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View Full Version : ‘Leaving Twitter’ Trends Amid Reports of Musk Deal Talks

04-25-2022, 12:53 PM
And the ship bailing begins?! :laugh2:

I'll bet 95% of them stay.

And if somehow Trump gets unbanned - then expect them to all lose their minds.


Moving to Canada: ‘Leaving Twitter’ Trends Amid Reports of Musk Deal Talks

Following reports that Elon Musk may be nearing a deal with the Twitter board to buy the company, leftist “verified” accounts on the platform once again went into meltdown mode at the prospect of the Musk, the self-described free speech absolutist, taking over.

“Leaving Twitter” began to trend shortly after the reports of Musk-Twitter talks. Observers quickly noted the similarity in sentiment to loud declarations from prominent leftists that they would move to Canada if Donald Trump won the election in 2016 (few, if any, did).

Charles Blow, a New York Times columnist who describes Trump supporters as “angry white men,” said he would “say goodbye” to the platform if Musk takes over.


“I will not stay on Twitter if Elon Musk owns it,” said former New York Times editorial board member Mira Kamdar.


Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2022/04/25/moving-to-canada-leaving-twitter-trends-amid-reports-of-musk-deal-talks/

04-25-2022, 01:38 PM
Yups, as I figured, in the long run the $$$$ talks best. And around $45 billion or so is a lotta dough for them to consider.

Man I hope this goes through!


Report: Elon Musk in Advanced Talks with Twitter over $43 Billion Takeover Deal

According to recent reports, Tesla CEO Elon Musk has resumed negotiations with Twitter over his $43 billion company takeover offer.

The Wall Street Journal reports that talks between executives at Twitter and Tesla CEO Elon Musk have begun again as the company reconsiders Musk’s $43 billion takeover offer. Musk and the Twitter board reportedly met on Sunday to discuss the deal, according to sources with knowledge of the meeting. It is believed that an official agreement may be reached this week.

Previously, Twitter seemed opposed to Musk’s takeover bid with eh company laying out a “poison pill” defense to block Musk’s offer. But Musk later went on to detail financing plans to secure $46.5 billion in funds to purchase Twitter — which may have forced Twitter’s board to reconsider the offer.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2022/04/25/report-elon-musk-in-advanced-talks-with-twitter-over-43-billion-takeover-deal/

04-25-2022, 02:15 PM


04-25-2022, 02:26 PM
And the ship bailing begins?! :laugh2:

I'll bet 95% of them stay.

And if somehow Trump gets unbanned - then expect them to all lose their minds.

Short term many employees might stay. Many could very well be shown the door once being "woke" no longer covers being incompetent at their jobs.

04-25-2022, 03:14 PM


04-25-2022, 05:53 PM
There is a whole new level of meltdown going on over there today. It is interesting to say the least...



04-25-2022, 06:15 PM
All because the guy wants to make sure the playing field is level for everyone...



04-25-2022, 06:52 PM

Needless to say it's still subject to miles of fine print and red tape.

I'm not sure what it is the left is continually harping about when it comes to capitalism. Must be that they don't control it because its controls are about as leftist as it gets. Seems to me you're about "free" to do nothing and there's a list for rules for any one thing you might want to do.

Having stated my "expertise" on the corporate World:laugh: ... I love the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the people who won't be able to control others' free speech.

On the other had, I've never been a member of Twitter and don't intend to change that. Some on the right might join. A lot on the left will probably leave. The trolls will stay.

04-25-2022, 07:32 PM



04-25-2022, 07:36 PM


13949If that was stated about a leftwingnut it'd be an "insurrection" :rolleyes:

04-25-2022, 07:56 PM
Elie Mystal from MSNBC had a meltdown on TikTok that is unparalleled in both its stupidity and its giggle value.


04-25-2022, 08:47 PM
Another MSNBC’r (apparently the cheerleader for govt. regulation) steps in to rally the troops.



04-26-2022, 06:49 AM
^I'm pretty sure the FTC, SEC, and DOJ do not have a basis to approve/disprove. There's no concentration of market share like phone companies buying each other and no Justice concerns that I'm aware of at least; maybe Musk tweaking the SEC in the past but he's been clean for awhile. But two weeks ago: Private company. Now: Government gets a say. :rolleyes:

04-26-2022, 08:25 AM
Elie Mystal from MSNBC had a meltdown on TikTok that is unparalleled in both its stupidity and its giggle value.

https://www.tiktok.com/@eliemystal/video/7090648226633633070?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1If that assclown is only 43 years old perhaps he should consider backing away from his computer and getting some exercise and taking care of his personal appearance. Last time I saw a bro with a pick in his fro was around 1977. The fro was out by 79, the year Mr Victim was born.

Got my doubts about the reebok thing as well. He would have been a poor, oppressed, pre-12 years old shopping for Reeboks. Foot Locker is barely older than he is. Yet in a recession, he was shopping for shoes at one of the most expensive places to get them?

And no, I DON'T have have anything better to do at 8AM with 2 cups of coffee under my belt than tear this typical, leftwingnut, lying victim apart for breakfast.

I would have guessed the fat lump of shit's age at over 50. Maybe he should have used those Reeboks instead of styling in them on the internet :rolleyes:

04-26-2022, 08:33 AM
^I'm pretty sure the FTC, SEC, and DOJ do not have a basis to approve/disprove. There's no concentration of market share like phone companies buying each other and no Justice concerns that I'm aware of at least; maybe Musk tweaking the SEC in the past but he's been clean for awhile. But two weeks ago: Private company. Now: Government gets a say. :rolleyes:

This amounts to the SOS from the left. They're acting just as they have about voter accountability and the border. They've been telling (or trying to) people what to think and how to act and they're doubling down at any threat to that control.

If this was Michael Moore buying Breitbart or Fox News they'd be turning these jackasses away at the gate and standing room only for the cheering section in the LA Coliseum :rolleyes:

The left fears the freedom of others almost more than anything else. When intelligent people can speak and be heard, rants like Mr Asshat's above don't fly. The left fears having to think and respond intelligently as much as they fear FOS.

04-26-2022, 08:59 AM
Another thing that came to mind: Musk calls himself a "free speech absolutist". That tells me he hasn't so much as run an internet message board. "Free speech" is a lose/lose deal for anyone owning/running a message board.

That means idiots get to speak too. If you don't let them, regardless intent, you're not allowing them freedom of speeck and they turn it into a disruption/distraction for the purpose of hurting the medium. That's just your average idiots. Then there are those that have no other goal than to troll and disrupt and look for any excuse to cry free speech.

We've had a couple of the like here recently. They just want to ruin everything for everyone.

So good luck to Musk.