid. The folks at the SEC are apolitical — at least their enforcement division is — and I would expect them to proceed in a more professional manner, but I think the danger that the government or Congress might intercede in order to prevent this takeover is a very real threat.”


04-15-2022, 02:08 PM
Fat boy is desperate and looking for someone else to pop into the mix and do better than Musk and buy Twitter. You know, everyone has a spare $43billion + laying around.

Then in article 2, the dipshit from MSNBC claims that Musk buying Twitter could have “life and globe-altering consequences”. :rolleyes:


Apple HELP! Stelter Desperately Wants to Keep Musk from Buying Twitter

With Elon Musk making his formal offer to out-right buy Twitter, liberal media defender and CNN+ host Brian Stelter appeared desperate on Thursday’s Reliable Sources Daily as he looked for other “tech players” to step in and make their own offers. He even suggested that Musk would turn Twitter into a less-successful social media site such as “Parlor or Rumble.”

“Elon Musk is saying Twitter needs to be transformed, so he’s offering to it. He’s offering to buy the company for about $43 billion and take it private. Make no mistake this is a hostile takeover bit rattling Silicon Valley,” Stelter warned in a very sober tone.

After admitting Musk’s offer is “higher than Twitter’s closing price on Wednesday” and “a lot higher” than when” he became a shareholder last week, Stelter brought on Puck News co-founder William Cohan and tried to argue that Musk’s offer wasn’t enough because Twitter’s stock price was higher over a year ago:

But the stock was up at 70 even $80 12-14 months ago. Does that signal to investors there’s a lot of unlocked potential in Twitter and if they just get rid of Elon Musk and get rid of this problem, they can get back to there?

“[W]hat the stock was whatever it was 18 months ago at its all-time high is not relevant anymore,” Cohan broke the bad news to him. “What’s relevant is where the stock was before he started buying, where the stock was before he made his offer. As you pointed out, both are up, you know, 50-plus percent. That’s the relevant data point.”

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/nicholas-fondacaro/2022/04/14/apple-help-stelter-desperately-wants-keep-musk-buying

MSNBC Warns of 'Devastating Consequences' If Elon Musk Buys Twitter, Allows Free Speech

Talk about a hair-on-fire reaction. During her show on Thursday, MSNBC host Katy Tur was frantic in her warning against allowing Elon Musk to purchase Twitter. Her shrill declarations ranged from claiming he was going to charge for access to “real and devastating” plus “life and globe-altering consequences” if Musk obtained the site and allowed free speech to flourish.

Without evidence, Tur began the segment by suggesting if Musk “gets his way” he was going to make Twitter a pay-to-access service. “Will you soon have to pay to use Twitter? If Elon Musk gets his way, maybe. He’s trying to buy the platform,” she declared.

And despite announcing “here’s what he said about it just moments ago,” the soundbite she played had nothing about a subscription model or anything that would indicate Musk would charge to use Twitter:

Twitter has become effectually the de facto town square. So – It's really important that people have both the reality and the perception that they're able to speak freely, within the bounds of the law, and so one of the things I believe Twitter should do is open source the algorithm.

Tur spoke with New York Times contributor Kara Swisher who claimed the richest man in the world couldn’t “afford” to buy Twitter. “I think he's much more serious than that but I am not sure he can afford it, even though he said it onstage. I don’t think he can. He puts his other companies at great risk,” she said.

At one point, Tur let it be known that one of her “big” concerns “as a member of the media” was Musk allowing “somebody like Donald Trump back on the platform[.]”

Swisher noted that Musk had objected to Trump’s ban at the time but suggested Musk wouldn’t be able to live up to his free speech idealism once he realized what it took to run a social media company:

You know, he sort of dabbles in this area and talks about free speech, but he has never run a social media platform, which is like descending into a potential cesspool. So, I think he would find it quite a bit harder running it to figure out what should be done and what should not. It's easier to sort of make, you know, make a lot of observations from the sidelines and he's good the that. I think running it is another story.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/nicholas-fondacaro/2022/04/14/msnbc-warns-devastating-consequences-if-elon-musk-buys

04-15-2022, 02:09 PM
Oh, and BTW - I don't know how much money Elon has tied up in SpaceX and Tesla or any of the other businesses he owns. But his net worth is around $255 billion or so. He should be able to afford the better things in life. :dunno:

04-15-2022, 05:28 PM
Somebody call this kid’s momma to come get him…. Literally



04-15-2022, 05:36 PM
Pretty sure this crackhead has been hanging out in a cave somewhere since before SpaceX developed the first ever re-usable self landing booster rocket and then became the first private entity to carry US astronauts to the ISS.



