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View Full Version : Think Tank Finds Lockdowns Failed To Prevent COVID Cases, Deaths

04-14-2022, 05:57 PM
I have to admit, in the beginning I fell for so many things hook line and sinker. From different types of masks, to why it was wise to lock down for a bit, ventilator info (but we were purely lied to)... among many other things.


Think Tank Finds Lockdowns Failed To Prevent COVID Cases, Deaths

A think tank ranked different state’s COVID measures based on a variety of factors. A new report by the National Bureau of Economic Research revealed states such as California and New York did not effectively handle the COVID-19 pandemic.

The report factored the effect’s on each state’s health system, education system and economy when grading their response to the virus. The findings show lockdowns failed to prevent excess deaths and surging infections in many Democrat-led states.

Meanwhile, Florida and other red states succeeded in reducing deaths by using therapeutics without hurting their economies or students. On an episode of his Liberty Report, Dr. Ron Paul said it’s now obvious the lockdowns were a political ploy by Democrats.

The former congressman argued many Democrat governors bought into a COVID narrative that favored strict measures and had not built an off-ramp for their policies when data contradicted their justification. Dr. Paul warned that COVID measures will not disappear as long as they benefit special interest groups, even if its at the expense of the American people.


Rest - https://www.oann.com/think-tank-finds-lockdowns-failed-to-prevent-covid-cases-deaths/

04-14-2022, 08:54 PM
I have to admit, in the beginning I fell for so many things hook line and sinker. From different types of masks, to why it was wise to lock down for a bit, ventilator info (but we were purely lied to)... among many other things.

In the beginning? Who knew. But we should have wised up sooner. Nevertheless, is this the same study as the Johns Hopkins that came out a month or two ago?

04-14-2022, 11:14 PM
Some Drs and regular folks knew Fj,
But they all were banned and censored from social media, maligned by the MSM and accused of being quacks and "anti-science".

Two California doctors may start revolution with calm questioning of extreme measures
These two doctors have taken a heroic risk being publicly honest about what they have been seeing, experiencing and asking themselves why we are isolating healthy people and imposing "risks from social isolation that are too high."
Fri Apr 24, 2020 - 7:54 pm EDT
April 24, 2020 (LifeSiteNews (https://www.lifesitenews.com/)) – Two California doctors may have started a revolution against the Wuhan virus extreme mitigation policies with their calm, very sincere, scientific-based and statistics-emphasizing presentation in a press conference two days ago. Dr. Artin Massihi and Dr. Dan Erickson are with Accelerated Urgent Care (https://acceleratedurgentcare.com/locations/) in Bakersfield California....

these 2 drs were among the 1st I heard give a long form interview about it (And the interview was repeatedly removed from Youtube)
but i also heard several other doctors and students of history EARLY ON made the point briefly this way
"There's NEVER been a time in history when we've quarantined the healthy against a disease."
"why" "because what's always worked is quarantine of the sick and protecting the most vulnerable."

Some people tried to tell me that Jesus would social distance and quarantine is in the Bible,
but a quick search reminded me that, NO, Jesus touched lepers! and even in the old testament those SICK (lepers or w plague)were to quarantine THEMSELVES and "social distance". Burn and bury old garments that covered sores etc..

These facts confirmed to me that lockdowns were... stupid.
And Fauci and the MSM were LYING.

So after that was i comfortable ADDING to it the fact that there's no authority for gov't to do it anyway.
But people never really care about what the constitution says if they're afraid they might die.

04-14-2022, 11:47 PM
Also libertarian radio host folks like Tom Woods
was aware and was telling people as much.
Death by Lockdown
13th October 2020

outlet like FREE THOUGHT project put info out there
Lockdowns Didn’t Stop COVID-19 But it Did Cause Record Number of Overdose Deaths
The Free Thought Project April 17, 2021

But oct 2020 there was the big one that was hard to live down so it was mostly ignored by major media
The Great Barrington Declaration
epidemiologists from Harvard, Oxford, MIT and the like said that lockdowns were... my word... Stupid.
Hundreds of other epidemiologists, doctors & scientist signed it as well
But the Social Media & MSM kept it hush hush (banned) and or sent the attack dogs after them.
And Fauci and his Buddy at the NIH Francis Colins actually emailed each other about how to smear the chief writers.

If we believe the MSM and the Gov't says blindly on ANYTHING we'll end up in places you didn't expect.

The Great Barrington Declaration – As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.

Coming from both the left and right, and around the world, we have devoted our careers to protecting people. Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings and deteriorating mental health – leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class and younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden. Keeping students out of school is a grave injustice.

Keeping these measures in place until a vaccine is available will cause irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed.

Fortunately, our understanding of the virus is growing. We know that vulnerability to death from COVID-19 is more than a thousand-fold higher in the old and infirm than the young. Indeed, for children, COVID-19 is less dangerous than many other harms, including influenza.

As immunity builds in the population, the risk of infection to all – including the vulnerable – falls. We know that all populations will eventually reach herd immunity – i.e. the point at which the rate of new infections is stable – and that this can be assisted by (but is not dependent upon) a vaccine. Our goal should therefore be to minimize mortality and social harm until we reach herd immunity.

The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity, is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk. We call this Focused Protection.

Adopting measures to protect the vulnerable should be the central aim of public health responses to COVID-19. By way of example, nursing homes should use staff with acquired immunity and perform frequent testing of other staff and all visitors. Staff rotation should be minimized. Retired people living at home should have groceries and other essentials delivered to their home. When possible, they should meet family members outside rather than inside. A comprehensive and detailed list of measures, including approaches to multi-generational households, can be implemented, and is well within the scope and capability of public health professionals.

Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal. Simple hygiene measures, such as hand washing and staying home when sick should be practiced by everyone to reduce the herd immunity threshold. Schools and universities should be open for in-person teaching. Extracurricular activities, such as sports, should be resumed. Young low-risk adults should work normally, rather than from home. Restaurants and other businesses should open. Arts, music, sport and other cultural activities should resume. People who are more at risk may participate if they wish, while society as a whole enjoys the protection conferred upon the vulnerable by those who have built up herd immunity.

On October 4, 2020, this declaration was authored and signed in Great Barrington, United States, by:...

... thousands


04-15-2022, 12:08 AM

Irish Scientists and Doctors Inveigh Against Lockdowns
Amelia JanaskieAmelia Janaskie
– November 19, 2020
The paper shows that testing and lockdown strategies are ineffective in lowering Covid-19 deaths. PCR tests are not reliable and tend to overestimate the number of people sick with Covid-19, which misinforms policy decisions. The 2020 mortality and virus-related hospitalization rates also do not deviate drastically from previous years, suggesting Covid-19 did not create a significant increase in mortality. In addition, they demonstrate that there is no correlation between lower mortality and more stringent lockdowns.

What They Said about Lockdowns before 2020
Fauci said that shutting down the country does not work. (January 24, 2020)
Early into 2020, Fauci spoke to reporters saying, “That’s something that I don’t think we could possibly do in the United States, I can’t imagine shutting down New York or Los Angeles, but the judgement on the part of the Chinese health authorities is that given the fact that it’s spreading throughout the provinces… it’s their judgement that this is something that in fact is going to help in containing it. Whether or not it does or does not is really open to question because historically when you shut things down it doesn’t have a major effect.”

World Health Organization Report discusses NPIs and why quarantine is ineffective. (2019)
In a table, WHO lists their recommendations of NPIs depending on severity level. Quarantine of exposed individuals is categorized as “not recommended in any circumstances.” The report explains that “home quarantine of exposed individuals to reduce transmission is not recommended because there is no obvious rationale for this measure, and there would be considerable difficulties in implementing it.”

WHO acknowledges social-distancing did not stop or dramatically reduce transmission during the 1918 influenza pandemic. (2006)
The WHO authors ultimately conclude that NPIs, including quarantining, require better and more focused methods to make them more effective and less “burdensome.” “Ill persons,” the authors assert, “should remain home when they first become symptomatic, but forced isolation and quarantine are ineffective and impractical.” Summarizing reports from the 1918 influenza pandemic the WHO cites Lomé (British-occupied Togo) and Edmonton (Canada) as places where “isolation and quarantine were instituted; public meetings were banned; schools, churches, colleges, theaters, and other public gathering places were closed.” Yet, despite additional measures (Lomé halted traffic, and Edmonton restricted business hours) in both cases “social-distancing measures did not stop or appear to dramatically reduce transmission.” A United States, comprehensive report on the 1918 pandemic also concluded that closures “[were] not demonstrably effective in urban areas but might be effective in smaller towns and rural districts, where group contacts are less numerous.”

there's much more at the link...

they knew it then
can someone tell me honestly what changed?
we now know it WASN'T the science.