04-15-2022, 05:59 PM

04-16-2022, 09:33 AM
Pretty sure this crackhead has been hanging out in a cave somewhere since before SpaceX developed the first ever re-usable self landing booster rocket and then became the first private entity to carry US astronauts to the ISS.



I'm pretty sure that was satirical.

04-16-2022, 01:58 PM
More, of the same.

Just pure craziness from the left. I have NEVER seen people so afraid of freedom of speech before. un-fu**ing-believeable.


Why Elon Musk has rattled them

His attempted takeover of Twitter has revealed just how terrified the liberal elites are of freedom of speech.

We stand here on the edge of tyranny… Elon Musk wants to buy Twitter. That, roughly speaking, has been the commentariat reaction in recent days as the world’s richest man has launched a takeover attempt of the social-media giant, citing his concerns about its censorious policies as his main motivation.

Musk revealed last week that he had become Twitter’s largest shareholder, with a 9.2 per cent stake. Now he’s offered to buy the whole company for a cool $43 billion, a nice premium on its current worth. As it stands, Twitter’s board is resisting and America’s great and good have gone berserk.

The Washington Post’s Max Boot was swift out of the blocks. ‘I am frightened by the impact on society and politics if Elon Musk acquires Twitter’, Boot tweeted. ‘He seems to believe that on social media anything goes. For democracy to survive, we need more content moderation, not less.’

On an even more demented note, Robert Reich, veteran of the Clinton and Obama administrations, essentially argued that Musk buying Twitter would put us on a fast track to fascism; that Musk’s vision for an ‘uncontrolled’ internet was ‘​​the dream of every dictator, strongman, demagogue and modern-day robber baron’.

Reich wasn’t the only one gripped by this interesting idea that dictators love free speech and that more of it online will bring the Third Reich back. New York University journalism professor ​​Jeff Jarvis had this poetic response to Musk’s bid: ‘Today on Twitter feels like the last evening in a Berlin nightclub at the twilight of Weimar Germany.’

Rest - https://www.spiked-online.com/2022/04/15/why-elon-musk-has-rattled-them/

04-17-2022, 01:29 PM
This is bullshit & we all know why they are jumping in.

Folks are going to stop him at all costs. Elon needs to make this is public as possible of he truly wants to buy. This way everyone will truly know or not if e/we get screwed.


Swamp Steps In? DOJ, SEC Launch “Joint Investigation” Targeting Elon Musk as He Attempts His ‘Hostile Takeover’ of Twitter: Reports

Elon Musk isn’t one to back down from a challenge, and he is proving that fact yet again in his ongoing attempt to purchase Twitter outright in a bid to restore freedom of speech to the internet. However, his bold move caused the establishment to put a target on his back. As of this week, both Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have reportedly opened new investigations into the billionaire Tesla founder, according to reports.

Curious timing.

Earlier this week, Fox Business Senior Correspondent Charlie Gasparino broke the news of Biden’s alphabet agencies’ turning their sights on Musk in an appearance on ‘Cavuto: Coast to Coast.’ The longtime legal expert explained that as of right now, it is unclear what Musk has done that warrants the federal probes, but the Twitter takeover likely has a lot to do with it.

Gasparino pointed out that Musk has “stirred up a regulatory hornet’s nest” and the SEC is scrutinizing every little detail of his recent stock trades, looking to nab him on some small technicality.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/04/swamp-steps-doj-sec-launch-joint-investigation-targeting-elon-musk-attempts-hostile-takeover-twitter-reports/

04-17-2022, 04:33 PM
What an AMAZING coincidence, now the SEC and the DOJ just happen to have opened an investigation into Tesla. These scumbags are the lowest form of life on the planet. Explains why Preston Tucker and the car he was building were taken down so quickly and effectively by the government and big car builders joining forces in the mid 20th century.

Here’s a story that should shock absolutely no one.

After Thursday’s surprise announcement by Elon Musk that he was offering to buy Twitter lock, stock, and barrel for a cool $43 billion, now there’s news that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) are opening an investigation into both Tesla and Elon Musk, including how he acquired his controlling stake in Twitter.

04-17-2022, 10:45 PM

04-28-2022, 01:05 PM
I've enjoyed the left's meltdown, without losing sight that nothing is done until it's done:


04-28-2022, 11:09 PM
I've enjoyed the left's meltdown, without losing sight that nothing is done until it's done:

Latest conspiracy theory ... Musk wants to shake up Twitter, made offer, now posting stuff that might void offer and in the meantime shit gets exposed during the due diligence. Such as cooking the numbers and lying to investors, shadow banning, cherry picking who to apply rules to.

I'm hoping it exposes the collusion with governments around the world. I sold my Twitter stock in January of last year. Glad I did.

Ecru day a new twist.