04-15-2022, 01:22 AM
Some Drs and regular folks knew Fj,
But they all were banned and censored from social media, maligned by the MSM and accused of being quacks and "anti-science".

Two California doctors may start revolution with calm questioning of extreme measures
These two doctors have taken a heroic risk being publicly honest about what they have been seeing, experiencing and asking themselves why we are isolating healthy people and imposing "risks from social isolation that are too high."
Fri Apr 24, 2020 - 7:54 pm EDT
April 24, 2020 (LifeSiteNews (https://www.lifesitenews.com/)) – Two California doctors may have started a revolution against the Wuhan virus extreme mitigation policies with their calm, very sincere, scientific-based and statistics-emphasizing presentation in a press conference two days ago. Dr. Artin Massihi and Dr. Dan Erickson are with Accelerated Urgent Care (https://acceleratedurgentcare.com/locations/) in Bakersfield California....

these 2 drs were among the 1st I heard give a long form interview about it (And the interview was repeatedly removed from Youtube)
but i also heard several other doctors and students of history EARLY ON made the point briefly this way
"There's NEVER been a time in history when we've quarantined the healthy against a disease."
"why" "because what's always worked is quarantine of the sick and protecting the most vulnerable."

Some people tried to tell me that Jesus would social distance and quarantine is in the Bible,
but a quick search reminded me that, NO, Jesus touched lepers! and even in the old testament those SICK (lepers or w plague)were to quarantine THEMSELVES and "social distance". Burn and bury old garments that covered sores etc..

These facts confirmed to me that lockdowns were... stupid.
And Fauci and the MSM were LYING.

So after that was i comfortable ADDING to it the fact that there's no authority for gov't to do it anyway.
But people never really care about what the constitution says if they're afraid they might die.
These are the Bakersfield, Kern County docs, right? They were on top of the scam from day 1.

04-15-2022, 08:31 AM
These are the Bakersfield, Kern County docs, right? They were on top of the scam from day 1.
Yes, they didn't wear mask either.

04-15-2022, 08:40 AM
Some Drs and regular folks knew Fj,

Nobody knew.

04-15-2022, 09:00 AM
Nobody knew.

many drs knew, many researchers knew, many epidemiologist,
some gov't know

Sweden Never Had lock-down At All (voluntary 3 ft distancing and hand washing)
schools never closed, their biz never closed

At least 8 States in the U.S. never lock-down FJ

people did know... even Facui knew
Fauci said that shutting down the country does not work. (January 24, 2020)
Early into 2020, Fauci spoke to reporters saying, “That’s something that I don’t think we could possibly do in the United States, I can’t imagine shutting down New York or Los Angeles, but the judgement on the part of the Chinese health authorities is that given the fact that it’s spreading throughout the provinces… it’s their judgement that this is something that in fact is going to help in containing it. Whether or not it does or does not is really open to question because historically when you shut things down it doesn’t have a major effect.”

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-15-2022, 09:19 AM
Nobody knew.

Not true.
Some of us knew that it was outrageously and egregiously over-hyped for purely political power grabbing purposes that we--rejected almost all of the ffing lies.
I did so reject and I adamantly refused to wear a damn mask. Stating masks are no more than a placebo .... etc..
I also stopped going into businesses that required masks and so stated my objections to many, many people.
And yes, those like me were vilified by the usual assholes, suspects, media, dems, leftists. liberals, Hollyweird loons, etc, -plus as well, other effing vermin..
My dad (born 1901), did not raise me to be a fool or to be gullible and/or blinded by blathering bullshit spat out by the usual worthless, lying, corrupt and idiotic scum= dems.. --Tyr

04-15-2022, 12:19 PM
In the beginning? Who knew. But we should have wised up sooner. Nevertheless, is this the same study as the Johns Hopkins that came out a month or two ago?

Honestly, I didn't follow the trail. I took the headlines and story and put it together with mostly my own observations. I suck.

But besides being locked up at home... then seemed like every other thing we were told was either a) wrong or b) a lie.

Wear a mask, or maybe 2 as Fauci himself was wearing 2 at a time. Turns out they don't do anything unless a medical grade mask, which you could no longer buy as they were set aside for hospitals.

But I kinda knew/thought something was up in Wuhan, not in the market but at their level 4 lab. We all read about the doctor over their and her observations which still make more sense than anything to this day. But then she is never heard from again and then the US denies any involvement with gain of function. But we know that is false too, right Mr. Fauci?

I don't want to go over every last lie because there were just far too many for my liking, I honestly don't know what the hell to believe anymore. I did get my first shot but never got anything again, so I'm like 4 boosters behind. :dunno:

I know I'm all over the map, but Fauci and company pissed me off. :(

04-15-2022, 03:19 PM
Nobody knew.
You are so wrong and you've already lost this argument.

04-16-2022, 10:01 AM
many drs knew, many researchers knew, many epidemiologist,
some gov't know

Sweden Never Had lock-down At All (voluntary 3 ft distancing and hand washing)
schools never closed, their biz never closed

At least 8 States in the U.S. never lock-down FJ

people did know... even Facui knew
Fauci said that shutting down the country does not work. (January 24, 2020)
Early into 2020, Fauci spoke to reporters saying, “That’s something that I don’t think we could possibly do in the United States, I can’t imagine shutting down New York or Los Angeles, but the judgement on the part of the Chinese health authorities is that given the fact that it’s spreading throughout the provinces… it’s their judgement that this is something that in fact is going to help in containing it. Whether or not it does or does not is really open to question because historically when you shut things down it doesn’t have a major effect.”

2 years ago? Nobody knew. The fact that you just quoted Fauci to me pretty much proves me true. He's been all over the map.

Not true.
Some of us knew that it was outrageously and egregiously over-hyped for purely political power grabbing purposes that we--rejected almost all of the ffing lies.
I did so reject and I adamantly refused to wear a damn mask. Stating masks are no more than a placebo .... etc..
I also stopped going into businesses that required masks and so stated my objections to many, many people.
And yes, those like me were vilified by the usual assholes, suspects, media, dems, leftists. liberals, Hollyweird loons, etc, -plus as well, other effing vermin..
My dad (born 1901), did not raise me to be a fool or to be gullible and/or blinded by blathering bullshit spat out by the usual worthless, lying, corrupt and idiotic scum= dems.. --Tyr

2 years ago? Nobody knew. Stubbornness is not evidence.

You are so wrong and you've already lost this argument.

2 years ago? Nobody knew. Considering you just gave me the "shut up, you're wrong" twitter/facebook/government line...

04-17-2022, 01:31 AM
2 years ago? Nobody knew. The fact that you just quoted Fauci to me pretty much proves me true. He's been all over the map.

2 years ago? Nobody knew. Stubbornness is not evidence.

2 years ago? Nobody knew. Considering you just gave me the "shut up, you're wrong" twitter/facebook/government line...
You are still wrong. I didn't say you couldn't say it nor did I ask Jim to ban you for not accepting my opinion. So, no comparison to your sources.

And your saying no one knew 2 years ago is ridiculously naive.

04-17-2022, 10:56 AM
You are still wrong. I didn't say you couldn't say it nor did I ask Jim to ban you for not accepting my opinion. So, no comparison to your sources.

And your saying no one knew 2 years ago is ridiculously naive.

So you say. But it was impossible to know 2 years ago. People can presume. People can surmise. People can make predictions.

04-17-2022, 03:44 PM
So you say. But it was impossible to know 2 years ago. People can presume. People can surmise. People can make predictions.

Just because your medical professionals didn't know doesn't mean no one knew. Doctors were treating their patients with ivermectin and other treatments from day 1 if they showed symptoms.

04-17-2022, 04:29 PM
Two doctors and several nurses in TWO separate Virginia Beach, Va. Hospitals...personally spoke to my wife and I during her heart attack visit, and my spinal surgery (minor). And all agreed. The GOVT. had instructed them to record EVERY VISIT by ANYONE who had a temperature ABOVE 98.6 to be counted as COVID 19.
That was the method the Hospital Admins were using to COLLECT MORE GOVT. FUNDING. As long as something (even a stubbed toe or broken arm) brought someone to the hospital...IT WAS INSTRUCTED TO COUNT AS COVID.


04-17-2022, 07:57 PM
Just because your medical professionals didn't know doesn't mean no one knew. Doctors were treating their patients with ivermectin and other treatments from day 1 if they showed symptoms.

Who are my medical professionals? Everyone got treated with something, doesn't mean anyone knew. It just means people were being treated. The ivermectin studies? Still not stellar.


Why are you arguing against something I didn't say? Do you give me a piss-off everytime I make your brain hurt?

04-17-2022, 09:10 PM
Who are my medical professionals? Everyone got treated with something, doesn't mean anyone knew. It just means people were being treated. The ivermectin studies? Still not stellar.

Why are you arguing against something I didn't say? Do you give me a piss-off everytime I make your brain hurt?

As for the PISS-OFF. You should feel honored. I am careful with whom I bestow such an honor. Deserving as you are with your demands that everyone else is always so wrong while you know it all.

04-17-2022, 09:45 PM
You should feel honored.

I very much do and am thankful that you recognize the extent of your abilities in adding to the discussion. :)

04-18-2022, 09:52 AM
2 years ago? Nobody knew. The fact that you just quoted Fauci to me pretty much proves me true. He's been all over the map

FJ Drs know that hand washing stops the transfer of bacteria . They KNOW that no exercise has negative effects on health. Why ? the history and research long done.
2 years ago Fauci knew.
The same as any Dr who knew the history of quarantine s and lockdowns.
They don't work ... And for the healthy they are less than useless.

You're trying to play a game with the word "knew" .

Concerning Fauci being all over the map. 1st let's just all agree that Fauci lies like a cheap lawyer.
But here's the thing, it seems like often , if he's not covering his arse, his 1st inclination is to default to the KNOWN science.
His 1st words about lockdowns were true. "It doesn't work"
His 1st words about mask were true. "General public should not wear them."
They knew FJ

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-18-2022, 10:10 AM
FJ Drs know that hand washing stops the transfer of bacteria . They KNOW that no exercise has negative effects on health. Why ? the history and research long done.
2 years ago Fauci knew.
The same as any Dr who knew the history of quarantine s and lockdowns.
They don't work ... And for the healthy they are less than useless.

You're trying to play a game with the word "knew" .

Concerning Fauci being all over the map. 1st let's just all agree that Fauci lies like a cheap lawyer.
But here's the thing, it seems like often , if he's not covering his arse, his 1st inclination is to default to the KNOWN science.
His 1st words about lockdowns were true. "It doesn't work"
His 1st words about mask were true. "General public should not wear them."
They knew FJ

Rev, you are as right as rain on a crying out and very parched and thirsty desert.
Truth cannot be defeated, but it can be denied by those hellbent on rejecting it..-Tyr

04-18-2022, 11:13 AM
You're trying to play a game with the word "knew" .

I'm playing word games but they only "knew" when they knew but when they didn't "know" they really knew? Sounds subjective to me.

Rev, you are as right as rain on a crying out and very parched and thirsty desert.
Truth cannot be defeated, but it can be denied by those hellbent on rejecting it..-Tyr

Haven't you heard? "Truth" is subjective these days.

04-18-2022, 02:24 PM
I very much do and am thankful that you recognize the extent of your abilities in adding to the discussion. :)

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQLX6oHCoEjW3if-0YxP-bUJnKsGcSJoRBpmQ&usqp=CAUTHIS IS A DOUBLE JUST FOR YOU...

04-18-2022, 02:41 PM

... thankful that you recognize the extent of your abilities in adding to the discussion. :)


04-23-2022, 08:18 AM

04-23-2022, 09:48 AM
During the first year of the pandemic, I decided that working was too dangerous, so I decided to play it safe and not work for almost a year. I knew populated areas were dangerous, so I went on several road trips to scenic places. It was quite the sacrifice, but I needed to do my part. After all, I was being paid not to work and had to earn that pay.

04-23-2022, 05:22 PM
What's your takeaway from this interview? Or, do you not have an opinion?

04-24-2022, 12:31 PM
Hindsight's 20/20. Or, it would be if anyone involved from either extreme of the argument would allow some oxygen. facts and common sense filter into their empty gourds.

This is just another opinion from a think tank paid to come to a conclusion the payers want to hear.

Here's some science: We're all going to die.

Here's some opinion: I refuse to spend an inordinate amount of my time and energy trying to extend the above fact a couple of extra days and living in a perpetual state of fear over the inevitable. Regardless which side of this argument the fear manure is being spread from.

04-24-2022, 01:27 PM
What's your takeaway from this interview? Or, do you not have an opinion?

That it confirms everything that I've ever said on the subject. And I thought you knew; I have plenty of opinions. :)

Hindsight's 20/20. Or, it would be if anyone involved from either extreme of the argument would allow some oxygen. facts and common sense filter into their empty gourds.

This is just another opinion from a think tank paid to come to a conclusion the payers want to hear.

Here's some science: We're all going to die.

Here's some opinion: I refuse to spend an inordinate amount of my time and energy trying to extend the above fact a couple of extra days and living in a perpetual state of fear over the inevitable. Regardless which side of this argument the fear manure is being spread from.

Actually the gist of the report that is discussed was put out around December of 2020 and was very much against the government viewpoint and they (the interviewee and two others) were vilified by the normal government processes because they dared say something different and :eek: they followed the science and economics. The interviewee is both a doctor and economist.

His point was very much not coming from a fear perspective. Just a matter of how things could have been done better if we had actually followed the data which affirmed a common sense approach in how to protect those that were most vulnerable instead of locking the entirety of the population down. I think it was along the lines of "winning the war" by studying old wars which you do if I read your posts correctly. His war just happens to be pandemics and policy approaches to health situations. It was fascinating either way as they talked about what happened and what could be done differently.

04-24-2022, 01:39 PM
That it confirms everything that I've ever said on the subject. And I thought you knew; I have plenty of opinions. :)

Actually the gist of the report that is discussed was put out around December of 2020 and was very much against the government viewpoint and they (the interviewee and two others) were vilified by the normal government processes because they dared say something different and :eek: they followed the science and economics. The interviewee is both a doctor and economist.

His point was very much not coming from a fear perspective. Just a matter of how things could have been done better if we had actually followed the data which affirmed a common sense approach in how to protect those that were most vulnerable instead of locking the entirety of the population down. I think it was along the lines of "winning the war" by studying old wars which you do if I read your posts correctly. His war just happens to be pandemics and policy approaches to health situations. It was fascinating either way as they talked about what happened and what could be done differently.

It's still hindsight. My point then, and now, is we reacted out of panic and fear. There are posts from that time period where I stated we were making ourselves look like a big bunch of overreactive, scared pussies, or words to that effect :)

I never agreed with the government's heavy-handed approach. That got lost in the shrill, whining of the conspiracy theorists' playing the same game the government was -- with us or against us, no common sense in the middle allowed. Both extremes, with the aid of the MSM, never one to pass up something to sensationalize and beat to death, were allowed to dictate to the majority. No common sense nor science allowed.

Worst part? The same people will do the same damned thing to us when the "next big thing" comes along. Ramp up the panic and fear and here we go again :rolleyes:

04-24-2022, 08:47 PM
It's still hindsight. My point then, and now, is we reacted out of panic and fear. There are posts from that time period where I stated we were making ourselves look like a big bunch of overreactive, scared pussies, or words to that effect :)

I never agreed with the government's heavy-handed approach. That got lost in the shrill, whining of the conspiracy theorists' playing the same game the government was -- with us or against us, no common sense in the middle allowed. Both extremes, with the aid of the MSM, never one to pass up something to sensationalize and beat to death, were allowed to dictate to the majority. No common sense nor science allowed.

Worst part? The same people will do the same damned thing to us when the "next big thing" comes along. Ramp up the panic and fear and here we go again :rolleyes:

I don't disagree but it's how you figure out if you did the right thing... or the abysmally wrong thing. He talked quite a bit about the possibility of Fauci/Collins being insulated from differing opinions based on the years of being in their position and not seeing in any way how they could be going down the wrong road.

The middle part of the Isaiah 5 (Woe to ...) in Sunday School today. Surprisingly relevant to the discussion of governmental overreach IMO. Of course my friend on the left who says he knows Fauci was complaining about those who weren't "following the science" when it seems that the government wasn't always following the science. People see what they want to see...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-25-2022, 08:02 AM
The lockdowns were about power seizure (freedom erasing), (plus herd conditioning).
Just as --SOME-- of us said and pointed out was the damn case!
Now 2 years later, that truth is still being denied by the same ffing assholes, the lib/dems.
Yes, we have foreign enemies but this nation's greatest threat to its existence comes from -WITHIN--
the absolutely, totally corrupt and most definitely treasonous dem party..
In my opinion--ANYBODY- that denies that truth/reality is either deliberately lying, abjectly ignorant or educated to be brainwashed and stupid..
And the really scary thing is -- some-- may indeed be- all of those things!! -- :saluting2:
I totally reject those people and consider them less than a bug on the sidewalk when it comes to the security and blessings this nation offers its citizens under the Constitution based upon its founding.
Or to put it another way, I reject those ffing vermin that seek to destroy this nation and then remake it into the socialistic hellhole they so wrongly call nirvana/paradise..
I believe in, "never suffer fools gladly".-- :saluting2:--Tyr

04-25-2022, 10:21 AM
Hindsight's 20/20. Or, it would be if anyone involved from either extreme of the argument would allow some oxygen. facts and common sense filter into their empty gourds.

This is just another opinion from a think tank paid to come to a conclusion the payers want to hear.

Here's some science: We're all going to die.

Here's some opinion: I refuse to spend an inordinate amount of my time and energy trying to extend the above fact a couple of extra days and living in a perpetual state of fear over the inevitable. Regardless which side of this argument the fear manure is being spread from.

Channel your inner George Costanza and figure out how to take advantage of the situation. I have TWO full time remote jobs, get TWO paychecks and work about 55 hours per week, but get paid for 80. It's only April and I have broken six figures for 2022.

04-26-2022, 09:40 AM
I don't disagree but it's how you figure out if you did the right thing... or the abysmally wrong thing. He talked quite a bit about the possibility of Fauci/Collins being insulated from differing opinions based on the years of being in their position and not seeing in any way how they could be going down the wrong road.

The middle part of the Isaiah 5 (Woe to ...) in Sunday School today. Surprisingly relevant to the discussion of governmental overreach IMO. Of course my friend on the left who says he knows Fauci was complaining about those who weren't "following the science" when it seems that the government wasn't always following the science. People see what they want to see...

I think I can address this. I am the poster boy for US Federal Government/US military insulation. I pent the first 41 years of my life in it. I definitely see a lot if not most things differently than almost everyone I have come across since being set adrift in a sea of nonsensical, illogical stupid called the civilian World.

I contend that it is not about seeing how they could be going down the wrong road. At no point in time was I ever taught (by the institution) to do the wrong thing/that doing the wrong thing is right. Matter of fact, we had a saying: "there is no right way to do the wrong thing". At no time did anything I was taught by the institution go against the world of God. On the other hand, I've learned a whole bunch of wrong things from people that were definitely not listening to His words.

By no means do I consider myself perfect. Choose your battles. I've turned a blind eye to institutional things I knew were wrong because it was not to my advantage to oppose them. I did not participate, condone, nor do I justify doing so as the right thing. Billy Jack may have been righteous as all get out, but he ended up in prison :)

Where Fauci is concerned, IMO, he crossed the line. Money, power/position, self-importance (ego) notoriety -- all overrode any principle he may have ever had. I have to say I have no empathy for someone who is/was complicit in what I and most others consider crimes against humanity -- weaponizing something unpredictable and uncontrollable for no more reason than to have a "better" weapon. THAT, IMO, is selling your soul for whatever brief period he is considered/considers himself important among men.

Too many have forgotten that "Woe unto them ..." is to follow.

06-10-2024, 05:19 PM
For what it's worth

ISSUE DATE June 2022


But as mentioned earlier in this thead and it applies to
MORE POINTS to take away from any Fauci Hearing

Fauci said that shutting down the country does not work. (January 24, 2020)
Early into 2020, Fauci spoke to reporters saying, “That’s something that I don’t think we could possibly do in the United States, I can’t imagine shutting down New York or Los Angeles, but the judgement on the part of the Chinese health authorities is that given the fact that it’s spreading throughout the provinces… it’s their judgement that this is something that in fact is going to help in containing it. Whether or not it does or does not is really open to question because historically when you shut things down it doesn’t have a major effect.”

He knew this, history showed it long ago.
But he recommenced it to the president anyway.
Are we adding Malice to the charge here is the only thing at question on this point.